Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 147: Subduing everyone with a little trick

——There was a party in the evening, and I finally finished this chapter before getting off work.

Although the Seven Swords of the White Tiger passed down from ancient times made Shi Xuan a little curious, there are still other questions to ask: "Then how did your Chijiazhai survive in these hundreds of thousands of mountains? There is nothing powerful nearby. Monsters, but further into the depths of the jungle, there are still many entrainment periods. Well, they are monster beasts that can transform into humans. If they just pass by one, you will have to destroy the village and kill people. "

The pear vortex loomed on Chi Yao's left: "The mountains and forests with a radius of tens of thousands of miles are the territory of the Qingzhu Peak Gu Shen Sect. As long as we hand in the offerings on time, they will keep the place safe. Of course, there will definitely be some omissions, like my father This is how they suffered. However, most of the time, the village was safe. Even if a powerful monster attacked, the Gu Shen Sect would set up a formation to resist for a while, and then someone from the Gu Shen Sect would come to kill the monster. beast."

After a pause, she continued: "And many land gods are looking for monsters in the mountains and forests outside, so those monsters don't dare to come out of the mountains." She didn't have any common sense in the world of cultivation, except for knowing a Gu Outside of the Shen Sect, even the casual cultivators who hunt monsters outside are regarded as land gods. Although there are indeed many Qi-entraining stage monks and even masters of the Divine Soul stage, the latter two should not go deep into the Hundred Thousand Mountains. People from Chijiazhai can easily encounter them.

Shi Xuan nodded, finally understanding the background of Chijiazhai: "I wonder how you want Pindao to help you? Kill all the Zhang family members? But this will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Pindao cannot stay here forever. . Then you will never be forced to marry the Fang family, Liu family, Xi family, etc."

Chi Yao was speechless and didn't know how to answer. Although she was agile and smart, she was too young and had not thought deeply about many things.

"I want to ask you, do you want to be the leader of the village?" Shi Xuan had no choice but to use questions to inspire her.

"I don't want to. I have a lot to do, a lot of pressure, and I have to lead everyone hunting, and my martial arts skills are not enough." Chi Yao answered simply.

"That's not good. Don't you still have a few younger brothers? The older ones are eight or nine years old. They are almost the same age as you when you became the leader of the village. You can definitely become the leader of the village." Shi Xuan said calmly. smiled.

Chi Yao looked panicked: "No, if I hadn't been the leader of the village and the leader recognized by Gu Shen Sect, they would have tied me into the bridal chamber."

Shi Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and he understood in his heart why Chi Yao's family could always serve as the leader of the village, especially when there were still a few orphans and widowed mothers, and the Zhang family had to use this roundabout way to achieve the purpose of controlling the village. From another perspective, the Zhang family has not yet established a relationship with the Gu Shen Sect, so this matter is easier to handle: "Isn't there still Pindao still there? After you made your younger brother the leader of the village, you used his age as the excuse. When you are young, set up an elders' association and let elders from all surnames join and be responsible for the daily affairs of the village. This is called delegating power. In this way, after they become managers, they will not be able to let you marry Zhang Qi because of the decline of the village. Because that’s their business to deal with, not you.”

"The other surnames are not as powerful as the Zhang surname. If you want to have more say in the elders' association, some of them will naturally unite and use your name to fight against the Zhang surname. This is called division. Then, you will no longer be alone. Instead of facing everyone in the village, we have a solid backing to face two or three other people."

Shi Xuan methodically analyzed it for Chi Yao. Chi Yao's panicked expression slowly disappeared and she nodded frequently. Finally, Shi Xuan said: "Then Pindao will show some tricks. Since the Zhang family has little benefit from getting you, he will never dare to take such risks again. You are not the leader of the village, and your martial arts are poor. In addition to being young and beautiful, what else does the Zhang family value in you? If Zhang Qi wants to act, it will only be his personal behavior and his family’s behavior, and it has nothing to do with the Zhang surname. Isn’t this the case?”

Chi Yao pouted at Shi Xuan's last words. Is he that bad? However, she still had an important question to ask: "But, didn't the leader of the village become a puppet? How many inheritances have been passed down in our Chi family?" Thousands of years."

Shi Xuan said in a serious tone as he taught the younger generation: "So, no matter how many methods you use, they are only for a temporary purpose. Only your own strength is the foundation. You must remember this."

"Xiao Yao must remember your uncle's words." Chi Yao admired Shi Xuan more and more, looking at this young uncle with admiring eyes. I heard that the age of the land gods is much older than their appearance. This My uncle has good knowledge and good vision. He must be an old man who has lived for hundreds of years!

"As long as the leader of your Chi family has good martial arts skills when he grows up, and then contacts the Gu Shen Sect, it will be easy to regain his position. But will others let him grow up? Will others get involved with the Gu Shen Sect during this period? ? These are beyond your control. This is because you are not strong enough. Speaking of which, if Zhang Qi comes in and rapes you in the middle of the night, will you be able to resist? " Shi Xuan continued to remind Chi Yao.

"But Xiaoyao really has no talent for martial arts, especially those who wield swords and sticks." Chi Yao looked at Shi Xuan pitifully.

Shi Xuan took out a jade slip and told Chi Yao: "Bring a stack of white paper."

Chi Yao entered the room with anticipation and took out a roll of white cloth: "Uncle, is this an immortal technique? Do you want to teach it to me? Also, there is only yellow paper, why not just use these white cloths?"

"Okay." Shi Xuan picked up the jade slip and put it on the white cloth. The white cloth rolled on its own, and soon it was filled with words. Chi Yao's eyes sparkled: "Is this the magic of immortality? It's so magical!"

"Although the poor Taoist will not accept you as his disciple, he can still teach you ordinary immortal skills. Of course, if you can't learn it, then forget about everything and find a good man who can stand up to Zhang Qi and marry him as soon as possible. "If you can get started, if you have any questions, please ask me for help." Shi Xuan interrupted Chi Yao's thoughts and gave her some hope.

"Yes." Although he can't be accepted as a disciple by his uncle, it is still very good to have a copy of Immortal Dao Kung Fu! So Chi Yao smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed.

"I see that your body is soft and watery, so this "Rou Shui Jue" is suitable for you. Read it first, and then I will explain it to you." Shi Xuan pointed to the white cloth on the table.

The next day, Chi Yao immediately boldly visited the elders of the non-family surnames Fang, Liu, Xi, Fu, and Chi. In the afternoon of the same day, these elders announced that Chi Yao had not performed well in the past three years. , so he volunteered to let his cousin Chi Mo take over as the leader of the village. Since Chi Mo was only nine years old, an elders association was established to help him decide on affairs.

Only at this time did the Zhang surname know these things, but because several surnames joined forces across the street, and the Elders Association also had quotas for them, and there were quite a few, so they had to hold their noses and admit it.

The attention in the village to Chi Yao's marriage was basically gone at once. After all, Chi Yao was not very old. Only Zhang Qi continued to remember this matter.

That night, in order to celebrate the establishment of the Elders Association, fires were lit one after another in the village. Thousands of people sang and danced, ate meat in large chunks and drank wine in large bowls.

"Xiao Yao, I heard that the pretty boy in your family is some kind of living god?" Zhang Qi led a group of people and surrounded Chi Yao while he was drunk, shouting loudly that the other people who were singing and dancing, drinking and eating meat, and talking next to him, Everyone stopped and looked at Chi Yao. Chi Yao, who had not had any good tricks for three years, played a wonderful move today after a guest came yesterday. If you say that it has nothing to do with the guest, everyone will definitely not believe it.

"Oh, is this kid looking for a poor man?" Shi Xuan walked over. Today he asked the old people in the village and the strong men who often go out for hunting. There is no trace of Yin and Yang Zhensha within a few hundred miles, but there are some other evil spirits. , it seems that the area near Chijiazhai mentioned by the master will be greatly discounted. Seeing Zhang Qi stir up trouble at this time was in line with Shi Xuan's wishes. Otherwise, there would be no chance to show off his methods, so he used a condescending tone.

Zhang Qi was very angry at Shi Xuan's tone, and because he was drunk, he took a large jar of wine and said, "You, aren't you a living god? You have the ability to drink all this wine!"

Although others don't think Shi Xuan can't drink it, especially those warriors who have entered the subtle realm, they can feel the faint pressure on Shi Xuan's body, and are even more sure that this young Taoist priest can drink it, but how strong he is, now it is time to see It was a good opportunity, so everyone turned their attention to Shi Xuan.

"Let's do this. I'll drink from a jar, and you drink from a bowl." After finishing speaking, Shi Xuan didn't wait for Zhang Qi to reply. He picked up the big jar and raised his head to drink. After a while, Shi Xuan turned the jar upside down. Come here, not a drop of wine left.

Zhang Qi couldn't stand Shi Xuan's slightly mocking eyes and said loudly: "Okay, I'll drink." He picked up a bowl of wine from the person next to him and drank it, then looked at Shi Xuan provocatively, "If you have the ability, you can drink!"

Shi Xuan smiled and said nothing. He walked a few steps to the wine jar and drank.

One altar, two altars, three altars... At the beginning, the people in Chijiazhai next to them were still calm, but as Shi Xuan drank more and more, their eyes became wider and wider. When Shi Xuan drank on the fiftieth altar, , some people have already begun to rub their eyes, and others want to stare at Shi Xuan's belly. Where did all the wine go? There is no bulge in the stomach either! Could it be that he is really a living god? !

For the people in Chijiazhai, the few monks they usually see are below the Qi-entraining stage. Although the people from Gu Shen Sect are strong, they are cultivating with the life of their own Gu insects. They may be better than Shi Xuan in terms of insidiousness and weirdness. But when it comes to the authentic methods of Taoism, the difference cannot be explained by Taoism.

A small blind trick and the shrinking of the yin and yang gas bottles hidden in the mouth shocked the people of Chijiazhai! Is it possible that there is as much wine in their village as there is in a big lake? !

Zhang Qi checked the soil where Shi Xuan was standing in disbelief and found that no wine had been poured on it. He looked up at Shi Xuan in horror: "It must be an illusion, it must be an illusion." Zhang Qi still seemed a little bit confused. Knowledgeable.

"Since you said it was an illusion, where is the illusion? Where is the wine?" Shi Xuan looked at Zhang Qi indifferently.

Zhang Qi touched the wine jars and found that there was indeed no wine in them. At this time, he was awakened from the drunkenness, but he still refused to admit defeat and said: "I, I don't believe that you are a living god. If you have the ability, you can call the wind and rain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the originally dark sky seemed darker, and then strong winds blew, and layers of light black mist suddenly appeared around the fire.

Then it started to rain lightly in the village. The rainwater was so mellow that it turned out to be fine wine. Just the smell of it was much better than the wine in the village.

"Fairy wine rains down from the sky, and the poor Taoist returns on a dragon." In the rain and fog, the people in Chijiazhai only saw the young Taoist priest chanting two sentences, and then a huge black dragon with sharp scales and horns flew out from nowhere and lay down respectfully. At Shi Xuan's feet, the young Taoist of average stature stepped on it, and then the black dragon carried Shi Xuan and flew leisurely back to Chi Yao's two-story bamboo building.

With a thud, one of the Chijiazhai people's legs went weak and he knelt down in the rain. With a thud, everyone knelt down one after another, muttering to themselves: "Living gods!"

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