Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 133 My fate is up to me.

——Thanks to sos members and friends for their evaluation votes.

Lu Lingxiao also looked haggard and looked a little discouraged.

The two senior brothers died tragically in succession and were in dire straits. Zhao Jinyu was a little stunned, as if he had the feeling of being in the Four Symbols Formation. Suddenly, a familiar mellow voice sounded: "City Lord Zhao, this junior has heard a saying called My fate is up to me!" Seeing that Zhao Jingding had lost his fighting spirit, Shi Xuan had no choice but to encourage him, otherwise he would only be able to break the black fog around Song Hezi.

"Hey, my fate is up to me! That's easy to say, what else can I do now?" Zhao Jingding shook his head in despair, as if he wished that Song Hezi would finish the Zuokongtu and then the killer would come up, so as not to suffer the consequences before his death. Mental torture.

Shi Xuan knew that he had to tell others his thoughts at this time in order to obtain their cooperation: "The junior has a Taoist skill that can seriously injure or even kill Song Hezi. It just requires the cooperation of the two seniors to kill Song Hezi." Limit it.”

"What level is Taoism?" Lu Lingxiao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"First level, but it's made from Nanming Lihuo, which is naturally capable of restraining zombies and evil things." At this time, Shi Xuan didn't dare to play the question-and-answer game, who knew when Song Hezi would attack.

Zhao Jingding regained her energy somewhat, but she was still not confident: "What if it doesn't work?"

Lu Lingxiao said coldly: "You have to do it even if you can't do it! What this kid just said is right, my fate is up to me. Even if I die, I, Lu, will choose to give it a try, and I will have no regrets even if I die! I will never stand Waiting to die here!”

"This junior also means the same thing." A voice suddenly interrupted. Looking back, it was Xue Yingzhen who had gone to the classics library. This mysterious monk was walking towards him in white clothes.

"Senior Zhao, do you want to watch Miss Jin Yu die tragically here? She is still so young." Shi Xuan changed his approach to see if the relationship between father and daughter could ignite Zhao Jingding's fighting spirit.

Zhao Jingding was silent for a moment after hearing this, and his eyes regained their brilliance, no longer cloudy as before: "Okay, I want to see if it is true that my fate is my own. I can't help it! Fellow Daoist Sun, what should I do?"

"Senior Zhao, please use the green energy to restrain Song Hezi for a while, and then ask Senior Lu to cut through the black energy around Song Hezi, so that the junior can directly attack his body, but there is one thing, Senior Lu's timing to take action , It needs to be coordinated with the distance between the junior and Song Hezi. "Shi Xuan's plan is very simple. The simpler it is, the more effective it is.

Xue Yingzhen interjected: "I have a spiritual weapon, a colorful canopy, that can protect the whole body of fellow Taoist Sun."

Shi Xuan was overjoyed, but he was afraid that Song Hezi would fight back in the end, so having a spiritual weapon to protect his body would make him much safer.

Zhao Jinyu ran over silently, handed something to Shi Xuan, which was a small moving talisman, and then returned to his father without leaving a word.

"Okay, after we succeed, everyone should run away quickly. Even if my technique can't kill Song Hezi, it can still hold him for a few breaths, enough to rush into the entrance." Shi Xuan pointed to the virtual fire that can burn emotions. , before Song Hezi only had instinct, and virtual fire was useless, but now that Song Hezi has some emotions, he just needs to use it.

Zhao Jingding took a deep breath, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood on the green wooden cauldron. As the blood spurted out, his beard and hair turned white, and wrinkles appeared on his face. Zhao Jingding was a middle-aged handsome man before, but now he seems to be old. After a few decades, he suddenly became an old man in his sixties.

The green wood cauldron became extremely huge, and then the green air surrounded by nine haze flew out and entangled Song Hezi. The black mist could not stop it at all. After being entangled, Song Hezi waved and danced, Breathing out black energy can only make the green energy dim.

Knowing that Zhao Jingding's restrictions would definitely not last long, Shi Xuan quickly used the small breeze escape, turned into a wisp of breeze and flew towards Songhe. Before Shi Xuan used Xiao Qingfeng Escape, Xue Yingzhen had already thrown out a colorful canopy, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and a total of seven layers of brilliance fell on Shi Xuan, which was really beautiful.

When Shi Xuan was still ten feet away from Songhe, Songhezi had already pulled the green energy to the point where it was about to break. Zhao Jingding's eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth and sprayed out another mouthful of blood. The green energy stabilized again, but Zhao Jingding was even older, as if Like a dying old man.

At this time, Lu Lingxiao let out a clear whistle, the sword light surged, and his body merged with the green light, turning into a brilliance like a pair of horses. He came last, surpassed Shi Xuan in an instant, and slashed towards Song Hezi, leaving only the atmosphere surging like thunder. The sound was the peerless swordsmanship of Lu Lingxiao who burned his life source and exerted his sword energy and thunder sound with all his strength.

The sword was like a thunderbolt, and disappeared in a flash. When it reappeared, it was already in front of Song Hezi. I saw that all the black energy around Song Hezi's body was cut open and curled to both sides, even leaving a scar that penetrated Song Hezi's body. After the sword passed, Lu Lingxiao's body appeared behind Song Hezi, but he was powerless. He ran away and knelt down, counting his life and death on Shi Xuan's blow.

That's it! Shi Xuan was already within five feet of Song Hezi. He opened his mouth and sprayed, and a purple-blue flame hit Song Hezi directly on the wound penetrated by Lu Lingxiao.

Nanming Lihuo, Zheng Zhiyang, dedicated to destroying the evil and filthy things in the world!

At Song Hezi's wound, Nanming Lihuo burned rapidly, and even a Suzaku with its head raised and singing faintly appeared in the flames, which gave everyone a sense of fairness and justice.

Roar! Song Hezi let out an earth-shattering scream and spewed out gray gas continuously from his mouth. Unfortunately, Nanming Lihuo was its natural nemesis. After the gray gas was sprayed in, it only made it burn more violently. In two breaths, Song Hezi It turned into a huge purple-blue torch, and at the same time, its eyes were dull, and there was a faint fire light inside, and emotions such as coldness and cruelty were burning!

After spitting out the Nanming Lihuo, Shi Xuan's escape direction changed slightly and flew towards Song Hezi's waist. He wanted to pick up the plain storage bag and escape immediately, but Song Hezi's arms were flailing wildly under the severe pain. , Shi Xuan was accidentally hit, and all seven layers of light were shattered. If it weren't for the Qianyang True Fire Net emitted by the Qianyang Green Lantern, the black light of the Ecstasy Banner, and the Golden Dragon Armor Curse himself. , I am afraid that Shi Xuan will die on the spot, especially if this is the case. Shi Xuan also spit out a mouthful of blood and showed his body shape.

Gritting his teeth, Shi Xuan reached for the storage bag with one hand, and activated the small movement talisman with the other hand. A white light flashed. The moment Song Hezi's arm brushed against him, Shi Xuan disappeared into the air without a trace, and disappeared as Shi Xuan disappeared. Yes, and the plain color storage bag.

Shi Xuan's figure appeared next to Lu Lingxiao, and with a roll of light, he flew towards the entrance with him. If it hadn't been for the small moving talisman, Shi Xuan would have used the Broken Jade Art.

While Shi Xuan was getting the storage bag, Zhao Jinyu took Zhao Jingding, who was already languishing on the ground, and Xue Yingzhen didn't care about the outcome of the battle, and fled straight to the entrance. Fortunately, Song Hezi struggled crazily on the spot, his whole body burning. , did not stop them. As for the spiritual weapons, spiritual herbs, storage bags, etc. on the ground, how could they think of picking them up? It was too late to escape!

Shi Xuan followed Zhao Jinyu and Xue Yingzhen into the living room of the real person in Guangyang. Song Hezi's terrifying screams came from behind him, but he didn't dare to look at the results. It was better to say that he was burned to death. If he was not burned to death, how could he stay? Come down and serve it as a midnight snack?

It wasn't until he entered the exit that Shi Xuan let out a long breath. Songhezi couldn't catch up, because in terms of his intelligence, he couldn't break through the immortal formation, and if he wasn't dead yet, he wouldn't be able to catch up. For serious injuries, according to instinct, one should bury oneself in an extremely yin place to heal. By the time it recovers from its injuries and regains its spiritual intelligence, the Immortal Mansion will no longer be at its lowest point in a century. With its current strength, it will never be able to break out.

Just because Song Hezi was able to break into the Immortal Mansion during a century-old low period does not mean that the current Corpse King Song Hezi can do it. After becoming a zombie, it can be regarded as starting over from scratch. Moreover, zombies have a long life, so their magic power grows extremely slowly. Song Hezi just took advantage of the fact that his body had been tempered and tempered, so the first few stages were faster. However, in the later stages, even with the help of the extremely Yin land, it took several hundred years for Song Hezi to advance to the rank of Corpse King. .

The same is true for other zombies. If they are not artificially cultivated and refined, it will take a long time to advance, and there are still bottlenecks. Even if they are artificially refined zombies, they do not have special magic weapons or environmental aids, and it takes a lot of time. Where to go.

Therefore, if Song Hezi wants to grow strong enough to break out of the Immortal Mansion, he must at least evolve from a new corpse king to a mature corpse king. This is impossible in less than a few hundred years.

And the premise of this is that Song Hezi did not die in Nanming Lihuo.

The formation encountered this time was the Blood River Formation, but it was very lax to break through from the inside out. With the support of Xue Yingzhen's colorful canopy, a few people were looking for the exit safely. Just looking at Xue Yingzhen's difficulty in using the colorful canopy, we knew The use of spiritual weapons is very costly for her in the Qi-entraining stage. This is due to her incomplete mastery of Tiangang's prohibition.

Zhao Jingding regained some energy at this time, took out the Tianyan formation detection disk, handed it to Zhao Jinyu, and ordered: "Yu'er, take the formation detection disk and deduce the formation exit."

"Yes." After this big change, Zhao Jinyu was no longer as young and stupid as before. He became calmer. He used the detection array disk and found the exit of the array in a short time.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Sun, I have regained some strength, and I don't need you to support me anymore." Lu Lingxiao looked a little better, and at the same time, because of his life-saving grace, he was worthy of Fellow Daoist Shi Xuan.

Seeing that Lu Lingxiao had indeed recovered some mana, Shi Xuan let go as he was told. Under the seven-layer brilliance of the colorful canopy, they quickly fled towards the exit. Soon, a black vortex appeared in front of them.

After passing through the black vortex, one is exposed to the seven-colored light emitted by the Immortal Mansion. This seven-colored light only prevents people from entering. Not only does it not block the monks who go out, but it also provides some assistance, so Shi Xuan and others feel it in just a moment. The sea water is moist and slightly fishy.

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