Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 137 Disturbing things in the world

——Thanks to Zipei’s book friends for the reward again. Also, please ask for Sanjiang recommendation votes. It is said that there is one every day.

Yunyue, the leading casual cultivator, saw Xiao Wu's gloomy look and was about to make fun of him. He had made a lot of money during that time, but suddenly the sky turned dark and heavy rain fell at any time. The big raindrops hit my face and it was extremely painful.

"What the hell kind of weather is this? The sun was so bright just now!" Yunyue and others hurriedly ran back to the eaves outside the door of the refining room where they had just come out. They used spells to dry their clothes while cursing, "It's raining so hard." It was so fast that they didn't even have time to use the rain shelter.

Just as Xiao Wu was about to answer, the rumble of thunder rang out, blocking his words. A blue electric light flashed in the sky, like a flying silver snake, which was very scary.

"Brother Xiao, the weather in Black Dragon Swamp is too weird. It happens just as you say without any warning." Yunyue is a casual cultivator who has just arrived in Black Dragon Swamp.

Xiao Wu frowned: "I was born and raised in the Black Dragon Swamp, and I have never encountered such heavy rain. Recently, things have happened frequently in the world of immortality."

Outside the house, there was a strong wind and rain, lightning and thunder, big branches and leaves flying in all directions, and grass swaying here and there. When the rain fell on the ground, it made such a loud noise that people outside could not even hear the voices of the people around them.

In the room, Shi Xuan took the opportunity to spit out the drop of life essence blood in his mouth. As soon as the blood was stained with the Tai Chi diagram, it was absorbed by the black and white runes. Shi Xuan suddenly felt connected to the Tai Chi diagram. With a thought, the black and white runes slowly rotated, and the countless rays of light emitted by the Tai Chi Diagram immediately stopped. Then all the restrictions were entered into the diagram, and a diagram with a circle of black and white yin and yang fish appeared in the air. After that, a scroll of Tai Chi diagram fell into Shi Xuan's hands.

Finally finished!

Shi Xuan let out a long breath and shook the Tai Chi diagram. The diagram immediately turned into a golden bridge that seemed to encompass everything. This golden bridge started from Shi Xuan's hand and landed at the other end of the bridge.

Strangely enough, with the appearance of the golden bridge, the heavy rain outside immediately stopped. Then the strong wind subsided and the clouds dispersed, revealing a red sun and a colorful rainbow.

Shi Xuan shook again, and the golden bridge turned into a scroll of Tai Chi diagram again, and then slowly flew into Shi Xuan's Dantian. From an internal perspective, Shi Xuan saw that the Tai Chi Diagram was suspended in the true energy of his Dantian, and as soon as the Samadhi Divine Wind True Qi encountered the Tai Chi Diagram, it transformed itself into Yin and Yang Qi, and was then absorbed by it. Finally, it trembled slightly and spit out some condensed yin and yang energy, feeding Shi Xuan back, causing Shi Xuan's true energy to successfully turn four times in an instant.

However, such good things can only happen at the moment when the natal magical weapon is successfully refined.

In addition, because the genius earth treasure is used for refining, the successful refining of Taiji Diagram means that the fifth heaven is perfect, and it belongs to the fifth heaven that Shi Xuan can fully control. The subsequent refining time will be faster than that of the same level. Doubling it, in other words, it takes thirty-five years to complete the Tai Chi diagram that is forbidden in the sixth heaven. Now that it has become Shi Xuan's natal magic weapon, it only takes about eighteen years, because It is connected with Shi Xuan's heart and soul, and it is warmed day and night in the true energy, so it will naturally improve a lot faster.

As for the power, the magic weapon of Perfection in the Fifth Heaven can already compete with the magic weapon of Perfection in the Seventh Heaven. The restriction of Tai Chi Diao is the most powerful. Naturally, it is equivalent to the power of the Magical Artifact of Perfection in the Eighth Heaven. It has become a stone The most powerful magic weapon in Xuan's hand.

If Shi Xuan activates it with all his strength, the Tai Chi Diagram can turn into a huge yin and yang fish, and the two qi of yin and yang can be used to turn everything into chaotic energy. In terms of the current power of the Tai Chi Tu, this yin and yang qi is just powerful. The power of advanced spiritual weapons is the power of first-level Taoism. Of course, with Shi Xuan's magic power, such attacks can only produce three attacks.

Tai Chi Tu's usual attack method is to use the yin and yang fish to generate the most yang energy and the most yin light respectively.

Of course, this does not mean that Shi Xuan can completely surpass the level and challenge the Divine Soul Stage. It can only be said that it is easier to save lives under a Divine Soul Stage master, and he also has the ability to "continuously" threaten their lives. After all, those who have been there for many years Among the masters of the Divine Soul Stage, no one has a natal magic weapon restricted by the seventh heaven. Even for those who have just entered the Divine Soul Stage, natal magic weapons banned by the sixth heaven are common.


"This weather is really strange. It was windy and raining just now, but as soon as we hid in, the sun was shining brightly. Brother Xiao, look, there is a rainbow there." Yunyue stood under the eaves and sighed to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu was also very surprised: "It's true. It was as dark as midnight before. Was it because we were dazzled? Or was there some illusion?" The latter sentence was the instinctive reaction of a monk.

Yunyue laughed and said, "So many monks have seen it, how can it be dazzled?" He pointed at the few casual cultivators following him and the other monks who came out of the shelter one after another.

"Illusion, could it be that the ancient senior would let his earth fire refining room be attacked by illusion?" Yunyue was very confident in the monk who circled this earth fire, because he was a monk in the Qi-entraining stage, and now in the world of cultivation There aren’t many left!

A monk behind him slapped himself so hard that he screamed in pain. Seeing other people looking at him strangely, he quickly said: "I tried it, it's not an illusion."

Yunyue felt extremely embarrassed and said to Xiao Wu: "Brother Xiao, this kid is a bit stubborn, don't mind."

Xiao Wu waved his hand: "How come? Speaking of which, during the wind and rain just now, I seemed to see a light coming from that row of weapon refining rooms? Did you see it?"

Yunyue shook his head: "I didn't pay attention, but that's where the ground fire erupted. Isn't it normal for light to shine through?"

"It's not the normal light of earth fire, but the kind that suddenly shines brightly. Forget it, even if you say it, you don't understand. Hey, it's the senior who came out." Xiao Wu saw Shi Xuan coming out of Room No. 2 When he came out, he hurriedly greeted him. This was his lucky star. In the past four months, he had earned spiritual stones that would be difficult to earn in his lifetime.

"Senior, senior, are you out of seclusion? Do you have any instructions for me?" Xiao Wu bowed his head obsequiously.

Shi Xuan is in a happy mood now. He has successfully refined the natal magic weapon Tai Chi Diagram. After slowly exploring the astronomical disk, he has completely mastered it. His true energy has been successfully transferred four times. Only the dark black bead has not yet been figured out what it is. Not to mention mastering it, I can only keep it until I return to the sect, and then ask the master for advice, so he said to Xiao Wu in a pleasant manner: "Has anything major happened in the world of immortality recently?"

Yunyue also wanted to please this mysterious monk in the Qi-entraining stage, so he answered before Xiao Wu: "Reporting to Senior, the world of immortality has been very uneasy these past four months."

"Oh, what's going on?" This was within Shi Xuan's expectation. The masters of the three major sects were all gone, and there would definitely be big changes.

Xiao Wu glared at Yunyue: "Senior, the ancestors of the Huang Maple Valley, Houtu Sect, and Zixia Sect, as well as all the ancestors of the Divine Soul Stage and all the elders who had perfected Qi and achieved great success, died in Guangyang Immortal Mansion, so the remaining The three or four Qi-entraining stage elders were all fighting for control of the sect, and the outcome finally came to an end three months ago.”

Shi Xuan had heard about the struggle for power among the remaining monks in the Qi-entraining period of the three major sects before going into seclusion. He didn't expect that the winner would be decided so quickly: "What's the result?"

"Actually, it doesn't really count as a result. They were on a par with each other, and they could only break up. Except for an elder in the Yellow Maple Valley who was killed by other elders together, the others each dominated a few mountains and divided up the door. If you win money, you can establish your own business." Xiao Wu showed a rather envious look, and he didn't know whether he was envious of establishing his own business or dividing the property.

"So, the three major sects have turned into many small sects?" Shi Xuan felt that this result was normal.

Yunyue took a step forward: "At first, it was like this, divided into eight or nine small sects, but then a big event happened, and these eight or nine small sects turned into two small sects, and they were even expelled from themselves. The mountain gate is located.”

Shi Xuan had some idea of ​​what was going on: "Oh, what's the matter?"

Xiao Wu squeezed Yunyue away: "Two months ago, three senior casual cultivators joined forces with the heads of the eight or nine small sects and twelve Qi-entraining monks to besiege Guanhai City together. They said it was Guanhai City. The city lord killed other monks who came to the Immortal Mansion to hunt for treasures. These monks in the Qi-entraining stage thought that only Hongyun Fairy Zhao Jinyu was in Guanhai City. Who knew that the wife of the city lord, Shen Xiaojin, had already perfected the Qi-entrainment, and she was assisted by the formation in Guanhai City. , This battle was fought in darkness, with no light from the sun or the moon, and rivers of blood. Only three of the twelve Qi-entraining stage monks escaped!"

"Fairy Hongyun?" Shi Xuan didn't expect that Zhao Jinyu would have such a nickname.

"That's because the flying sword, a spiritual weapon used by Fairy Zhao, is as red as a red cloud and moves like wind and thunder. It is extremely powerful. None of the monks in the Qi-entraining stage can block the sword." Xiao Wu looked proud. He said awkwardly.

It should be the Lipstick Thunder Flying Sword, but with Zhao Jinyu's cultivation, he can strike at most ten swords. He probably did it after seeing the opportunity under the protection of the formation. Shi Xuan nodded: "What else happened?"

Yunyue squeezed back again: "During that battle, there was also a spiritual weapon flying sword. It was used by Mrs. Shen. It was a purple sword light." This Yunyue was not described by Xiao Wuhui, and his description was dry. , but Shi Xuan still guessed it was the purple electric sword.

"Then City Lord Zhao must have obtained countless treasures from the Immortal Mansion. Although he died, Fairy Hongyun and Mrs. Shen were able to enjoy their blessings. Hey, I'm really envious." Xiao Wu looked envious. Hate, Yunyue also looked the same.

What is there to be envious of? Others also paid for their lives. Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Oh, so the mountain gates of the three sects were later occupied by Fairy Hongyun and the others?"

"Fairy Hongyun and the others only occupied the mountain gate of Houtu Sect and drove away the small sect. Because they were short of manpower and unwilling to recruit some good and bad people indiscriminately, and they also had to run Guanhai City, so they were unwilling to expand. Too fast. The small sect in Huang Maple Valley was driven away by Lu Lingxiao. "For some reason, Xiao Wu hesitated when talking about Lu Lingxiao.

——I’ll leave here in the next chapter to wrap things up. The next time I come in will be a long time later.

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