Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 153 Something strange finally emerges

Gu Shen Sect, Baichong Hall

A Miao was pouring tea for a young monk wearing a flowing yellow robe. The young monk calmly looked at the monk in a green robe, with big copper bell eyes and a bloody mouth above the hall, and said lightly: "Master Tao, you can't hesitate any longer. There will be no next time when the Golden Pill Grandmaster and Soul Master of Yaowang Sect are all alone. Dai has contacted many independent cultivators this time, and strives to accomplish the goal in one battle. From now on, your Gu Shen Sect can also get out of the dangerous place of Shiwan Mountains."

Except for the Desolate Sea and the Kingdom of Monsters, there are very few sixth-level monsters in the Yuyu World, and most of these few sixth-level monsters are in the Shiwan Mountains. It is even rumored that there are higher-level monsters in the deepest part of the Shiwan Mountains. The development of Gu Shen Sect has not been able to grow, and it must be said that it is due to its location.

Sect Master Tao was still hesitant. If he couldn't wipe out the Medicine King Sect, it would be a disaster for the entire sect, so he said, "I'd better go and ask the old ancestor for advice."

"That's great. If Senior Bai Wuzi of your sect can help stop the only remaining Yuanshen Zhenren of the Medicine King Sect, things will be much simpler." The young man surnamed Dai nodded with satisfaction. Although it was unlikely that the remaining Yuanshen Zhenren of the Medicine King Sect would leave the mountain gate, because his cultivation had reached the extreme, and his body was full of yin energy, he would probably trigger a thunder tribulation as soon as he left the sect's formation suppression, but he might not necessarily stay and not come out when the sect was facing life and death.

A loud voice came down from the sky: "Humph, why do you want to deal with the Medicine King Sect? Dao Ye can't take over the pure yang magic weapon of the Medicine King Sect. Also, how are you going to deal with the Yinshen Venerables of the Medicine King Sect who are training in other worlds? By the way, what is your sneaky origin?"

The young man surnamed Dai was about to speak when a bloody figure suddenly flew in from outside the hall and drilled into his Niwan Palace. He closed his eyes and was silent for a moment before sighing, "Alas, the opportunity is rare and can never come back. It's too late now. The monks of the Medicine King Sect will gather together soon. I will take my leave now." After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Who did you say it was? It turned out to be the old monster of the Blood Demon Sect. Alas, I didn't expect that he could actually practice this immortal method." The grand voice became smaller and smaller.


The speed of the bloody figure was beyond the reach of Shi Xuan and Xiao Wen. They could only watch him disappear in the sky. Shi Xuan frowned and said to Xiao Wen, "Xiao Daoyou, go back quickly. There has been a change in this matter. We have to report it to the elders of the sect as soon as possible." This is one aspect. Another aspect is that Shi Xuan used the Broken Jade Jue. When the effect of the Taoist magic disappears, he will only have 10% of his strength. If he encounters a powerful monster, it will be a big problem. And there are people from the Medicine King Sect around him. Although Xiao Wen looks good, it involves the secrets of the sect, and it is not certain that he will not be able to do it.

Therefore, Shi Xuan had to rush back to Chijiazhai before the effect of the Broken Jade Art ended, and then return to Pingbo City when Yaowang Sect was not paying attention, and tell the sect the news.

Xiao Wen fully agreed with Shi Xuan's opinion, put away Yang Fei's Chixiao Sword, and his and Dafang's storage bags: "Fellow Daoist Shi, I must take this Chixiao Sword and storage bag back to the sect to report, and the things left by Yin Ruping and Yong Hua will belong to you."

After that, the two of them used their full strength to perform the escape method and returned to Chijiazhai. Xiao Wen secretly admired Shi Daoist Fellow Shi, who was really outstanding. Although his cultivation was a little lower than his, his escape method was far better than his, and the bottle was really weird. He didn't expect that Shi Xuan now had the bonus of the Broken Jade Art, otherwise how could he be twice as good as him.

Because Yang Fei was seriously injured, they didn't escape far. Shi Xuan and Xiao Wen quickly returned to Chijiazhai. When Yan Yilou saw them coming back, he immediately went to meet them: "Uncle Xiao, did you get rid of the traitor?"

"Yes, he has been eliminated, but there are some new changes. I have to discuss it with Sister Xu. Daoist Fellow Shi, I'm sorry to leave you." Xiao Wen really seemed to be in a hurry to discuss countermeasures with Xu Yu.

Shi Xuan was not relaxed either, and smiled faintly: "I have consumed a lot of energy, and I have to go back to my room to meditate and recover."

"Uncle Xiao, these two magic weapons?" Yan Yilou took out two magic weapons, which turned out to be left by Yin Ruping and Yong Hua. The two people's natal magic weapons, storage bags and things of ordinary quality in the storage bags were all transformed into green light spots under the third-level Taoist magic. Only the two magic weapons of the sixth level of perfection survived, after all, the direct targets of the third-level Taoist magic attack were not them.

These two magic weapons are two short blades with a chilling aura and a round bead with a green light. Seeing this, Xiao Wen said to Shi Xuan, "It's agreed that it belongs to you, Daoist Fellow Shi." Then he turned around and went to the small bamboo building.

Shi Xuan saw that Yan Yilou was quite fond of the two magic weapons, so he smiled and said, "I'll just take one." Then he took away the two dark short blades.

Yan Yilou hurriedly said, "Senior Shi, how dare I leave a magic weapon behind."

"I admire the talismans of the Yellow Turban Warriors very much. Why don't Daoist Fellow Yan give me a few of them? Just think of it as an exchange of this magic weapon for me." Shi Xuan himself had many magic weapons, and he didn't think much of the green round bead. Instead, the talisman of the Warrior of the Medicine King Sect made Shi Xuan a little tempted. It was very good to use it to do some heavy work, but it was a secret of the Medicine King Sect and it was rare to see it outside.

Yan Yilou was overjoyed and hurriedly took out four yellow talismans and handed them to Shi Xuan: "Senior Shi, these four talismans were given by the elders. They can transform into a yellow-turbaned warrior who has achieved the minor success of the Qi-inducing stage."

Shi Xuan took the talismans and walked towards an empty house that he had spotted long ago: "I am going to meditate and recover my energy. Fellow Daoist Yan, please continue to guard me to avoid any accidents."

"Yes, yes, yes." Yan Yilou got his wish, and he was so happy that he didn't notice Shi Xuan's eagerness.

After entering the empty room, Shi Xuan sat down cross-legged. After waiting for a while, the blood on his face faded, and the effect of the Broken Jade Art finally wore off.

Shi Xuan took out the yin and yang gas bottle, raised his head and poured a drop into his mouth, and then started to adjust his breath.

Because the twelve red-eyed skeletons in the early stage of the soul, countless Qi-perfecting insects, and the soul-perfect Yang Fei were turned into dirty blood, there was a lot of nectar transformed in the yin and yang two-gas bottles, which was enough for Shi Xuan to use.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Shi Xuan's face returned to rosy, but from his appearance, it was impossible to tell that he only had 10% of his strength left. So Shi Xuan walked out again and said to Yan Yilou who came up to meet him: "Shi has to go to meet the elders of the sect. I'll take my leave now and see you again in the future."

Yan Yilou was extremely grateful to Shi Xuan and did not ask any more questions: "How about going, senior Shi?"

Not long after Shi Xuan transformed into Qingfeng and escaped, the small bamboo building was like fireworks on New Year's Eve, emitting dozens of golden rays of light and flying to different places. However, Xu Yu and Xiao Wen learned their lesson and were afraid of being intercepted by experts. So after preparing for a long time, he fired dozens of words in one breath to notify other monks in the sect.


At noon, Pingbo City.

Shi Xuan and Yu Kaishan sat opposite each other. They had already sent the news to the sect using Lingyin Feixun in the morning, and were now waiting for the sect's reply.

Shi Xuan first found a hidden place in the Shiwan Mountain. After ten days, his strength returned to 50%, and then he set off for Pingbo City and knocked on the door of the Yu Family Trading Firm this morning.

Suddenly, a round bronze mirror on the table shone brightly, and a clear light flew out, and then the clear light turned into a handsome young Taoist wearing a Tai Chi robe, who was Shi Xuan's master Mo Yuan.

"Well done, the sect has decided to give you two hundred thousand for your good deeds." Mo Yuan still looked expressionless.

This image was so lifelike, so Shi Xuan immediately stood up and saluted, and asked smoothly: "Master, I wonder who the bloody figure is?" After asking, he felt annoyed. This was the news delivered by Lingyin Feixun, how could he hear it? Ask yourself.

But the strange thing is that Mo Yuan nodded and could actually hear Shi Xuan's voice replying: "That's an immortal method from the old monster of the Blood Demon Sect, called the Blood Shadow Split Mind Incarnation Thousands of Great Techniques. Unexpectedly, he It actually worked."

Shi Xuan immediately understood that Master Mo Yuan was definitely not the only person on the other side. This kind of long-distance conversation involved the control of space, but he didn’t know which Yuan Shen or Yang Shen Zhenren in the sect, so Shi Xuan continued to ask : "What's so special about this magic?"

"This immortal method is a great achievement that combines the two methods of dividing thoughts and cultivating incarnation. It was initially mainly prepared to overcome the heavenly tribulation. By dividing thoughts, each thought takes away part of the strength and firmly consolidates one's own cultivation. Controlled by the catastrophe," Mo Yuan said calmly, "Unlike the ordinary Yang Shen, the idea of ​​differentiation is just a thought and cannot take away the strength."

"The differentiated thoughts can be possessed by other monks by creating opportunities such as adventures and coincidences, and at the same time make those monks think that the thoughts are accidental and will not cause harm to themselves." Mo Yuan shook his head. "Those monks can get guidance from Master Yang Shen at any time. It's so funny that they wake up from their dreams."

Shi Xuan was speechless, wasn't he carrying his grandfather with him? It was really extremely dangerous.

Mo Yuan continued to say that he was probably afraid that his disciples would encounter a similar situation: "In short, these possessed monks have two uses. One is to be bewitched by the Blood River Ancestor and wreak havoc within their own sect, that is, medicine The disciple of Wang Zong was like this. Secondly, when he was achieving the golden elixir, Patriarch Xuehe's thoughts suddenly took over his body and took his cultivation into his own. After that, he could continue to divide his thoughts.

"Didn't you say that this idea is not very powerful?" Shi Xuan was a little confused.

"Of course it's not high, otherwise why would those monks let down their guard? But what kind of person is Yang Shen Zhenren? After staying in your body for such a long time, if he still can't move his hands and feet to control your body at the critical moment, then He has lived in vain for so many years." Mo Yuan saw that Shi Xuan was on guard, so he finally explained: "When the ancestor of Blood River realizes that there is hope of surviving the catastrophe, he will recall all his thoughts and his strength will skyrocket. Overcome the catastrophe in one fell swoop.”

"I wonder if the sect has any other orders?" Shi Xuan felt that an enemy of this level should have nothing to do with him.

Sure enough, Mo Yuan continued to say expressionlessly: "You can travel alone, you can't get involved in this matter. The same is true for you, Yu Kaishan, just pretend that this matter has never happened."

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