Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 138 A golden bridge across the void

——There was a problem with the network this morning, so I am late. Sorry.

Thanks to Northeastern people and Haha Lao Ya for their rewards. I also want to ask for Sanjiang votes, as my ranking is so low.

Before Shi Xuan had time to ask Xiao Wu why he was hesitant, Yun Yue told him the reason: "More than a month ago, there was a storm on Luanshi Island, and strange phenomena appeared in the sky. Some people thought that a treasure had appeared, so they rushed to fight for it. After returning, they heard a shocking news that it turned out that Lu Lingxiao had achieved the Golden Core!" His face was full of admiration, yearning, and worship.

Xiao Wu sighed: "Now Master Lu is practicing in Huangfeng Valley. It is said that after he comes out of retreat, he will recruit several disciples. I wonder which cultivators will have such luck and be able to worship under the Golden Core Master." He seemed eager to try, but he didn't dare.

"Who occupied the mountain gate of Zixia Sect?" Shi Xuan absolutely didn't believe that it was empty.

"Replying to the senior, it was divided into five places by those two small sects, a senior who is a casual cultivator, my boss, Senior Gu, and a senior who has just broken through to the Qi Induction Stage." Xiao Wu was very proud, as if he could get more rewards if his boss occupied a piece of land.

Shi Xuan thought about it, and there was nothing else to ask, so he asked at last: "What about that secret realm?"

"That secret realm will not be opened for more than ten years. Now all parties have ignored it. It is estimated that it will be occupied by the strongest force at that time." Yun Yue's implication was Lu Lingxiao.

Shi Xuan did not know Lu Lingxiao very well, but based on his impression this time, he felt that Lu Lingxiao would not refuse to share this secret realm with other cultivators on the premise of ensuring that his disciples gained something.

"Did the senior gain anything from this retreat to refine weapons?" Xiao Wu asked carefully, his eyes full of expectation.

Shi Xuan laughed and scolded: "I am refining my own magic weapon. Can I sell it to you? You made a lot of money from the magic weapons in front?" For some reason, since playing the role of a rapist, Shi Xuan felt that his mentality was much more relaxed. It was not that he became a lustful person, but he put down many unnecessary things. He was not as tense as he was in the sect. He was serious, cautious, and trembling. He felt tired every day. With the relaxation of his mentality, Shi Xuan felt that even his true energy was more lively. Perhaps this is why the sect requires disciples to travel and sharpen their hearts. Xiao Wu said embarrassedly: "The magic weapons refined by the senior are very good. If I sell them cheaply, wouldn't it be an insult to the senior's craftsmanship?" He also solved a mystery in his heart. It turned out that he was refining his own magic weapon in seclusion for so long. Judging from the time, he probably failed eight or nine times before he succeeded. "Okay, I'm going to take a break. There is another precious magic weapon that needs to be refined in seclusion." After Shi Xuan refined the Tai Chi diagram, he was indeed a little tired. He planned to rest for a few days before refining the Yin-Yang Qi Bottle.

"Yes, I'll take my leave." Xiao Wu and Yun Yue left disappointedly.

In a blink of an eye, eight days passed quickly. In addition to daily practice, Shi Xuan was trying to figure out the sword skills that Lu Lingxiao gave him. He had a deeper understanding of the swordsmanship. However, for the milestone of swordsmanship, Sword Qi Leiyin, Shi Xuan still hadn't touched the threshold. According to Lu Lingxiao's explanation in the jade slip, it should be when he reached the Soul Stage, after the mind and soul were united, and the control of swordsmanship, flying swords, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became more subtle, that he could practice it. At least Lu Lingxiao successfully practiced it when he was in the Soul Stage, so Shi Xuan was not in a hurry. He was still a long way from the Soul Stage.

This distance is based on the premise that he cannot find the evil spirit to condense the evil spirit to practice the Qi, because in that case, the last three turns of his true Qi nine turns will take at least twenty years. As for the true Qi vortex and the Qi-inducing perfect state of opening up the Dantian, because Shi Xuan has laid a solid foundation in the previous stage and has strong enough control over the body and soul, it should take less than a few years to break through.

Every cultivator who has achieved the upper-grade golden elixir, after laying a solid foundation, has only the barrier of inducing Qi to the soul before the golden elixir, which is more difficult to break through. The small stages in the big realm are all smooth and easy.


Two months later.

Xiao Wu was in a very good mood. Since the boss Gu Yuntao occupied several peaks with abundant spiritual energy in the mountain gate of Zixia Sect, he meant to hand over the business of the Earth Fire Refining Room here to him. Haha, it was because he knew a senior in the Qi-inducing period, although he didn't even know the other party's name.

Of course, he could roughly guess who it was, because there were only a few living Qi-inducing cultivators, and that senior didn't seem to have just broken through, but since he didn't say anything, he had to pretend not to know, so as not to be sent to the earth furnace.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, that senior hasn't come out yet?" Yun Yue had recently harvested a lot of spiritual herbs in the Black Dragon Swamp, and exchanged some materials, and was preparing to refine a good magic weapon.

Xiao Wu looked at Yun Yue with a fake smile: "Why, come to refine a magic weapon? Speaking of which, have you guys refined two low-grade magic weapons recently? Is there an urgent need?"

"No, no, except for me who got some materials by chance and refined a magic weapon a few months ago, no one else has a magic weapon. Without a magic weapon, you can't go deep into the Black Dragon Swamp, and the spiritual herbs you find are much worse." Yun Yue hurriedly explained that Xiao Wu had signs of success recently.

"Oh, I thought you were refining magic weapons in order to participate in the disciple selection meeting of the Guanhai School?" Xiao Wu originally wanted to go, but after being valued by Gu Yuntao and hinted that he would have the Supreme Induction Pill in the future, he gave up the idea.

Old Yunyue's face turned slightly red. His thoughts were completely seen through. Just as he was about to reply, a light rain suddenly started to fall: "Oh, Brother Xiao, does it rain every time we talk?"

"It's not that heavy this time. It's just a light rain. It's normal." Xiao Wu looked like he was strange.

"It's raining and there's a rainbow at the same time, or two! Is that normal?" Yunyue said, pointing to the horizon.

When Xiao Wu heard this, he turned around and saw two colorful rainbows hanging on the horizon, looming and misty, looking hazy and beautiful in the drizzle.


In Room A No. 2, Shi Xuan held an exquisite and small white jade pure bottle in his hand. The bottle body was delicate and clear, and the air at the mouth of the bottle was slightly distorted.

As Shi Xuan collected the yin and yang gas bottles into his Dantian, the true energy nourished the newly-refined natal magic weapon, and was fed back by the natal magic weapon. As a result, the true qi successfully transformed five times and condensed a lot.

The yin and yang two-gas bottle is now the fourth level of heaven. In terms of power, the natal magic weapon plus two heavens, and its own forbidden power plus one heaven. It can be equivalent to a seventh-level magic weapon. It can release the two qi of yin and yang to absorb the magic weapon, monks and others. There is a very large space inside the bottle, which is covered with formation restrictions. For example, it can hold the water of a large lake. Once the monk is absorbed into it and activates the formation, it will turn into dirty blood in three seconds. There is also a relatively small space inside that can be used for storage.

Now the expression on Shi Xuan's face is very strange, half-smiling but not smiling, and a little surprised, because a certain function of this Yin-Yang cylinder makes him feel familiar. The previous description in "Baolu" was not very clear. Shi Xuan figured it out after the refining was successful.

That is, the Yin and Yang cylinder actually has the function of cause and effect. Just like the purple gourd in Journey to the West in the previous life, once a monk's real name is called and the monk agrees, he will be directly absorbed into the Yin and Yang cylinder. Regardless of the monk's realm, of course, if it exceeds the ability of the magic weapon itself, it will naturally not be able to trap the monk, and may even be directly smashed from the inside.

Moreover, as the Yin and Yang cylinders become spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and spiritual treasures, this function will continue to be strengthened. For example, when it comes to magic weapons, no matter whether you shout the monk's real name or not, as long as you shout and he agrees, it will be considered cause and effect. Established, ingest directly into the bottle.

Well, it’s really the best choice for a sinister person. Shi Xuan wiped his sweat and wondered whether he should use a Taoist name when traveling around the world, so as not to be fooled by this kind of causal magic weapon. Thinking of this, the reason why his predecessors respected the Taoist name was not without reason. However, Shi Xuan just thought about it. The golden bridge formed by Tai Chi Diagram has the function of suppressing cause and effect. As long as the opponent's strength is not too much stronger than his own, such as the perfect soul stage, etc., it can be suppressed. It doesn't matter whether he uses his real name or not.

Another point is that the nectar transformed by the monks' dirty blood in the yin and yang cylinders is more effective in moisturizing and healing than I imagined. Because the dirty blood is transformed from the original source, it can actually replenish the original source and can transform oneself. The period of weakness after the Broken Jade Art is shortened a lot. For example, after using the Broken Jade Art and taking a drop of nectar every day, the time when you can only use 10% of your strength is shortened to about ten days, and the time when you can only use 50% of your strength is shortened to two days. About a month.

All in all, the yin and yang two-gas bottle is really a powerful auxiliary magic weapon!

After transferring all the precious things to the small space in the Yin and Yang two cylinders (it is actually not small, bigger than Song Hezi's storage bag, it can accommodate several people without any problem), Shi Xuan walked out of No. 2 A house.


"Hey, why did the rainbow and the light rain disappear suddenly?" Xiao Wu and Yunyue looked at each other, and then saw Shi Xuan coming out. Thinking of the last time, they immediately saw "something weird" in each other's eyes. So Xiao Wu rushed over and said, "Senior, you are out of seclusion, what are your orders?"

"Well, let's settle the account, Pindao is leaving." Shi Xuan's desire for progress in cultivation and longevity is still very strong, so he eagerly wants to return to the outside world - in his life in the past two years, Shi Xuan With the help of magical weapons, I have reached the fifth level of true energy, but the next few turns take more time. This world of cultivating immortals does not have the evil energy I need, so I can only go out and look for it later. It is said that there is a lot of evil energy in the Southern Barbarian Continent.

Xiao Wu had no choice but to go find the spirit stones to Shi Xuan: "Senior, you spent a total of eleven months to receive thirty-three middle-grade spirit stones from you. These are the sixty-seven middle-grade spirit stones that I have come to find you." Hey, even if there is something weird, it is not something that a monk like me can spy on.


Standing in front of the white mist of space, which is said to be the direction Song Hezi walked when he left, Shi Xuan took out the astronomical disk, input his true energy to activate it, and saw the stars on the astronomical disk lighting up one after another, and then Starlights hung down from the sky and fell on it, and then the astronomical disk emitted a white shadow that shone into the fog of space.

I saw that the white air of the space fog was illuminated transparently, and those small black space cracks also appeared in front of Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan took a deep breath and chose the place with the sparsest space cracks to enter the fog.

Five days later.

Shi Xuan was trapped in the fog of space, surrounded by small space cracks, making it impossible for him to find a gap to rush out.

Although the astronomical disk can illuminate space cracks, allowing him to bypass them in advance, many space cracks themselves have to move. Gradually, he is still trapped in them, and there are several space cracks moving in his direction.

It seems now that Song Hezi was able to walk out safely in the first place, probably because of luck. However, Shi Xuan was already prepared. A scroll of pictures flew out of his dantian. According to the space cracks selected by Shi Xuan, there were only a few. With a flick of the direction, it turned into a sacred and solemn golden bridge, extending from in front of Shi Xuan to the place where there is no space crack not far away. There is a smell of suppressing the heavens and the world, earth, fire and feng shui. .

Although it was a bit reluctant, all the small space cracks under the bridge were fixed on the spot. The bridge was calm and the sea was calm. Shi Xuan stepped onto the Golden Bridge and left leisurely.

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