Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 156 It’s the beautiful scenery in Jiangnan

——Thanks to East China Second Young Master and ererdfsfs friends for their rewards.

Shi Xuan didn't expect the middle-aged woodcutter to be so unfazed, so he waved his sleeve robe in his face, and then smiled as he watched the middle-aged woodcutter wake up.

The middle-aged woodcutter first rolled his eyes slightly under his eyelids, and then opened them slightly. When he saw that the young master was still facing him, he quickly closed his eyes again and pretended to be unconscious. .

"Haha, if you don't wake up yet, don't blame Shi for throwing you into the wolf's den in front of you." The peaceful voice reached his ears, and the middle-aged woodcutter thought of something and hurriedly turned over and knelt down: "My hero, no , No, Immortal, please spare the little one. He has an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child..."

Shi Xuan shook his head to stop his rambling: "Shi just asked for directions, why are you so panicked? As long as you tell Shi which market town is down there, Shi will leave immediately."

The middle-aged woodcutter gave a very ugly smile: "Reporting to the Immortal, below is Xinglong Town in Tiannan City, Jingjiang Prefecture, Yunzhou. Although it is a town, because it is close to the Shiwan Mountain, there are many people buying rare and exotic animals, precious trees, and exotic animals. Merchants of exotic flowers and precious medicinal herbs come here, so it is extremely prosperous, no worse than an ordinary big city.”

Shi Xuan nodded with satisfaction. If merchants came frequently, he could follow a caravan to Yangzhou. This time I returned to the land of Middle Earth. Firstly, I sharpened my Taoist heart in the world of mortals and strived to achieve perfection before going to the North Sea. Secondly, I stopped by to see the cultivation status of several disciples. If they still aspired to the immortal way and worked hard, If they don't stop and have a firm Taoist heart, then take them to Huilongguan and let them go to the Three Islands sea area.

Because it involves the inheritance of Xu Laodao, Shi Xuan did not think of bringing Xu Jinyi, Yan Jujian, and Ding Mingde under the Penglai sect. However, with his position in the Penglai sect, he found a good island in the Three Islands Sea to let him It is not a bad idea for them to establish a small sect that relies on the Penglai Sect. After all, the resources and the atmosphere of cultivating immortals in the Three Islands Sea are far superior to those in the Middle Earth.

Of course, all this depends on their own wishes and the current situation. Shi Xuan just does it casually. If it doesn't work, he won't get entangled and won't spend more energy.

Now that he had his purpose, Shi Xuan decided to first go to the Xu family in Yangzhou to find Xu Jinyi, then go to Ganzhou Jianya to find Yan Jujian, then go to the junction of Chuzhou and Mingzhou to find Ding Mingde, and finally go to the small towns around Luojing to find Chu Wan'er , and then take those who are willing to go to the Three Islands waters to Luojing Huilongguan. As for myself, I will return to Yangzhou, sail out to sea, and cross the stormy sea to overseas countries.

Along the way, Shi Xuan will not use the escape method to rush, but will walk slowly in the world of mortals. It will take about two years to complete a large circle. By then, he should not be far from the completion of Qi Entrainment.

When the middle-aged woodcutter saw that his answer satisfied Shi Xuan, he immediately put aside half of his worries. The young man looked dignified and did not look like a vicious person or evil ghost.

Shi Xuan chuckled and said, "You gave a good answer. Shi must give you some reward."

"Don't dare, don't be polite, Immortal." The middle-aged woodcutter said he didn't dare, but his eyes were blazing with heat.

Shi Xuan didn't answer, walked to the surrounding giant trees, tapped a dozen trees in a row, and then walked slowly towards the town without looking back.

The middle-aged woodcutter was dumbfounded: "I was just talking, how could the Great Immortal really leave?" As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of breeze blew by, and the dozen giant trees suddenly made a creaking sound, and then rumbled together. He fell to the ground and stirred up a huge cloud of smoke.

"This, this..." The middle-aged woodcutter opened his eyes wide, shouting in his heart that this was a powerful god and demon, but he stuttered and couldn't speak. After a long time, he murmured: "How can I resist? Move so many huge trees to get home.”


Xinglong Town.

Shi Xuan just happened to find the Yangzhou Guild Hall and saw a long caravan parked outside the guild hall. There were more than a hundred carriages alone, and there were hundreds of guards around. It looked like a very big businessman.

Generally, large merchants with a large number of escorts will do some business of taking people on long journeys. Small merchants who cannot afford escorts, are in groups or are lonely travelers, can join the caravan after paying money. This is better than It is much safer to travel alone.

Shi Xuan followed the traces and found the steward in charge of the business. He was a fat middle-aged man with a big belly. In the hot weather of Yunzhou, sweat was pouring from his face, and he kept wiping it with a white hand towel.

"Steward, I wonder where this caravan is going? If it's going to Yangzhou or the states in the south of the Yangtze River, I wonder if I can take Shi with me." Shi Xuan saw that several men and women in front of him had already paid money to go to the caravan's free place. A few carriages go.

The fat steward wiped his sweat and said, "We're going to Yangzhou City. If you don't take care of the food, you'll get twenty taels of silver per person. If you take care of the food, you'll get paid every five days."

Shi Xuan had long since gone away from food, and although he was still a little greedy sometimes, that was only for food. The ordinary food provided by this caravan would definitely not meet Shi Xuan's standards, so Shi Xuan said: "Don't worry about the food. Shi has his own food.”

"Yes, Chenghui ten taels of silver." The fat steward didn't care. He couldn't get the meal money, so another steward was in charge.

Shi Xuan put his hand into his arms, and then he realized that he had not used silver in twenty years, and how could he still carry any with him. He was thinking about using illusion magic to change the ingot, when he suddenly remembered that there was something else in the storage bag. So he took out the luminous pearl and handed it to the fat steward: "Shi has just run out of money. Why don't I sell this luminous pearl to you, the steward, in exchange for some money." As for the method of turning stone into gold, Shi Xuan Ke didn't. Those profound techniques involving material transformation cannot be learned without Yuan Shen.

The fat steward's cheeks twitched violently before he took Ye Mingzhu and said: "Although Huang Shusheng is not very knowledgeable, there are many experts in our Jinfeng Trading Company. I will take it to them to see. , you can't deceive me." After saying that, he did not leave immediately, but looked at Shi Xuan: "By the way, you have to show me your way to prevent bad guys from getting into the caravan."

Shi Xuan still had a road guide, but it was not a problem for him. He touched it slowly in his arms and pulled out a piece of paper with a swipe: "This is Shi's road guide."

A few feet away behind the fat steward, there was a young couple who was putting the package back on their backs. The handsome young woman said to her husband, "My lord, please put away the road guide. You may need it on the way."

The husband said with a smile: "No need, no need. It won't fall." But when he raised his hand, it was empty. He was startled: "Hey, where is the road guide? I obviously have it in my hand." Then. Look around.

The fat steward picked up the road guide and looked at Shi Xuan carefully: "Well, a person from Xia'an Mansion, whose surname is Shi Mingxuan. Hey, this portrait looks too similar!" There are only a few paintings on the ordinary road guide, which can be said. It would be good to recognize whether it is a man or a woman, and the general features are good, but the portrait on the road is very similar to Shi Xuan. Although it is also very simple, it is lifelike, and it can be seen that it was written by everyone.

Could it be that the Xia'an Mansion hired a good painter? The fat steward could only explain himself in this way, and then returned the road guide to Shi Xuan: "Just wait, I will find someone to appraise this night pearl."

Shi Xuan calmly took Lu Yin and slowly put it into his arms without saying a word, making the fat steward wonder as he walked: "How could an ordinary person hand over such a precious luminous pearl to a stranger for appraisal?" So calm! Could it be that this young man has a great background or great ability? Well, his appearance is extraordinary. "The fat steward had always thought that if this night pearl was really precious, he would have to pretend to be stupid and use his power to bully others. The idea of ​​​​taking Ye Mingzhu into his pocket, but now he is hesitant. Over the years, he has seen countless managers who have offended people who should not have been offended, and ended up with no bones left.

The pretty young woman gave her husband a gentle slap and said with a smile: "Mr., stop playing around. Isn't this a road guide?" She pointed to the corner of the paper exposed in her husband's arms.

The husband took it out in confusion and saw that it was his own road guide. He said to himself in great confusion: "When did I put it in my arms?"


"Huang Shusheng, you are going to make a fortune!!" A little old man with a sharp mouth and a tall hat looked at the fat steward with envy and shock.

The fat steward was overjoyed, and he asked again, worried about gains and losses, "Really, is this Ye Mingzhu really good at managing money?"

The little old man slapped his thigh: "Why am I lying to you! This is produced by giant clams in the Stormy Sea. You also know that the Stormy Sea has violent storms all year round, and no sea ship can enter it! Only occasionally dead giant clams are washed out, Only then can I get one of these luminous pearls. I’m afraid it’s worth a thousand pieces of gold! Hey, if you get it, please give me some money, otherwise don’t blame me for talking nonsense.”

The fat steward nodded in ecstasy, then turned around and got out of the carriage, thinking in his heart: I am going to get rich, I am going to get rich.

But as soon as he thought about it, the fat steward remembered that he didn't have a few hundred taels of gold to buy this pearl. In his annoyance, greed came to his mind. How big can the background be? It's better to give him dozens of taels of silver and forcefully buy it.

After making a decision, the fat steward felt comfortable all over, and he strode towards where he was before. But as he walked, the fat steward saw the guards, grooms, and handymen all looking at him with funny eyes. I looked myself up and down, and there was nothing wrong with me. Then I looked around me, and all the hairs on my body suddenly stood up. It turned out that I was still standing still after walking for so long!

Ghost, ghost hits the wall! The fat steward only had this thought in his mind and wanted to shout, but he couldn't even hear the voice. He was so panicked and scared that he was sweating like rain. He begged God and prayed to Buddha and chanted: "The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Bodhisattva protects you, the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Bodhisattva." Pudu Bodhisattva bless you. If you can go out, you will definitely kill a pig to reward the gods."

After chanting for a long time, but to no avail, the fat steward recited all the gods, bodhisattvas, Buddhas and immortals he knew, but he was still spinning in circles and almost collapsed. Suddenly, an idea emerged in his mind. It was not because he was greedy that he encountered evil spirits blocking his way.

This idea couldn't be stopped as soon as it appeared. The fat steward hesitated and then said in his heart: "Young Huang Shusheng should not be greedy. Please ask the immortal to go around him. He must be a good person in the future and do the things he needs to do every day." A good deed, well, the good deed today is not to accept money from that young man!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat steward's body leaned forward and he rushed forward. He staggered a few steps and almost fell down. However, the fat steward was not angry but happy. He bowed to the void again and hurriedly walked over. In front of Shi Xuan, he returned the luminous pearl to Shi Xuan, and then said: "Scholar Yuna, I made a vow in front of the Bodhisattva to do one good deed every day. Seeing that you are destined today, I will spare your money and go to that car." Carriage."

Shi Xuan pretended to thank him and then got into the empty carriage. The fat steward was heartbroken when he faced the twenty taels of silver, but he was not a fool. He reacted after a moment and stared at the carriage with awe, fear, and admiration.


A few months later. In the south of the Yangtze River, it is midsummer when the lotus leaves touching the sky are infinitely green and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are exceptionally red. The scenery is beautiful with small bridges and flowing water.

The Jinfeng Trading Company's motorcade was walking slowly on the official road when a sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the opposite side. Soon, two white horses, surrounded by dozens of other horses, rushed towards the trading company's motorcade.

An old man in his 60s said tremblingly: "No, it can't be a robbery, right?" This is Du Yifu, an old man who has returned from visiting relatives in Xinglong Town. He likes to talk about things without saying anything strange, and he is sitting there. Next to Shi Xuan.

A small businessman standing next to him sneered, "Old Master, I'm afraid you have never seen anyone from the Jianghu. This Jinfeng Trading Company is a large trading firm downstairs in Xiaoyu Building, and the two young heroes who came there are Xu Tianqi and Daxia Xu, the deputy owner of Xiaoyu Building." How could his son be a robber? They are top-notch masters at such a young age, and there are countless heroic women in the world who cherish their dreams every night. Gee, their future is limitless. This is what I came to pick up from Jinfeng Trading Company in a hurry. The goods, I heard, are for the birthday of his great aunt!" This is Chen Ke, a local businessman from Yangzhou who loves to show off his extensive knowledge.

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