Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 172 Shura Blood Sword Duan Qingwu

——Thanks to the rewards from Toilet Ghost and SOS team members

It seems that I still underestimated the ability of Yangshen Zhenren, Shi Xuan sighed in his heart, and this cultivator claimed to be surnamed Duan, and was also a cultivator of the Soul Stage of the Blood Demon Sect. While being cautious, Shi Xuan recalled the names of the eleven true disciples of the Blood Demon Sect, and then slowly said: "Ashura Blood Knife Duan Wuqing?" While asking, the Yin and Yang Qi bottles in his body were fully prepared. If the other party answered, then things would be simple.

However, since the Blood River Patriarch had suffered a loss in this regard, how could he not tell the true disciples who came to chase him? The young Taoist showed a hint of ridicule, and did not speak. A long and thin blood knife as thin as paper slowly flew out of his Dantian. The blood color was gloomy and dark. Just looking at it seemed to attract people's minds.

"We must fight quickly today, otherwise it would not be good if the cultivators of Guanghan Sect found Duan in Beida." Duan Wuqing spoke to himself, his eyes staring at Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan still had to be on guard against other disciples of the Blood Demon Sect ambushing him, but Duan Wuqing seemed to have seen this and smiled, "Fellow Daoist Shi is lucky to have met Duan. If he had been teleported to Polar Night City, he would have met Blood Hand Man-Slayer. If he had gone to Polar Day City, he would have met Heavenly Blood Net. Among the four true disciples who came this time, they are dozens of times more powerful than Duan." Blood Hand Man-Slayer and Heavenly Blood Net are both among the top three true disciples of the Blood Demon Sect. If Shi Xuan met them, he would be in great danger. However, Shi Xuan could only be half-believing and half-doubting Duan Wuqing's words. It should be true that Blood Hand Man-Slayer and Heavenly Blood Net were in Polar Night City and Polar Day City respectively, otherwise they would have come out to besiege him long ago. But since there were only four true disciples, he didn't dare to believe it too much. Of course, the most dangerous enemy at the moment was Duan Wuqing on the opposite side. This guy had a hobby. Before fighting and killing, he liked to talk about this and that, and then suddenly drew his knife when the opponent was not focused. After the fight, Duan Wuqing had another style. Therefore, Shi Xuan did not dare to relax his spirit at all. Not only did he not relax, he also observed Duan Wuqing to see if he had any flaws and tried to attack him, but Duan Wuqing's Shura Blood Sword protected his body tightly.

Duan Wuqing did not care about Shi Xuan's vigilance and continued: "I heard from the ancestor that Daoyou Shi has several good magic weapons. Duan wants to see them today and teach you a truth. Magic weapons alone are not very useful. Your own strength is the foundation."

Shi Xuan said lightly: "If Shi had a magic weapon, Daoyou Duan would have run as far as he could." He was highly concentrated and waited for Duan Wuqing to answer before he attacked.

Duan Wuqing accepted it without any rebuttal and nodded: "Also..." As soon as he uttered a word, he merged with the Shura Blood Sword in front of him, turning into a long red knife light and slashing towards Shi Xuan.

At the same time, the golden bridge on the other side, which contained a vast, sacred and solemn meaning, transformed from the Tai Chi diagram above Shi Xuan's head, flew directly out and covered Duan Wuqing's head. At the same time, a clear light followed closely behind the golden bridge.

The two of them actually attacked at the same time!

Where the golden bridge passed, all moving objects stopped, including the howling wind in the sky, the flying dust, the not-so-warm sunshine, and even the passage of time seemed to slow down.

The blood-colored knife light of the Shura Blood Sword flew all the way with a fierce, hideous, terrifying, and deep artistic conception, and even the cries of ghosts and gods were faintly heard from around the blood light, which was breathtaking. This is the true sword technique of the Blood Demon Sect, which is combined with the "Sword Technique of Killing Ghosts and Slaughtering Gods" of the Heavenly Demon Blood God Sword. There are a total of thirteen routes. At this time, Duan Wuqing used the second route - Ghosts and Gods.

When the golden bridge fell on the blood-colored sword light, the whole world seemed to pause and dimmed a lot, and the blood-colored sword light inevitably stayed in the air for a moment, and was immediately penetrated by the clear light transformed by Shi Xuan's Wanxiang Wuying Sword. Duan Wuqing himself had just entered the second level of the unity of soul and spirit, and he was still a little short of reaching the level of soul perfection. The Shura Blood Sword was only more than the seventh level, so he was not as quick as Yang Fei to come back to his senses. The Shura Blood Sword was not as good as the Chixiao Sword, and was not affected at all.

After a successful move, the clear light of Shi Xuan's Wanxiang Wuying Sword immediately unfolded, and surrounded Duan Wuqing with a violent storm. Although the Wanxiang Wuying Sword had a lower restriction and did not dare to fight with the Shura Blood Sword, there was a golden bridge transformed by the Tai Chi diagram to suppress it in the sky, and Shi Xuan's current swordsmanship was only half a step away from the sword energy thunder sound, and he always hit Duan Wuqing's body before the Shura Blood Sword. But it was also a pity that the Wanxiang Wuying Sword's restriction was indeed a bit low. After slashing Duan Wuqing seven or eight times in a row, he was only slightly injured.

Just as Shi Xuan was about to switch to the inverted and enchanting foul air formation of the Soul-Bewitching Banner to trap the enemy, and turn the Tai Chi diagram back into the Yin-Yang Fish, and use its Yin-Yang Qi that turned everything into chaos to blast Duan Wuqing, Duan Wuqing's body was bright with blood, and one after another, strange blood lotus with a bloody smell appeared around him, and then dozens of blood lotuses suddenly lifted up and actually held up the golden bridge on the other side.

Taking this opportunity, Duan Wuqing's blood-colored sword light rose sharply, and despite being slashed by the Wanxiang Wuying Sword, he escaped from the space covered by the golden bridge, and then slashed at Shi Xuan with his crazy laughter. This is Duan Wuqing's style after fighting, regardless of himself, just wanting to hurt the enemy, either you die or I die.

Because the Tai Chi Diagram is used to attack the enemy, Shi Xuan is currently protecting himself with the Qianyang True Fire Net and the nine black lights hanging from the Ecstasy Flag. Under Duan Wuqing's sword, the bloody light soars into the sky, and the Qianyang True Fire Net only supports it. In an instant, it was cut through by Shura's blood sword, and the nine black lights were even more unbearable, just like rotten wood, it was broken with just one cut.

Fortunately, the Qianyang True Fire Net blocked the bloody sword light for a moment, and Shi Xuan was able to recall the golden bridge on the other side of the Tai Chi Diagram in time, letting it fall on top of his head, and thousands of golden lights hanging down to protect his whole body.

After the bloody sword light broke through the nine black lights of the Qianyang True Fire Net and the Ecstasy Flag, it finally hit the golden light emitted by the Golden Bridge on the other side. A ripple spread out rapidly from the point where the two met. The Golden Bridge on the other side did not stop the bloody sword light, nor did the bloody knife light break through the defense of the Golden Bridge on the other side.

Shi Xuan felt depressed, knowing that this was the feeling of connecting heart and blood with his natal magical weapon. The blow just now seemed to be a tie, but it was the Shura Blood Sword at the end of its powerful crossbow! After all, in terms of its own restrictions and the user's cultivation level, the Shura Blood Sword is much better than the Golden Bridge on the other side.

If Duan Qingqing is allowed to attack him, I am afraid that the Golden Bridge on the other side will not be able to support it for long.

But Duan Qingqing finally got the upper hand, how could he let Shi Xuan escape? He used the Demon-Slaying-God-Slaying Sword Technique, and suddenly a rolling river of blood appeared in the air, trying to submerge Shi Xuan in it.

In this wave of attacks, Duan Qingqing did not use all his strength like the previous one. After all, Shi Xuan is a disciple of Grandmaster Jindan. He must have powerful weapons on his body. He must also spare some energy to be on guard and trade his life for his life. His style of play is a bit early. Although it has the ruthless style of Bei Duan, he is just a bit cruel, which does not mean that he is a fool. It is okay to change temporarily. Therefore, although the immeasurable golden light emitted by the Golden Bridge on the other side was choppy and swaying, it could still barely hold up.

"Haha, the magic weapon of Shidao is friendly, good swordsmanship! What a good opponent! It's a pity that the flying sword is a bit worse, otherwise it would have made Duan more embarrassed. Especially like this, Duan also used the Taoist skill Blood River Demon Lian Fang regained the upper hand. "During the continuous attacks, Duan Qingqing kept talking to distract Shi Xuan, and he was not at all anxious. It seemed that the monks of Guanghan Sect found out that Duan was in the Arctic. "Great" and "quick victory" are all Duan's ruthless means of attacking the enemy's mind.

Thinking about it, Guanghan Sect is basically near the Arctic Circle. Even the Golden Pill Grandmaster doesn’t know how long it would take to get here (mainly on the way to the teleportation array). Of course, the monks above the Yuan Shen are another matter, but those High-level monks will basically not interfere in the fights of low-level disciples, otherwise the low-level disciples among several major sects would have been killed by each other long ago.

As a result, some tacit understanding similar to unspoken rules was formed between them. Unless the low-level disciples directly offended the high-level monks, the high-level monks would not take action against the low-level disciples. For example, the Blood River Patriarch, if he could kill Shi Xuan at that time, The Penglai sect couldn't do anything, because they couldn't react in time, but after the incident, if the ancestor of the Blood River wanted to take action himself, the Penglai sect's Yang Shen Zhenren would naturally not sit idly by and ignore it. Moreover, even if the high-level monks took action to save their disciples, they would at most Knocking away the opponent's low-level disciples will not hurt your life.

As for the small sects that control Ice Crystal City, although there are two Jindan Grandmasters in total, why do they want to intervene in the fight between the two major sects? It is more cost-effective to live a small life behind closed doors.

In the bloody sword light, Shi Xuan saw that Duan Qingqing had turned into a blur of blood shadow, and knew that he had used the bleeding shadow magic skill, the blood holes caused by the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword's penetration, and the long wounds caused by the slash. , it was all made up by the blood flowing from other parts of the blood shadow.

This is the most terrifying part of the Blood Shadow Divine Art, the only true technique of the Blood Demon Sect. Even at the time of the soul, if he cannot destroy them all, even if he escapes a little blood shadow, he can still plunder the essence and blood to regain his strength. After recovering, for Duan Wuqing, although it has not reached such a terrifying level, it is just a few wounds. It takes some blood and essence in the body to recover. Even if there is a huge penetrating wound on his body, it is not fatal to him. hurt.

If you want to kill a Blood Demon Sect disciple like Duan Qingqing who is in the Divine Soul Stage, you have to first smash his head, and secondly, use a strength superior to his to trap him and slowly wear him down and kill him.

The third is to use the skills, Taoist techniques, techniques, and magical tools to restrain the blood shadow method to directly hit his body, such as the Qianyang True Fire in Shi Xuan's hand, the Virtual Reality True Fire refined by Nanming Lihuo, and the Tai Chi Diagram. The two qi of yin and yang can turn all things into chaos, the two qi of yin and yang can turn people into the forbidden blood, and the earth, fire, and thunder.

However, the restriction of the Qianyang True Fire is slightly lower and cannot cause fatal damage to Duan Wuqing; if the Yin and Yang two cylinders want to absorb Duan Wuqing, he must be separated from the protection of the Shura Blood Sword; the Virtual and Real True Fire needs to be bullied to close to five Within ten feet, Duan Qingwu is not Song Hezi's corpse king with no intelligence. It is very difficult. If the Gengjin sword energy can hit Duan Wuqing's head, he can also kill him, but he faces the same problem; Earth Fire Yin Lei is It is the last resort to perish together and will never be used until death is inevitable.

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