Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 166: The New Master of Huilong Temple (Seeking Recommendations on Monday)

——Thanks to Lobster friends for the tip. In addition, this chapter will be updated tomorrow morning in advance. Please click and recommend it to members this week.

Shaking his head with a smile, Shi Xuan said: "My master is going to a more dangerous place this time. You need to go slowly. You won't be able to return to the sect in seven or eight years. Wan'er, you can't relax."

Hearing this, Chu Wan'er smiled so hard that she couldn't help but smile: "That's for sure."

Shi Xuan remembered that Chu Wan'er didn't have a protective magical weapon yet. According to the rules of the Penglai sect, it should have been given to him at the ceremony where he formally accepted her as his disciple after she started. However, he had to act in a hurry and happened to have a suitable one on him. So he took out the pair of cold light daggers: "Wan'er, this is a high-grade magic weapon called the cold light dagger. It has been in the sixth heaven. The master has discovered the method to master it, but the sacrificial method for the last two heavens is only I can wait until you enter the sect and then look for it.”

Chu Wan'er happily took the pair of cold short blades, tossing them over and over, and then thanked her tenderly: "Thank you, Master. Wan'er likes them very much."

"Well, you will master a few levels of restrictions in the past few days, and then we will hit the road and go back to Longguan." The matter in Shi Xuan's Middle Earth is over, and the next step is to send Chu Wan'er to the Three Islands Sea Area.


Looking at the still dilapidated Huilongguan in front of him, and the gate that seemed to fall down if he pushed it, Shi Xuan felt like he had returned to twenty years ago. Along the way, many familiar people, things, places, and places had more or less disappeared. There are some changes, such as the different seasons when passing through different cities, and the scenery you see is naturally different. Only this time in Longguan, it has been the same for twenty years without any change.

Chu Wan'er looked at Shi Xuan with an expression of disbelief: "Master, do you think there are experts here who can teleport Wan'er to the Three Islands sea area?" These days, Shi Xuan has slowly told him the common sense of the overseas cultivation world. Chu Wan'er listened.

Shi Xuan knocked heavily on the door and replied with a smile: "The mountain is not high, as long as there are immortals, it is famous. Whether this place is old or shabby has nothing to do with whether there are experts or not."

The response from the audience was quick this time. A soft yet majestic female voice sounded in their ears: "If you have something to do, go to the quiet room. If you have nothing to do, please come back."

Hey, isn't it Taoist Master Piequanzi? Shi Xuan was slightly surprised, but the temple owners here had changed, so it wasn't too strange, so he pulled Chu Wan'er and walked towards the quiet room.

The door of the quiet room had already been opened, and inside there was a woman with a crown, an oval face, medium height, long eyebrows and phoenix eyes. Her stunning appearance, combined with her majestic and self-revealing temperament, made her look even more outstanding. She was wearing a dark purple Taoist robe, her hair was He only held up his arms slightly, without wearing the crown, and looked at Shi Xuan with a smile.

Shi Xuan was in a daze, because this female crown made him feel familiar, but he was sure that he had never seen her before. After the daze, Shi Xuan did not dare to lose etiquette in front of such an expert, and saluted: "Junior Penglai Send Shi Xuan, don’t you know the senior’s surname?” Upon seeing this, Chu Wan’er also followed Shi Xuan and saluted smartly.

The woman received the salutes of Shi Xuan and Chu Wan'er in an upright manner, and then said: "Name is a kind of address. Over the past many years, others have called me senior. I have forgotten my name for a while, so you call me Yu." Just mother-in-law." Her attitude was very kind, and she looked at the two of them with a half-smile.

Although this female crown looks like she is only in her twenties, but considering that her age is hundreds or thousands, Shi Xuan is naturally more respectful than obedient and says: "Hello Granny Yu, I wonder if Senior Diantquanzi is still here?" Shi Xuan had always wanted to express his gratitude in person for the advice and teleportation given by Dio Quanzi back then.

Grandma Yu said with a smile: "Due to the incident involving the Yaowang Sect a while ago, Dioquanzi went back to the mountain for a while and asked me to help him with his observation for a few days. I never expected that I would meet you. What a fate."

Although he was a little disappointed, since Senior Diantquanzi was not here, Shi Xuan told his whole story, and finally said: "I'll leave this matter to Senior. I have the spiritual stones needed for teleportation here." But he couldn't get it from Song Hezi at the beginning. There are few high-grade spiritual stones. Chu Wan'er also stood up obediently to express her gratitude.

Grandma Yu smiled and said nothing, and after a long while she said, "You have pretty good taste. This girl has a good temperament and talent, but she is a little older."

Shi Xuan told the whole story. Seeing that it was still early, he took the opportunity to ask questions about practice. According to his master Mo Yuan, the masters of Longguan this time will be at least experts with Jindan or above. Given the opportunity to ask for advice, Granny Yu was very kind, so Shi Xuan would not let it go.

Grandma Yu narrowed her eyes, revealing two pear dimples, and smiled: "You are good at seizing the opportunity, but your question may be difficult for others to answer. If you ask me for advice, then you are asking the right person."

Shi Xuan was confused, but he still talked about all the difficulties in cultivation. As expected, Granny Yu was deeply immersed in this aspect, and in a few words she explained clearly the problems that had troubled Shi Xuan for a long time.

Shi Xuan became more and more excited the more he asked for advice, and even planned to not leave at all and practice here for a while. However, after Granny Yu answered the question, she suddenly said: "How about leaving this little girl here as my successor? "

Shi Xuan was startled and said hurriedly: "But Wan'er is already a junior disciple, and he is half a member of the Penglai sect." Chu Wan'er originally heard the two people's questions and answers as if they were surrounded by clouds and mountains, but now she was also in a hurry Pulling Shi Xuan's clothes corner.

Grandma Yu smiled and snorted: "How dare the Penglai sect take care of my affairs?" After a pause, she said with a smile: "Isn't your disciple my successor? I will send her to the Penglai sect in a few years. "

"Huh?" Shi Xuan was puzzled, and suddenly he saw Granny Yu wave her long-sleeved robe, and he exited Huilong Temple like a cloud in the mist. Just when I was about to return, I realized that the scenery in front of me had changed and it was actually a sea!

Looking at the rolling sea, Shi Xuan used various methods to make sure that he was not in the illusion. Then he slowly recalled the words in Huilong Temple, and suddenly he had a rough guess in his mind. If that was the case, Wan'er also had a great opportunity.


Outside Luojing, deep in the mountains.

Daoquanzi, dressed in black clothes and wearing a high crown, was sitting opposite the big black bear, looking at each other in silence.

After a long while, Duanquanzi said, "Why do you think that evil woman drove us two out?"

The big black bear whimpered twice and shook his head to express his ignorance.

Duanquanzi sighed with a grimace: "Hey, the handsome boy is still cute, but women are really troublesome."


half year later. Stormy seaside.

An old fishing boat was casting a net on the sea, and several fishermen tried their best to pull up the net.

"Brother, look, the fish near the Storm Sea are big! There are so many!" The dark-skinned, childish-looking brother said happily to his brother.

The elder brother's skin was tanned, and he looked like he had been trained for a long time. Hearing this, he also smiled and said: "This time everyone is determined to take the risk to fish on the stormy seaside because one net of fish here is better than ten nets offshore, and there are often some rare things." Fish. It’s just that it’s too dangerous here. Not to mention that the storm is very likely to move over, and there are always some big man-eating fish in the sea!”

The younger brother looked at the stormy sea not far away. In contrast, there was only some normal sea breeze here. He agreed very much and at the same time yearned for it: "Brother, I heard the old man said that if you pass through the stormy sea, you can Seeing the fairy mountains overseas, there are immortal gods on them!”

The elder brother also looked longingly at the ocean that was covered in white under the heavy rain: "That should be the case. In the past few years, didn't anyone see strange fish that could set fire and discharge electricity in the stormy sea? It means that the further you go, the more dangerous it becomes. It’s strange. I don’t know when we can go in and take a look.”

A skinny old man next to them knocked each of them: "You two brothers want to die? Don't even look at how strong the wind is? How heavy the rain is? You are not a god, how can you get along?! You don't want to think about the old lady at home either. daughter in law!"

The two brothers rubbed the backs of their heads and laughed. Suddenly, the younger brother kept his eyes straight and pointed over there and said: "Someone is getting in!" They saw a small boat moving slowly, but also sailed into the stormy sea without hesitation. In the small boat Sitting cross-legged on it was a young Taoist priest.

"Do you think he fell asleep and didn't look at the road?" the younger brother asked innocently.

My brother was also puzzled: "Perhaps the Taoist priest is going to the fairy mountains overseas?"

Half a year ago, Shi Xuan was brought to the beach by Granny Yu, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he found an uninhabited land on the beach. Combined with Granny Yu's guidance, he solved the problems one by one and started He went into seclusion to practice, and at the same time relived every bit of the journey. Until today, Shi Xuan had a sudden impulse and knew that a breakthrough was imminent, so he sailed out to sea in a small boat.

Entering the stormy sea, with strong winds blowing on his face and heavy rains, Shi Xuan slowly circulated the true energy in his body, thinking of Xu Jinyi who cherished his family, Yan Jujian who had unrealized ambitions, Ding Mingde who was fascinated by glory, and Chu Wan'er who had an innocent heart. With a lot of emotions in my heart and thoughts rolling around, I stood up from the boat, stepped into the sea one step at a time, and then walked forward step by step.

With every step he took, his soul became more ethereal and his Taoist heart became clearer. At the end, he was walking in the air and climbing higher step by step. At this time, Shi Xuan's true energy was running rapidly, all heading towards his Dantian. The talisman seal It has expired, and countless spiritual energy surged towards Shi Xuan from all directions, was absorbed by Shi Xuan, and then spit out.

With a bang, a vortex of true energy formed in Dantian, which expanded the Dantian point ten times. A large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth was attracted, forming a windless and rainless place three feet in diameter around Shi Xuan. land.

Shi Xuan opened his eyes, and his brilliance was already restrained, which showed that his soul control ability had also been greatly enhanced. At this moment, the Yin and Yang two-gas bottle, which was about to reach the fifth heaven of perfection, also succeeded in one fell swoop with the help of Shi Xuan's breakthrough!

Shi Xuan felt neither sadness nor joy in his heart. He could not relax at this time. Although the sign of perfect Qi induction was called opening up Dantian and Qi whirlpool, it actually meant opening up acupuncture points all over the body. Of course, he took advantage of this moment of breakthrough to open them up together. , and some were slowly developed later using water milling technology, about two or three years.


"That man is flying..." The younger brother was dumbfounded.

My brother and several other fishermen were silent for a while. My brother said with longing and longing: "It seems that there are really overseas fairy mountains on the other side of the Storm Sea."

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