Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 171 The joy of rising to high school

——Thanks to friends Fried Potato with Eggs, Tianluoqi, and yanuan942 for their tips. There are also two friends who voted for 11 updates. I really can’t eat it. .

half year later.

"Haha, Daddy, we have grown a lot taller!" Zhou Ying took Zhou Chen's hand and shook it while smiling with satisfaction. A year ago, she could only reach Daddy's thighs, but now she can reach her waist. Well , I will definitely box every day from now on.

Comparatively speaking, Zhou Yi became a little more calm. At this time, he was still riding straight, staring at the empty sea outside the ship. The further north he went, the more extreme the weather became. Three and a half months of the year were in the middle of winter, and most of them Seabirds are no longer suitable for living in this sea area. Only some relatively cold-resistant creatures occasionally appear. However, the sea is so vast that these creatures are like spreading salt into fresh water and are invisible in the blink of an eye.

Shi Xuan half-closed his eyes and breathed in the cold and refreshing air, letting the coolness roll through his lungs and seep into his body, feeling cool and comfortable for a while. Under the lackluster sun, the sea shimmered bluely, and an iceberg several feet in size floated in the distance. The white snow on it has melted, so it looks crystal clear. If we continue to go north, those icebergs will getting bigger.

During the year on board the ship, Shi Xuan watched the two brothers Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying grow up little by little, and deeply felt the joy of life and the joy of growing up.

"Ha, it's so cold." Cao Yuanze breathed into his hands. In the absence of heavy wind and snow, the Fan family was reluctant to activate the formation to isolate the inside and outside.

He Ji had already changed into a cotton robe and said with a smile: "Does it feel cold now? How can you survive in the North Pole? This is the hottest time there, and it is much colder most of the time. When you leave the Ice Crystal City "No coat or hat made of snow rat skin can freeze you into an ice sculpture."

"Ah? How can we live then? Let's not talk about those monks. How can ordinary people like Brother He and you who only know some martial arts make a living?" Cao Yuanze was a little frightened. Shi Xuan was also very interested in the customs of these different places, so he also asked: "Shi, have you heard that there are many ordinary people there."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, He Ji straightened his back and said: "He, I live in the Ice Crystal City in the south, and I have never been to the Ice City, Extreme Day City, and Extreme Night City further north, no. I know how ordinary people there live. In Ice Crystal City, you are absolutely not allowed to leave the city for three months out of the year. It is extremely windy and snowy. No matter how thick you wear, you will only be buried in the snow. So these three months Month is the season for everyone to enjoy life.”

As far as Shi Xuan knows, there are only four large cities on the Arctic land, which are equipped with formations to withstand blizzards and severe cold. In other places, there are only some small ice and snow tribes on the southernmost seaside. Among these four big cities, Jisui City and Jiye City are located in the Arctic Circle. They are day and night for half of the year. They are the outskirts of Guanghan Sect, and their mountain gate, Guanghan Palace, is said to be on an ice peak somewhere in the Arctic Circle. Ice City and Ice Crystal City are to the east and west, with Ice City slightly to the north. They are jointly controlled by several small sects.

He Ji continued: "In the other nine months, we wear snow rat fur coats and hats and go out hunting and whale hunting. Hey, although the Arctic is so cold, there are many beasts and birds, such as ice bears and snow leopards. There are hundreds or thousands of species. Of course, we can only hunt ordinary beasts and first-level monsters. If we are lucky, if we can kill a few second-level monsters, we will be considered rich."

Zhou Chen planned to make a living in the North Pole after his children joined the sect, so he was very interested in hearing it. However, thinking that he had no strength, he asked worriedly: "Is there no other way to survive besides hunting?"

"Yes, everything you can do in other places can be done in Ice Crystal City. You can be a waiter, shopkeeper, or open your own shop. Moreover, there are many valleys near Ice Crystal City. They are as warm as spring, with hot springs and water. The land can be used to grow rice and medicinal materials, but it must be completed within those nine months." He Ji said with a smile, "But for ordinary people, the most profitable thing is to be able to identify spiritual herbs and find them in the snowy mountains. If you use some spiritual herbs, it will only last for half a year."

"Oh, but, Brother He, what is the snow rat skin?" Cao Yuanze asked with concern.

He Ji sighed: "Snow rats are the most common common beasts on the Arctic continent. In most cases, they are not even in the first level. It is the most affordable fur coat for ordinary people, but it is also really warm. I bring it with me." I have one on me, I’ll show it to you later.”


A year later, with heavy snowfall and strong winds howling, the Fan family fleet stopped behind an island, preparing to escape the blizzard before setting off.

In Shi Xuan's cabin, several people gathered around the copper pot on the table and ate with gusto. There was a charcoal stove under the copper pot, which gave off a hot smell and raised the temperature of the whole room a lot. Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying were sweating profusely from eating and couldn't stop talking for a moment. For them, after starting to exercise, not only did their height soar, but their appetite also soared. If it weren't for the meat brought by the Fan family's fleet, There was enough food, and Zhou Chen was willing to spend money. Occasionally, Shi Xuan could catch a few big fish from the sea, but he might not be able to feed them.

He Ji sighed while eating a piece of fish fillet: "I didn't expect that Brother Shi, you can not only fish, but also make good pots. If you open a shop in Ice Crystal City, I guarantee you will make a lot of money."

Shi Xuan smiled silently and ate enthusiastically. He looked at the white snow outside the window and felt peaceful and happy in his heart. During this year, he had seen others grow old, sick and die. Shi Xuan felt that his mood was becoming more and more peaceful and perfect, but for the breakthrough to the soul stage , although there is already a feeling of touch, it is still a little bit worse, and it seems that we need to find another opportunity.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoying, where are you and your father now?" Cao Yuanze drank rice wine and teased the two little guys.

Zhou Yi was busy eating and had no time to pay attention to him. Only Zhou Ying smiled and said: "Hehe, my head can already touch daddy's ribs." Zhou Chen is already tall, so for a child under seven years old, Generally speaking, this height is pretty good.


half year later.

Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying, who had grown half a head taller, each held Shi Xuan's hand and said reluctantly: "Uncle Shi, don't leave. Don't leave." This is the crowded ice crystal city of Buluo Port, come here People coming and going, except for some monks who don't care much about dressing up, are all wearing snow-white or silver-gray plush velvet coats. Even many female monks like this snow-white coat, snow-white velvet hat and snow-white hats. Even though they were not afraid of the cold, they at least looked pure and pretty.

Shi Xuan touched their little heads and said with a smile: "Uncle Shi has to go to Jiye City. It's not good to delay on the way to avoid encountering the three-month snowstorm. If you can join the sect in the future, everyone will There is still a day to see each other again. "For Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying, there is no need for children under the age of twelve to go to Jisui City or Jiye City when they enter Guanghan Sect. Every ten years, monks from Guanghan Sect will go to Ice City and Ice City. Ice Crystal City came to Jianba, that is, two years later.

"Ah, Mr. Shi, who are you?" Zhou Chen was a little shocked and confused when he heard this, and the same was true for He Ji and Cao Yuanze beside him.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Shi is indeed a monk, but in Beihai, as you all know, you can't expose it. Well, it is fate that we can get together. There are good ingredients in Shi's pot these days, no. When it comes to longevity, it can also strengthen the body. "After leaving the North Sea, during the few days in Ice Crystal City, every time Shi Xuan made a pot, there was a drop of sweet rain.

"No wonder I feel so energetic these days." Cao Yuanze became more and more depressed the closer he got to the North Pole. Because he was afraid of the cold, he kept shouting on the boat to buy a snow rat fur coat as soon as he arrived at Ice Crystal City.

He Ji was equally happy and said: "I just said, why is it not as cold as before. Thank you Shixian Chang."

Shi Xuan waved his hands and said goodbye to a few people. The pressure of the spiritual energy from heaven and earth slowly released from his body, and then he walked towards the street without looking back. He gathered when fate came and left when fate separated. He did not linger in his heart and was not tired of feelings.

For Zhou Yi and Zhou Ying, Shi Xuan didn't think about giving them any more benefits. The biggest benefit was to help them reintegrate the training routine.

Entering the Ice Crystal City Street, Shi Xuan restored his appearance while walking. When crossing Beihai, because he was worried that the ancestor of Blood River had seen his appearance, he would give his appearance to every patrolling disciple, so Shi Xuan adjusted his muscles and restored his appearance. His appearance has changed, so naturally he no longer needs to pretend.

Ice Crystal City got its name because of a semicircular formation that looked like ice crystals covering the entire city. Since Shi Xuan was traveling for training, he had no intention of taking the teleportation array to Jiye City. At this time, he walked slowly and slowly outside the city gate. Get ready to fly to Jiye City and see the Arctic scenery along the way.

Just as he was about to walk out of the city gate, a monk guarding the gate came over, looked Shi Xuan up and down, and then said: "This fellow Taoist is very familiar, but I have just come to Ice Crystal City. Do you need an introduction? I'm going hunting. ?I know a good place."

Shi Xuan smiled and shook his head, then walked out of the city gate without stopping. The guarding monk didn't bother and walked back to the place with a smile.

After leaving the city gate, there was no wind and snow today, the sky was blue, and it looked leisurely and open. As far as the eye could see, there were white ice peaks and snowfields. Shi Xuan turned into a wisp of breeze. While admiring it, he flew towards the direction of Jiye City.

Not long after, Shi Xuan had improved a lot because of his spiritual cultivation, so he suddenly felt a strong murderous intention locking him, and a ray of light rushed behind him. After calmly measuring his escape speed, Shi Xuan decided to turn around and face the enemy. At least he would have to severely injure his opponent so that he could have a chance to fly past him.

The escaping light behind him was a bright blood color, flying towards Shi Xuan in an unbridled and domineering manner. When Shi Xuan turned around, he released a golden bridge floating on his head to protect his whole body. He did not rush to attack, but He stopped dozens of feet away and said leisurely: "The ancestor taught a lesson a few years ago, but the calculation itself is not very accurate, and there are interferences from experts, so I can only calculate that you, Taoist friend Shi, will be here in ten years." I must go to the North Pole. I thought you were going to use the teleportation array, so Duan has been guarding the teleportation array in Ice Crystal City for the past few years, but fellow Daoist Shi, you are so smart that you took the risk and took the boat. If the guard hadn't taken Duan's The spirit stone, and the breath-sensing jade pendant given by Duan, really made Duan wait in vain. "

The speaker was a young Taoist with a contradictory temperament of laziness and flamboyance. He had an ordinary face, the kind that would be forgotten once he saw it. He was wearing an ordinary cyan Taoist robe, and there was a faint hint of blood in his eyes.

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