Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 161 The rolling water breaks the embankment

——Thanks to my friends for the cow dung and other flowers.

After leaving the Xu Mansion with the invisibility spell, Shi Xuan was walking in a remote alley in the heavy rain. Every step he took, the emotions in his heart dissipated. By the time he walked out of the alley, it was already calm. Shi Xuan was now I still can't achieve the state of mind that I can no longer think about when I turn around, but it can be considered extraordinary.

And because Xu Jinyi's choice just now brought him a lot of experience in Taoism, his cultivation became a little more agile.

It took a lot of time to answer Xu Jinyi's questions last night, plus the arguments among the Xu clan. It was already early in the morning. Shi Xuan stopped a pedestrian passing by with an umbrella and asked with a smile: "Do you know the temple of Pudu Bodhisattva?" Where is it? "I am going to find Fang to see how to deal with the incense wish power in my body.

The passerby's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect that, little brother, you also believe in Pudu Bodhisattva. Not bad. Let me tell you, my old problem was cured by itself after worshiping Pudu Bodhisattva. It can be said to be extremely miraculous and compassionate. Great compassion." This man kept talking about the benefits of Pudu Bodhisattva. After a long time, he smiled apologetically and said, "There is the largest bridge in Yangzhou on the other side of the Victory Bridge." Then he talked about how to get to the Victory Bridge.

After Shi Xuan entered the world of cultivating immortals, he once wondered why there were Buddhist temples in the Middle Earth when there was no Buddhist tradition in this world. Later, after consulting the classics, I found out that although other big worlds took into account the existence of Shenxiao Palace and did not occupy this big world, they still had to infiltrate and preach in various ways. When the power of this immortal world is insufficient, as long as the other party does not exceed the necessary limit, ordinary preaching is the default.

After a few twists and turns, Shi Xuan had already stepped onto the Victory Bridge after daybreak, and saw the large temple with blue bricks and blue tiles. It was very lively with people coming and going. There was even a medium-sized market in front of the temple, and there were storytellers. There are performers, some selling various snacks and toys.

Following the flow of people entering the main hall, Shi Xuan saw the majestic Fang family at a glance. She was dressed in white, with a precious light behind her head, and her feet were on a lotus platform. Under the seat were two golden boys and girls, Delin and Hanling, standing on either side. , also had a solemn look on his face.

Shi Xuan still had no money on him, so he just watched the old and young believers offering incense, praying for blessings, and asking for amulets and so on. Several female nuns standing in the main hall saw Shi Xuan wandering there doing nothing, and it didn't look like he was here for a visit. They became wary, fearing that he was sent by other temples to cause damage, so a pretty little nun came up and said: " I wonder if there is any poor nun who can help me with this benefactor?”

Shi Xuan saw that these nuns were nervous and had a bad taste, so he immediately replied: "Well, Shi is here to see Pudu Bodhisattva. Can I introduce him to you?"

Sure enough, he is here to cause trouble! The little nun thought to herself, but she couldn't lose her etiquette on the surface. She could only say with a straight face: "The Bodhisattva is a true god, and it cannot be seen by mortals! Donor, it is better not to have delusions, and return home quickly is the right way. ." At the same time, he signaled several monks to prepare for action.

Shi Xuan chuckled and said: "You haven't asked Pudu Bodhisattva yet, how do you know that she refuses to see Shi? Can you make the decision on behalf of Bodhisattva?"

The little nun's face changed, and when she was about to speak, she suddenly looked dazed, and then looked at Shi Xuan strangely: "Then please go to the quiet room at the back and wait, Master Shi." As soon as these words came out, the others listened with their ears pricked up. The nuns and monks who were moving here couldn't hide their expressions. They were stunned for a moment and could only watch the little nun leading Shi Xuan through the hall and back.

It turned out that Shi Xuan only had some bad taste, not to the point of teasing the little nun, so while joking, he released his spiritual sense to touch Fang's statue. Fang naturally knew it immediately, and then informed the little nun of his decision through the statue, so that She took Shi Xuan to the quiet room behind to wait. When the Bodhisattva speaks, the little nun dare not disobey.

"Oops, is Huixin bewitched by witchcraft?" After an older nun came to her senses, she asked her companions in panic.

A middle-aged nun nodded solemnly: "Maybe they were invited by the bad guys who ruined the temple. Let's follow them quickly." Then she hurried to the back of the temple with a few female nuns and monks. As soon as I walked out of the main hall, I saw the little nun Huixin walking back with an uncertain expression.

"Hey, senior sisters, why are you here in the backyard?" Hui Xin was very puzzled. She never thought that it was due to her own strange behavior. She was still immersed in the joy and wonder of the Bodhisattva directly sending down the decree to herself.

The middle-aged nun immediately asked: "Why did you bring that man to the backyard?"

Huixin glanced at the senior sisters opposite: "It was the Bodhisattva who issued the decree."

The middle-aged nun sneered: "You have only been in the temple for a few years, and the Bodhisattva will directly give you a decree? Do you think you are the abbot or the elder?" The other nuns behind him nodded in agreement.

Huixin didn't dare to argue: "Huixin is also very strange. Why don't some senior sisters also ask the Bodhisattva? In case Huixin is deceived by others."

The corners of the middle-aged nun's mouth twitched slightly. Was she laughing at the fact that she had been in the temple for more than ten years and still couldn't communicate with the Bodhisattvas and borrow power from the statues to cast spells? However, she and several other nuns did not want to show weakness in person, so they pretended to communicate with the Bodhisattva.

After this communication, the expressions of several female nuns changed. They were happy, excited, and confused. After a while, the leading middle-aged nun smiled and said: "Sure enough, it's really thanks to Sister Huixin that Senior Sister is doing this." This is the first time I have sensed the Bodhisattva so clearly." As she spoke, she held Huixin's arm enthusiastically, which made Huixin confused for a moment. The little nun couldn't help but sigh in her heart, there are so many strange things happening today!


Shi Xuan sat in the quiet room for half an hour when he saw a golden light falling from the sky. Then Fang was wearing a plain white dress, with golden lotuses at her feet. There was a sacred and solemn golden light floating behind her head, and there were countless faint and faint lights. The sound of prayers and sutra chanting comes from the precious light, coupled with the golden petals appearing and disappearing around Fang's body, it really makes people feel worship and belief. It has to be said that compared to the authentic Taoism, the Shinto method is more popular. It really looks better than him.

Seeing Shi Xuan sitting on the chair with a faint smile, Mrs. Fang happily prostrated herself: "Ms. Fang met my benefactor. I didn't expect to see my benefactor again. It was such a surprise just now."

Shi Xuan held up his hands and asked Fang to stand up: "Pindao thought that Mrs. Fang had already stayed in this temple, so why did you rush back from outside?" After all, this temple is the largest in Yangzhou.

After hearing Shi Xuan's question, Mrs. Fang showed some worry on her face: "Originally, I did move to this temple, but there have been heavy rains recently, and the water level of the river has risen a lot. Many believers on the riverside have come to where I am. The temple on the riverside prayed for blessings, hoping to protect them from the worry of floods. In addition, many of them were broken down by the rainy weather and fell ill, so I took the two children to that temple. By staying temporarily, we can treat many patients and save some people if there is a flood."

Shi Xuan nodded. He praised: "You can be regarded as a bodhisattva. Alas, I was wrong. You are already a true bodhisattva. I don't know, how are your recent cultivations? How are the two children, Delin and Hanling, doing?"

"Young Lao En is worried. My cultivation level has reached the stage equivalent to Taoism's out-of-body experience. However, the road to Shinto has always been extremely slow. It requires gathering a large amount of incense. It is not something that can be accomplished in one day. I am not impatient at all. . The two little guys, Delin and Hanling, have grown up a lot. They are already seven years old. With the help of my concubine, they have stabilized their bodies and can use the power of incense to perform some magic. It’s just that I haven’t been able to condense the precious light of my wish.” Speaking of her two children, Mrs. Fang had a look of love and contentment on her face.

"I am happy that my old friend is well. I came here this time, but I have something to ask Mrs. Fang for your help." Shi Xuan stated his purpose of coming openly.

Mrs. Fang hurriedly said: "I owe my present status to my benefactor, but please don't dare to disobey me." For Shi Xuan, Mrs. Fang was really grateful. He not only showed her the way, but also gave her instructions. Gave real Shinto skills.

As soon as the Tai Chi diagram in Shi Xuan's Dantian turned around, dots of light of wish appeared around him, in red, orange, yellow and green colors. Fang opened her mouth slightly: "My dear friend, have you also embarked on the path of Shinto?"

"No, it's just a pity that I got by chance. This vow is of little use to me. If I keep it around, it will hinder my own practice. So I came to ask Mrs. Fang to think of a way to see if I can use this Vow. The source has been transferred to you." Shi Xuan pointed at the wishful light around him.

Mrs. Fang laughed playfully: "I didn't expect that my benefactor would come to support me. These wishes are pure and abundant, almost equivalent to one-third of what I have earned over the years. Well, I have to think about it carefully."

Shi Xuan knew that this would not be something he could come up with in a short time, so he was trying to get Fang to share his thoughts on Shinto. When he thought about it, he saw Fang's expression change and he was shocked. Said: "The embankment was washed away by the flood!"

When Shi Xuan heard this, he released the Shadowless Sword, which turned into a clear light, and flew out of the city with Fang. Fang was a little surprised: "My benefactor also wanted to help stop the flood?" She thought that people in the Taoist sect would not do such a thing.

"Do you think Pindao is the kind of indifferent person? If he doesn't meet him, he won't take the initiative to take care of it. He won't feel guilty if he finds out afterwards. But if he meets him, there is nothing to say beyond his ability. Within his ability, It can still be done with some effort," Shi Xuan said calmly.

Shi Xuan's escape was so fast that he reached the breach in a short time. He saw rolling turbid waves, and the flood rushed to the shore from the collapse. Many fields and villages were submerged. Many people climbed to high places and rustled. Shivering, they watched the water rise higher and higher, while some people were floating in the water and shouted for help.

The people on the high ground had no way to retreat behind them, and the floods continued to rage. In fear and despair, they prayed to gods and gods, such as: "The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Bodhisattva Pudu protects them."

When Shi Xuan saw the tragic situation in the flood, Fang said, "I have something that can save the water. Please ask Mrs. Fang to help."

"Why didn't my benefactor take action himself?" Although Fang was anxious, she still asked strangely.

"It's all about saving people, so it doesn't matter who comes forward. Besides, if it's just a poor man who wants to be a saint, it would be a lot of incense and effort. It's better to just take action from Mrs. Fang." Shi Xuan said without mind at all.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Mrs. Fang did not refuse: "Please also ask your benefactor to give me something to save the water."

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