Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 164 The glamorous eyes of glory and wealth

——Tiny eyes, a reward from a friend of Zichen Star Emperor. Also, the naming was prompted by a friend.

On the official road leading to the divine capital.

Shi Xuan was walking side by side with a white-haired old man, followed by the old man's family members and guards. This old man, Chen Yanbo, is the head of an official family in Mingzhou. Due to his age, he has already retired to work at home, but he is passionate about immortality. This time, he brought his family to the capital of heaven to listen to Master Nanguang's sermon.

He was sitting in the carriage and happened to see Shi Xuan, a young Taoist priest walking outside. He was very handsome and elegant. He felt enthusiastic and walked down to talk to Shi Xuan. As soon as they started chatting, they found that the young Taoist master's talk was quite insightful. He was very interested and did not return to the carriage. He just walked away talking to Shi Xuan, which made the guards behind him suffer.

"The Taoist Master is really a reclusive person. Apart from immortals with great supernatural powers like Master Nan Guang, he is the Taoist Master who has the most profound knowledge." The more Chen Yanbo talked, the more he admired Shi Xuan. From a young Taoist priest to a Taoist priest.

The reason why Shi Xuan talked to him was for another reason: "I heard that Master Chen, you went to the capital of gods to listen to Master Nanguang's sermon? Isn't he in Luojing?" Shi Xuan was originally planning to go to Chuwan first When I arrived in Luojing, I went to find Ding Mingde again. When I went to the vicinity of Shendu, I heard the news that was spreading a lot. It was Master Nanguang who was visiting Shendu and was preparing to give a sermon for three days. Now Chen Yanbo came forward. Naturally, Find confirmation.

Chen Yanbo said with admiration on his face: "Yes, I often saw Master Nanguang when I was an official in the court. He really has great magic power and supernatural powers. He also has a thorough understanding of Taoist classics and Confucian classics. Every word he speaks is perfect." Thought provoking.”

After a pause, he continued: "However, it has been many years since I became an official. This time, Master Nanguang came to Shendu, not far from Mingzhou, so I brought my family and came here to listen to him again. "The teachings." Then he took out a gold-plated invitation and said, "This is the entry-level thing I asked someone to get. Otherwise, it would be difficult to get in in front of Master Nan Guang. Why don't we go together?"

"That's very good." Shi Xuan didn't refuse. He wanted to ask Ding Mingde anyway. It might as well take a look at his behavior first.

Chen Yanbo had a smile on his face and seemed to be very satisfied with Shi Xuan's answer: "Actually, when I saw that the Taoist priest had to walk to the capital of God in the middle of winter, I guessed that the Taoist priest was going to listen to Master Nan Guang's sermon, so that's why This question will definitely benefit the Taoist priest greatly from the teachings of Master Nanguang." It can be seen that this old man has great respect for Ding Mingde.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "This is my first time to listen to Master Nanguang's sermons. I hope I can gain something. I just don't know what Master Nanguang's usual hobbies are?" Does he have a firm Taoist heart? From what he usually does, he can see One or two.

"Hahaha." Chen Yanbo pointed at Shi Xuan and laughed three times, "You are thoughtful." It seems that he misunderstood Shi Xuan's meaning, "But Master Nanguang is a very upright man, and he also has a mansion gifted by the emperor, Land, rare and rare treasures, eight living rooms, one hundred promises at a time, great splendor and wealth, so he seldom collects money or goods, and he and his wife treat each other as guests. There are only a few beautiful concubines, most of them are gifts from the royal family, so they are not greedy for sex. "It seems you are going to be disappointed."

Shi Xuan calmly asked: "Then what does he usually do most?"

Chen Yanbo thought about it for a moment: "It's almost like an ordinary person. He preaches to the emperor every few days and refines some elixirs. Well, the most common thing he does is to often open forums to preach and promote our Taoism, and then he preaches. Give medicine and help the poor.”

"I heard that Master Nanguang often interferes in government affairs?" Shi Xuan asked with a smile.

Chen Yanbo frowned and said: "There is no such thing. It's just because Master Nanguang is of Confucian origin and has a lot of insights into government affairs, so the emperor likes to ask Master Nanguang for questions."

In a carriage not far behind, several women were talking and laughing. A naughty eleven-year-old girl with a melon-shaped face lifted the curtain and looked outside. Then she smiled at the others and said, "Grandpa looks like that." We had a great time chatting with the young Taoist priests! Sisters, do you think grandpa will marry one of you to that Taoist priest? You know how much grandpa loves immortality!"

A dignified girl with an oval face of fifteen or sixteen years old blushed with embarrassment and took a sip: "Qiniang, if you want to marry, just marry yourself, why bother with me." The other three girls also nodded: "I think it's Qiniang. I'm so excited."

The naughty little girl with a childish look on her face didn't care, and said proudly: "I'm only eleven years old, and we still have several years to talk about getting married. Several of my sisters are already waiting to be married. How can I not choose a good one carefully?" "Fan, that young Taoist priest looks pretty good, and it's better than marrying that nerd or Lu man. In the future, we might be able to join in some kind of dual cultivation." After saying this, he was laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up straight.

"Bah, Qiniang, you little girl, where did you hear these nonsense?" Another pretty girl who was also fifteen or sixteen years old said with a blush, "Besides, what's wrong with being a nerd? Maybe he will appear on the stage in the future. I will earn you a phoenix crown and Xiapei."

"Okay, okay, if I don't say anything anymore, Si Niang, go find your champion." The little girl covered her mouth and snickered. After a while, she looked at Si Niang's hateful eyes and said with a serious face: "Those nonsense These words were all found in the books that Si Niang and Er Niang found in your boxes."

"Okay, okay, you dare to steal my things." Si Niang and Er Niang rushed forward with red faces, held Qi Niang down and beat her up, and finally said: "Okay, let's go and tell Grandpa that Qi Niang is thinking about love and wants to marry that young Taoist priest." Qi Niang hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense. To be a Taoist priest, you must be as good as Nan Guang Zhenren. That way, even if you, Si Niang, have a phoenix crown and a bridal robe, you will have to pay respect to me first when you see me, hehe." ………… After entering the city of Shendu, the Chen family had already booked a place to stay. Chen Yanbo invited Shi Xuan to live with him very attentively, saying that it would be convenient for them to go to listen to Nan Guang Zhenren's preaching tomorrow. Shi Xuan also had no objection. Traveling around the world can be regarded as taking things as they come, so he followed the Chen family. There was no conversation that night. The next day. Shi Xuan followed the Chen family to the Jingshen Temple in Shendu, where Ding Mingde would give a lecture. When they arrived at Jingshen Temple, everyone got off the carriage and walked into the temple. They saw many gorgeous carriages parked in front of the Taoist temple. It seemed that all the people in Shendu City who were qualified to listen to the Taoism had come.

Chen Yanbo brought two sons, four grandsons and five granddaughters with him. It was a huge group of people. Shi Xuan walked beside Chen Yanbo and occasionally looked back to see his granddaughters. When they were seen by Shi Xuan, they immediately blushed. One of the lively and naughty girls even glared at Shi Xuan fiercely.

Shi Xuan didn't know what they were thinking, and didn't care. He continued to follow Chen Yanbo forward with a normal look, which surprised the girls for a while.

After passing through the front hall and stepping onto the corridor, they walked for a long time before arriving at the square in front of the main hall of Jingshen Temple. They saw that a large platform had been set up there, and it was decorated with eight trigrams, four images, two yin and yang, and Tai Chi, all of which were precious and extraordinary.

After sitting down in their respective seats, everyone quietly waited for the time of the sermon to arrive. Even the chattering girls did not dare to say much in this atmosphere. The whole square was silent for a while.

After a while, a man flew out from the main hall of Jingshen Temple and landed on the sermon platform. He was wearing a purple Taoist robe, a Hunyuan Guan on his head, and a jade hairpin pinned his topknot. He was handsome and had bright eyes. Just a light glance at the whole audience made everyone straighten their backs suddenly and become solemn and serious.

This Taoist was Ding Mingde. His cultivation seemed to be progressing well, his appearance was well maintained, and he had an extraordinary aura and majesty. After scanning the whole audience, he slowly sat on the middle cushion and began today's sermon.

Ding Mingde talked about entering Taoism with Confucianism and proving Taoism with Confucianism. The content was easy to understand and wonderful, which made the audience below who usually read classics and history better than Taoist books listen to it fascinated. Shi Xuan secretly sighed, thinking that Ding Mingde had really found the Confucian cultivation method, but it seems that this is not the case. These are just some common principles of mind and nature.

For the Chen family, this half day passed so quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was noon. Only to hear Nan Guang Zhenren said: "It's late today, let's stop here. Everyone, remember that the way of cultivation is to overcome desires." After that, Nan Guang Zhenren disappeared directly on the stage.

"So exciting! Is this the magical power that grandpa often talks about?" Qi Niang, who was awakened by Si Niang, applauded excitedly. At the beginning, she was excited because Ding Mingde flew to the stage, but then she felt drowsy after listening to it. She only regretted that there was no pillow beside her. She thought to herself that Nan Guang Zhenren was really boring. It was not until this time that she became lively again and felt that it was much more exciting than the temple fair performance.

Chen Yanbo glared at her, causing her to cover her mouth quickly, indicating that he would never say anything again. Then he said to his son with confidence: "Let's go back and come back tomorrow. Taoist priest, Taoist priest?" Only then did he realize that Shi Xuan had disappeared.

"Has anyone seen Taoist priest Shi?" Chen Yanbo asked his son, grandson, and granddaughter.

Everyone shook their heads and answered in unison. They saw him just now, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Chen Yanbo had no choice but to say: "Maybe Taoist priest Shi went to ask Master Nan Guang for advice. Let's go back first. He knows the way himself."


Ding Mingde walked back with great satisfaction. It feels so good to promote his own ideas! It feels so good to be worshipped by countless people of noble status! It feels so good to be able to influence people's hearts with every word and action!

He said to the two beautiful maids behind him: "Come in and give me a back massage." While giving the order, he waited for the maids to open the door, and sighed in his heart. If he hadn't met his uncle and had that adventure, how could there be Master Nan Guang today? He can enjoy the service of beautiful maids at any time, have a virtuous wife to manage the household affairs for him, and everything he uses in his daily life is exquisite and precious. When he goes out, he has a large number of followers and a sedan chair with eight bearers, so he doesn't need to work hard. He can also point out the country and participate in the government affairs, and enjoy the respect of the highest ruler in the world.

"Ah! Someone!" The beautiful maid who opened the door screamed and hurriedly hid behind Ding Mingde. Her master has great magical powers.

Ding Mingde's innate magical powers are about to be used, but he sees a young Taoist sitting on the armchair in the room, sitting there calmly, and his appearance is no different from twenty years ago!

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