Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 160: Sighing and Leaving

——Thanks to my Lei Ai, I used a dot in naming, and oceanpop friends for their tips. There are also reminders from Zhao Bo's friends.

"Chief Shixian, please take a seat." Seeing Shi Xuan and Xu Jinyi coming in together, Xu Yueze quickly gave up his seat.

Shi Xuan was not polite, walked up to sit down, and then said casually: "Shi, I heard from Jin Yi that you have some questions you want to ask me?"

When the dozens of core members of the Xu clan in the central hall heard this, they immediately looked at Xu Yueze. They thought they had already communicated all their questions and were waiting for the head of the family to speak. Xu Yueze coughed lightly, and then said: "Chief Shixian, we are very grateful that you are willing to take our Xu family to the overseas world of immortality, but I don't know, how is your strength, Master Shixian, compared to my family Jinyi? In the world of overseas cultivation of immortality, I don't know. How many masters are there who are like you and how many are better than you?"

Shi Xuan said calmly: "Shi is now in the Qi-entraining stage, which is commonly said in the world of breaking the void realm. His strength is a hundred times that of Jinyi." For Shi Xuan, there is no pride in saying this, he is just stating the facts. , but everyone in the Xu clan gasped. They knew Xu Jinyi's strength very well. They knew it clearly, a hundred times better than her. Just thinking about it was terrifying!

Of course, there were several people who were obviously not convinced by Shi Xuan's statement, and they all looked at Xu Jinyi. Seeing this, Xu Jinyi naturally nodded slightly. When he asked for advice on spiritual practice in the quiet room just now, Shi Xuan's inadvertently exposed methods made him Xu Jinyi felt that it was completely different from her own methods, and she couldn't think of any resistance at all.

At this time, everyone in the Xu family calmed down and looked at Shi Xuan with incredible eyes. In their hearts, Xu Jinyi was unimaginably powerful, a hundred times more powerful than her. How terrifying would that be? I'm afraid one can defeat ten thousand!

Those young men who have embarked on the path of cultivating immortals secretly thought that although their own strength is at the bottom of the world of cultivating immortals, with people like Shi Xianzhang leading them, they will not be bullied, and maybe they will be able to do it soon. Breaking through the realm, smiling proudly in the world of immortality, for a moment, my heart was burning.

But they immediately heard Shi Xuan continue to say: "In the world of immortal cultivation, there are many people who are on par with Shi in terms of cultivation. In Shi's sect alone, there are more than half a hundred, plus other major, medium and small The number of sects and casual cultivators should be close to a thousand. "This is only in terms of the two realms of Qi Dacheng and Qi Qi Perfect, and does not refer to combat power.

As soon as these words came out, the young men seemed to have a basin of cold water poured on their hearts, and they all became dejected. Everyone in the Xu clan also had a bad look on their face. They thought that even if their family was not strong enough, at least they would have a big leg to hug them. Who knew that this would happen? It seems that the powerful Shixian Chang is just an ordinary character in the world of immortality.

Shi Xuan paid no attention to what they were thinking, and said plainly and honestly: "There are many people who are better than Shi in terms of cultivation and strength. Some are better than Shi, some are a hundred times better than Shi, and there are even those who are better than Shi." "Under the attack, the country will be destroyed and the sea will be destroyed." The latter refers to the monks above the Yuan Shen. Although Shi Xuan has never seen them take action, it is inferred that if they attack with all their strength, the land of Middle Earth will probably be destroyed.

The people of the Xu clan seemed to be listening to myths and legends. The kind of power that could destroy a country with a wave of their hands was beyond their imagination. It took a long time for Xu Yueze to tremble and ask: "Really?"

"Master Shi is the master of Jindan. He is a hundred times or a thousand times stronger than me. There are several realms above him. Think about it for yourself. Is it true?" Shi Xuan also admitted that he was a Jindan master. The disciples of the Grandmaster all told the truth without any concealment, and then repeated what Senior Diantanzi said back then, which made the Xu clan's faces darken.

Xu Yueze looked back at the clan members, and then cautiously said to Shi Xuan: "Chief Shi, this matter is of great importance. We need to think about it carefully. Please give us some time to discuss it."

Shi Xuan nodded and said: "Then you can discuss it, Shi will be waiting here." After saying this, he half-closed his eyes and sat on the chair as if he was asleep, as if you can just discuss it and pretend I'm not here.

Shi Xuan expressed this, and the people of the Xu family did not dare to object. They all gathered on the other side of the central hall. Then you looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to speak first. After a while, Xu Jinyi said again: "Everyone, just say whatever you want." What? This is a matter for the entire family and concerns everyone’s future.”

Xu Yueze, as the head of the family, took the lead and said without hesitation: "I think it is better to stay. Firstly, it is difficult to leave my hometown, and secondly, there are countless experts in the world of immortality. If we go, we will only restore our previous status. How can we live as well as we do now? There are so many people obeying our orders, even the governor of Yangzhou and Duke An have to act based on our expressions. "Only one of his descendants has the aptitude and temperament to cultivate immortality.

Another tall young man immediately retorted: "But if you stay here, even if you get countless gold and silver treasures, what is the use of the land and property? It will not turn into a cup of loess in a hundred years. If you go to the world of immortality, you may become a real immortal in the future. , long life."

A frail young man opposite him sneered: "You think you will definitely be able to break through the realm and become an immortal, but how could you know that you are not becoming a stepping stone for others? Let's touch our hearts and ask, are you willing to live a life of relying on others?"

He took a step forward and continued to ask loudly: "I believe everyone can clearly see what happened on the river today. Don't you cultivators yearn for that kind of scene where thousands of people worship, revere, and praise? Hope it can get to that point one day?”

The lips of those young men moved slightly, but they could not refute. When they thought of the scene on the river, and when they thought that they would have such a day in the future, they all trembled with excitement, and they practiced even harder.

The frail young man chuckled a few times: "What if we go to the world of immortality? There are countless people who are better than you in cultivation. Just pick one of them and you can easily defeat you. It is very difficult to enjoy the admiration of the world like this. I’m afraid I will end up living my whole life in the eyes of others who look down upon me, look down upon me, and look down upon me!”

Several teenagers were silent for a while before someone retorted unconfidently: "We will also make progress. And the elders in the family can also get life-extending elixirs."

The frail young man immediately retorted: "Are you sure you can get the life-extending pill with your own cultivation? And speaking of progress, you haven't made much progress over the years. Think about it carefully, which one is difficult and which one is easy!"

Then he looked around and said loudly: "In Yangzhou, we enjoyed all the glory and wealth, and our life was so satisfying and comfortable. But when we went to the world of cultivating immortals, we would just disappear into the world and live a busy life. Maybe one day we would be reunited. Destroyed. Although he is now protected by Immortal Shi, how long can he be protected?" The tribesmen nodded one after another.

Xu Jinyi wanted to speak, but seeing the expressions of the tribesmen, they remained silent after all. Seeing this, Xu Yueze hurriedly stood up and said, "Now everyone will make their own decision, should we go or not?"

Those tribesmen who had no hope of immortality had nothing to hesitate, and they all refused to answer. As for those young men and their close relatives, two pictures flashed in their minds. They were also in the out-of-body stage, and one was being prostrated by countless people. Worship, reverence and praise, beautiful girls automatically fall into the arms of others, one is to act as someone else's follower, and may be hunted down by others, with no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth, and may spend the whole life in the attitude of being looked down upon and despised by others.

In the silence, one of the teenagers finally stood up and spoke slowly: "I'm not going either."

Once someone takes the lead, there will naturally be no pressure on the remaining few. The voices of "No" come and go, and every voice makes Xu Jinyi's face pale.

In the end, except for Xu Jinyi and her parents, everyone refused to answer, including Xu Tianqi.

Suddenly, a faint voice came: "Are you going to go to Jinyi or not?" But Shi Xuan opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to have stripped away the cover, and asked directly into his heart.

The people of the Xu clan looked at Xu Jinyi with anxious and nervous eyes, and all shook their heads to indicate that she could not answer. Their beautiful lives were all based on this fairy Xu Jinyi.

Xu Jinyi slowly looked around the tribe. Her father and mother were worried and afraid, indicating that she would not go, because they thought it would be good if they could live out their lives in peace. If they went to the world of immortality, they would probably fall into the hands of others. . The other tribe members have different emotions. They are afraid that after they leave, the Xu family's power will be greatly damaged and they will no longer be able to maintain the current situation. They are worried that they will never be able to live such a beautiful life in the future. They are afraid that they will not have the opportunity to enjoy it in the future. Praise and awe from ordinary people.

I close my eyes, and all the past events come to mind. They are all specific little things: when I was a child, my father came back from a trip and never forgot to give me a gift, and then pricked my face with a beard; there was a scene where my mother combed her hair. The warmth of nagging; the pampering of parents who are angry and helpless after being naughty and mischievous; the joy of playing with brothers and sisters...

Bit by bit, drop by drop, everything was so unforgettable. A tear slipped quietly from the corner of Xu Jinyi's eyes, and then he replied to Shi Xuan in a hoarse voice: "Master Shi Mingjian, Jin Yi will not go either." Hearing this, everyone in the Xu family looked relieved. .

Shi Xuan stood up after hearing the words, with complicated emotions in his heart. Using people as a mirror can help him observe himself. This is the original intention of the experience in the world of mortals. Xu Jinyi's decision was not good or bad for her. It was understandable whether she chose to leave home to practice or to have the warmth of family. However, this made her sigh with emotion. Da Fang's death had made her realize that if the path is the choice, Wrong, no matter how hard you persist, it will be useless. Now Xu Jinyi's choice has made him understand his own heart. As expected, he is still a person who puts cultivation first and will never give up his own path for the desires of others.

Shi Xuan originally wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he let out a long sigh, and at the same time strode out of the central hall and disappeared into the air.

Xu Jinyi leaned against the door and looked at it with a dreamy expression. There seemed to be a long sigh echoing in her ears, and she also sighed involuntarily.

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