Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 139 A big ship in the storm

——Thank you to my friends who don’t go every day for another reward, and thank you all for voting in Sanjiang. It is currently in seventh place, which is still very good.

The Sea of ​​Storms is famous for its strong winds and huge waves.

Under the mighty power of heaven and earth, a huge sea-going ship was struggling to move forward in the sea. The sails engraved with formations were almost torn off by the blow. From time to time, huge waves hit the hull and deck, and the sea-going ship had to rock. It swayed, as if it would sink into the sea the next moment.

The sailors on the deck were cautiously changing the direction of the sails, controlling the rudder, etc. under the command of a monk in crow-green robes, while the other two monks in crow-green robes were using magic to repair the deck and hull of the ship that had been cracked by the waves.

"Master Fan, is there any problem?" The captain was a thin, middle-aged man, luxuriously dressed, with a soft hat on his head and a jade pendant on his waist. He was anxiously asking the monk in crow-green robes beside him.

The monk surnamed Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Ma, have you never run this stormy sea route before? This level of strong winds and huge waves is the most common. Don't worry, this deck and hull are blessed by the layout of our sect leader. There will be no problem with the formation. Besides, there is an island in front of us, so we can just take shelter there."

Ma Dongjia nodded: "I'm all relying on you. I spent a lot of money on this shipment of goods, and I just hope that Nanman can sell it at a good price and treat my children. By the way, do you really have the Medicine King Sect? "

"Our sect master used to be a disciple of Yaowang Sect. Now he has established a sect in Izumo Kingdom, but he has never cut off contact with the elders in the sect. As long as you can afford the spirit stones of Ma Dong's family, I guarantee to cure your family Ma Yuanheng's disease. Sick." The monk surnamed Fan said without blinking. Anyway, in Nanman, as long as you have spiritual stones, you can still afford to hire an outer disciple from the Yaowang Sect.

Boss Ma showed a satisfied look and saw that the monk surnamed Fan was commanding the sailors in an orderly manner and that a small island appeared in front of him, so he walked back to the cabin with confidence.

As soon as he stepped into a cabin, he saw a pale, thin boy of seven or eight years old. With the help of a maid, he got out of the bed and stepped under the carpet.

The cabin is very gorgeously decorated. All the wood is ancient pineapple wood from the Southern Barbarians. The floor is covered with animal hair carpets from the Kingdom of Kamikaze. The golden lamp on the table is made from the craftsmanship of the Wuyan Kingdom, and the lamp oil comes from the North Wind Kingdom. of whale oil.

"Heng'er, why did you get out of bed?" Ma Ping frowned, stepped forward to support the little boy, and at the same time scolded the young and petite maid: "What did you do? Why didn't you stop the young master?"

The little boy hurriedly interrupted: "Dad, it's none of Sister Hehua's business. I just heard the sound of the strong wind and the waves outside and wanted to take a look." The most special thing about the little boy is that he actually has an eye on his forehead. At this time, he looked at Ma Ping expectantly.

When Ma Ping saw his son like this, his heart softened, and he told the lotus: "Follow and look after the young master, don't make any mistakes." Then he took his son's hand and walked to the deck.

"Wow, what a strong wind, what a spectacular wave." As soon as Ma Yuanheng walked onto the deck, he immediately exclaimed, but due to his young age, he could not find any extra words to describe his feelings.

Ma Ping looked at Ma Yuanheng lovingly: "This time, dad has gathered a lot of spiritual stones. With this cargo, I should be able to ask the immortal of the Yaowang Sect to cure the disease you have carried from your mother's womb. When the time comes, I think Just watch whatever you want!”

Ma Yuanheng blinked his eyes and asked innocently: "Dad, are there really immortals? Can they really cure my disease? Then I can run and jump whenever I want like others." ?"

"Haha, aren't those Taoist priests cultivators of immortality? Besides, don't we, the Three-Eyed Tribe, also have innate magical powers?" Ma Ping smiled and touched his son's head. It turned out that they were one of the hundreds of ancient tribes. The three-eyed clan can release some offensive spells from the eye on their forehead, and as they grow older, the power of the spells will gradually increase. They do not need to practice on their own, but their lifespan and ability to withstand blows are both weak. Just like ordinary people, they are equivalent to ordinary people who can use attack techniques, but they can also practice immortal techniques.

"Well, but they can't fly to the sky and escape from the earth, so they can't be called immortals." Ma Yuanheng shook his head and looked down on those monks at all.

Ma Ping sighed: "How can we easily see the kind of immortals who fly into the sky and escape from the earth? Among our overseas countries, they are all extremely noble. They are either the national master of a country or the leader of a sect. In the future, if If you can become an immortal, my father will die in peace."

Among the hundreds or thousands of small countries overseas, there are only seven or eight monks in the Soul Stage, and no more than sixty in the Qi-Entraining Stage. The reason is that the resources for cultivating immortals are not abundant enough. Only those monks who want to enjoy the prosperity of the human world Only then will they settle in overseas countries.

However, because it is located between the Western Wasteland, the Southern Barbarian Continent, the Fire Islands Sea, the Three Islands Sea, the North Sea Sea and other places, it has become the most prosperous transshipment place for low-level trade, and it has produced some extremely wealthy sea travelers. Even some countries are bought and sold by these big sea travelers.

Behind these big travelers, there are without exception the shadows of those big sects. After all, the high-level goods are carried by monks in storage bags and they can just go through the teleportation array. The low-level goods, such as those medicinal materials needed for the body training period, For some rare and exotic objects with low immortality value, using teleportation arrays or hiring high-level monks would not be worth the gain, so the major sects supported these seafarers.

Ma Ping is regarded as a fourth-level sea traveler. He can neither find a sect to join him, nor has the background of the divine soul or Qi-entraining period. He can only rely on the three-eyed clan's own magical powers to travel long distances by sea and teach some ignorant people a lesson. The low-level monsters and body-building and Qi-nurturing period cultivators, and because of this, he dared to hire the few monks from the Guyun Sect on the ship with confidence.

"Well, I want to be able to run, jump, fly, and shoot a flying sword with a hiss." Ma Yuanheng's face was full of longing, but his attention was quickly diverted: "Dad, look, he's so big Only octopus!”

In the distance, a huge octopus appeared on the sea surface, which was as big as this ship. It opened its teeth and claws to attack something. Ma Ping could only use his third eye to cast some third- and fourth-level spells, so he couldn't feel it. The monks of the Guyun Sect trembled: "Senior Brother Fan, that is a fourth-level monster. "

Fan Yu's expression was ugly: "It should be, but its target is not us, so it shouldn't be a big problem." Even so, his trembling right hand still exposed his true emotions. Several monks in the Qi-nourishing stage plus one in the out-of-body stage , facing that octopus, even ten times more would not be enough to fill that belly!

"Wait, what is that?" Fan Yu looked there in shock.

The transformation of a large monster like an octopus is much more difficult than that of a normal monster, so the humanoid transformation has not yet occurred. At this time, its huge body was tightly entangled in two air currents, one black and one white. Then the body slowly became smaller, and finally it was sucked into something that could not be seen clearly.

Then they saw a young monk wearing a blue robe flying towards them. Ma Yuanheng clapped his hands happily and said, "Dad, look, he is really an immortal! He can fly!"

Ma Ping was stunned to death, wondering if this immortal would steal his goods, which were worth a lot of spiritual stones. The few Guyun Sect monks were also frightened.

With their thoughts in mind, the young monk had already flown to the front, stopped on the deck, and asked with a peaceful smile: "Where is your ship going? If it's going to Nanman, can you take a short trip on Pindao? Okay, Pindao Shixuan, just call me directly."

It turned out that Shi Xuan relied on the astronomical disk and Tai Chi chart. A few days ago, after all the hardships, he finally came out of the fog of space. By identifying the stars in this world, he judged that he was in the Sea of ​​Storms.

Shi Xuan was amazed by the power of Tai Chi Diagram. The golden bridge could not only fix small space cracks, but also if a golden bridge appeared above his head when he was defending, the spells of the ninth level and below would disappear as soon as they reached him. A top-notch magic weapon that combines offense and defense.

Of course, the current golden bridge can only fix the tiniest space cracks, and it will be useless if it is slightly larger. However, Shi Xuan believes that as the number of forbidden layers increases, over time, when the Tai Chi Diagram grows up, the golden bridge it transforms will surely become the world's most powerful one. The nemesis of formations, space cracks, and time vortexes! But this is all about magic weapons or spiritual treasures.

"We are going to the Southern Barbarians. If we can get immortals to stay for a while, it will be a blessing. We will accept it." Ma Ping saw Shi Xuan's kind attitude and friendly expression, and he immediately felt relieved. His strength is on this side. In front of the Immortal Chief, it is definitely not enough. If he wants to rob, there is no need to use roundabout methods.

Fan Yu and other monks stood aside respectfully.

Shi Xuan also spent a lot of time walking through the space fog and was exhausted, so he wanted this sea ship to take him for a ride. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the three-eyed little boy looking at him and curiously asked: "Immortal , are you a fairy?"

"Haha, poor Taoist can't be considered an immortal. Judging from your appearance, you should be from the Three-Eyed Clan, but are you sick?" Shi Xuan asked Ma Yuanheng casually when he saw that Ma Yuanheng was in very poor health.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Ma Ping's mind, and he immediately knelt down: "I would like to ask the Immortal to save my child's life. I beg the Immortal to show mercy."

Shi Xuan used his magic to look at it and found out that it was due to damage to the womb, so the origin was damaged, so he nodded and said: "It happens that the poor man can be cured, so let's consider it as worth the shipping fee."

Hearing that Shi Xuan said it could be cured, Ma Ping really couldn't describe how he felt at the moment. He had been worried about his son's disease day and night for several years, took his son around to seek help from famous doctors and monks, and was disappointed again and again. In the end, this overcame everything. The determination to gamble his wealth to the Yaowang Sect mixed together, brewing a bitter and sad taste, and he kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you, Immortal, thank you Immortal." Tears were streaming down his face.

Fan Yu and several other disciples of the Guyun Sect sneered in their hearts: "This monk named Shi Xuan has such a big tone. What does it mean to be just curable? He didn't even look at my sect master's Qi-entraining achievements and secretly diagnosed him. , they all put the blame on Yaowang Sect. This Shi Xuan is definitely not a senior of the Soul Stage, can he still surpass his own sect leader?"

Shi Xuan didn't know when he had a beautiful vial with a warm white jade body in his hand, and then he shook it casually. With this shake, the big octopus inside turned into dirty blood.

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