Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 167 Crossing the North Sea incognito

——Thanks to Huadong Ershao and Tianluoqi for their rewards

Shi Xuan seized the opportunity, and a huge amount of true qi wrapped in the newly formed true qi vortex left Dantian and kept going up along the meridians. After so many years of body forging, tempering, and polishing day and night, the meridians can fully withstand this pressure.

The true qi kept vibrating the acupoints, opening up one by one. Shi Xuan stopped in mid-air, and there was a faint crackling sound all over his body. It was not the crisp sound of joints, but a bit dull.

Six hours later, Shi Xuan just finished his work. This time, with the help of the right time, place and people, he had completely opened up the acupoints all over his body. The total amount of true qi was hundreds of times that of the past. Other people's skills may not be so powerful, but for Shi Xuan, the true qi is so strong that he can fight with opponents of the same level for seven days and seven nights without taking pills to supplement. This is one of the differences between the ancient true teachings and general good skills.

The Wanxiang Wuying Sword has reached the 44th level, and it can be refined to the fifth level in less than two years. Unfortunately, in the world of cultivation, only in Tianhuomen, Sandao Sea, and Xihuang Land can you slowly select good magic weapons above the seventh level. In other seas and lands, these magic weapons are available, but they are not so abundant. If you are lucky, you can buy the one that suits you. If you are unlucky, there is nothing you can do. For example, Shi Xuan did not pick a suitable flying sword in the Nanman Continent, so he could only continue to use the Wanxiang Wuying Sword.

In fact, the Wanxiang Wuying Sword is very suitable for Shi Xuan in terms of both nature and quality, but Shi Xuan does not have the invisible divine iron, nor does he have a way to refine it again. Therefore, Shi Xuan plans to stay in the overseas countries for two years, first to stabilize his cultivation, second to see if there is a suitable flying sword, and third, if there is no suitable flying sword, he can also refine the Wanxiang Wuying Sword to the fifth level for temporary use.

Of course, this is not necessary. After all, in terms of attack, the Tai Chi diagram is more powerful and more handy. It's just that Shi Xuan has a good swordsmanship, but it's a bit of a waste without a good flying sword.

A few months ago, after the fifth level of the Soul-Baffled Banner was completed, new changes occurred. Each black light became six different shades of black light. Each time it was brushed out, it tore the soul, and at the same time carried six emotions of anger, sorrow, resentment, hatred, hatred, and greed. If the soul cultivators did not check for a while, they would also be deceived. And the Inverted Soul-Baffled Evil Qi Array was a little more advanced, and it was a rare large-scale magic weapon in Shi Xuan's hands.


A year and a half later, Nanke Country.

Shi Xuan was walking on the street. During this period of time, Shi Xuan had traveled to dozens of countries in the north of the overseas countries, including the Zhengyan Country, which called a deer a horse and regarded the east as the west, the Wuyan Country, which believed that speaking was a disaster and would never speak unless it was absolutely necessary, the Night Crow Country, which was full of gloom, and was a crow at night and a human during the day, and the North Wind Country, where the north wind was howling and giant whales appeared all year round, etc., which made Shi Xuan indulge in his travel addiction.

Unfortunately, these were countries with few cultivators, and Shi Xuan did not find a good flying sword. Fortunately, his cultivation has stabilized, the Wanxiang Wuying Sword has also reached the fifth level, and crossing the North Sea is not mainly about fighting, so he is basically ready.

Shi Xuan came from Beifeng Country, and joined the Fan family fleet as a descendant of a ruined family who went to the North Pole to seek refuge. He planned to cross the North Sea incognito, reach the North Pole, and then visit Guanghan Sect to ask them what he could exchange for Wanzai Bingpoxin.

There are still many ordinary people in the North Sea where the Blood Demon Sect is located, and there are also many trade exchanges, because for the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect, taking the essence and blood of ordinary people is far inferior to that of cultivators and monsters. After all, the first two realms of the Blood Demon Sect are no different from other sects in forging the body and nourishing qi. Only when you reach the out-of-body stage can you plunder the essence and blood. At the out-of-body stage, the essence and blood of ordinary people must be at least a hundred people to match a second-level monster. With this time, you would have killed several monsters long ago.

Although the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect are a little crazy, it is only in terms of their mentality. They are not fools in terms of IQ. It is better to let these ordinary people grow medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs, and raise domesticated monsters and spiritual beasts, so as not to waste their time for cultivation.

The most special thing about the North Sea is that there are very few other cultivators except the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect! One of the favorite tasks of the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect is to hunt cultivators in the sect's sea area! Therefore, Shi Xuanfang hid his cultivation and joined the fleet. Of course, if it were a few years ago, because the North Sea is very large, Shi Xuan would be invisible, carefully avoid patrols, and fly slowly, and it would not be impossible to pass through the North Sea.

But now Shi Xuan has been listed in the heart of the Blood River Patriarch. If he flies with true qi and magic tools, for cultivators below the Yuanshen, they may not be discovered, but in the eyes of the Blood River Patriarch, it is like a firefly in the dark night, so bright and outstanding. Even if the Blood River Patriarch respects his status and disdains to take action, and assigns a few disciples to chase and kill, Shi Xuan will have only one way to die.

As for why there was a fleet to the North Sea, the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect also needed medicinal herbs, spiritual herbs, and materials. Although many medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs can basically be grown in their own sects, secret realms, and small worlds, it would be a waste to use those precious places to grow ordinary medicinal herbs and spiritual herbs. And the most sold by the Fan family to the Blood Demon Sect is definitely not these, but the corpses of monsters!

Whether it is the Three Islands Sea, the Falling Star Sea, or the Ten Thousand Mountains and Ten Thousand Things, the monsters hunted by the cultivators, except for those that can be used as magic weapon materials or used for alchemy and peeled off and sold separately, the entire monster corpses are sold to the Fan Family Business, and then the Fan family sells these monster corpses containing countless essences and blood to the Blood Demon Sect.

The reason why other sects turn a blind eye is because the corpses of these monster beasts are below the level of golden elixir and are of no use to the high-level monks of the Blood Demon Sect. Moreover, if there is a complete blockade, I am afraid that the lunatics of the Blood Demon Sect will They launched a desperate attack, but several major sects were unwilling to take the lead, so they acquiesced to the Fan family's actions.

So the Fan family started the business across the North Sea. They first sold the corpses of monsters, medicinal herbs, and materials to the Blood Demon Sect, and then bought several types of elixirs, magical weapons, materials, and spiritual materials unique to the Blood Demon Sect. Then they continued to move forward, arrived at the North Pole, sold these things to Guanghan Sect disciples and casual cultivators on the Arctic continent, and purchased from them unique spiritual herbs, materials, monster corpses, etc. Just return and do what you did before again.

After this trip, the Fan family made a lot of money. Of course, when it passed through the North Sea, there was no monk in the Fan family's fleet, only at the North Pole station, because the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect didn't care who you were. , upon discovering a monk, he immediately rushed over and plundered all the blood essence.

The absence of monks does not hinder the safety of the Fan family's fleet. The monsters in the North Sea have long been killed by the Blood Demon Sect. Only those in the deep sea are left. Occasionally they come up to take a breath. The casual cultivators of the robbery are definitely not there. Yes, but it is not ruled out that some disciples of the Blood Demon Sect may go crazy and kill them all on their own. However, compared with fleets in other sea areas, the safety and reliability are actually higher.

Shi Xuan spent ten low-grade spiritual stones to join this huge fleet. After all, it is not always possible for the Fan family to collect ten ships of monster corpses, medicinal materials, spiritual herbs, and materials. , so the spare slots are sold to those who need to go to the North Pole but cannot afford the spiritual stones required for long-distance transmission.

"Brother Shi, why are you here?" This is He Ji, a seafarer in the cabin opposite Shi Xuan. He is a bearded man in his thirties. He is only a strong man in the realm of physical training. This is the second time he has taken this sea route. . This round and round, without delay, would take nearly ten years of effort.

More than ten years ago, he was forced to leave his family and go to the North Pole. With his outstanding business talent, he made a fortune. When he came back this time, he received news that the family here who forced him to leave had passed away. , so he took the teleportation array back to dispose of the family property here. Afterwards, he was reluctant to spend hundreds of low-grade spiritual stones. He would rather take a sea ship. Of course, he would not waste the cabin in vain. He carried some special goods that did not take up space. The Arctic is very valuable.

Shi Xuan quickly apologized and said: "The wind picked up during lunch just now and blew away all the waiters and cooks. It delayed us for a while. I'm really sorry." Being anonymous is by no means a form of isolation. It can easily be suspected. So Shi Xuan adjusted his state of mind and interacted with He Ji and others without any hindrance.

Nanke Country is a very strange country. It is said that because of a strange formation formed in the surrounding area, the dead here can reappear in the world as phantoms with the help of other people's thoughts and memories, but they have no spiritual intelligence. , can only repeat what others did in their longing and memories, but a phantom is more than just one person longing and reminiscing. When many of them are added up, those phantoms look like a living person.

At the same time, because these phantoms can use some minor spells such as photography, they are widely used in restaurants, inns, and shops in Nanke. Anyway, they only need to pay half of the wages to their families. Of course, only Only those who were waiters in front of them can continue to be waiters, and the same applies to others.

The only inconvenience is that when there is strong wind or heavy rain, those phantoms will be wiped out. It is also the most interesting scene in Nanke Kingdom. Shi Xuan went to have a meal just to see this.

"Haha, it's normal for Nanke Junior High School to encounter this kind of thing. Everyone understands that the ship won't leave for a while anyway." The person who laughed and spoke was Cao Yuanze, another ship passenger who went to the North Pole to visit his relatives, a thin man about 20 years old. A tall young man in the same cabin as He Ji.

The person who lives in the cabin next to Shi Xuan is Zhou Chen, who is in his thirties, taciturn, and has a miserable appearance. When he heard this, he also forced a smile: "Well, it's okay, there's still time." This time he went to sea with a pair of children, Because according to a monk's inspection, he said that they had talents in ice-cold skills, so he planned to take them to the North Pole to try their luck and see if they could enter the Guanghan Sect.

These two children were twins, about four or five years old. One was named Zhou Yi and the other was Zhou Ying. They were hiding behind Zhou Ji, blinking at Shi Xuan with innocent and cute eyes.

"Okay, everyone is ready to get on the boat. We will go to sea in half an hour." A steward of the Fan family shouted from the bow of the ship. There was a monk next to him who used magic to amplify his voice. These monks will leave before entering the North Sea.

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