Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 134: The ambition to dominate the world has come to nothing

Linkong stood above the deep sea abyss, watching the colorful light gradually fade and retract, and the fairy palace disappeared under the whirlpool of the sea water. The whirlpool of the sea water changed from extremely fast to slow and finally stopped. Xue Yingzhen faced Shi Xuan, Zhao Jingding, Zhao Jinyu, Lu Lingxiao cupped his hands and said, "Now that my goal has been achieved, I'll say goodbye." After saying that, he left without looking back, leaving Zhao Jingding and Lu Lingxiao sighing, thinking that this girl would propose a share of the things gained from the Immortal Mansion. , after all, everyone relied on her spiritual weapon to get out of the house safely. Otherwise, given the situation of a few people, except for Shi Xuan who was somewhat confident, the other three were really in trouble. Who knew that Xue Yingzhen didn't even mention it and left directly? .

"Thanks to you, Fellow Daoist Sun, for this time. You also saved Yu'er's life when he reversed the Four Symbols Formation. I said at that time that I would repay you in the future. Now that I have left the government, this is my thank you gift, and I would like to thank you, Fellow Daoist Sun." Take it." Zhao Jingding suddenly became very energetic, unlike the dying look in the Immortal Mansion. After saying this, he threw a storage bag directly to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan curiously opened it and saw that there was only one thing inside, which was an extremely beautiful ball of light, the size of a fist, emitting rays of starlight. The ball of light seemed to be an extreme concentration of nebulae and galaxies, with bits and pieces of shining stars inside in mysterious ways. As the measured trajectory moves, stars disappear from time to time, and stars appear from time to time, which is almost like a fairy spirit.

"Is this the inner elixir of a monster?" Fortunately, Shi Xuan had extensive knowledge.

Zhao Jingding nodded: "This is the inner elixir of the Star Armored Beast. Fellow Daoist Sun, please keep it away. There will be prying eyes around here."

"Hmph, the juniors around you should leave immediately within three breaths, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword." Lu Lingxiao snorted coldly.

As soon as these words came out, a dozen monks immediately flew out from the surrounding clouds and sea water. Some were in the Qi-entraining stage, some were in the out-of-body stage, some were casual cultivators, and some were from the three major sects. Except for the monks from the three sects, the others immediately fled in all directions. The Sky-Breaking Sword Lu Lingxiao was by no means a good man or woman.

"We are here to wait for the head of my family, and we will not interfere with you." A Huang Maple Valley disciple said bravely, but his eyes were greedily looking at the storage bag in Shi Xuan's hand.

A green light appeared in front of Lu Lingxiao, and he counted: "Three, two..."

How could the disciples of the three major sects dare to speak harshly? They immediately fled far away. It was just an excuse to meet the leader. What they really wanted to do was to rob the monks who had gained something but were seriously injured. However, no matter how much courage they had, they would not dare to fight two of them. The idea of ​​the ancestor in the soul stage.

While fleeing, I suddenly heard Zhao Jingding's voice: "Fellow Daoist Yue and the other six people have all died. It's such a pity." These disciples were frightened and almost fell into the sea. They were shocked: How is this possible? ! How could it be possible that all the leaders and elders had died? ! But he didn't dare to go back and ask for clarification. At the same time, he also knew clearly in his heart that Zhao Jingding would never lie about something that could be easily exposed. For a moment, everyone returned to their sects in panic.

"Using the inner elixir of monsters to achieve a low-grade golden elixir cannot advance to the Yin Shen stage, and the mana is much inferior. However, as long as the mana and true energy match, and some other less precious elixirs are added as assistance, the success rate is as high as 90%. , it is much easier than the 30% increase in the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill." Zhao Jingding seemed to be afraid that Shi Xuan would not realize the preciousness of this star armored beast's inner pill, so he explained it carefully.

These Shi Xuan all know very well that using the demonic beast inner elixir to achieve a low-grade golden elixir is the most convenient and easiest path to the golden elixir. Otherwise, why would anyone in the Penglai sect choose the path of a low-grade golden elixir? With the secret realm controlled by the sect, With the resources of Xiaoqian World, is it still impossible to refine a furnace of the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill?

It is because after those people reached the perfection of their souls, they were not sure about relying on the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill to achieve the golden elixir, so they chose to use the monster inner elixir that matched their own magic power and true energy to achieve the low-grade golden elixir. As for whether they could achieve it The Yin Shen stage is not a difficult choice for them who are not sure of reaching the Golden Core stage.

Seeing Shi Xuan's silence, Zhao Jingding said quickly: "I know that Taoist friend Sun's Qi is the Samadhi Divine Wind Qi, which is not compatible with the inner elixir of this monster. Then... then..." Suddenly, Zhao Jingding became sluggish. If it weren't for Zhao Jinyu's support, he might have fallen directly into the sea.

"Father, father, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Jinyu panicked.

"Old Zhao has exhausted his energy and can no longer hold on. I'm just better than him, so I won't lose my life." Lu Lingxiao also looked haggard, but he could barely control his true energy to stand in the air.

Zhao Jingding looked at the blurry sky and felt that she was about to be out of breath. She could hear her daughter's cries beside her. Gradually, she seemed to see that after taking the Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill, dragons and tigers met, wind and cloud gathered, and achievements were achieved. Lively, round and flawless golden elixir. Then he led his disciples to sweep through the three sects, suppressing the whole country, and finally established a huge sect.

In the main hall of the sect, he was very proud of himself. Standing next to him was the pretty lady Shen who had also achieved the golden elixir. On the left and right were the eldest daughter Zhao Jinyu and the youngest daughter Zhao Jinxiu. Below them were a group of kneeling monks, surrounded by Ling Hong and Lei Guangyao. Under the leadership of the leader, he bowed and kowtowed to himself three times and called himself the Patriarch!

"Everyone, everyone, disciple..." Zhao Jingding said something intermittently. Zhao Jinyu, who was crying with tears in his eyes, tried hard to hear but couldn't hear clearly. Suddenly Zhao Jingding waved his arms and laughed three times: "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Then suddenly, he suddenly Then he softened, and there was no more movement. Only Zhao Jinyu's pitiful cries echoed around him.

Shi Xuan suddenly understood what Zhao Jingding had just done. Knowing that he was about to die soon, he took the opportunity to repay the favor and gave him the Star Armored Beast inner elixir, so that he could not think of grabbing the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Elixir that he had left for Zhao Jinyu. , seeing that he was silent, he felt anxious, and probably wanted to offer him a magic pill to dispel his greed. After all, Zuo Kongtu was already dead.

As for whether it makes sense to do so, for Zhao Jingding, who is about to die, he can only do his best and obey fate.

But for myself, what use can this Star Armored Beast's inner elixir be of use? I would definitely not choose the path of a low-grade golden elixir, and the magic power and true energy do not match. It seems that I can only exchange it for good deeds after returning to the sect. This thing is very popular.

After all, after so many years of hunting, apart from the Kingdom of Demonic Beasts and the Wild Sea, the number of Golden Core-stage monsters in other places can be said to be very rare. And in these two places, there are powerful monsters stationed there. I don’t want to invite experts in. If you can surround and kill the golden elixir stage monsters, you might lose everyone in them.

Moreover, the golden elixir achieved by human beings is not something like the inner elixir of monsters. It refers to a mellow and flawless state in which the soul and magic power are intertwined. Therefore, there will be no killing to obtain the elixir, unless you practice it well. It is the Blood Shadow Divine Art of the Blood Demon Sect, which directly plunders all the essence, flesh and blood. All of this determines that the inner elixir of the monster is something with a price but no market!

It seems that it can only be exchanged for good deeds. Wait, it seems that the sect has a method for refining the outer elixir?

The so-called outer elixir is to use the inner elixir of monsters as a magical weapon to be refined, and finally it becomes something that after being worn on the body, one can borrow the mana, light and spells inside, and thus have the strength of a low-grade golden elixir! Of course, it is only about strength, not cultivation. In addition, the inner elixir of the star armored beast is not consistent with his own mana and energy. After refining the outer elixir, it can be improved to the level of a semi-golden elixir at most.

Moreover, it is not possible to practice magic and Taoism through the outer elixir. In addition to the magic and magic contained in the inner elixir of monsters, it is the magical light. However, for Shi Xuan before he achieved the top-grade golden elixir, it is absolutely powerful. life protection.

It's a pity that the method of refining the outer elixir requires 20,000 points of good merit. Shi Xuan has never seen it before, so he can only wait until he returns to the sect before starting this matter, Shi Xuan thought with regret.

After a while, Zhao Jinyu stopped crying and saluted Lu Lingxiao and Shi Xuan with a sad look on her face, but with a beautiful flavor: "Thank you, Senior Lu and Fellow Daoist Sun for helping me this time." Then she took out the storage that Zhao Jingding had given her at some point. He took out the jade bottle of the divine elixir and said, "Senior Lu, this is the nine-turn nine-return jade liquid divine elixir that your father promised you."

"No, I don't need this anymore." Lu Lingxiao unexpectedly refused, which surprised both Zhao Jinyu and Shi Xuan.

Lu Lingxiao said coldly: "In the last blow, I almost burned out the original source. Even if I use the Nine Turns and Nine Returns Jade Liquid Divine Pill, there is no hope of advancing to the golden elixir. I just happen to still have a Golden Dragon Inner Pill with me. The magic power and true energy are quite suitable, so I can only use it to form a pill, which can also extend my life by two to three hundred years. "

"But..." Zhao Jinyu couldn't accept that the person who had fought to the death for this magical pill suddenly said no.

Lu Lingxiao's expression was cold: "I'm not saying that I don't want to do it anymore, it's just that I was able to escape from Song Hezi, thanks to Mr. Zhao for not sacrificing his life. Since he is dead now, then I have accepted his favor. . So I will leave this Nine-turn Nine-Returning Jade Liquid Divine Pill with you. When I accept the apprentice in the future, and the apprentice reaches the soul stage again, he will come to ask for it. If you have achieved the golden elixir by then, I will hide my face immediately. Let’s go, even if this magical pill is given to you, if there is no golden elixir master yet, then don’t blame me for taking away the three magical pills!”

Although she spoke coldly, she could still see Lu Lingxiao's thoughts. Zhao Jinyu was silent for a moment, cupped her hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Lu, for putting pressure on Jin Yu." Then she looked at Shi Xuan: "Jin Yu really owes you this time about the Immortal Mansion. There are too many Fellow Daoist Suns. If you have any requests, Fellow Daoist Sun, just ask.”

Shi Xuan shook the storage bag in his hand: "The inner elixir of this star armored beast is very precious, and Sun needs nothing more."

The Nine-turn Nine-Return Jade Liquid Divine Pill, which can make most monks below the Golden Pill level become greedy, was actually rejected by two people in a row. Zhao Jinyu was numb with surprise and said blankly: "In this case, in the future, if you, Taoist Friend Sun, If you need Jin Yu’s help, just come to Guanhai City.”

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