Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 135 When the fake is true, the truth is also false

Seeing what happened here, Zhao Jinyu picked up Zhao Jingding's body and said, "Senior Lu, Fellow Daoist Sun, Jinyu will take his father back, so we'll say goodbye."

The petite and exquisite Zhao Jinyu hugged the tall Zhao Jingding. She looked so mismatched, but also looked so miserable. In addition, her face was full of faint sadness, and there were some tears hanging on her cheeks. It was really beautiful and made people sympathize. of.

Shi Xuan felt sympathy: "There may be many thieves along the way, why don't Sun send Miss Jin Yu back home?"

Zhao Jinyu knew that she was in a bad state now. Even though she still had a life-saving thing left by her father, she didn't dare to show off. She nodded and said, "Thank you, Taoist Master Sun."

Lu Lingxiao also said: "It just so happens that my place of cultivation is not far from Guanhai City. Let's stop by there, lest some thieves steal my magic elixir."

Tears welled up in Zhao Jinyu's eyes involuntarily. After her father died, she thought that she would have everything in her body divided between these two people, and then be forcibly taken into custody by the lewd thief. After all, in this world of immortality, the strong bullies the weak. It is natural for a big person to bully a small person, not to mention that there are so many precious and even precious things in him.

But the development of the matter was beyond her expectation. Lu Lingxiao and Sun Bufan not only did not act to plunder people and treasures, but also rejected the magic pill she offered, and even kindly escorted her home in the end. It was really disappointing. Zhao Jinyu's long-standing views were greatly impacted. Is this still the famously ruthless Sky-Breaking Sword? Is this still a famous thief? I couldn't say it, but there was a warmth that echoed in my heart.

Along the way, Zhao Jinyu was in a low mood, so he didn't say much, and Lu Lingxiao was a man of few words, so the three of them flew forward in silence.

Suddenly, Lu Lingxiao said to Shi Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Sun, have you ever become a disciple?"

Shi Xuan wondered what the fuss was about. Not understanding the situation, he had no choice but to answer truthfully: "I already have a teacher to teach me."

"Yes." Lu Lingxiao showed a disappointed look, "I see that you are very talented in swordsmanship, and I wanted to accept you as my disciple. It's a pity." In fact, he had another meaning, to return Shi Xuan's life-saving grace.

"Thank you, Senior Lu, for your kindness. I accept it with all my heart." Shi Xuan simply refused. After all, he now has a true master, unlike when Xu Laodao first traveled through time and space and didn't have much of a true master-disciple relationship.

Lu Lingxiao pondered for a moment and took out a jade slip: "I still want to repay the favor of saving my life, but I have nothing special except for the Sky-Breaking Sword, which is the Golden Dragon Inner Pill. I have some middle-grade and high-grade spiritual stones, but they are different from The difference in life-saving grace is too great. This is my swordsmanship experience over the years and my understanding of breaking through sword energy and thunder, and it can barely be considered a precious thing. "

After taking the jade slip, Shi Xuan was very happy: "Thank you, Senior Lu. When I was in the Immortal Mansion, I had a vague idea of ​​improving my swordsmanship. I just need some guidance on swordsmanship. Now my wish has been fulfilled."

Seeing that Shi Xuan valued his swordsmanship so much, Lu Lingxiao nodded with satisfaction.

Because Lu Lingxiao was with them, no one dared to pry along the way. A few days later, the three of them saw the bustling Guanhai City below.

"I'm taking my leave. I hope you, Miss Zhao, can achieve the golden elixir as soon as possible." Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Lu Lingxiao transformed into azure light and left gracefully.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, where are you going? Why don't you go to the mansion to have a cup of tea and rest for a few days." Zhao Jinyu looked at Shi Xuan expectantly. In the past few days, Lu Lingxiao was used to walking alone, so there was only a lot of interaction between the two of them. Conversation is a lot more familiar. Zhao Jinyu's father and two senior brothers died tragically, and he was saved from life and death by Shi Xuan once again. He actually forgot that Sun Bufan was a prostitute and became more dependent on Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan took the Chaos Fish Skin, the Divine Stone of Two Worlds, and the Yin-Yang Jade Gui, just to refine the natal magic weapon. Fortunately, he would use the astrolabe to have more self-defense when leaving the fog of space, so he refused directly: "Sun I have important matters to attend to, so I won’t be able to stay for a long time.”

Zhao Jinyu was a little disappointed and wanted to stay, but when he remembered that he was a prostitute across from him, the strange emotion in his heart disappeared without a trace: "Fellow Daoist Sun, please be careful on the road. If you need help for anything, just come to Jinyu. "

Shi Xuan nodded, but thought of something and asked again: "Miss Jinyu, you have to be prepared. After all, you are one of the few people who survived from the Immortal Mansion, and there is no Zhao City Lord to suppress you. Those young people are likely to Come to the door."

Zhao Jinyu smiled slightly, revealing the deep dimple on his left side: "Except for Senior Lu, all the monks in the world of immortality who have achieved great success in entraining Qi, who are in the Perfection and Divine Soul stages have all died in the Immortal Mansion. They had just made a breakthrough, and there were no more than five Qi-inducing stage monks left among the casual cultivators, and there were no more than ten monks left in the three major sects. Although my mother was not well-known, she had perfected Qi-inducing skills and joined forces with Jin Yu. Coupled with some of the magic weapons left by his father, the two flying swords on Jin Yu's body, and the formations arranged in Guanhai City, those young people will kill as many as they come." The last sentence was that he would lose his father! Brother's pain showed up inadvertently.

"So that's the case, but it's Sun who is worrying about it. Well, let's say goodbye. I hope to hear about Miss Jinyu's success in the golden elixir in the future." Shi Xuan didn't expect that Zhao Jingding's wife was also a monk with perfect Qi. It was really a little bit of news. None of it came out.

"Thank you Daoyou Sun for your kindness." Zhao Jinyu watched blankly as the breeze transformed by Shi Xuan disappeared into the horizon. It took a while before she brought Zhao Jingding's body into Guanhai City. Because she had the token to control the formation, she did not alert the guards.


"Miss, who is the city lord?" The two guards guarding the door of the city lord's mansion looked at Zhao Jinyu in surprise.

Zhao Jinyu said in a deep voice: "Go and ask mother to come out. Don't ask any more questions." Because he didn't know what his mother was, Zhao Jinyu couldn't say what happened to Zhao Jingding. Although anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Zhao Jingding was dead, how exactly did he die? Yes, whatever happens in the Immortal Mansion will all involve future arrangements.

One of the guards sent a message to the inner courtyard, while Zhao Jinyu carried Zhao Jing's body and walked all the way to the lobby. After a while, Shen Xiaojin, who was upright and pretty and could not have been more than twenty years old, rushed out, with true energy shining on his body, those The maids and women have long been left far behind by her.

"Yu'er, what is this?" Shen Xiaojin asked anxiously, while reaching out to take Zhao Jingding's body.

Zhao Jinyu's suppressed emotions for a long time finally broke out. When she was outside, except when her father and senior brother died, she cried a little, and then she kept calm and composed. When she saw her mother, she could no longer control herself. He yelled in a hoarse voice: "Father, Senior Brother, Senior Brother..." The cry was heartbreaking for those who heard it.

When Shen Xiaojin heard Zhao Jinyu's words, her expression suddenly became dull and she couldn't speak. She just stupidly took Zhao Jingding's body and stood there holding it.

After crying for a long time, Zhao Jinyu came back to her senses and looked at her mother Shen Xiaojin worriedly. Ever since she saw her father's body, she had been standing there stupidly for a long time: "Mom, are you okay?"

Shen Xiaojin finally came to his senses, with crystal tears hanging down his face, and his expression gradually became firm: "Bring your father into the room first, and then tell me the whole thing."

After a while, Zhao Jinyu finished telling what happened in the Immortal Mansion in the room, and Shen Xiaojin pondered for a moment: "So, the other threatening figures, except Lu Lingxiao and that Sun Bufan, all died in the Immortal Mansion. Well, just to be cautious, Yu'er, please tell the butler to change the formation in the city to its strongest state."

"Yes, mother." Zhao Jinyu replied. When he was about to say something else, Shen Xiaojin waved his hand and said in a bleak tone: "Yu'er, please go out first and let your father and I stay quietly for a while."

After coming out of his parents' room, Zhao Jinyu gave instructions to the housekeeper, then returned to his room and sat there stupidly. It had only been a few days, but his life and home had undergone earth-shaking changes, which made people sad and sad. People are exhausted.

"Sister, I heard that you are back, do you have anything good for me?" The person who came in was the quirky sister Zhao Jinxiu. She is only a little over thirteen years old this year. Although she looks immature, she is also a beauty. But look at her. He looked like he didn't know the news about his father.

"Well, eldest sister, you are in a bad mood. Can Xiu'er tell you a happy story?" Seeing Zhao Jinyu's ugly face, Zhao Jinxiu immediately said to please her. Zhao Jinyu felt soft when she saw her sister caring about her delicate appearance, so she let her Let her be happy for a while, and then tell her later: "Well, what's the matter?"

Zhao Jinxiu showed a naughty smile: "It's that girl Shen Yunyan. She sneaked into the Black Dragon Swamp this time, but she didn't find any spiritual herbs. She also had a heavy erotic dream. She actually dreamed of being robbed by the adulterous thief Sun Bufan. , what did he do in the Black Dragon Swamp, haha, but was later rescued by a man who transformed into Qingfeng, tsk tsk, otherwise she would have lost her virginity in her dream. Sister, don’t you think it’s funny?”

Zhao Jinyu was moved in her heart and asked, "What does the thief Sun Bufan that my cousin dreamed about look like?"

"A handsome man with a pale face, bah, Shen Yunyan is such a hot girl. I've seen that Sun Bufan in the house. He looks just average." Zhao Jinxiu said disdainfully.

"Hey, eldest sister, sister, why don't you say anything?" Zhao Jinxiu saw her sister in a daze and waved in front of her.


Black Dragon Swamp, in the Market Inn.

Shi Xuan is checking the harvest in the Immortal Mansion. The main reason why he comes here is because there is an eruption of earth fire on a hill outside the Black Dragon Swamp. Xiu collects money and provides it to them to refine weapons. It is definitely impossible for Shi Xuan to use wood fire to refine his natal magic weapon like he did in Middle-earth. It is proper to use earth fire here.

As for why he did not practice in a good place outside the outside world, Shi Xuan mainly considered that passing through the fog of space is very dangerous. Although he has an astronomical disk in his hand, it is more appropriate to have two more natal magic weapons for self-defense.

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