Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 165: Desire to Practice in the Mountains

——Thanks to sos members, friends Jenome for their tips and comments, and friends from gt303 for urging me to update.

Ding Mingde's expression changed drastically. He was shocked and surprised. He didn't expect that the uncle he was still thinking about just now would appear directly in front of him. After coming back to his senses, he hurriedly said to the two maids: "Please step aside first, this is my distinguished guest."

Although the two maids were curious, they knew how to advance and retreat. Seeing their master's serious expression, they quickly exited the corridor in small steps.

Seeing the two maids leaving, Ding Mingde let out a long breath, stepped into the door, closed the door tightly, and then fell to his knees suddenly: "My nephew joins my uncle. I don't know that my uncle is here. It's wrong." Welcome from afar." I was a little worried and a little happy. What I was worried about was that I didn't know whether my uncle was satisfied with my practice and whether he would take me back to the mountains to practice Taoism. What I was secretly happy about was that I only had the first part of the "Gui Zhen Jing" at that time. , there is no way to continue practicing, so I want to integrate the most familiar Confucian knowledge into Taoism.

Shi Xuan said: "I only came here to ask you a question. After asking, I will leave immediately."

Ding Mingde's heart skipped a beat and he didn't dare to stand up. He continued to ask respectfully: "Uncle, please ask. Mingde doesn't dare to hide it."

"Are you willing to go back to the mountain with me to practice Taoism?" Shi Xuan asked lightly.

Ding Mingde's head was buzzing. He was really here to take him back to the mountains. What was there? wood? Beast? A simple meal? Or can you only be vegetarian? Just when he was about to say that he had a wife and children, he saw his uncle smiling and saying, "Of course, I'm not unkind. I heard that you have a wife and children, so I can take them to the mountains together." Shen Dao. Just answer me, are you willing or not?"

Ding Mingde remembered that every time he drank tea, he used the best celadon, and when he ate, he used bowls carved from precious white jade. There didn't seem to be many dishes on the table, but they were all made from the best ingredients from all over the world. Except for the emperor, Only you can enjoy it.

This Taoist robe, which looks nothing out of the ordinary, was woven one by one by ten female workers using the most precious silk. When you go out, you don't need to step on the ground. You only need to sit high in a sedan chair and give orders to dozens or hundreds of servants.

Back home, there is a lovely wife and beautiful concubine who expresses her love. Although she is not too obsessed with women, when the mood comes, there are so many maids and maids of different ages. Whichever one she likes, she is willing to crawl into his bed. of.

The most noble, powerful, and wealthy person in the world, the emperor, who is known as the dragon among men, must treat himself as a teacher and be extremely respectful. Not to mention the officials and nobles, big and small, every word he said made them think deeply and respect him. As for businessmen and ordinary scholars, they are not even qualified to see me!

Thinking of the sermon he just gave, he glanced over and saw that everyone held their chests and heads high, for fear of being a little disrespectful. Ding Mingde knew that he had the answer, so he kowtowed nine times in a row and said: "Disciple is still stained by many worldly things, but it is It is inconvenient to follow my uncle back to the mountain to practice Taoism."

Shi Xuan nodded: "In that case, I won't force it, but I can't give you the second half of the Guizhen Jing." As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Xuan turned into a ray of clear light and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

It took Ding Mingde a while to get up, feeling as relieved as if he had put down a big stone. Although he could not get the second half of the "Gui Zhen Jing", he no longer had to worry about losing his glory and wealth and being forced to practice Taoism in the mountains. However, after not seeing him for twenty years, I thought that my cultivation level could catch up with my uncle. But when I saw him today, my uncle became even more unfathomable.


After leaving the Depth of Field View, Shi Xuan did not return to the Chen family, but left the Divine Capital directly, preparing to go to the deep valley that he had made an appointment with Chu Yuyan to ask Chu Wan'er if she was willing to go overseas to practice Taoism.

It is not a pity for Shi Xuan that Ding Mingde is fascinated by foreign objects. This can also be used as a reference for his future practice. After this period of experience in the world of mortals, Shi Xuan only feels that the true energy is becoming more and more agile, and he is not far away from the perfection of entrainment. , of course, you must leave the land of Middle-earth before trying to break through, otherwise I don’t know where it will be moved by Shenxiao Palace.

Many passers-by saw a young Taoist on the official road from the capital of gods to Luojing. His clothes were fluttering and his face was peaceful. Every step he took seemed to be the same size as if measured with a ruler. In just a few steps, he was like a man. Disappeared before his eyes.

This made those pedestrians feel chills on their backs. Thinking of Mang Mountain, a holy burial place nearby, they were even more afraid to hurry up and stay away from this place.


In a deep mountain canyon near Luojing, there is a small wooden house. A girl in white clothes is sitting in a daze under the tree in front of the house. She is petite and has a childish appearance. She looks only eleven or twelve years old.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and the girl looked back warily, and saw the familiar young Taoist standing in the distance with a smile.

Shi Xuan didn't expect that Chu Wan'er would only grow up to four or five years later twenty years later, so he was a little surprised when the girl opposite him pouted and said, "Master is a liar."

"Master has only recently been free to come back." Shi Xuan explained lightly. Chu Wan'er suddenly arched her eyebrows and said with a smile: "No explanation, master, you are late anyway. However, the master came to pick up Wan'er, and Wan'er is very It’s joy.”

Seeing that Chu Wan'er didn't really care about this, Shi Xuan asked with a smile: "It's been twenty years, why have you grown up so little?"

Chu Wan'er took Shi Xuan back to the wooden house and sat down. Just then she supported her chin with her hand and said, "That's a pill that my mother went to Luojing to see the dragon sixteen years ago. It's said to be able to preserve one's appearance and prolong life. Then mother When I gave it to Wan'er, I told her to wait until Wan'er reaches eighteen before taking it, and she will stay young forever."

Then Chu Wan'er chuckled and said: "But Wan'er thought at that time that if Wan'er looked like an adult, Master, you would probably not recognize Wan'er when you came back, so a few days later, he secretly ate it while my mother was not paying attention. "

Shi Xuan sweated slightly: "Wouldn't that affect the effect of the exercise?" Shi Xuan had never taken this type of elixir, and he didn't know much about it.

Chu Wan'er raised her head slightly and thought: "It won't affect anything, just some changes in appearance and body."

"It's okay. Where is your mother?" Shi Xuan thought he would see Chu Yuyan.

A trace of sadness flashed in Chu Wan'er's eyes: "Mother and Wan'er's bad father died together thirteen years ago. Unfortunately, Wan'er's cultivation was still shallow at that time and could not help mother."

Shi Xuan comforted him for a few words and saw that Chu Wan'er was talking and acting as if he was only fifteen or sixteen years old, so he asked: "Wan'er, have you stayed here to practice all these years?" This kind of situation usually only involves long-term practice. It will only occur with less outside contact.

Chu Wan'er nodded proudly: "Yes, my mother said at first not to have contact with those people in the holy sect to avoid any bad influence. After my mother passed away, Wan'er always kept it in mind."

After a pause, she glanced at Shi Xuan quietly. Seeing Shi Xuan looking at her without saying a word, Chu Wan'er just said shyly: "Wan'er confessed that after my mother passed away, Wan'er sometimes got bored staying on the mountain and would go down. Trick them a bit, or find some kids to talk to and have fun with.”

At Chu Wan'er's age, practicing alone in the mountains for many years, it is easy for her to have some psychological barriers. However, seeing how she adjusted herself and is still bouncing around is really a gift. Of course, half of this was due to Chu Yuyan's good arrangements, which kept Chu Wan'er away from the big dyeing vat of the Demon Sect and adapted to Qing Xiu since she was a child.

Originally, Shi Xuan, among the four disciples, was a little worried about Chu Wan'er because she was too young, had an unstable temperament, and was easily contaminated by the outside world. She was also the daughter of the Demon Queen, and she was in a demon sect, so there was an absolute possibility of her going bad. More than half. But what I didn't expect was that Chu Yuyan valued her daughter so much, letting her live in the mountains and supervising her practice at all times. Therefore, sometimes people are affected by the environment, especially some close relatives.

"Haha, Wan'er, don't you think it's hard to practice?" Shi Xuan didn't realize that Chu Wan'er was lying about what he said before, so he continued to ask.

Chu Wan'er glanced at Shi Xuan strangely: "Master, practicing is so interesting, how can it be painful! It's just that when I'm not practicing, Wan'er feels a little bored, and there's no one on the mountain to talk to Wan'er, so I can only go down the mountain to find those who Children, or bullying wild beasts in the nearby mountains and forests.”

Afterwards, Shi Xuan asked about Chu Wan'er's cultivation progress. She was already at the peak of her out-of-body experience. Due to the difficult questions she had faced back then, she had no way to go any further, so Shi Xuan corrected the previous mistakes and answered at the same time. Some questions from Chu Wan'er.

"Wan'er, master asked you something, and you have to answer solemnly." Shi Xuan finally said his purpose.

Chu Wan'er also looked like a young adult pretending to be serious, and nodded heavily: "Master, just ask."

Shi Xuan changed the words that Taoist Master Piequanzi said back then, and said them in a different way, and then asked: "Wan'er, are you willing to go overseas to practice as a teacher?"

Chu Wan'er said without thinking at all: "Of course I do. Wan'er wants to see the sea, Wan'er wants to catch monsters, and Wan'er wants to fly into the sky and escape from the earth." Therefore, it is not unreasonable for practitioners to like to train disciples from an early age. , but as we get older, this innocent heart will eventually disappear. What kind of character we can have by then depends entirely on tempering.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan also smiled and said: "There is only half a year left for the Penglai sect's ten-year recruitment ceremony. With Wan'er, your talent, realm, and character should not be a big problem, plus your master is here. There is no need to worry. I will take you back to Longguan and then teleport to Tide Square."

Chu Wan'er looked at Shi Xuan and pouted, "What about you, master?"

Shi Xuan smiled and patted her head: "As a teacher, I will continue to travel. I hope that when I return to the sect, Wan'er, you will have reached the stage of entraining Qi. But Wan'er, you have to remember that you cannot rely on taking pills to gain energy. The steps must be taken step by step to lay a solid foundation, and the way of practice must be slow and slow.”

Chu Wan'er didn't dare to laugh when she saw the master's solemn words. She held her head high and said confidently: "Wan'er must remember it. Master, when you come back, you will definitely see that Wan'er has entered the air-entraining stage!" After a moment of pause, , then asked stupidly: "But master, you will return to the sect in a few years. If it is only one or two years, Wan'er will find it a bit difficult..."

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