Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 146 Miao Village in the Hundred Thousand Mountains

——Thanks to the King of Carrots and my lover of little people for the reward. I also accidentally learned yesterday that many friends have read the book and forgot to save it. Please click to save it to support it. Thank you.

Shi Xuan climbed mountains and waded all the way, and after killing many monsters, he finally arrived at the approximate location given by his master, a Miao village located on a gentle hill. According to what the master said, when he traveled around the world, he had visited the Chijia Village and even had a relationship with their village owner. The Yin-Yang True Evil was near the Chijia Village, but Mo Yuan did not give the Yin-Yang True Evil. The specific location of the evil spirit was probably saved for Shi Xuan to find on his own, so that he could have some hard work in it.

Since he was an old friend of his master, Shi Xuan had no choice but to pay a visit. At the same time, he also had to use this village as a focal point to slowly search for the true evil spirit of Yin and Yang.

Shi Xuan walked through some fields opened by the Chi family and came to the gate of the village. Two men with colorfully painted faces stepped forward to stop him and babbled. Fortunately, Shi Xuan used telepathy on himself. , finally understood what it meant: "Who are you? What are you doing in our Chijiazhai?"

After transforming his words with magic, Shi Xuan replied: "Shi Xuan, a poor Taoist, was ordered by Master Mo Yuan to find the master of Chi Zhi Chi Village."

The two men looked at each other with strange eyes, and then one of them separated to report the news to the village.

After a while, a bright and beautiful girl, wearing traditional Miao clothes and a headscarf, walked out quickly. She was fourteen or fifteen years old, with some sadness in her eyebrows and a slightly excited look. She met Shi Xuan Then he immediately saluted solemnly: "Chi Yao pays homage to my uncle!"

Shi Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, uncle? Well, the master is about one hundred and thirty years old. He must have been traveling around the world more than ninety years ago. According to the calculation of a normal person's 20 to 30 years, this Chiyao girl calls her great-uncle It was very reasonable, so he signaled Chi Yao not to be too polite: "I wonder where the old village master of Chi Zhi is?"

"My ancestor has been dead for almost a century." Chi Yao smiled bitterly, "I wonder what happened to my uncle? Is there anyone Chi Yao can help?"

Only then did Shi Xuan realize that the old leader of the Chizhi Village was probably not a monk, so he could not live for such a long time. However, there were many monsters and beasts in this hundred thousand mountains. How could the Chizhi Village survive? This question in his mind must not be asked directly, so he responded calmly: "I was originally ordered by my master to come here to visit the old village master of Chizhi and get some news. Now that the old village master of Chizhi has passed away, Pindao Just offer a stick of incense on behalf of the master."

Chi Yao pouted: "Uncle comes here, if he just offers a stick of incense and then leaves, people from other villages will say that our Chi family village does not treat guests well. Besides, if uncle wants to find out information, Chi Yao can invite the villagers The old people inside came out to ask my uncle for help."

"That's very good. The poor Taoist will stay in the village for a few days. I also ask Miss Chi Yao to ask the elderly people if they have seen any cold and masculine evil spirits nearby." Shi Xuan did not refuse. I plan to stay in Chijiazhai for a few days. Firstly, it is convenient to search for evil spirits. Secondly, the person Yaowang Sect is searching for has entered Shiwanda Mountain. If I stay out at night like this, I will inevitably encounter some unnecessary troubles.

Chi Yao showed a bright smile, like the clear sky with the beginning of rain and snow: "Uncle, our generation gap is too big, you should just call Chi Yao by his first name, or Xiao Yao."

While talking, she enthusiastically stepped forward to support Shi Xuan and walked into the village. Shi Xuan did not refuse her kindness, but the Tai Chi figure in the Dantian was still on standby, just to be on guard against others.

When they walked into the village, the Miao people they met looked at the two of them curiously. Some even turned around and left immediately, as if they were reporting to someone.

Shi Xuan could feel that Chi Yao's hand supporting him was trembling a little, and her heart was beating fast. However, she looked as normal on the surface and could not tell at all: "Uncle, you will stay at Xiao Yao's house later, the two of them. "Most of the houses in the village are bamboo houses, and only a few are bamboo houses.

Just as Shi Xuan was about to answer Chi Yao's words, several men from the Miao family walked towards him. The leader was a tall, ferocious-looking young man. He asked in a vicious tone: "Xiao Yao, who is this? ! You are almost mine, how can you support another man?"

Chi Yao showed no signs of weakness and said: "Zhang Qi, this is the apprentice of my ancestor's friend. He is my great-uncle. What's wrong with me, a junior, supporting an elder? Besides, what do you mean I'm almost yours? I tell you You, unless I, Chi Yao, are dead, don’t have any illusions. Also, I am the leader of Chi Family Village, so please speak with respect!"

A short sentence made Shi Xuan smell the smell of dog blood, and he also understood some of the reasons why Chi Yao was so enthusiastic. However, now was not the time to interrupt, so Shi Xuan stood there and watched with unchanged expression.

"Yes, the little village leader! But the whole village supports me marrying you. You have to marry me even if you don't want to. Let's go!" Zhang Qi deliberately accentuated the small words, and then looked at Shi Xuan with a fierce look. Then he turned around and left with a few men.

When Chi Yao saw Zhang Qi leaving, she didn't say anything. She lowered her head so that Shi Xuan couldn't see her expression, and then continued to help Shi Xuan towards the two-story bamboo building.

As soon as he entered the small bamboo building, Chi Yao closed the door, leaned his back on the door, and slowly shrank down to the ground. He hugged his knees and cried softly. After a while, he stopped, raised a tearful face, and looked at Looking at Shi Xuan who had found a stool in front of him and sat down, he blushed and said with embarrassment, "Uncle, you are just laughing. Xiao Yao just couldn't control herself."

Shi Xuan didn't say anything, and just looked at her with the corner of his mouth slightly raised. When Chi Yao saw Shi Xuan's half-smiling expression, and his eyes that seemed to understand the world, but also had a hint of childish purity, a flash of light flashed in Chi Yao's mind. , knowing that his thoughts had been seen through, he immediately knelt down respectfully, sobbing and kowtowing: "Please, uncle, please save Xiaoyao."

"Just now, Xiaoyao was filled with excitement when she heard that she was a disciple of ancestor Mo Yuan. My ancestor once told future generations that his friend Mo Yuan had the power to reach heaven and earth. He was a first-class living god. In the future, If we meet again by chance, we must serve Ancestor Mo Yuan as we serve him.”

"Xiao Yao thought that since your uncle is a disciple of the living ancestor Mo Yuan, he must be extremely powerful, so he saw a turning point in despair. He supported you so affectionately before, and asked him not to Sorry."

Chi Yao talked over and over again, finally speaking out what was in her heart, and then looked at Shi Xuan with pleading eyes.

"Get up now and tell me all the causes and consequences. Only a poor Taoist can help you." Shi Xuan looked at the Qi and saw that the strength of the people in the Chijia Village was not very strong. The strongest ones only had a few out-of-body stages. , but it is not the out-of-body period of spiritual cultivation, but the subtle state of martial arts training. Therefore, there is no problem in helping a group of descendants of the master's friends.

Chi Yao stood up happily, and then respectfully served Shi Xuan: "This matter must start from three years ago. At that time, when my father and several uncles from the family were hunting, they met someone who could transform into a human being. The monsters (in the entrainment period) were all killed.”

Intermittently, Chi Yao finally explained the matter clearly. Although Chijiazhai was called Chijiazhai, there were not only people with the surname Chi in it, but also people with surnames such as Zhang, Fang, Liu, Xi, and Fu. In-law relationships serve as a bond to unite the people together, but the leader of the village must be a member of Chigu's family who led them through all the difficulties to build the village, that is, Chi Yao's family.

After Chi Yao's father and several brothers were killed, the older generation had long since disappeared, so the next generation Chi Yao served as the leader of the village. After all, she was the oldest among the few remaining children of the same family with the surname Chi. The children ranged from two to three to five or six years old, and there had been precedents for women to serve as village leaders before, so no one objected.

However, Chi Yao himself had no talent for practicing martial arts, especially when it came to practicing the Seven White Tiger Swordsmanship passed down from his family. Three years later, he had not been able to achieve even a small degree of success in any of the sword techniques. Moreover, in the past three years, , their forest was encroached a lot by Panjiazhai, Yaojiazhai, etc., forcing many people in the village to go into deeper jungles for hunting. There are far more powerful monsters there than in the forests that have been developed, so Many people died.

Under this situation, another family named Zhang family proposed that their son Zhang Qi should join Chi's family to help Chi Yao take charge of things in the village. Zhang Qi is the number one master of the younger generation. The Zhang family's ancestral mountain-splitting sword technique has been mastered. However, his internal strength is far from advanced and he cannot advance to the next level.

Of course Chi Yao didn't like Zhang Qi, and the Zhang family had relied on its large number of people in recent years, and there were faint signs of disobedience to the village leader's orders, so she immediately refused. What she didn't expect was that the other surnames, including Chi Everyone inside the house began to persuade her to accept Zhang Qi. Later, they all thought that if she did not marry Zhang Qi, she would be the main culprit for the decline of the village.

Chi Yao looks soft and young, and her mother also passed away in the past three years. She seems to be easily swayed by everyone's will, but in fact she is very stubborn and a bit rebellious at heart. The more she is forced, the less she agrees, but In recent times, everyone seemed to be trying to force her, which made Chi Yao, who was not very good at martial arts, feel uneasy. The appearance of Shi Xuan made Chi Yao feel like she had grasped the last straw.

"Why are the older generations of your family gone?" Since Shi Xuan decided to help, he naturally had to ask clearly and be careful about the Wannian Ship.

Chi Yao smiled bitterly: "The White Tiger's Seven Swordsmanship is a very murderous sword technique. If used for a long time, it will definitely hurt one's body. Therefore, most of our Chi family members will not survive half a hundred years, but it is an ancestral technique and is powerful. If you practice it, When you reach great success, you can even enter the subtle realm to kill monsters that can transform into humans."

That's it, but the master was here before, why didn't he help his friend solve this problem? Shi Xuan then asked: "When the master came here, did he improve the White Tiger Seven Swordsman?"

"Ancestor Mo Yuan did think about it, but this sword technique was passed down from ancient times, and he couldn't improve it, and there was no other equally powerful martial arts to replace it, so he persuaded my ancestor to practice with him, but the price was to give up White Tiger Seven swords, my ancestor refused after considering it." Chi Yao's answer solved Shi Xuan's doubts.

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