Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 173 The Fear of Death

——Thanks to friends Fried Potatoes with Eggs, Lemon Prawns and Oceanpop for their tips.

The only feasible solution was Tai Chi Tu, but it was suppressed by the Shura Blood Knife and could not turn from defense to offense.

When Shi Xuan chose his natal magical weapon at that time, he considered that Tai Chi Diagram was a magical weapon integrating offense and defense, so he chose the powerful auxiliary magic weapon Yin and Yang Two Gas Bottles. But now he found that his original thinking was a bit wrong. The so-called offensive and defensive weapon is integrated. , means that it can both attack and defend, but definitely not attack and defend at the same time, especially in this suppressed situation.

If Shi Xuan turns the Tai Chi Diagram into a Yin-Yang fish, then as long as the Yin-Yang Qi does not refresh Duan Wuqing, Shi Xuan will not be able to block Duan Wuqing's subsequent fierce counterattack. After all, it will take one or two breaths for the Yin-Yang fish to turn into a golden bridge. , if Duan Wuqing couldn't dodge, it would be enough for Duan Qingwu to kill Shi Xuan three or four times.

Therefore, Shi Xuan now feels a little regretful. He had to choose Feijian or Immortal Clothes at first, but now he is not so passive. However, this emotion is not strong. After all, if there were no Yin and Yang two cylinders, he would have been defeated by Yang. Fei is in hand. Yang Fei is more than ten times more powerful than Duan Qingqing. His Red Sky Sword can break Tai Chi Tu's defense with one strike. If it weren't for the yin and yang two gas bottles, Shi Xuan would definitely be more dangerous than he is now. . It would be great if the Yin and Yang cylinders reached the Lingbao stage. As long as Duan Qingqing was talking to him, it would be absorbed into it.

While resisting the attack of Shura Blood Knife, Shi Xuan had the thought that he must create an opportunity for his Taoist skills to be used.

Duan Wuqing's life-threatening fighting style all relies on the magical skill of blood shadow. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as he doesn't die, he can recover afterwards. But now that he has concerns, Duan Wuqing decided to continue the psychological warfare method of breaking the mouth. : "Are there no other good magic weapons? Take a look, fellow Daoist Shi, Duan can't hold you down with just this life-blood knife. So, it's better to be good at one and specialize in one." He said With specious words, he wanted Shi Xuan to distract himself from thinking about enlightenment. In fact, if he hadn't been higher in cultivation than Shi Xuan and had spent more time refining his natal magic weapon, Shura Blood Sword would really not be able to suppress Shi Xuan.

During the fight, Shi Xuan did not consider what the opponent said at all, but still held on to the Golden Bridge on the other side. A somewhat risky idea gradually emerged in his mind, but if he did not take a little risk, he would slowly wear it out. Once the Golden Bridge on the other side was broken, Shi Xuan would only I can choose to die together with Duan Qingqing. You must know that Duan Wuqing's Blood Shadow Dark Light Escape is an attribute of light, ranking among the top five in escape techniques, and it is obviously a higher level of cultivation than Shi Xuan's Xiaoyou Qingfeng Escape.

Seeing that Shi Xuan was not affected, Duan Qingqing changed his sword technique, and suddenly it turned into a blood-colored waterfall and appeared above Shi Xuan's head. The blood-colored sword light struck like raindrops like raindrops on the thousands of rays of light emitted by the golden bridge on the other side of Shi Xuan. It is the fifth method of the Demon-Slaying-God-Slaying Sword Technique, Ghost God Blood Rain.

Under the strong and rapid attack, the golden light emitted by the Golden Bridge on the other side gradually dimmed and shrank. Duan Qingqing saw that this move was effective, and he was immediately delighted and continued to use Ghost Blood Rain. After a while, the golden light of Shi Xuan's Golden Bridge on the other side could only stick to his body. .

This was done intentionally by Shi Xuan. He wanted to risk Duan Qingqing's approach to within five feet, and then use Taoism to lock Duan Qingqing within five feet, even if he couldn't kill him, but still severely injure him, even if he couldn't kill him. Escape for your own chance.

However, Duan Wuqing's style today is very different from what Shi Xuan heard in the past. Even in this situation, Duan Wuqing was able to move away with one strike and was very flexible. When using Ghost Blood Rain, Duan Wuqing did not stay in one place for more than half a breath. time. Even when he was not pursuing such great power and speed, Duan Qingqing did not coincide with the sword light most of the time, but wielded the Shura Blood Sword from nearly a hundred feet away.

Shi Xuan had no choice but to turn his heart, and the golden bridge on the other side made a soft sound. The golden light became extremely dim, then quickly shrank and flew into the Dantian.

Seeing this opportunity, Duan Qingqing naturally combined the bloody sword light with his body. As soon as the power of the sword increased, he struck at Shi Xuan. This sword was like a flying giant from the sky, extremely fast.

Shi Xuan was very calm at this time. Thanks to the experience of more than two years, his spiritual cultivation has greatly improved. Now it is calm. Duan Wuqing's knife was clearly reflected in Shi Xuan's mind.

Ten feet, eight feet... six feet, five feet, four feet. Seeing that Shura's blood sword was about to hit Shi Xuan, the golden bridge on the other side that seemed to have been broken re-derived from Shi Xuan's dantian, crossed the void, and landed on Shura On top of the bloody knife.

The wind stopped, the sound disappeared, and the Shura Blood Sword was frozen again. Shi Xuan looked at the figure that appeared after the sword light, opened his mouth, and the purple-blue virtual and real fire spurted out.

At this moment, Shi Xuan saw a trace of sneer on Duan Qingqing's face, and then he saw a small bloody flag appearing in front of his body at some point, emitting countless bloody lights. Once touched by the virtual and real fire, it began to Burning violently, although strong and weak are judged, this small flag actually blocked the real and virtual fire. Then Duan Wuqing waved his hand indifferently, and the small bloody flag was filled with purple-blue flames, far away. It flew out and landed on the snow, burning a huge scorch pit with a radius of a hundred feet before it was extinguished.

After missing the target, Shi Xuan's heart sank, knowing that he had underestimated this true disciple of the Blood Demon Sect, but seeing that Duan Wuqing seemed a little complacent, and the Shura Blood Sword seemed to be getting rid of the Golden Bridge on the other side, he did not hesitate, and struck his nostrils again. A white light flew out and hit Duan Wuqing's head like lightning.

Duan Qingqing didn't expect that he would suffer retribution immediately after being so proud, but as a true disciple of a large sect, how could he not have some trump cards, such as the little scarlet flag just now. At this moment, I saw that he opened his mouth at the most dangerous moment, and a small snake-like black shadow flew out from inside. As soon as it came into contact with the air, it began to emit green smoke, and then collided with Shi Xuan's Gengjin Sword Qi. When the white light touched, both of them were instantly wiped out.

Seeing that he couldn't succeed without hurting Duan Qingqing, Shi Xuan made a decisive decision and pulled back the golden bridge on the other side, letting it float above his head again and protecting his whole body. Now he could only find another opportunity to use Yin and Yang Qi to injure Duan Qingqing before escaping. . Sure enough, Duan Qingqing immediately started a fierce attack. The blood-red sword light turned into an arc and kept slashing at Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan could only struggle to hold on, and for a while, the situation returned to the previous situation.

"Hmph, don't think that you are the only one who has Taoist skills and secret treasures. Although Duan disdains the use of other magic weapons and talismans, he still has some Taoist skills and secret treasures. Now I'll teach you to be a good boy and don't treat the true disciples of other sects. Treat him like an ordinary Soul Stage cultivator!" Although Duan Qingqing was still talking, his mood became more and more fierce. This was the influence of the technique and could not be completely overcome by his spiritual cultivation at this level.

Shi Xuan didn't say anything, knowing that he could take advantage of the opportunity. The fierce Duan Qingqing would reveal more flaws than the leisurely Duan Wuqing, so Shi Xuan used all his energy to activate the golden bridge on the other side of his head. Don't let the bloody sword light go beyond the thunder pool. Even if you have to wait for a chance, you have to survive this wave of attacks, otherwise the dead don't need a chance.

Duan Wuqing couldn't fight for a long time, and his mood became more and more impatient. In addition, Gengcai almost died at the hands of Shi Xuan, and he lost a hard-won secret treasure, a magic weapon that could be hidden in the body and hurt people suddenly. The secret treasure had just saved the situation, but with heartache, he could no longer control his emotions. Suddenly he let out a long roar, and changed the sword technique again. The bloody sword light transformed into a long dragon, and slashed towards Shi Xuan. It was the tenth step of the Demon-Slaying-God-Slaying Saber Technique, Devouring Gods and Devouring Ghosts.

During this attack, Duan Wuqing resumed his own fighting style, completely ignoring Shi Xuan's Wanxiang Shadowless Sword that was restraining him from outside. As long as it was not aimed at his head, it would still hit him. Every time it hit Duan Wuqing, Duan Wuqing's The sword skills became more and more fierce.

This powerful sword technique that overwhelms people made Shi Xuan feel that the Golden Bridge on the other side was crumbling, as if it would be broken in the next moment. Shi Xuan felt the long-lost fear of death. Although his heart was still as calm as water, it did not prevent Shi Xuan from tasting this kind of fear.

He couldn't wait any longer. If he continued like this, Duan Wuqing's momentum would become even worse, and he might not even have the chance to fight back. Shi Xuan himself was a decisive person, and the Broken Jade Art in his body immediately started to move, and the golden bridge on the other side suddenly shone brightly. , pushed the Shura Blood Sword forward dozens of feet, and then with a flicker, it turned into a Yin-Yang Fish as high as half a man, slowly turning, and the black and white Qi brushed toward Duan Wuqing.

Duan Qingqing didn't check for a moment. After being forced to retreat, his emotions became even more agitated. There was a flash of blood, and he continued to attack Shi Xuan regardless of it. At the same time, dozens of strange and bloody blood lotuses floated around him, trying to block the two bodies of Yin and Yang. gas.

But Shi Xuan's yin and yang energy itself is equivalent to the power of the spiritual weapon when it was first formed, which is the level of Duan Qingqing's current Blood River Demon Lotus Taoism. However, with the addition of Broken Jade Art, the Blood River Demon Lotus is just struggling. In a moment, they all turned into chaotic energy. Duan Qingqing regretted it very much. When he went to the North Pole a few years ago, he thought Shi Xuan was only in the Qi-entraining stage and was powerful because of his magic weapon, so he didn't pay much attention to it. In addition, he was arrogant and thought he was the master and elder of the sect. They gave several true disciples the experience, so they didn't have the shame to ask the sect for a few high-level Taoist talismans.

However, Duan Qingqing was cruel, not only to others, but also to himself. Under such circumstances, he still did not flinch. He used another auxiliary Taoist technique, and immediately changed the direction of the light escape slightly, avoiding the vital parts of his head. The two qi of yin and yang hit his right half, and at the same time, he continued to slash at Shi Xuan without stopping.

Shi Xuan watched as the Qianyang True Fire Net and the Ecstasy Banner's black light that he had unleashed were destroyed by one blow. He bought himself a little time to escape, and he watched the expression on Duan Qingqing's face when half of his body turned into nothingness. He is ferocious and ferocious, with a heart as clear as a mirror. If he is seriously injured, he will dodge to the left and continue to attack with Yin and Yang Qi.

But how could Duan Wuqing be so simple? How could a true disciple of a large sect be so simple? Duan Wuqing's Shura Blood Knife made a shrill cry, which made Shi Xuan's mind dizzy. He felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His whole body was stiff and he suddenly stood still. On the spot, even if he used the supreme method to restrain his thoughts, he had no time to react and could only watch as Shura's blood knife struck. It is the eleventh method of killing ghosts and slaying gods.

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