Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 177: Bloody Hands and Massacre (Second Update)

——Thank you Mr. Ming for the reward. Well, the third update is around 11 o'clock, so those who go to bed early can watch it tomorrow morning.

This ancient thunder god took a step forward and waved his fist to face the Blood God's Mahamudra and the twenty-eight demon gods. His fist was wrapped with purple lightning, surrounded by bright purple, azure blue, dark purple, light green, gold, red, and gold. The green and other colored thunder balls slowly opened the third eye in the forehead, and the noble and solemn purple thunder light shot out from it.

Boom, an earth-shaking loud noise came from the intersection of the ancient thunder god and blood god's big handprints, stirring up waves of air, and even a few miles away, a snow wolf lying on the ground was blown up.

The various colored thunder balls around the Ancient Thunder God were tied with the twenty-eight demon gods. The thunder balls disappeared, and the twenty-eight demon gods retreated back to the Blood Demon Pagoda. Only the purple thunder light that looked like an emperor in thunder seemed leisurely. , in fact, flashed by quickly, and he was in front of Wang Qinian in an instant.

Wang Qinian had been prepared for a long time. He held a small black flag in his hand. It was a magic weapon of the eighth heaven. With just a shake, blossoming lotuses appeared. The purple thunder light smashed the lotuses one after another unstoppably, and then struck. Hit the black flag. The small black flag suddenly fell apart and turned into pieces of black rags, falling feebly to the ground.

However, because of the small black flag, Wang Qinian had already thrown out another secret treasure, and flew out. A deep and dim pool of blood appeared on the spot, and purple thunder light roamed freely in it, like a real dragon. Crossing the sea, but unable to fly out, they both died in the end.

This attack seemed to be a draw, but in fact Wang Qinian was at an absolute disadvantage. Not only did he use the natal magic weapon Blood Demon Pagoda and the Taoist Blood God Mahamudra, but he also used the Eighth Heavenly Perfection The magic weapon and a secret treasure, but as for Xie Fangwei, the other seven magic weapons only cooperated with the Bahuang Royal Thunder Seal in this attack. In other words, Xie Fangwei almost only used his natal magic weapon, allowing Wang Qinian to do his best. The battle ended in a draw.

It was clear who was superior and who was inferior. Even Wang Qinian himself had eyes twinkling, as if he was looking for a chance to escape.

Shi Xuan sat cross-legged on the snow hill, drank a drop of nectar, and carefully watched this highest-level contest in the soul period. Xie Fangwei was the most powerful among the nine true disciples of the Penglai sect, and the one closest to achieving a high-grade golden elixir. Wang Qinian was Ranking second among the true disciples of the Blood Demon Sect, Shi Xuan also has great hope of advancing to the golden elixir. Such a battle has benefited Shi Xuan a lot.

Watching the two men continue to fight, with magic weapons, secret treasures, secret techniques, Taoist techniques, magic techniques, and Taoist talismans emerging one after another, Shi Xuan secretly sighed, even if he was not suffering from the sequelae of using the Broken Jade Art, he still had one of the seven or eight in his hand. Zhongtian's flying sword may not be able to escape from the hands of these two people.

Unless Tai Chi Tu can be promoted to the seventh level of perfection, Shi Xuan can be sure to win the battle. If it reaches the same eighth level of perfection, Shi Xuan can fight one against three with ease. After all, although Tai Chi Tu is powerful now, The prohibition is mysterious, but the level of sacrifice is too far apart, making it difficult to match. In addition, if the two qi of yin and yang reach the eighth level of perfection, Shi Xuan can directly release the two qi of yin and yang and ingest Wang Qinian and his magic weapon into the bottle. Now, the number of restricted layers is too few.

During the fierce battle, the aftermath of the battle had turned a radius of several hundred feet into a large crater. Only the snow hill where Shi Xuan was sitting remained intact under the protection of the golden bridge on the other side. Wang Qinian finally found an opportunity. He first used the Blood God's Big Hand Seal and the Blood Demon Pagoda with all his strength to entangle Xie Fangwei, and then suddenly withdrew the Blood Demon Pagoda. A talisman in his hand lit up, and the man and his natal magic weapon flashed in the air. After being several dozen feet away, Xie Fangwei was about to flee before Xie Fangwei could react.

Shi Xuan was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Wang Qinian also had a small teleportation talisman. This technique was not available in any sect. He probably got it in some adventure, but he didn't know if there was a way to practice it. The thought in his mind was just a flash, Shi Xuan raised his finger slightly, and before Wang Qinian had time to escape, he saw a clear light flying towards him very fast, and it was in front of him in an instant.

Wang Qinian had already known that Shi Xuan had mastered Sword Qi Leiyin, and judging from the speed of Qingguang, it was obvious that he had already used it, so he did not dare to rely on the magic of Blood Shadow Magic to forcefully catch and escape with injuries. After all, with the speed of Sword Light, It was very possible that before he could react, he changed direction and pierced his head, so he could only use the Blood Demon Pagoda to block Shi Xuan's sword.

But he didn't know that Shi Xuan was currently in a weak stage with only 10% of his strength. How could he be distracted and change the direction of the sword light? It was a good time to be entangled again by Xie Fangwei.

After that, Wang Qinian found opportunities to escape several times, but with Shi Xuan by his side, he couldn't get what he wanted. Shi Xuan smiled and watched the fighting, occasionally flicking his fingers, and the sword light was like thunder, and he got in front of Wang Qinian and blocked him in place. , allowing Xie Fangwei to easily keep up.

The fight was gradually coming to an end. Wang Qinian had already used all his methods. All the secret treasures, magic weapons, and high-level Taoist talismans were all used up. He only had the Blood Demon Pagoda around him to defend himself, but he was suppressed by Xie Fangwei's Bahuang Royal Thunder Seal. , crumbling under the attack of seven other magical weapons, and the Blood God's big handprint was repeatedly pierced by Xie Fangwei's Taoist Thunder God Thorns. For a moment, Wang Qinian was powerless to fight back, and it seemed that he would die in Xie Fangwei's hands the next moment.

"Don't force me, or we will all perish together." Wang Qinian shouted fiercely, holding something familiar to Shi Xuan in his hand, which was a small bead similar to Earth Fire Yin Thunder.

Although Xie Fangwei is sure of winning now, he has also consumed a lot just now. The high-level Taoist talismans he has received from the Golden Pill Grandmaster over the years and by chance have been almost used up, and there are not many secret treasures left. When he saw the beads in Wang Qinian's hand , his eyes narrowed slightly, but his hand did not slow down, but accelerated the attack. At the same time, he took out an object and hid it in his hand, and said: "It turns out to be the Guishui Yin Thunder condensed by Master Jindan. Once used, it will cover a hundred miles." "Razed to the ground." His tone was neither arrogant nor impetuous, but still calm and gentle.

But when this calm and gentle voice fell into Wang Qinian's ears, it made him furious. His xinxing cultivation level was already close to the golden elixir stage, and he was usually able to control the violence caused by the skills, but now he has been at a disadvantage for a long time and cannot escape. , the body and soul may die in the next moment, and it is naturally difficult to control. In the excitement, Guishui Yin Lei was thrown out.

Xie Fangwei had been waiting for this opportunity. He threw the object in his hand and turned it into a giant dark net, trapping the Guishui Yin Lei in it. Then it quickly shrank, wrapping the Guishui Yin Lei tightly, and then fell to the ground. As soon as he drilled it, he didn't know where to escape. After a while, Shi Xuan felt a violent vibration coming from the ground. He shook for more than ten breaths before he stopped. The ten thousand-year-old snow on a snow peak in the distance turned into The avalanche collapsed.

Wang Qinian was in a daze when he saw that the method of killing each other was actually broken. How could Xie Fangwei let go of this opportunity? He used all his strength to activate the Eight Desolate Royal Thunder Seal, transforming into the majestic and solemn ancient thunder god. With one punch and a purple thunder light, he flew the Blood Demon Pagoda away, making it extremely dim.

Then, among the seven magic weapons, only the shield remained beside him, and the sword, card, hammer, awl, bell, and mirror all came out, or in their true form, such as the Thunder God Sword, the Thunder God Hammer, and the Lightning Mother Cone, or they emitted thunder balls and thunder light. , such as the Ze Token, the Thunder Sound Bell, and the Ten Thousand Thunder Mirrors, all these attacks flew towards Wang Qinian. The blood cloud around Wang Qinian only lasted for a breath before being broken, allowing these magic weapons and lightning to fall directly on him.

Wang Qinian's head turned into three pieces, with one fierce little eye on each side, and an expression of extreme unwillingness was solidified in it. His eight-foot-tall body with an eight-foot waist had already been turned into several pieces, some of which were burning. The smell is dark.

Xie Fangwei then breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If you beat the snake, you will injure him, but you dare not let him escape." This was explaining to Shi Xuan why he continued to attack Guishui Yinlei just now, and at the same time He also used subsequent methods to show that he had the means to deal with it. After all, in the situation just now, if Xie Fangwei and Wang Qinian died together, it could only be said to be their own choice, but it would be a bit cheating to let Shi Xuan, who helped them plunder the formation, also die, so they explained to Shi Xuan immediately after the fight. For a moment.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "I believe that with Senior Brother Xie's character, he must have been inspired to use the Guishui Yin Thunder when he was sure." Cherishing one's own life is the most basic instinct of every monk, Xie Fangwei Of course, he is no exception. He is not a fighting maniac. If he is really unsure, he will definitely not joke with his own life.

Xie Fangwei took Wang Qinian's storage bag over, spent some time opening it, and then said with a self-deprecating smile: "This battle is really a big loss. There are only some spiritual stones and elixirs in it, and the Taoist talismans, seals, and Compared with the secret treasures, they are really far apart. "Of course, this is a polite statement. For Xie Fangwei, the most rewarding thing is the life-and-death combat experience with Wang Qinian, a master of the same level. This is difficult to use with spiritual stones, talismans, and secret treasures. By other measures, Xie Fangwei has been in the Soul Stage for more than sixty years. The more experience that may be helpful in achieving the Golden Elixir, the better.

Shi Xuan stood up and said with a smile: "Senior brother, this battle just now really opened my eyes to my junior brother, and the little pride he felt when he just broke through was extinguished. Thank you so much." The change in mentality is one thing, watching the fight on the sidelines Adding some experience is another aspect.

Xie Fangwei put away the storage bag: "Where is it? In the future, Junior Brother Shi, when you reach the level of brother, your strength will definitely be far better than that of brother. By the way, where will junior brother go next? Will he return to the master's door? Will Brother Shi return the favor? I’m going to travel across the Arctic land, and then I’ll set out for the Western Wilderness.”

"Junior Brother is going to Guanghan Sect. Please ask Brother Xie to escort him." Shi Xuan is currently in a weak stage, so naturally he is unwilling to let go of Xie Fangwei, a powerful bodyguard.

"Should we go directly or in a few days?" Xie Fangwei didn't mind either. He was traveling, so he didn't miss the time, and he still had Shi Xuan's kindness in preventing Wang Qinian from escaping.

Shi Xuan did not hesitate: "Go to Jiye City to rest for ten days, and then set off to Guanghan Sect."

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