Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 158 Yingying surprised everyone with her bow

——Thanks to my friends Fatty Sailor, Martial Arts, and East China Second Young Master for their tips, and my friends Yuelou Kong for their evaluation votes.

In the Phoenix Tower, Xu Jinyi was stunned for a moment, and then said to Xu Tianqi: "The two nephews seem to be fine. I went to see Master Shi." There was excitement and joy in his tone. As soon as he finished speaking, Yun He picked up his small talent, Baiyun Escape, and walked towards the center of the river.

"Look, look, Fairy Jinyi went to save people!" A city official in the Phoenix Tower was the first to notice that Xu Jinyi had arrived on the river because he had been paying attention to Xu Jinyi in awe.

I saw Xu Jinyi walking towards the center of the river step by step, but unlike Shi Xuan, every time she took a step forward, a palm-sized white cloud naturally rose under her feet, holding her feet firmly while raising her feet. After that, the white cloud naturally disappeared without a trace. It really looked like a fairy, with clouds growing under its feet. It was not far from the legendary golden lotus feet. In terms of appearance, it was much better than Shi Xuan just now. Of course, in reality, The one up to Shixuan is much more difficult.

The high-ranking officials and martial arts masters in the Phoenix Tower were all amazed, with awe and admiration. One of the middle-aged scholars said: "Really, Xiu Xun is flying like a flying bird, erratic like a god, walking slightly on the waves, wearing stockings and dust, a fairy in brocade clothes." It really lives up to its reputation.”

"Haha, Mr. Governor, you must be in trouble." Next to him, a man with a majestic face also softened his expression at this time, and said with admiration: "The Fairy in Jinyi is worthy of having great supernatural powers. Man, in comparison, the young master just now is much worse."

The governor of Yangzhou nodded: "You are right, Mr. An Guo. That young man only knows a little bit about the art. Judging from his appearance, he must have just started. Alas, it's a pity that we are old and can't devote ourselves to it." It’s a fairy tale.”

An Guogong sneered: "The emperor is so old, but he is still keen on immortality. He appointed that so-called Nanguang master as the national master. I think he is much worse than Jinyi Fairy. It's just that Jinyi Fairy is indifferent to fame and fortune, so he refused to enter the court."

The rest of the people might sigh: "I am so lucky to see Fairy Jin Yi displaying her magical powers today."

Or admiration: "Fairy Jinyi is really not stained by the worldly dust. If she is willing to say a word to me, I will be satisfied even if I die." This sentence caused many men to sigh: "There is no man in this world who is worthy of Fairy Jinyi." A fairy-like woman.”

Or he sneered: "That young master is really a master of his own trade. He deceived me and no one in Yangzhou just because he knew some magic. Now we can watch Fairy in Jinyi teach him a lesson."

Or confused: "The young master also has good intentions, how can he deceive me and no one in Yangzhou?"


On the opposite shore, because Shi Xuan had thrown most of the people who fell into the water back to the land, they all restrained their worries and fears and focused on the mysterious things in front of them, so they soon saw Xu Jinyi in red clothes. The graceful and graceful lady walked towards her, and the white clouds moved toward her feet, which was a fairy-like scene.

Those who didn't know Xu Jinyi's identity took a deep breath again, not daring to breathe out, as if they were afraid that if they took a breath, the fairy in front of them would disappear without a trace. After a moment, they said: "Which fairy is that? Is that The companion of the young immortal?"

Someone immediately retorted: "If you don't open your eyes to see clearly, how can that young master compare to that fairy? 90% of them are the subordinates of that fairy!" He has already stepped back from the young fairy to the young master.

"Mom, I can see a fairy once in my life, it's worth it!" I don't know how many men thought this way.

And those who guessed Xu Jinyi's identity were even more obsessed and reverent: "As expected of Fairy Jinyi, I thought the rumors were untrue, but I didn't expect that she was even more powerful than the rumors!"

Everyone next to them nodded: "I have long heard that there is a fairy with great magical powers in the Xu family of Xiaoyulou. I didn't expect that I just saw it today. Oh, I was so out of character just now. I actually did it for a young man with superficial skills." surprise."

"That's right, that's right. It's only now that we call fairies descending to the earth. What's more, we have too little experience, haha."

Chen Ke was a little worried about Shi Xuan and said to Old Master Du next to him: "Do you think that Fairy in Jinyi will be detrimental to Mr. Shi?"

Old Master Du glared at him: "Master Shi is kind enough to save people, and that fairy is sensible after all." The continuous occurrence of strange phenomena today made Old Master Du really tired.

Chen Ke argued: "Old Master Du, why don't you think about it, Fairy Jinyi's magical powers are still superior to Mr. Shi's, and she is clearly capable of saving those people, but Mr. Shi interfered with her and even asked others to save her nephew. I lost my face, and I did it in front of so many people, and I might actually have a grudge in my heart.”

Old Master Du snorted: "With the heart of a villain, save a gentleman, uh, save the belly of a fairy." I don't know when, Old Master Du Yifu started calling fairies and gods.


Shi Xuan was the last brother Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu to be rescued. He had the intention of making them suffer a little, so that they would not be so arrogant and overestimate their abilities in the future.

At this time, Shi Xuan was holding someone by the collar in one hand and looking at Xu Jinyi who was walking over with his small magical power. He stood there and waited for her to come over. Then he looked up and down and nodded slightly: "You are quite diligent in your practice."

The Xu brothers were first soaked in water and almost fainted, and now being held in Shi Xuan's hand, they were even more dizzy. Finally, they saw a red dress, and knowing that Qi Gu was coming, they hurriedly shouted: "Qi Gu, save me." "Me!" I thought to myself, this young man saved us, I will definitely reward him later, but it is really insulting to mention us like this, I must let Qigu teach him a lesson first, let him know that there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. It made sense, so the two of them raised their heads desperately and opened their eyes wide, wanting to see how the powerful Qi Gu would teach this ungrateful young man a lesson.

Xu Jinyi stood opposite Shi Xuan with an excited expression, and opened her mouth to speak, but thousands of words came to her heart, but it was difficult to put them into words. After a while, she took two deep breaths and called out: "Master Shi. "Then the red dress unfolded like a cloud, and Yingying prostrated herself, paying homage to her with a solemn expression.

I don't know how many people were blinded by this prayer. There was a moment of silence on the Phoenix Tower and on the bank of the river. Only the sound of big waves crashing on the shore and the roar of the wind echoed in everyone's ears.


A moment later, there was a buzz on the Phoenix Tower, and thousands of words broke out together, asking each other, sighing, and couldn't believe what they just saw. The governor of Yangzhou looked at An Guogong with a wry smile: "It was like a dream just now. I didn't expect that people like the Fairy in Jinyi could have such reverence."

Duke An Guo pondered and then said: "From what Wang has seen, Fairy Jinyi is a teacher. Could it be that the young master is Fairy Jinyi's master? Alas, Wang was really blind just now."

"Isn't it true that Mr. Xiong is judging people by their appearance? I didn't expect that all the gods and immortals are good at appearance. Is that young master probably over a hundred years old?" Yangzhou Governor sighed.

Those who sighed continued to sigh after recovering: "I didn't expect that young master to be the master of Fairy Jinyi. Tsk tsk. I'm afraid he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. No, no, he is an old god."

Those who were admiring did not want to accept it at all: "How can a fairy-like figure like Fairy Jinyi have such reverence for a man!"

Those sneers looked around, saw no one was paying attention, and hurriedly sneaked away. Who knows if the young master heard him say bad things? Mortals can't understand the methods of gods, so they hid as far away as possible.

Those who were puzzled were very happy at this time: "I said that young master is a good person, no, he is a good god!"


Everyone on the bank of the river also reacted. Some people looked at the person who had just refuted him and said with a smile: "Who is this person's subordinate? Some people really have good dog eyes."

Those gentlemen's necks turned red, but they didn't dare to come forward to argue. They could only bury their faces and pretend that I didn't hear anything, not at all.

Of course, there are also those who lament: "My fairy, how can I kneel down?!"

There are also people who are trying to make up for it: "That young master, no, the old fairy, the reason why he is not as fairy-like as the Fairy in Jinyi, is because he lifts his weight with ease. This is called the true fairy style without any fireworks in his hands. Hey, you have seen it. Too shallow."

Many people nearby immediately agreed: “That’s what we think!”

Chen Ke's eyes almost popped out of his head: "This, what kind of thing is this!"

It also took a long time for Old Master Du to come back to his senses: "Hey, is this a true immortal not showing his appearance? I and Mr. Shi, no, Mr. Shi has been riding in the same carriage for several months, but there is no sign of it. Wait. Wait. , Looking back now, I seem to have never seen the Stone Immortal eating or drinking!"

Chen Ke lightly slapped himself: "I should have thought, I should have thought, that Fairy Jinyi is from Xia'an Mansion, and Immortal Shi is also from Xia'an Mansion. How could it be such a coincidence? It seems that Immortal Shi is from Xia'an Mansion." He is now the master of Jinyi Fairy." To be honest, it requires extraordinary imagination to deduce such a conclusion from the Xia'an Mansion.


However, no one was as surprised and shocked as the two brothers Xu Haojie and Xu Haoyu. Since they were young, the seventh aunt, who had been regarded as a powerful, omnipotent, pure and pure person in their hearts, actually paid such a courtesy to this impolite young master. Suddenly, , the lofty idol in my heart collapsed.

In her confused mind, she flashed back to the wooden statue named Senior Brother Shi that she had asked her and others to worship when she was sent to her seventh aunt to learn a simple method of preserving gods. But now Aunt Seven is called "Master Shi"? Although the two of them could not enter the gate of contemplation and concentration, they were not deaf! How could you hear it wrong!

Shi Xuan was a little puzzled by Xu Jinyi's sudden salute, but he could feel the excitement and gratitude in her heart, so he didn't stop him. He waited until she finished the salute and then said with a smile: "Get up. I heard that it's you today. On my birthday, I will give these two children as gifts." Shi Xuan is now in a relaxed mood and often makes jokes.

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