Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 162 Compare yourself before and after

——Thanks to the Doomsday Star, Huadong Ershao, and Tianluoqi for their rewards. Also, let me talk about the update time. Monday to Friday is between 8:30 and 9 in the morning, and between 6 and 7 in the afternoon. The two weekends are around 12 noon and around 6 in the afternoon. If there is any change, I will ask for leave.

Shi Xuan took out the Yin-Yang Two-Energy Bottle and released some of the restrictions inside: "This thing can absorb water and hold things. Although it can't hold a sea, it is more than enough for a large lake. It should be enough to deal with floods."

Fang took the Yin-Yang Two-Energy Bottle with a solemn expression: "I will lead the people to thank the benefactor first." Then she turned around and flew over the flood.


In the flood.

There was a family of three holding a broken tree and swimming desperately to the high land, but the water was turbulent and the waves were surging. After swimming three feet, they were washed back five feet. Gradually, the child had no strength. As soon as his hand loosened, he was washed away by the flood and struggled desperately in the water.

Seeing this, his mother and father held the wood and wanted to swim over to save him. However, it was not easy for the wood to change direction in the flood. The father gritted his teeth, loosened his grip, and rode a wave towards the child. The mother was still somewhat rational. She knew that if she went there at this time, she would only become a burden and disturb her husband from saving his son. So she murmured: "Greatly compassionate Bodhisattva, please save my husband and children. If it works, I will definitely set up a nunnery at home, and from now on I will fast and chant sutras, and burn incense day and night." Peining was floating in the turbid water. She was a lady from a wealthy family and could not swim at all. If the wet nurse had not pulled her hard, she would have been buried in the water. But at this moment, both of them had no strength left. They were slowly sinking into the water. After struggling for a while, she felt the cold water over her lips and flooded her nose. She finally despaired and closed her eyes, but she was very unwilling in her heart. She was only 28 years old, the most beautiful and brilliant time in her life. How could she die like this? All the powerful gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, who will save me? From now on, I will be your loyal believer. Such scenes are not only seen in this place, but also everywhere in the flood. Of course, some people who are trying to survive have no time to pray to the Buddha, but their temporarily safe relatives and friends are powerless and can only pray to the gods for some psychological comfort or hope for a miracle.


The high land exposed above the water is now densely packed with people. They are the closest to here when the flood comes, and they have the opportunity to escape.

As many people escape from the flood or are rescued, there are more and more people here. This is nothing, but the flood is still rising. The land that has just been exposed to the water can submerge people's insteps in a blink of an eye, so everyone rushes to higher places.

But the higher places are already full of people, and a large number of people can't squeeze up no matter how hard they try. Seeing that the water level under their feet is getting higher and higher, some people fight, some beg, some lift their children above their heads, and more people pray to the gods, hoping that some gods and Buddhas can save them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Suddenly, a faint and sacred voice came from the sky: "I heard your prayers and came to rescue you." The voice was not loud, but it echoed thousands of times, as if it sounded in everyone's heart.

Everyone looked excitedly, and saw a solemn jade-faced Bodhisattva standing on a nine-grade lotus platform, holding a white jade bottle in his hand, with golden flowers falling around him, and a vast and sacred golden light behind his head. Listening carefully, it seemed that countless people were chanting and praying devoutly, which made the listeners calm down and forget the mundane world. What a true god!

But Fang saw that there was a way to save the water, so he showed his true body. As a Shinto monk, he would never do good deeds without leaving his name.

"That, that is Pudu Bodhisattva!!" A follower of Fang recognized the origin of this Bodhisattva and shouted excitedly.

Tens of thousands of desperate people saw that the Bodhisattva had really come, and they were filled with ecstasy and gratitude. So they all knelt down and chanted in unison: "Pudu Bodhisattva is merciful and compassionate, please save us." Fang smiled slightly, and said nothing. Under the gaze of many people, he threw the white jade bottle. The white jade bottle grew in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it became as big as a mountain. Then two huge gases, one black and one white, were released from the mouth of the bottle downwards. When one of them touched the water surface, the water flew into the mouth of the bottle like a water dragon. Strangely enough, only the flood was absorbed, and the people, wood, broken bricks, and broken tiles in the water were all left in place. After a few breaths, the loess under the high land reappeared in front of everyone. The people here were shocked and kowtowed devoutly again, silently chanting: "Great Compassionate Bodhisattva."

After a few more breaths, the flood had retreated to the embankment. The mother of the family of three had been desperately watching her husband holding the child and sinking under the water, but in a blink of an eye, she saw them lying safely on the ground, looking around in a trance, as if she didn't believe that there was air instead of water next to them. Tears of surprise flowed from the mother's eyes uncontrollably, and she kept chanting: "Great Compassionate Bodhisattva."

Pei Ning was closing his eyes and waiting to die, but after a long time, he didn't see any water choking his nose, so he opened his eyes blankly and looked around, only to see himself sitting in the yellow mud, and the extremely dirty wet nurse also looked at him blankly, until he heard the prayers of the crowd and saw the Bodhisattva in the air, he cried and laughed and rushed to the wet nurse.

When the flood retreated to several feet below the original water level, everyone saw Pudu Bodhisattva wave his hand, and the white jade bottle immediately took back the black and white qi, then slowly shrank and flew back to the palm of the Bodhisattva.

As the Yin and Yang Qi bottles were taken back, the drizzling rain stopped, and rays of sunlight fell from the sky. Fang looked at Shi Xuan who was hidden in the air with gratitude. It turned out that Shi Xuan used the Tai Chi diagram to disperse the dark clouds.

Bathed in the warm and hopeful golden sunlight, the people looked at Pudu Bodhisattva enthusiastically, and saw Pudu Bodhisattva continue to say in that ethereal and sacred voice: "I can only save the emergency for the time being. You should save yourself first and repair the embankment quickly, otherwise there will be another disaster when the next rainstorm comes."

At this time, everyone had no idea of ​​refutation, and everyone said respectfully and piously: "I will follow the Bodhisattva's order."

Fang took it when he saw that it was going well, and slowly disappeared. Only the sound of gratitude was left.

According to the later Yangzhou Chronicles, in that year, strange and bizarre things frequently occurred in Yangzhou, which was a sign of change in the world.


On a white cloud, Fang returned the Yin-Yang Qi Bottle to Shi Xuan: "Thank you, benefactor. To be honest, I felt a little embarrassed when I heard them praise me like that just now. It was obviously you who really contributed."

Shi Xuan played with the Yin-Yang Qi Bottle and smiled: "It doesn't matter. Speaking of it, I have gained something. Those praises are far less than this."

Fang asked curiously: "What gains? Why didn't I see it?"

"Haha, some mental experience. There are mainly two aspects. On the one hand, I just saw those When the people were struggling in the flood, I was thinking, what would happen if I didn't have magic power? The only answer is to leave it to fate and pray for help from others in despair. So on the road of cultivation, immortality is the goal, and being able to adapt to the state of mind of immortality is the key, but being able to protect one's own strength is also indispensable. "Shi Xuan said lightly, although it can't be considered completely right, but the experience of perception is itself a process of slowly eliminating the false and retaining the true, and it is impossible to understand it all at once. At this stage, it is not bad to reach this level. Fang nodded, not quite understanding. Shi Xuan continued: "On the other hand, compared with everyone's despair, sadness, and sadness just now, I prefer their joy, touching, and tears of escaping from death now. "The words were not said thoroughly. After all, this was Shi Xuan's understanding of his own nature, of course, it was also very superficial. "Yes, so do I." Fang smiled and said, then she remembered something and covered her mouth with her hands and said, "My benefactor, your bottle is full of water, what should I do?"

"Nothing. If we encounter a dry area on the road, we will treat it as rain. If we really don't encounter it, I will pour it into the sea when I return overseas." Shi Xuan said nonchalantly, "Okay, I will go back to the Desheng Bridge Temple to wait for Madam Fang. After Madam Fang uses magic to treat the injured, remember to come back and discuss the previous matter with me." Shi Xuan could have taken action, but with Fang here, it would be unnecessary.

Fang bowed in a variety of ways: "I will remember it."

Then Shi Xuan nodded, drove the Wanxiang Wuying Sword back to Yangzhou City, and Fang descended directly from the clouds and landed in her small temple by the river.

Until then, Xu Jinyi arrived with several disciples. First, they received the news late, and second, they were not as fast as Shi Xuan, so they only saw the scene after the flood receded and heard the people's words of gratitude to Pudu Bodhisattva. They were stunned for a while, and then Xu Jinyi murmured: "It seems that Master Shi helped Fang behind her back." Then she sighed and called the disciples back. Although she had no regrets about her choice, she always felt a little ashamed when facing Master Shi.


More than three months later, in late autumn, golden leaves danced with the wind.

"Haha, finally succeeded." Fang said with a smile, and there was another round of precious light behind her head, but it was no longer golden, but as bright as the moon. After several months of discussion with Shi Xuan, she finally found a way to receive all of Shi Xuan's incense and wishes, but from then on, she had another name for a god, Tianxuan Shangxian.

Of course, for Fang, this is not a problem at all. She is a wild person, not an orthodox Buddhist, and because of Shi Xuan, she is more inclined to Taoist gods, so the immortals and bodhisattvas are just her titles.

Shi Xuan put down a burden and felt relieved: "Thank you very much, Madam Fang. I still have a few disciples to see, so I will say goodbye today." Shi Xuan never thought of bringing Fang to the world of immortal cultivation, because for Fang, the Middle Earth, where there are not many masters at this stage, is more suitable for her to gather incense.

"I hope that when I succeed in my cultivation in the future, I can see you again. Well, then I can use the incense to condense a secret treasure, which is the wish of all people, and it may be of some wonderful use to you." Fang did not try to keep her. It is very normal for cultivators to part for several years or even decades. As for the secret treasure, Fang did not tell Shi Xuan, because it would make her cultivation level regress a step, and even if she was a Shintoist, it would be difficult for her to make up her mind to condense it for herself.

Shi Xuan didn't care whether he wanted it or not, but he didn't want to hurt Fang's gratitude, so he said, "Well, let's talk about it later."

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