Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 157 See you again in the season of falling flowers

——Thanks to Lobster friends for the tip

The two brothers Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu were tall and handsome. They were riding on white horses that looked like jade trees in the wind. They were majestic. They only provoked the village women and girls on the road to look at them frequently.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them arrived at the carriage at the front of Jinfeng Trading Company. The shopkeeper of the trading company and several other important stewards and security leaders were standing on both sides, respectfully waiting for the Xu brothers to ask questions.

Xu Haojie held a riding whip and asked in a deep voice: "Where is the red dog beast?"

The head shopkeeper of the trading company quickly stepped forward and pointed to the carriage behind which was covered tightly with cloth: "Go back to Master Jie, it's right there."

Xu Haoyu immediately clamped the horse's back and asked the white horse to take a few steps forward. Then he used a riding crop to spread the cloth a little, looked over, and then said to Xu Haojie with satisfaction: "Brother, that red dog beast looks like it is in its prime." , It’s a good product. I believe Qi Gu will be very satisfied with it this time, and she must give me and my brothers more..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by his brother Xu Haojie's cough. Then he realized that he shouldn't mention this matter in public, so he turned to the shopkeeper of the trading company and said: "We brothers will follow you to Yangzhou City, so as not to There are blind thieves on the road.”

The big shopkeeper of the trading company secretly cursed in his heart, why do you need your protection? With so many guards and several masters, there was no problem in crossing the mountains and rivers along the way. However, he still said in a nauseous manner: "With Master Jie and Master Yu here, no one will dare to rob this goods. It's windy and sandy outside, why don't we get into the carriage and talk?"

Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu looked at each other, then nodded, dismounted and followed the big shopkeeper into the carriage.

When Xu Haoyu opened the cloth to look at the red dog beast, Chen Ke stretched his neck to get a closer look, but couldn't see clearly. After a while, he sat down and muttered: "I wonder what that strange beast looks like? Does she have magical powers? That aunt from the Xu family knows magic! How can the strange beast she likes be ordinary?"

The red dog beast is just a mutated dog. Shi Xuan remembered that using its blood to write talismans would slightly increase its power, so he just smiled and said nothing.

Old Master Du Yifu was dissatisfied and looked at Chen Ke with contempt: "How can there be any magical powers! It's all the tricks of those people in the world who pretend to be gods. Huh, that strange beast probably looks weird and is relatively rare. That’s all.”

Of course Chen Ke disagreed, so he brought Shi Xuan into the conversation: "Master Shi, I heard that you are from Xia'an Mansion. The Xu family also made their fortune from Xia'an Mansion. You should have heard of it, right?"

Naturally, Shi Xuan would not say that the two outside were my nephews and they had to pay homage when they saw me. He just said perfunctorily: "I have heard about it, but I have never seen it." Unexpectedly, Xu Tianqi is already the deputy owner of Xiaoyu Tower. Well, the Xu family has grown really fast in the past twenty years. Xu Jinyi may have contributed a lot here, but I don’t know that she still had some thoughts on cultivation when she was delayed in the family.

Chen Ke also cared about Shi Xuan's perfunctory, and said with a smile: "If I could get to know one or two people from the Xu family, this single-group business could be expanded several times. Alas, it's a pity that we can't get along." There was deep longing on his face. .

Master Du couldn't stand Chen Ke's appearance, so he snorted and turned around and stopped talking.

Seeing that Du Yifu was dissatisfied, Chen Ke didn't take it to heart, and said to Shi Xuan with a smile: "Young Master Shi is very handsome, is he reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles?" Because the closer to Jiangnan, the more people left the caravan, Many carriages were empty, and were used by some lower-level stewards to pack the specialties they bought along the way. They could also make some money when they returned to Yangzhou. Therefore, in line with the principle of concentrating to free up more carriages, Chen Ke moved to Yangzhou today. Shi Xuan and Old Master Du were on the carriage.

"That's right." Shi Xuan didn't have any objection to Chen Ke's long-windedness, and he just wanted to hear some things about Middle-earth.

As soon as Chen Ke was talked to, he immediately started talking non-stop.


Five days later, in the evening, the caravan had arrived at the river, with Yangzhou City on the other side. At this time, everyone in the caravan got off the carriage and stood at the dock, waiting to be transferred to the big ship.

At this time, there is a lot of rain in summer. The rain not only shakes those bright and dazzling flowers, but also raises the water level of the river a lot, making the river wider. At a glance, you can't even see the other side. .

The waves on the river were strong and the water was fast, and the turbid waves were empty. In addition, it was evening, and there were few people sailing. However, the Xu brothers were eager to return home. When they thought that today was Qi Gu's birthday, they felt anxious, so the two went to the trading house. The shopkeeper asked him to find the boss of the boat gang affiliated with Xiaoyulou, and he must arrange a boat to cross the river.

Shi Xuan looked at the rolling river and thought of the same scene twenty years ago. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he had not embarked on the path of spiritual practice, he would be a middle-aged man in his forties now, confused and busy every day. , live for the sake of living. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the boatmen worshiping the gods. It seemed that they were forced by the Xu brothers and had to ask for blessings from the gods before they dared to get out of the boat.

"Haha, I didn't expect that these boatmen also started to worship Pudu Bodhisattva." Chen Ke stood beside Shi Xuan and also saw this scene.

Purdue Bodhisattva? Isn't it the divine name I gave to Fang? Unexpectedly, the followers of the Fang family have developed so well and have already reached outside Yangzhou. They must have benefited from the expansion of the Xu family. Shi Xuan felt relaxed and said with a smile: "Brother Chen Ke, do you also believe in Pudu Bodhisattva?"

Chen Ke grinned: "What's so trustworthy about this kind of clay Bodhisattva? What I believe in is the living god, the national master on the spot, Master Nanguang! That one has great supernatural powers and great magic power! I've seen it with my own eyes!"

Oh, Master Nanguang, I never thought that Ding Mingde would live such a good life, but his desire to learn martial arts and sell them to the emperor's family has not changed at all.

Now that he had news about several disciples, Shi Xuan asked more questions. Unfortunately, whether it was Yan Jujian, Yan Nantian, Nan Tianren, Chu Wan'er, Chu Fairy, or Chu Witch, Chen Ke shook his head and said he didn't know. With his posture, he probably thought that Shi Xuan was using those false people to slap his well-informed face.


Outside Yangzhou City, on the bank of the river, is the Phoenix Tower.

Starting in the evening, the whole building was brightly lit and bustling with people, all of whom were rich or noble depending on their clothes.

Xu Tianqi was already middle-aged, with two neatly trimmed mustaches. He frowned and looked out the window at the semi-dark river, and said to the lady next to him: "Why haven't Jie'er and Yu'er come back yet? The day before yesterday Didn’t you send someone to send a letter saying that you can make it in time?”

Before the lady could answer, a rosy-faced old man next to her smiled and said: "Nephew Jie Xian and Nephew Yu Xian are very filial. Brother Xu, you should be satisfied with having two sons like this. I don't think Fairy Jinyi will mind." ." While talking, he looked towards Xu Jinyi who was at the top.

Xu Jinyi was wearing a red dress. She still looked like she was in her twenties. She must have been a successful practitioner and had good looks, but there was a hint of fatigue and helplessness between her eyebrows. Hearing this, she smiled slightly and said: "What Zhu Louzhu said is , I have already told the two of them that there is no need to do these tricks, as long as the people arrive. "

On the highest floor of Phoenix Tower, there were six banquet tables in total. Among them were the elders of the Xu family, senior officials from Yangzhou Prefecture, senior officials from Fucheng, senior officials from Xiaoyu Tower, and senior officials from other gangs. There were representatives from famous families who came all the way to celebrate her birthday. At this time, they all looked at Xu Jinyi in awe, as if everything she said and did was worthy of attention.

A few floors below the Phoenix Tower were other lower-level guests. While they were drinking and chatting, they looked upstairs with reverence from time to time.


A medium-sized ferry was ready, and it was full of experienced boatmen. Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu led a dozen people to move the cage containing the red dog beast aboard, and then stood on the deck and gave orders to set off. As for the rest of the caravan, of course they waited until the weather calmed down the next day before crossing the river.

Watching the boat sailing slowly into the river, Xu Haojie smiled at Xu Haoyu and said, "Didn't it say that it's dark and the waves are not suitable for sailing? Isn't this great?"

Xu Haoyu held the bow of the boat and looked at the vast river with the same smile on his face: "It's not that those boatmen are afraid of death and are unwilling to take any risks."

As we walked, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the waves became bigger and bigger. The medium-sized ferry swayed left and right, making the Xu brothers' faces begin to turn pale. Looking at the huge waves that hit them from time to time, they seemed to be confused. It hits me right in the heart.

Everyone on the shore looked at the ferry that seemed to be about to capsize in the next moment. Some were worried, some were afraid, some were praying, and some were gloating. For example, Chen Ke sneered and said: "Then the two brothers of the Xu family thought they were the powerful one in his family. Auntie, with such a big storm, I’m afraid it’s going to feed the bastard.”

Although Old Master Du was pedantic, he was still kind-hearted. He glared at Chen Ke fiercely: "If you still say such things at this time, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Suddenly, everyone else let out a loud cry, and they quickly looked towards the center of the river. They saw that the ferry had half turned over, and several people on the deck fell into the river like dumplings. Among them were brothers Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu.

"Who is going to save people?" someone shouted loudly.

But the people on the shore looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't dare to move. There is no way to save people in this kind of storm, it is to risk death!

Shi Xuan sighed and walked towards the river. Chen Ke tried to hold him back, so he hurriedly shouted: "Master Shi, this is no joke, it will cost you your life!"

Du Yifu also shouted: "If you have this idea, you are a good man, but you can't give up your life in vain." As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Du's eyes widened, because Mr. Shi had already stepped firmly on him. On the water, walking towards the center of the river is like taking a walk. It seems that what is under your feet is not water, but a flat road!

Because of the shout just now, everyone on the shore saw Shi Xuan stepping on the water. There was silence. It took a long time for someone to kneel down and say: "The Bodhisattva has appeared. The Bodhisattva has appeared."

"The gods descend to the earth, the gods descend to the earth."

Chen Ke opened his mouth and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Mr. Shi, who was chatting and laughing just now, turned into a being that he could not understand in the blink of an eye. This is even more magical than Master Nan Guang!

Old Master Du rubbed his eyes, then rubbed his eyes again, until he saw Mr. Shi casually throwing a boatman who had fallen into the water back to the shore. Then the boatman stood up intact and shouted excitedly: "God, save me." The gods saved me." The old master sighed: "It seems that I made a mistake in understanding Zi Fu Yu's strange power and chaos."

Shi Xuan didn't dare to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Unless he was using a flying sword, it would be inconvenient to fly. However, the true energy in his body had been mixed with the evil spirit. With slight adjustments, he was already lighter than water. When he stepped on the water, he could stride like a meteor. Went to the shipwreck.


In the Phoenix Tower. I don’t know who first discovered the boat capsizing in the middle of the river, and soon the whole restaurant knew about it.

"Then, aren't those the Xu brothers?!" someone suddenly shouted.

Xu Tianqi and Xu Jinyi hurried to the window and looked far away. They saw that among the men struggling in the huge waves, there were Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu.

"Seventh sister, please save your nephew." Xu Tianqi knew that he was useless under this kind of natural force, so he asked Xu Jinyi for permission.

Xu Jinyi couldn't refuse. Just as he was about to use his innate magical power, he heard everyone gasping. Looking in the direction of his sight, he saw a young man with his hands behind his back, walking leisurely, one step at a time, as if walking on flat ground, towards the center of the river, as if the huge waves and strong winds were not worth mentioning at all.

Xu Jinyi and Xu Tianqi were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and saw the same surprise and excitement in each other's eyes, and then Xu Jinyi murmured: "Master Shi!" The deeper his cultivation over the years, the more grateful Xu Jinyi was to Shi Xuan, so he no longer called him senior brother in his heart, but called him Master Shi, which represents the status of a half-master.

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