Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 154 Yin and Yang Zhensha combined with Zhenqi

——Thanks to Xiao^^, SOS members, luhuan12, and decorated friends for their rewards.

"Disciple, I obey." Shi Xuan and Yu Kaishan replied in unison.

Mo Yuan nodded, and then looked at Yu Kaishan: "Because we didn't expect the ancestor of Blood River to be able to practice this immortal technique before, the sect had no defense against this aspect. This time after the sect received the news from you, I immediately checked whether any of the disciples in the sect were possessed by the thoughts of the Blood River Patriarch. Sure enough, two of them were found. "That's an understatement, but the Blood River Patriarch should be. He had long known from his thoughts that the incident had been exposed, and he must have told the other thoughts of his differentiation. I don’t know how many methods the Penglai faction used to discover these two people, or to capture these two people.

"What?!" Yu Kaishan was shocked. Shi Xuan, on the other hand, had some understanding. Ever since Yu Wenwen came back from his family, he had become a little nagging.

Mo Yuan said calmly: "He should have been possessed when he returned to the family to recuperate after being possessed by a demon. You, the Yu family, must also check your elders, children, and guests carefully."

Yu Kaishan was a little anxious now: "I wonder how the sect will punish our Yu family?"

"What does it have to do with you? As long as you are not colluding with the Blood Demon Sect and deliberately letting the thoughts of the Blood River Ancestor possess you, Yu asked." There was no trace of anger in Mo Yuan's expression, which made Yu Kaishan feel relieved: "Of course I don’t dare. I don’t know, how is Yu Wendao now?” Yu Kaishan doesn’t have a good impression of Yu Wendao, but he still has to ask, after all, he is a direct descendant of the family.

Mo Yuan glanced at Shi Xuan and Yu Kaishan, and then slowly said: "He died on the spot."

"What about the thoughts of the Blood River Ancestor?" The reason why Shi Xuan asked this is because he felt that if the sect was prepared, he could completely capture the Blood River Ancestor's thoughts, and maybe he could get some more. Secret.

Mo Yuan was silent for a long time this time, and then continued for a while: "One of you is the person who discovered this matter, and the other is the person who talks about the sect in the Southern Barbarian Continent, so you are qualified to continue listening. The thoughts of the Blood River Ancestor The attempted self-destruction has been controlled by the sect."

Shi Xuan was about to ask the sect if they had found out what Patriarch Xuehe wanted to do in this Medicine King Sect incident. Mo Yuan opened his mouth to clear up his doubts: "The reason why the sect didn't think of Patriarch Bloodhe The reason why you can practice thousands of incarnations of blood and shadow thoughts is because this immortal method is extremely difficult to practice and has great disadvantages. The stage of Yuan Shen and Yang Shen is about seeing your true nature, and you are the only one. This kind of incarnation is thousands of things. Qian's method does not have strong control ability and mental state cultivation. If it fails, it will ruin the whole Taoist practice. Although the ancestor of Xuehe practiced successfully, there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the future, so he used the magic weapon of Yaowang Sect. The Purple Heart Yuanyang Pendant is an excellent auxiliary magic weapon because it is good at suppressing distracting thoughts and inner demons. "

"Of course, this is only the main purpose of the Blood River Ancestor. If we can also disrupt the Yaowang Sect's Yang Shen Zhenren's mission to overcome the tribulation, or even destroy the Yaowang Sect, then it will be a multi-purpose achievement." Mo Yuan stated calmly. , "Speaking of which, the Yaowang Sect's strength has been greatly damaged this time, and the sect can also have a hand in the Southern Barbarian Continent."

Shi Xuan was particularly curious about the great drawbacks of the Blood Shadow Separation Mind Incarnation Ten Thousand Dharma, because he would probably encounter similar techniques in the future, so he asked: "Master, I don't know what the Blood Shadow Separation Mind Incarnation Ten Thousand Dharma has." What’s the big disadvantage?”

Mo Yuan showed a rare smile: "Those thoughts can cause trouble everywhere, and naturally they can also be hurt by people through the close connection between these thoughts and the body. This kind of attack comes from the level of the soul, and it is difficult to avoid It is difficult to prevent, and you can only rely on your own soul cultivation or special magic weapons to intercept it. Normally, Yangshen Zhenren is fine. The differentiation of thoughts is born and destroyed, so it is difficult to be caught. The thoughts are between ordinary thoughts and incarnations, and the strength is not too high. If the layout is good, it is easy to catch. "

"But hasn't the blood river ancestor already disconnected?" Shi Xuan felt that as long as the thought was disconnected, there wouldn't be much of a problem, so he was very puzzled.

Mo Yuan suppressed his smile and continued expressionlessly: "In ancient times, there were immortal magic and great ways that could be mixed with other people's names, birth dates, hair, blood, etc., across thousands of worlds. The other party died inexplicably. He has thoughts in our hands now. Even if we unilaterally cut off the contact, it can only be regarded as cutting off half of it. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Yu Kaishan with a cold look, "When the Blood River Ancestor goes through the tribulation, he will have an easier time." If he told this matter, he might have the idea of ​​making the Yu family afraid. Master Yang Shen has a way to deal with it. If your Yu family rebels, it will be destroyed with just a raise of your hands. Don't take chances. At this time when the situation in Nanman Continent is changing, it can be regarded as an advance warning.

Finally, Mo Yuan said to Shi Xuan seemingly coldly: "After this incident, you have made an impression on the blood river ancestor. You must be extra careful when crossing the North Sea."

Shi Xuan suddenly remembered something and took out the dark black bead that he got from Song Hezi: "Master, this disciple got this by chance, but I don't know what it is?"

Mo Yuan took a look and said: "You really can find something good. This is the Earth Fire Yin Thunder that Master Jindan spent decades condensing. It is extremely powerful. Ordinary Master Jindan has to peel off his skin when encountering immortality. But for For you, with your current ability to control your soul, it can only be used as a means to perish together."


In a valley somewhere in Shiwanda Mountain.

The vast, sacred white evil spirit and the cold, dark black evil spirit mix with each other and permeate this semi-enclosed valley. There are densely packed white bones all around the valley. It seems that they are all unlucky animals that were killed by the evil spirit here.

After Shi Xuan returned to Chijiazhai, it took him five months to find this hidden Yin and Yang Zhensha. The place near Chijiazhai mentioned by the master is really "close"! He finally discovered it when he expanded the search range to five thousand miles.

Now that he has found the Yin and Yang Zhensha, Shi Xuan plans to leave Chijiazhai. However, because it is the threshold of the sixth level of Zhenqi, it is not convenient to practice near the evil spirit, so he decides to wait a few more days. After the Zhenqi has successfully reached the sixth level, he can leave.


Early morning three days later.

Shi Xuan sat upright on the bed, and the green Samadhi Kamikaze Qi on his body became more and more intense. It had reached the limit of the gas, because Shi Xuan finally broke through to the sixth level of Qi, and the next three rounds were the transformation of gas-like Qi into liquid Qi. is the key, but now that we can use the evil spirit between heaven and earth, we can save a lot of time.

"Come in." Shi Xuan had already noticed Chi Yao standing outside the door. She was just worried about disturbing Shi Xuan's practice, so she didn't say anything and kept waiting there quietly.

Chi Yao gently opened the door and looked very happy: "Uncle, I succeeded in my visualization last night. I feel that the whole world is different. It is so clear and wonderful. Can I learn the technique?" "He opened his big eyes and looked at Shi Xuan expectantly.

After nearly half a year of practice, and Chi Yao had been practicing martial arts since childhood, she had entered the Qi-nurturing period some time ago, but she spent a lot of time on visualization, which may be related to the depression in her heart in the past few years.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Of course, Pindao will tell you about the cultivation of spells, and then you can start practicing the spells included in "Rou Shui Jue"."

Of course Chi Yao is absolutely willing.

An hour later, Chi Yao recalled what he had just learned with a smile, and then heard Shi Xuan say: "Pindao, this is the matter here, and it's time to leave." After saying that, without waiting for Chi Yao's reply, he turned into a breeze and fled out of the room. Door.

For Chi Yao, whose parents died young, having such an uncle to help and teach him really made him feel like an elder relative. At this moment, he stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time. After a while, she rushed out of the room and looked around eagerly, but there was no sign of Shi Xuan anywhere. The little girl had to walk back to the room with her head lowered in frustration.


There was a golden bridge floating on Shi Xuan's head, and he slowly stepped into the black and white evil spirits. The Yin and Yang True Evils rushed over like wolves and tigers, but as soon as they touched the golden bridge, they became calm and steady, as if a hurricane suddenly stopped. Come down.

Walking all the way to the place where the Yin and Yang Zhensha was strongest, Shi Xuan estimated his own limit, so he stopped, sat cross-legged on a large rock full of holes corroded by the evil spirit, and began to close his eyes and regulate his breathing.

When all the physical conditions were at their best, Shi Xuan commanded the golden bridge formed by the Tai Chi Diagram to let in a trace of black and white evil spirit, and then flew out a stream of equally intertwined black and white evil energy, towards the trace of yin and yang evil spirit. He immediately felt the ferocious resistance of Yin Yang Zhensha.

Following the secret method of condensing evil spirits taught in "Bao Lu", Shi Xuan kept circulating his true energy. It took him a long time to subdue the evil spirit and combine it with his own true energy in a mysterious way. This yin and yang zhenqi, which is a fusion of yin and yang zhensha, is darker in color, and it seems that the light of water can be faintly seen, and its size is twice as big as before.


Time flies by, and one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Most of Shi Xuan's true energy has been transformed, but now the surrounding yin and yang true evil seems to be of low quality, so Shi Xuan decided to continue to go to the source of the evil energy.

The further you go, the stronger the hot and cold interaction between Yin and Yang is. Shi Xuan often feels like the left half of his body is being hit by the extremely Yin energy, and the right half of his body is being burned by the true fire of the sun. Fortunately, the Tai Chi diagram turns into a golden bridge. With a good defense, Shi Xuan was not harmed at all, and he could continue to explore the source of the evil spirit.

Suddenly, the Yin and Yang Zhensha ahead transformed into a three-legged golden crow and a long-eared jade rabbit, and attacked Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan understood that these were high-quality evil spirits and immediately drove the golden bridge above his head. Jinqiao shook on the spot, and the three-legged birds and long-eared jade rabbits stood stunned on the spot, and then turned into black and white evil spirits again.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Xuan released the two qi of yin and yang, disrupted all the black and white evil spirits, wrapped them up, and flew back under the Golden Bridge, and then began to condense the evil spirits according to the secret method.

The quality of these evil spirits was ten times higher than those previously condensed by Shi Xuan, so it took Shi Xuan ten times as long to integrate all these evil spirits into the true energy. The true energy suddenly expanded several times, and the liquid feeling became more obvious.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up. A semi-pit-shaped fire pit appeared in front of him. In the fire pit lay a large burnt stone, with three-legged golden crows dancing around it, and a long-eared jade rabbit rolling in the middle. The true evil of yin and yang emanates from here.

It seems that the meteorite filled with the power of the lunar yin was hit by a rare explosion of the true fire of the sun during its arrival, and it was only then that such a wonderful yin and yang true evil could be achieved.

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