Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 168 Ordinary Things on the Boat

——Thanks to miaoge, tt, and friends from Terror Little Wolf for the rewards.

"Uncle, uncle, what's this word?" Two little guys, Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying, holding a book with four hands, stumbled to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan was holding a book in his hand, leaning on the boat, basking in the winter sun of the North Sea. After reading a few lines, he raised his head to look at the deep blue sea and the seabirds flying by from time to time. After hearing this, he knelt down and took a look. , and then said with a smile: "The word "Han" means "frozen". You two touch this nail." Pointing to an iron nail on the deck, in this weather, the nail is relatively cold. But it’s not to the point where it will stick to your skin.

Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying have become more familiar with Shi Xuan these days. They no longer regard him as a stranger. Instead, they find it interesting to listen to his ghost stories, so they often stick to Shi Xuan. After listening to Shi Xuan's words, the two Somewhat curious and some fearful, he stretched out his fingers and touched the nails gently, then quickly retracted his fingers with a frown, looked at Shi Xuan with a grimace, and said in unison: "Uncle is a bad guy, so cold."

"Well, this is what Han means." Shi Xuan said with a smile, then took the book, "Come, uncle will teach you how to read."

The sect arranges for disciples to travel, not only to sharpen their Taoist minds, but also to give them more experience in facing danger, so for those who have the opportunity to become true disciples, most of them arrange a trip to Beihai. The experience of crossing the North Sea cautiously, step by step, and cautiously.

The Beihai is very big. As long as you are careful and add the life-saving talismans given by the sect, it will basically take a hundred years for a disciple to die in it, which is far less than the number of disciples who died fighting in seemingly safe places, so it is clear that It took Qingyue seven or eight years to reach the Nanman Continent safely.

But for Shi Xuan, the life-saving talisman seal is gone, the Taoist jade pendant is gone, and the ancestor of Blood River has remembered it, the danger of passing through Beihai has increased a lot than usual. If he continues to follow the original method, it will definitely work. It doesn’t make sense.

If the danger is too great and beyond his ability, Shi Xuan will most likely choose to use the teleportation array to go to the North Pole. However, Shi Xuan weighed the danger and his ability, and finally decided to continue this experience, not wanting to let this rare opportunity pass. experience.

There are four main reasons: First, the hidden cultivation is hidden in the Fan family fleet. The chance of being discovered by the Blood Demon Sect is very small. Shi Xuan is sure that now, there is definitely more than just him hiding in the Fan family fleet. The Fan family He didn't care about this. He was discovered by the Blood Demon Sect and it was not the Fan family who died.

Second, when he was in the Middle Earth, Shi Xuan used the talisman drawn by the real Dao Yuanshen, and the talisman was running in his body day and night. Shi Xuan also learned some small methods from it, which could effectively hide the breath and energy. As for his cultivation, as long as Shi Xuan didn't take the initiative to use magic and connect the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, even if the Jindan Grandmaster was in front of him, he wouldn't be able to find out that Shi Xuan was a monk without deliberately checking.

Third, with Shi Xuan's current strength, even if he is accidentally discovered, he can still escape safely from the Blood Demon Sect's patrol team. After all, the Blood Demon Sect's patrol team only has a few entrainment periods and some out-of-body periods. You can use Tai Chi diagram to dive into the deep sea, and find an opportunity to hide from the deep sea and leave again.

Fourth, he has now reached the perfection of entraining qi and needs to find an opportunity to break through to the soul stage. When ordinary monks reached Shi Xuan's level, they would probably accumulate spiritual stones, buy a bottle of God-Gathering Soul Refining Pill, and use the power of the pill to break through. As for those monks who broke through without the help of elixirs, the timing of their breakthroughs was different: there were those fighting madmen who, after hundreds of battles, broke through in the face of battle; there were those leisurely and unrestrained monks who did all kinds of things in their caves. Flowers, weeding, and breakthroughs in one day's joy for more than ten years; there are also breakthroughs under tremendous environmental pressure; there are also self-proclaimed cultivators who blend in with ordinary people and see others grow old, sick, and die; there are also breakthroughs between life and death of. And this was the main reason why Shi Xuan finally decided not to use the teleportation array.

Zhou Chen hurried over and said to Shi Xuan sheepishly: "Mr. Shi, I'm sorry to bother you. These two brats are too naughty."

Shi Xuan smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's nothing. Xiao Yi and Xiao Ying are very cute and can read quickly, which makes me very happy to teach them." Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying narrowed their eyes when they heard Shi Xuan's praise. He stood up and glared at his father. He couldn't be naughty. He was learning to read seriously!

Since boarding the ship, Shi Xuan has not deliberately circulated Qi in his body and has not thought about cultivation. In addition to the fact that his true energy warms and nourishes his natal magic weapon, Shi Xuan is like an ordinary person, living an ordinary life, reading books, basking in the sun, chatting and bragging with a few familiar people, and teasing two people in his free time. children, teach them how to read, and tell them ghost stories. In addition, he has not entered Beihai yet, and there is no pressure on Shi Xuan. If he hadn't felt the Qi and magical weapons on his body in the dead of night, Shi Xuan would have felt like an ordinary mortal.

Forgetting worries, forgetting worries, forgetting practice, in this state of mind, Shi Xuan only felt as if a layer of dust had been removed from his soul, making it more relaxed and clear.

Zhou Chen stood next to Shi Xuan, touched the heads of a pair of children, and sighed: "Their mother died in childbirth. I have been too busy over the years to save the expenses for this trip. It is rare to see them so happy."

"Haha, if they enter Guanghan Sect, Brother Zhou, you will be blessed." Shi Xuan comforted casually.

Zhou Chen smiled bitterly and said: "I hope so. In fact, if they can enter a small sect in the North Pole, I will feel relieved. It is better than me, a mortal, busy working day and night, and dying of illness in bed one day." These days. After getting along with each other, Shi Xuan already knew that this guy was very unlucky. He was robbed when he was young, and later failed in business. He finally married a sweet wife and died in childbirth. Now, the only thing that can make him feel happy in life is these two children. .

Just as Shi Xuan was about to answer, he saw dozens of rays of light coming out of the boat, moving back. It seemed that it was about to enter the Beihai boundary. The monks from the Fan family all turned around.

He Ji and Cao Yuanze came over sneakily: "Brother Zhou, Brother Shi, have you seen those?"

Shi Xuan and Zhou Chen nodded without understanding, saying that they had seen it. There were probably not many monks in overseas countries who had never seen it before, right?

He Ji said mysteriously: "This means that we have entered the North Sea." Shi Xuan sweated slightly, everyone knows this. However, He Ji continued: "Two monks from the Blood Demon Sect will come over in a moment. They will go with the boat to avoid encountering wind and waves and sinking the boat."

Well, the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect will actually follow the boat? What kind of cultivation is it? Will you come over to check? Shi Xuan suddenly had countless questions in his heart, and he pretended not to care and said: "Haha, Shi has never seen what a disciple of the Blood Demon Sect looks like? Brother He, you have been on a ship of the Fan family before, have you ever seen it? Pass?"

He Ji said with a proud look on his face: "Although those monks of the Blood Demon Sect usually stay on the largest ship, I have still seen them, tsk tsk, those are masters of the Qi Entrainment stage! There are thousands of them in overseas countries. There are not even a hundred masters in the Qi-entraining stage in all the island countries!" He was frothing at the mouth, and after talking for a long time, he said, "Those monks from the Blood Demon Sect all have big eyes with copper bells and bloody basins! Big mouth, you can swallow a cow with just one opening of your mouth!”

Shi Xuan put aside most of his worries. It seemed that the disciples from the Blood Demon Sect were in the Qi Enlightenment period, and they rarely came to other sea ships. After all, it was far better to spend the effort to find out if there were monks among so many people than to directly enjoy the demons enshrined by the Fan family. The animal carcass is a good deal. Of course, some psychopathic people like to see other people's expressions of worry and fear cannot be ruled out.

He Ji's words made Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying a little scared. She moved closer to Zhou Chen and covered her face with the corner of his clothes, but exposed her two eyes and looked at He Ji with blinking eyes, as if hoping that he would continue telling this ghost story.

Cao Yuanze also didn't believe it: "I heard that those Blood Demon Sect monks are all human beings. How could it be like this?"

"You don't understand. The more powerful the monks are, the weirder they are. Look at the real Yuanshen in those myths and legends. Some have three heads and six arms, some have flowers on their heads, some have brilliant golden lights, and there are also huge ones. ." He Ji looked as strange as Cao Yuanze.

As he spoke, two rays of blood flew over from the North Sea, bright and dazzling, and landed directly on the largest ship. The deck of the ship was already full of people kneeling, except for a gloomy young man in white robes in the middle. The man stood there, cupping his hands and saying, "Fan Han, please see these two senior brothers."

The two blood-clothed Taoists transformed by the two rays of blood were both young men with good-looking faces, but with a bit of fierceness. They just nodded to Fan Han's salute, and one of them looked a little older. He opened his mouth and said: "Prepare the monster corpses and a few beauties and send them to our room. Junior brother Lao Fan has been working hard for more than half a year." He said that he was helpful, but he didn't show any politeness at all. Fan Han walked directly into the cabin.

Fan Han lowered his head and said yes. When the two of them walked in, his expression turned sinister and he ordered the stewards on both sides: "Do as they say."

Here, He Ji waited until everyone on the deck had dispersed, and then he exclaimed: "Look, look, even the young master of the Fan family was so groveling when he saw those two Blood Demon Sect monks, he is still a real monk! Xiao Yi Xiaoying, when you enter the Guanghan Sect, you must work hard to become a true monk who is superior to others!" The two ships were a bit far apart, but he couldn't see the faces of the Blood Demon Sect disciples clearly.

Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "But Xiao Yi (Xiao Ying) doesn't want to become ugly with big eyes and a bloody mouth. That's so ugly!"

Hahaha, He Ji's slightly embarrassed smile was accompanied by the sincere laughter of Zhou Chen, Shi Xuan, and Cao Yuanze for Tongyan Tongyu.

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