Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 169 Pretending to be relaxed

——Thanks to friends Tianluoqi and Dark Side of Light Z for the reward. There are also reminders from Zhao Bo's friends.

On the second day, Shi Xuan taught Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying how to read in the sun on the deck as usual. Now that there were disciples of the Blood Demon Sect, Shi Xuan forced himself not to think about matters related to practice, and still let his true energy follow him. It runs naturally in the body in response to the changes in yin and yang between the body and the heaven and earth.

"Haha, Brother Shi, you used to be a private school teacher, right? I think your teaching is very good." The person who spoke was a guest who was sunbathing on the deck, named Rob. In terms of appearance, he didn't have anything special. , has an upper-middle-class appearance, but is a bit more romantic. He must talk about women within three sentences, but one thing is strange. He always wears a round and big felt hat, and his hair is tightly wrapped in it. Inside, only some black hair roots can be seen from the outside.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "I did work as a temporary teacher for a period of time before. Haha, I keep running into you, Brother Luo, these days. You seem to like to bask in the sun, right?"

Rob stretched out and said with great enjoyment: "Besides being a woman, sunbathing is the most comfortable thing."

"What woman?" Zhou Yi asked curiously. Zhou Ying also looked puzzled.

Rob touched Zhou Yi's head: "Hey, when you grow up, you will naturally understand. Yes, when you grow up, you will naturally understand." The latter sentence was said to Zhou Ying.

"Brother Luo, why are you going to the North Pole? To visit relatives?" Since it was just a casual chat, Shi Xuan casually asked Rob about the purpose of going to the North Pole. Seventy percent of the passengers on this boat were going to the North Pole to visit relatives.

Rob chuckled: "I heard that there are many female monks in Guanghan Sect, and there are even more beautiful ones! Coupled with the cold flavor of the Arctic, it really makes me ecstasy just thinking about it. I went to the Arctic this time just to see something!" These words annoyed the man next to him. The indifferent young man who was watching the sea, Feng Ming, let out a cold snort, as if he didn't like this kind of philandering carrot, but Luo Bu didn't care at all and continued to talk endlessly about the imaginary female disciple of Guanghan Sect.

This guy was really perseverant to travel such a long distance for a woman. Shi Xuan didn't want to talk about this in depth, so after a few perfunctory words, he continued to teach the two children how to read.


At night, Shi Xuan was reading a book. Suddenly there was a strange movement that was projected on his mind like a stone falling into the water. This was not caused by his spiritual sense. You must know that Shi Xuan had not released his spiritual sense since he got on the boat, but a kind of spiritual sense. Although the natural induction is not as good as divine consciousness, it is still much improved than before.

Shi Xuan smiled faintly and continued reading without noticing anything strange. Then he felt like he was being spied on. After looking back and forth on Shi Xuan a few times, he left and went to another room. It seems that the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect are looking for any monks who have gotten on the boat, but even if Shi Xuan doesn't have to learn the little tricks from the talisman of the real Yuanshen, these two Qi-entraining period monks can't even think of discovering Shi Xuan. Xuan's strange behavior.

After a while, someone outside shouted: "Everyone come to the deck, any offenders will be killed." The voice sounded like a steward of the Fan family.

Shi Xuan pretended to be hasty and opened the door, and then saw He Ji, Cao Yuanze and others standing at the door with frightened faces, looking at the others. Zhou Chen was holding the two children who had not yet woken up, fearful and confused. walked out.

He Ji also had some knowledge and calmed down: "It's okay, I should be looking for those monks who sneaked into the fleet. They have nothing to do with us."

Hearing He Ji's words, everyone nodded as if they were grasping at a straw: "Well, it should be none of our business." Then they slowly walked to the deck together.

There was a blood-clothed monk standing on the deck, who was the older disciple of the Blood Demon Sect. With his hands behind his back, he watched with satisfaction as everyone on the ship walked out tremblingly. Behind him were more than a dozen guards, and in front of him were Two stewards of the Fan family.

Seeing that everyone was here, the Fan family steward said: "This time, the Immortal of the Blood Demon Sect is here to check if there are any spies who have gotten on the boat, so there is no need to panic, as long as you are all right."

Everyone can accept this statement, but no one is a little uneasy when he is called to the deck in the middle of the night. Blood Demon Sect monks have killed innocent people indiscriminately not once or twice. In addition, the North Sea is cold at night, so they all start involuntarily. Trembling.

The disciple of the Blood Demon Sect seemed to be very happy to see everyone like this, with an expression of enjoyment on his face, and then said coldly: "You will walk past me in groups of ten."

Not daring to go against his words, the passengers on the boat started from the left and walked in groups of ten from left to right. When passing in front of the Blood Demon Sect disciple, they were swept away by his cold and fierce eyes, and some people were so frightened that they flew away quickly. Some people were so frightened that they were so weak that they collapsed on the spot, while some people rolled and crawled on their hands and feet and fled forward.

Every time he saw this scene, the Blood Demon Sect disciple burst out laughing, seemingly very satisfied. Suddenly, he pointed at a passenger and said, "That hat of yours is so ugly! Take it off!"

That person was none other than Rob. The big felt hat on his head was indeed ugly, but the Blood Demon Sect disciple just wanted to see how ugly Rob looked when he was frightened.

Rob's face suddenly turned ugly and he took two steps forward: "Shangxian, I have a sore on my head. It's really ugly. Can I not take it away?"

The Blood Demon Sect disciple looked at him coldly: "What do you think?"

Rob said with a smile: "Okay, okay." As he spoke, he slowly stretched his hand towards the hat. Suddenly, two red lights flew from under the hat towards the Blood Demon Sect disciple, and then a violent explosion occurred. At the same time, Rob threw the hat and turned it into a dark cloud. As soon as his body merged with the dark cloud, it turned into a black light and quickly flew towards the horizon.

The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect reacted quickly. A blood-colored shield appeared in their hands, blocking most of the explosion power. Unfortunately, due to this blockage, they could only see Rob's retreating back, with an ocher red head on his head. The carrot whisker-shaped hair is particularly eye-catching, this guy is actually a carrot spirit! I don’t know what means I used to hide the aura, but I couldn’t cover up the part of my body that was not completely transformed.

How could they give up so easily? The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect turned into a streak of blood and chased after him. At the same time, a streak of blood also rose from another boat and followed closely.

Everyone on the deck stayed on the spot. There were indeed monks, but were they going back now? Or not to go back? To be cautious, everyone unanimously decided to stay here and wait until the Blood Demon Sect monk came back to speak before leaving.

Shi Xuan admired Rob very much. A carrot spirit that was hundreds of years old traveled thousands of miles and risked great dangers to rush to the North Pole for the beauty of a human woman. What kind of spirit is this? This is the spirit of lust!

The north wind whistled by. Shi Xuan saw that Zhou Chen looked cold while holding the two children, so he took off his robe and handed it to them: "Put them on Xiaoyi and Xiaoying. The weather in Beihai is not as good as that of other places overseas." country."

Zhou Chen hesitated and said, "What should you do, Mr. Shi?"

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Shi is young and strong, and he exercises regularly. He won't get sick even if he blows the cold wind."

After hearing what Shi Xuan said, Zhou Chen just took over Shi Xuan's robe and kept saying thank you.

After half a quarter of an hour, the two bloody lights flew back from the sky and landed on their original ships. Judging from the bad look on his face, I guess he didn't catch up with Rob. It was only a day's boat ride from the North Sea border. It would take less than an hour to escape, so there was no way to notify the patrol team to intercept him ahead.

Seeing that everyone on the boat stayed where they were, the Blood Demon Sect monk's expression softened a little, and his mood was not very high at the same time. In addition, he was eager to go back and enjoy a monster corpse to relieve his depression, so he waved and said: "Thirty people live together."

There were less than a hundred people left who had not passed. Shi Xuan was in the second batch and passed in front of the Blood Demon Sect disciples. He was wearing thin clothes and deliberately made his face pale, his lips purple, his body trembling, and there was no trace of blood on his body. In other conspicuous places, the small method learned from Yuan Shen Zhenren Fu Zhuan was used in the body, so the Blood Demon Sect monk just glanced at it and didn't pay much attention to Shi Xuan, allowing Shi Xuan to pass the test easily.

Among the last thirty people, there was that indifferent young man Feng Ming. His disguise was not very good and he could only deceive the general Qi-entraining period. At least Shi Xuan could tell at a glance that he was a monk.

Feng Ming didn't seem to like pretending to be scared or panic. He still kept a cold face and walked between the two people, trying to get past him. The Blood Demon Sect disciple frowned and was about to kill this stinky-faced boy. He proposed to teach him a lesson. At this time, a blue light flew out of the boat where another Blood Demon Sect disciple was sitting, followed by a bloody light.

Upon seeing this, the Blood Demon Sect disciple immediately became excited, waved his hand and turned into blood light and chased away.

Not long after, there was a scream in the distance, and then I saw two Blood Demon Sect disciples returning with satisfaction. They no longer landed on the original ship, but went directly back to the ship where the young master of the Fan family was. I guess I robbed the monk of his essence and blood, so he needs to meditate and practice hard.

Not long after the two entered the cabin, seven or eight rays of light, including red light, white gray light, and cyan gray light, flew out from other ships and rushed back and forth. It seems that these hidden monks showed their feelings after Rob was discovered at first. By luck, he waited until the second monk died tragically before he stopped thinking and took advantage of the opportunity of the two of them to practice and escaped collectively.

However, Shi Xuan had already passed the test and could no longer escape. Even the monk named Feng Ming calmly went back to his room without any fear. He must have some strength and confidence.

"Okay, you all go back to your room. There should be no more searches on this ship in the future." The steward of the Fan family clapped his hands and comforted everyone. After all, these are his financial backers. Apart from the ship's capital, everyone A large part of the spiritual stones and money used for meals on the ship every day fell into the pockets of several stewards.

Shi Xuan took Zhou Yi in Zhou Chen's arms and said, "Okay, Brother Zhou, you are tired too. Let Shi help you carry one. When you go back, wash yourself with hot water before going to bed." Because of the existence of the monks, sea voyagers who usually go on long voyages The boats are equipped with formations that can convert fresh water and heat cold water by themselves. They use spiritual stones as the formation eyes to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and run on their own, so there will be no shortage of hot water for bathing.

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