Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 145 A little bit of willpower turns around

——Tips and comments from dracon friends.

In the evening, in the palace of the Minister of War and Horses.

"Master, I heard that a true immortal appeared today?" There were a small number of people who looked after the houses and courtyards of each wealthy family. They did not go to the praying platform. At this time, a favored concubine was asking the Minister of War and Horses.

The Minister of War and Horses stroked his beard and remained silent for a long time before he said unconfidently: "I have heard that there are many strange people and strangers overseas. I'm afraid this Immortal is the same." He unconsciously used the title of Immortal.

His wife came over and said with a smile: "Master, you can't say half of what you said. I have heard that there are not only many strange people and gods overseas, but also many gods. After receiving the sweet rain during the day, I feel refreshed and refreshed. I have been suffering from chest tightness for many years. If the dynasty dissipates, Tianxuan Immortal should be a true immortal, otherwise how could he be so magical?" His face exuded the brilliance of faith.

Just as the Minister of War and Horses was about to answer, his daughter ran in with her skirt in hand and said, "Dad, I just went to the palace to ask for the statue of Tianxuan. Where should I place it in the house?"

The Minister of War and Horses glared and was about to get angry, but he swallowed his words again, and finally sighed: "Find someone to clean up a yard in the back, and leave it there. You can worship me, and I won't stop you." "

His daughter said with a smile: "Daddy is really duplicitous. Oh, I'm going to go right now." Then she jumped and ran out.


A poor person's home.

The man who heads the house is carving the wooden statue in his hand, concentrating on it and being extremely pious. The two seven or eight-year-old children next to him could only watch and did not dare to speak.

After finally waiting for the man to finish carving, he solemnly placed the wooden statue in his hand on the cabinet. The slightly older brother asked curiously: "Dad, is this a statue that you can carve yourself? I think many people are like this." Go and pay for it outside the palace.”

The man smiled and shook his head: "Tianxuan Immortal said that he came here because of the sincerity of the king's envoys. It was not for wealth. We have no money, but we carved it by ourselves, but it was better than those who paid for it." A lot of sincerity!”

The younger sister seemed to understand: "Well, by the way, Daddy, you don't have a cough today?"

"Haha, Immortal Tianxuan has cured my tuberculosis. In the future, daddy can work hard to make money so that you will no longer go hungry." The man said with a smile on his face, holding a child in one hand.

"Dad, Immortal Tianxuan came from Penglai Immortal Mountain. Are there many immortals there?" My brother asked longingly, "It would be great if I could go to Penglai Immortal Mountain in the future."

"I want to go too, and so do others." My sister was not to be outdone.


Inside the palace.

After You Yue enjoyed the wine and delicacies, he saluted You Luo and said, "Father, please order that Immortal Tianxuan be crowned as the Right Immortal of our country."

Yuluo sighed and said: "When Immortal Tianxuan left today, he once sent me a message privately, saying that Penglai Immortal Mountain and Changbai Immortal Mountain were on good terms. He also saw that I was sincere this time. The old Immortal of Changbai Immortal Mountain We have something to do, so we don’t want to make a big show of it, so as not to affect the relationship between the two families. "

"But, how can we not let others know about such a huge immortal miracle?" You Yue felt that after today, at least 99% of the people in the capital will worship the Tianxuan Immortal. How could the immortals in Changbai Immortal Mountain not know about it?

Yuluo sneered: "The Taoist master of the Changbai Xianshan sect here, as long as the worship is timely, he will not care what the people believe. He usually hides in the Taoist temple and hangs out with beauties from all ethnic groups. I believe he will not be included when he comes back this time." Outside. As long as we don’t build temples and people worship at home, no one will know about it.”

"By the way, kid, how did you get this strange disease?" Yoro didn't ask before because his son had been unconscious.

You Yue frowned and thought for a while: "The child went hunting outside Shiwanda Mountain and met a beautiful woman. The two of them fell in love, but the woman wanted the child to return to some sect with her, and of course the child refused, so He returned to the country and ended up like this.”


Shi Xuan was walking towards Shiwanda Mountain. There are dots of light all around the body, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and black, with different colors. From a distance, it looks like a fairy Buddha has come to the world.

As for why he didn't fly over, it was because the closer he got to Shiwan Mountain, the tighter the Yaowang Sect's blockade became, especially in the sky, where many formations were deployed. In this case, flying over directly would inevitably involve many interrogations from the Yaowang Sect. Shi Xuan felt it was troublesome, so he simply added the magic talisman and walked over. In this way, even if he encountered interrogations, he would only encounter them once or twice at most.

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head as he looked at the stars around him. They were all floating around him like fireflies of different colors, and they were like believers praying to him, rising and falling around his body. Unexpectedly, this group of Chetuo Kingdom played the game of gods descending to the earth so grandly and spectacularly that they suddenly gained tens of thousands of followers, and the incense and wishes around them were continuously transmitted from the void.

In Pingbo City, I used the Tongxin Jade Pendant to contact Ming Qingyue, but Ming Qingyue had been away for some time and had probably gone out of the range of effect, so no one responded. Therefore, Shi Xuan prepared things to be used in Chetuo Kingdom, such as seeds of various strange flowers like auspicious flowers and fairy flowers, and golden lotus seeds, and then left Pingbo City and came to Chetuo Kingdom.

During the seven days of burning incense and fasting, Shi Xuan buried the golden lotus seeds in advance on the platform for praying to the sky, and prepared a relatively large magic array, which was mainly used to produce a cappella singing of fairy sounds and gather the emotions of everyone.

When praying to heaven, Shi Xuan used the golden bridge of the Tai Chi diagram and the invisibility spell to walk behind the portrait, and then used illusion magic to create a scene of walking out of the painting. The flowers were soaked in sweet rain and spread out using magic. The growth of vegetation was Because of the rain of rain, the ten drops of rain that Shi Xuan converted into a large octopus were basically used up, but the effect was surprisingly good.

Shi Xuan's thoughts changed slightly, and the Tai Chi diagram in Dantian shook slightly, and the incense and wish power entered the Dantian, and then was suppressed in the Tai Chi diagram. The spots of light around Shi Xuan's body suddenly disappeared and he became like a normal person again.

For monks who follow the Shinto path, the more incense and aspiration power the better, but for me, it is an unnecessary burden. Although I can use the method of "Incense Alchemy Body" to condense a Shinto halo, Or adding some special functions when refining magic weapons, but this also means accepting offerings from others, and from now on, you will have to bear the karma of tens of thousands of people. After all, you are not cultivating the divine way, and you have no ability to give back!

Although he has the Tai Chi diagram to suppress cause and effect, it is always not beautiful. After thinking for a moment, Shi Xuan remembered the Fang family in the land of Middle Earth. He not only gave her guidance, but also gave her Shinto skills. In total, he was kind to her, so why not Find a way to transfer this incense and wish to her, which will not only solve your own problems, but also give her a boost. As for how to do it, Shi Xuan is not a Shinto monk, so he can only wait until he reaches the land of Middle-earth and discuss it with Fang before making a decision.

Thinking of the scene in Chetuo Kingdom and the feeling of superiority, Shi Xuan sighed, no wonder many monks want to cultivate immortality and seek Taoism. Immortality is one aspect, and being non-mundane is another aspect. Of course, they must enjoy it without being addicted, otherwise they will I will grieve my inner demons.

Shi Xuan took out the yin and yang two gas bottles and held them in his hand. When he took those Gu insects in, Shi Xuan felt the soul that was connected with the Gu insects, but that soul was deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. For a moment and a half, Can't make it.

Now knowing from the conversation between Yuluo and his son, Shi Xuan passed the news to Yu Kaishan through the Tongxin Jade Pendant, and then shook the Yin and Yang cylinder, and the Gu insects immediately turned into dirty blood.


Poof, a beautiful woman in scantily clad clothes suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. A more beautiful woman next to her asked, "Junior sister, what are you doing?"

"My Gu insect was destroyed." The beautiful woman said harshly.

"Haha, I told you a long time ago that if you want to tie up a man, you can't rely on that kind of Gu. It's better to use Heart Gu, Life and Death Gu, Spiritual Rhythm Gu, etc. Think about me, senior sister, but so many men are obsessed with me, and they can't help themselves. Look at how you look now, junior sister, you are so pitiful." This beautiful senior sister said sarcastically.

The beautiful junior sister gave her a cold look: "Senior Sister Amiao, I don't want my man to like me because of the Gu worm. So, does he like the Gu worm or me?"

"Hmph, can you find the murderer of your Gu insect? If you can't find it, go back to the sect. The master said that there are distinguished guests coming recently." Senior Sister Amiao also had a stern look on her face.

"I can't find it. That person was very careful and didn't get the breath of my Gu. Let's go back." Junior sister said in frustration.


When Shi Xuan was about to enter Shiwanda Mountain, several people suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the road fortress. Their robes were all different, but they all had a medicine cauldron embroidered on their chests. The medicine cauldrons come in different sizes. It was the King of Medicine. People of the sect.

One of the pair of innocent and somewhat foxy sisters came out, with two fox ears on their heads and a fluffy tail swinging back and forth. They were extremely cute. They turned out to be monks from the fox tribe.

The slightly taller and more indifferent sister looked at Shi Xuan and said, "Who are you? Why do you want to enter the Shiwan Mountain?" According to Shi Xuan's sect common sense, the medicine cauldron pattern on their chests occupied the left heart of the Taoist robe. , should be inner disciples, and the auras on their bodies also indicate that they are in the Qi-entraining stage.

"I sent Shi Xuan from Penglai to search for evil spirits in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. I wonder what happened to your sect?" Shi Xuan replied politely, but he did not show weakness. The Hundred Thousand Mountains stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles, and there are many monsters and beasts in them. It is a forbidden area of ​​the Yaowang Sect, and many casual cultivators on the Southern Barbarian Continent have lived there for a long time.

The slightly immature sister flicked her tail, took a mirror to sense it, and then said to her sister: "It's not that traitor, the soul imprint is wrong."

The sister nodded and said coldly: "Then you go into the mountain."

Shi Xuan didn't answer. He passed them and walked straight into Shiwanda Mountain. It seemed that the person Yaowang Sect was looking for also came to Shiwandashan. Moreover, Yaowang Sect obviously wanted to keep it secret, so they didn't take it. Showing portraits and stuff like that and asking if you’ve seen them before.

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