Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 136: The storm is fierce on the day of completion

——Because I wanted to watch the football match tonight, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get up at noon tomorrow to update, so I stayed up late to write this chapter, and I will update it in advance now.

Under the candlelight, Shi Xuan sat behind the table. There were four storage bags in front of him. One of them was his own. It contained the Chaos Fish Skin, the Divine Stone of Two Realms, and the Yin-Yang Jade Gui. Among them, the Chaos Fish Skin was dull, if not for it. There was a black and white Tai Chi pattern on it. No one believed that this was a genius treasure. But Shi Xuan used a little yin and yang to stimulate it, and he saw many black and white restrictions emerging from the fish skin, and there was a vast, ancient and sacred flavor in it. .

The Divine Stone of Two Realms looks like a crystal, sometimes emitting black light and sometimes emitting white light. It is dazzling. It looks like a rare treasure at a glance. When Shi Xuan inputs the Yin and Yang Qi, you can see the mysterious restrictions in the transparent crystal. This restriction is also the same. It is also constantly flowing and changing between the two states over time.

The Yin Yang Jade Gui is in the shape of a jade commonly used in ancient times. It emits a light that seems black and white, making people feel hot and cold when looking at it. Qi, let those patterns shine and surface a little.

These three materials are not very heavy. According to Shi Xuan's estimation, they can only be refined twice. In other words, Shi Xuan only has one chance to fail. However, Shi Xuan will not refine the natal magic weapon right away. , you must first refine other ordinary magic weapons to accumulate experience.

The second storage bag was given to him by Zhao Jingding. It contained the inner elixir of the Star Armored Beast. He could use it to refine the outer elixir after returning to the sect to improve his life-saving ability.

The third storage bag is Jin Shijie's storage bag, with the restrictions he left on it. But Shi Xuan was no longer the inexperienced and inexperienced low-level monk before. He used two methods to break the restriction. It was very empty, mainly containing five middle-grade spiritual stones and dozens of low-grade spiritual stones. , as well as some elixirs for replenishing vitality and healing wounds. In addition, there are five cyan feathers. Two of them have blue-red spots on them and exude a fiery breath. They are actually the feathers of adult Bi Fang, and the other three are Biru. In the blue sky, the power of space is faintly exposed, but it is the feathers of an adult Qingluan! Because they are adults, these two items are considered top-quality materials, as are Shi Xuan's two remaining Suzaku feathers.

Shi Xuan deduced that these five feathers should be placed on the white jade desk at the innermost left side of Wanbao Building. Only that desk could not be seen by Shi Xuan from the outside. When Shi Xuan went to the fourth floor , has been taken away. Now that I think about it, Jin Shijie should have taken these five feathers when he went to the fourth floor.

What is the use of this feather? Well, these two kinds of feathers can be used as one of the materials for the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan that I am planning. Although they are different from the original version, they are not too far away. It is just that I am reluctant to part with the Qingluan feathers. After all, they are rare. The materials containing space restrictions can completely refine a life-saving magic weapon that can break through space and escape! Of course, it would be perfect if this function could be integrated into the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan. How to do it exactly depends on returning to the sect and consulting the classics. There is only the Five Fires Burning Heaven Banner in "Baolu" that is relatively close. , but it has nothing to do with the power of space.

After putting away the other three, Shi Xuan looked at the last plain storage bag, which was the one on Song Hezi. After Shi Xuan confirmed, this storage bag is a real space storage bag, with restrictions left by Song Hezi on it.

Song Hezi is naturally unable to compare with Guangyang Zhenren. The restrictions he left behind have become very weak hundreds of years after his death. However, it is still somewhat difficult for Shi Xuan.

After taking a closer look at this restriction, he found that it was not an offensive restriction, but mainly focused on protection. Combining his own advantages, Shi Xuan determined the method to break the restriction, which was to use force to overcome skill! Of course, the premise is to trigger the restriction, otherwise the storage bag will be destroyed at the same time as the restriction is broken.

According to the method learned from the sect, Shi Xuan recited the method, and then blew out two breaths of true energy on the storage bag. Suddenly, the restriction on the storage bag first glowed, then expanded, and finally turned into a guardian. There is a three-foot square restriction around the storage bag.

In this three-foot space, there are dense and complex restrictions. Shi Xuan observed for a long time and finally found the core of the restriction. He suppressed his emotions, followed the secret method, and kept typing the white seal characters and spraying the true energy on it. Slowly , the core of the ban has moved to the periphery.

A white sword energy flew out of Shi Xuan's nostrils and hit the core of the restriction at an extremely fast speed. The core of the restriction only lit up for a moment, then was shattered into pieces by the sword energy, completely dimmed, and the entire restriction also disintegrated.

Song Hezi's storage bag was as empty as Jin Shijie's. Except for the only two items, there were no secret treasures, talismans, magic weapons, or spiritual weapons. It seems that he spent a lot of time breaking the restrictions on the fourth floor of Wanbao Tower. , and later many were damaged under the ban and counterattack.

As for elixirs and spiritual herbs, due to the passage of hundreds of years, the restrictions to maintain their efficacy have long since disappeared. After all, Song Hezi's strength is still far from the Yuan Shen stage, so they have become a pile of waste.

However, the ten high-grade spiritual stones were not affected at all and were still so crystal clear and beautiful. There were also some materials that were not very good, which were just used by Shi Xuan for training.

Haha, Song Hezi must have thought of getting the magic weapon first and then the materials below, but he didn't know that when he was seriously injured and escaped, he couldn't think of getting the materials at all.

One of the only two artifacts is the astronomical disk that Shi Xuan must obtain. It is an array disk the size of a bowl lid, with extremely complex diagrams of the movements of the stars in the sky painted on it.

The other piece was a dark black bead, which was dimly filled with black fire, but Shi Xuan couldn't recognize it, but it seemed to be related to the yin fire of the earth and lungs.

However, Song Hezi did not leave behind the method of sacrificing these two items. Shi Xuan could only slowly activate the restrictions and gradually master them. Fortunately, the number of ban layers for the astrolabe sacrifice was not many, only thirty-three. That's all, I think I can master it within a year.

Shi Xuan originally thought that Song Hezi would leave jade slips of Taoism, jade slips of methods for refining magical weapons, etc. in the storage bag, but he didn't find any of them. He might have given them to someone close to him before entering the immortal mansion. Bar.

After the inspection, Shi Xuan transferred all the items in the remaining storage bags to Song Hezi's spatial storage bag. Even so, this spatial storage bag still seemed empty.


On the second day, Shi Xuan came alone to the foot of Coiling Snake Hill, where there were dozens of earth-fire refining rooms.

"Senior, which refining room do you want to choose? I'll drive out the people inside immediately." The out-of-body monk Xiao Wu, who was responsible for leading Shi Xuan to choose the refining room, said with a flattering smile, Shi Xuan's body was in heaven and earth The pressure of spiritual energy is not fake.

How could Shi Xuan let him do this, since he was not pressed for time anyway: "Which refining room has the ground fire that is more stable and hotter?"

"Room A, No. 2, happens to be empty. Senior, you are really discerning." Xiao Wu flattered him incomprehensibly.

"How many spirit stones per day?" With the spirit stones on Jin Shijie and Song Hezi as a foundation, Shi Xuan can be considered wealthy.

Xiao Wu hurriedly said: "Ten low-grade spiritual stones every day."

"How many spirit stones will the poor Taoist rent for one year?" Shi Xuan planned to refine some ordinary magic weapons in the first half of the year to gain experience, and then began to refine the natal magic weapons in the second half of the year.

Xiao Wu was shocked. He had never seen anyone renting it for a year. Normally, it only takes a month for a monk to refine a magic weapon! So he stammered: "Senior, I will accept you 3,600 low-grade spiritual stones, which is thirty-six medium-grade spiritual stones."

Shi Xuan took out a high-grade spiritual stone and handed it to him: "I'll give you this much first. After all, I don't know if it will last more than a year. I will settle the matter when I leave."

"Okay, okay, okay." Xiao Wu replied in despair. No monk in his realm has ever seen a high-grade spiritual stone. Even his boss, the Qi-Entraining Stage monk, has probably never seen one produced in nature. The top-grade spiritual stones are the best. As for the top-grade spiritual stones, no one knows where they found them. Those still in circulation are those passed down from generation to generation.

"By the way, there is one more thing. I wonder if I can entrust you, fellow Taoist Xiao, to help sell the magical weapons refined by the poor Taoist? Of course, the reward will not be small." Shi Xuan thought that the magical weapons he would practice in the future could not be kept. So I simply asked Xiao Wu, who seemed to have a lot of connections, to sell it on my behalf to save myself the trouble.

Xiao Wu smiled happily: "Of course I'm happy, I'm extremely happy." The doubts in his heart were reduced a lot. This senior seemed to make a living by refining magic weapons, so no wonder he had to rent it for a year.

Following Xiao Wu into Room A No. 2, Shi Xuan saw that the inside was very clean. Apart from the underground fire vent located in the center of the room, there was only a stone table.

The earth fire eruption port is surrounded by a formation. As long as Shi Xuan activates it, the earth fire can erupt from it. This formation can be used to adjust the size of the earth fire, the speed of the eruption, etc.


Nine months later.

On Coiling Snake Hill, several casual cultivators had just finished refining the magic weapon. They saw a familiar person walking towards them. The leader shouted: "Brother Xiao, why haven't you made any magic weapons recently? I'll wait for the return." Looking forward to it, it’s really cheap and of good quality here.”

Xiao Wu frowned and couldn't help but look at Room A No. 2: "Hey, don't mention it. That senior has been in seclusion four months ago. I don't know what he is refining. How can I use the magic weapon?"

Now was the critical moment for Shi Xuan to refine the Tai Chi Diagram. He stood at the eruption mouth of the Earth Fire and continued to type out the characters composed of ancient thunder patterns, ancient cloud seals, etc. onto a diagram in front of him of a black and white yin and yang fish intertwined head to tail.

In the first five months, except for the first month when all of them were refined into scraps, under the guidance of the refining experience given by the master Mo Yuan, Shi Xuan succeeded in refining magic weapons more and more times, and the number of refining weapons will be more and more. All the completed magic weapons were sold by Xiao Wu at the cost price, and forty-five middle-grade spiritual stones were recovered. As for how much Xiao Wu earned, Shi Xuan didn't know, and during this period, the true energy had already exceeded Three turns.

Shi Xuan, who felt that his refining skills were extremely proficient, began to refine Tai Chi Diagram in the fifth month. However, the first refining ended in failure. Now it is the second refining. If it fails, he can only refining it again. Looking for materials.

But this time Shi Xuan was full of confidence, because he had the first refining experience and knew many key points.

At the last moment, Shi Xuan spit out two chaotic runes, one black and one white, intertwined with each other. They were the Yang Rune of Kaitian and the Yin Rune of Creation. These two runes flew slowly towards the Tai Chi Diagram. This little distance, It took a full hour! Shi Xuan's face was covered with sweat, and a full 80% of his energy and mana had been consumed.

As soon as the black and white runes fell on the Tai Chi Diagram, all the prohibitions on the Tai Chi Diagram shone brightly, undulating and dancing around them. The sun suddenly darkened outside the house at noon, and the clouds gathered and dripped, and soon it started to rain heavily.

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