Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 148 Searching for evil spirits and encountering fights

——Thanks to friends Guomu 3, Lightning Hunter, and Yuelou Kong for their rewards.

In the primeval forest with towering ancient trees, Shi Xuan was walking back. In the past half month, he had searched hundreds of miles around, but he found no shadow of Yin Yang Zhensha. The neighborhood mentioned by the master was really "nearby"!

Because of the huge tree cover, it is difficult to find the location of evil spirits from the sky, so Shi Xuan will first look at the places where there are evil spirits, and then walk through the forest to check. Of course, this cannot find all the evil spirits. After all, there are many The evil spirit is in the cave and cannot be seen by looking at it.

Suddenly, a white brilliance and a red brilliance flew from a distance, with the red brilliance behind and the white brilliance in front. They collided fiercely while flying, and loud sounds of fighting were heard from time to time.

The two rays of light were fighting inextricably. From time to time they would entangle each other and fall into the forest, and from time to time they would rush into the sky together. After a fierce fight, the white light would surge up and strike hard at the red light, but the red light would not show any weakness. , also emitted a dazzling light and rushed forward. Bang, there was a loud noise, two rays of light fell down at the same time, and the birds and animals in the entire primeval forest fled in panic. Then the two rays of light soared into the sky at the same time, first flying rapidly for dozens of miles, and then fighting fiercely again.

In this way, the two rays of light were chasing and fighting, and the other was fighting and escaping. After a while, they disappeared into the distant sky.

Shi Xuan judged from the level of fighting that it should be at the level of the Soul Stage. However, since it had nothing to do with him, he decided to return to the village with peace of mind and expand the scope tomorrow to continue searching for evil spirits.

"Uncle, you are back." Chi Yao stood pretty at the entrance of the village. At this time every day, she would wait here to welcome Shi Xuan back. According to her, this was a sign of respecting the teacher.

Chi Yao still has some talent for cultivation, and has mastered "Rou Shui Jue" in the past half month. In addition, she has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, so her cultivation has progressed rapidly, and her mood has completely gone away from her previous self-pity. Sad, become more lively and cheerful.

"Well, do you have any problems today?" Shi Xuan was very satisfied with Chi Yao's cultivation status, and he would leave after finding the evil spirit, so he mainly asked Chi Yao if he had any problems.

Chi Yao's two rows of small white teeth were slightly exposed: "Xiao Yao has sorted out today's problems. I will come over and ask for advice after you take a break."

The two of them walked towards the village while talking. Everyone they met, whether they were strong men, old or weak women and children, were all respectful to Shi Xuan. Some even knelt down beside them and waited for Shi Xuan to pass by before getting up. . That night, the illusion of riding a dragon back with the evil spirit of the black dragon in the ecstasy flag shocked the whole Chi family village. And when they heard that Chi Yao had learned the magic from the gods, they were all jealous.

In the early morning after that day, Zhang Qi, who had been frightened all night because he had offended the gods, knelt in front of Chiyao's small bamboo building. Finally, Shi Xuanluo used a spell to slap himself hundreds of times in front of everyone. The red and swollen face was put away.

Moreover, in Shi Xuan's heart, Zhang Qi was sentenced to death, because after being slapped, his heart was full of resentment. On this point, Shi Xuan's spiritual sense would not feel wrong, so he decided to find an opportunity to make him in a few days. The accidental death of a monster will cause endless harm to some people if they do not eradicate the root cause.

As for why he was not killed in person to establish his prestige, and why he had to use proof and deterrence methods to handle the matter, that was because it was Chi Yao's business, not Shi Xuan's own.

For Shi Xuan, the most direct and simple way to deal with it is to kill. If one refuses to accept, kill one, and if two refuse to accept, kill a pair. Kill until everyone is convinced. With the overwhelming strength shown as a "living god", kill With just a few people, the whole village will be submissive, but will this solve Chi Yao's problem?

The premise to know is that several surnames in Chijiazhai have been married to each other for unknown generations. The relationship has long been entangled. There may be internal battles, but it is another matter when outsiders interfere.

Shi Xuan will not stay here for long. He will leave immediately after finding the evil spirit, which will take no more than two or three months. After that, Chi Yao will 90% be in the fearful but hateful mood of most people. They are afraid that the immortal will come again in the future, and they will definitely not dare to cause any real harm to Chi Yao. However, the vast majority of the entire village is indifferent, indifferent, and hateful. , If you are hostile to Chi Yao, how can Chi Yao's living situation be better than before Shi Xuan dealt with it?

Of course, there will definitely be a small number of people who want to get close to Chi Yao because they want to be appreciated by the immortals and want to learn Chi Yao's immortal skills. But what good does the favor of such people do to Chi Yao?

Depending on the purpose you want to achieve, the means you use will naturally be different, that's all.

After entering the small bamboo building, Chi Yao waited for Shi Xuan to finish his practice homework, then came to ask for advice on his practice problems and brought a booklet at the same time.

"Uncle, didn't you say you wanted to see our Seven White Tiger Swordsmen?" After Chi Yao asked the question, he handed the pamphlet to Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan was indeed a little curious about this martial arts technique passed down from ancient times. .

This booklet only has seven pages, and each page has a sword style. Every time you turn a page, there is a strong murderous aura. The White Tiger's Seven Swords are actually practiced with sword intent. No wonder it can kill and draw the aura into the subtle realm. Expect.

In this universe, there is not only a method of cultivating the soul, but also a method of cultivating the physical body, which can become an immortal body. It is just because Taoist Yu Yu who created this big world cultivates the soul, so in Yu Yu Whether it is the authentic Taoist sect or a side sect with a different approach like the Gu Shen Sect, most of the techniques spread in the world are the methods of the Yuan Shen.

The sword intention of the White Tiger's Seven Swordsmanship is the martial arts Kungfu that matches the physical training method. It can use itself as a small world and use the sword style as a link to attract the outside world, thereby doubling the power of the swordsmanship. Its martial arts status in physical training It is similar to the position of Sword Qi Leiyin in Yuanshen Swordsmanship.

The only difference is that Sword Intention can be practiced in the subtle realm (out-of-body stage), while Sword Qi Leiyin has to reach the Divine Soul stage.

The reason why the Chiyao clan practiced sword intention until they died young is because they only had martial arts skills and no basic physical training methods. The strength of the physical body could not withstand the backlash of the sword intention. This is also the reason why Mo Yuan cannot improve. Once improved, without practicing the sword intention, it will be no different from ordinary sword skills. Similarly, if you want to take the path of soul, you must give up the White Tiger Seven Swordsmanship.

For the Chi Yao clan, the fundamental solution is to find a true method of physical cultivation. Although it may not necessarily match the sword intention, at least it will not survive less than half a hundred.

Shi Xuan closed the book. The Seven White Tiger Swordsmanship was an excellent martial arts technique, but it was useless to practice it on his own. Unless he gave up the path of the soul and cultivated the immortal body instead, it was clear at a glance which one he should choose.

"Your sword skills are excellent, but you lack the most basic physical training method, so you are injured by the sword. If you want to solve it, you can only see if you have the opportunity to obtain the true physical method in the future." Shi Xuan handed the booklet back to Chi Yao.

Chi Yao also embraced Shi Xuan's idea of ​​improving his sword skills, so he smiled and said: "So that's the case. Ancestor Mo didn't explain the reason at the beginning. According to the few words left by my ancestors, it should have been caused by the split during the migration. The true Dharma is lost.”


at night.

When Shi Xuan was taking a rest in Xuwaiwai, he suddenly noticed that many people were walking towards the village. From his spiritual sense, he could see that the men who had gone hunting during the day had returned, but there were only a few people inside. The breath of the monks, some of them have the pressure of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they should be monks in the Qi-entraining stage, but one monk is just like an ordinary person, making Shi Xuan unable to judge whether he is a divine soul or below the Qi-entraining stage. His aura is unstable, like He was seriously injured.

When a monk came, Shi Xuan naturally couldn't sit still. Just when he was considering whether to pry in private or to greet him openly, he heard Chi Yao walking towards his room.

"Uncle, are you asleep? I have something to ask you." Chi Yao gently knocked on Shi Xuan's door.

Shi Xuan returned calmly: "Come in."

Chi Yao opened the door and saw Shi Xuan sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking at him with a normal expression. She saluted: "Uncle, Zhang Qi and the others just sent someone back to report the matter. They said that they met some land gods on the road and wanted to stay in our village for a night and borrow one of our village's formations. use."

"Did you say which sect he is from?" This is the question that Shi Xuan is most concerned about.

Chi Yao rubbed her hair: "It is said to be the Changbai Immortal Mountain Medicine King Sect. I seem to have heard it mentioned by the adults who went out to buy daily necessities in the mountain before. It is said to be a sect that is far more powerful than the Gu Shen Sect."

If it is the Yaowang Sect, this matter will be troublesome. Seeing that they still want to borrow the formations in the village, the trouble will be even greater. But the trouble has already been caused. If they are not allowed to borrow it now, the entire village may not be able to use it. After all, no one knew whether the forces that were chasing after him would easily wipe out Chijiazhai. Moreover, if they didn't borrow it, these people from Yaowang Sect might destroy Chijiazhai by now.

Outside, there is a seriously injured Soul Stage, four or five Qi-Entraining Stages, and I have tried my best to deal with them, but it is not necessarily impossible to deal with them. The question is, why should I deal with them? I haven’t even figured out who is chasing them, Mao Mao. It would be easy to kill his helpers if he acted rashly, so Shi Xuan stood up and told Chi Yao: "Take me there and listen to what they say."

Seeing that Shi Xuan was in charge, Chi Yao immediately took Shi Xuan and walked outside.

At this time, there was a fierce argument at the gate of the village.

"We can't let them in! Who knows what danger they bring!" An elder named Fang said loudly. Just after he finished speaking, he was pulled by his younger brother, who gestured with his mouth that there are land gods over there. Be gentle.

Elder Fang finally came to his senses and suddenly felt a little scared. However, remembering that there was a living god backing him up in the village, he still looked at the opposite side confidently.

In addition to Zhang Qi and other men who were out hunting in the village, there were five strangers opposite. Two of them were a pair of sisters from the fox tribe, one was a middle-aged Taoist priest with a high crown and robes, and the other was a calm and handsome young man. A pair of sisters from the fox race are supporting a young woman wearing ice green robes. The woman has distant mountains as her eyebrows, autumn water as her eyes, a beautiful nose and pink lips, and her eyebrows are rather cold and arrogant. She is actually three times more beautiful than the two sisters. It can be said that it is the most powerful country in the world.

It's just that this woman's face is pale now, her lips are slightly parted, and her brows are frowning. Compared with her cold and arrogant self, she has an indescribable feeling of pity.

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