Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 178 Crystal clear like a fairyland (third update)

——Thanks to friends Gao Tao and Dong Dong Oh for their rewards.

Ten days later, Shi Xuan's strength returned to 50%, so he and Xie Fangwei went to Jiye City to visit the outskirts of the Guanghan Sect. Otherwise, if they set off directly, they would not be able to find the Guanghan Sect's mountain gate. Moreover, Shi Xuan just asked what he could get. In exchange for Wanzai Bing Soul Heart, you really don’t have to go to the mountain gate.

Guanghan Sect's station in Jiye City is located in the east of the city. It is a palace that looks ethereal. When the two female disciples guarding it saw Shi Xuan and his two men approaching, they immediately said respectfully: "Senior Xie, Senior Shi, My uncle Gong, please come in. "The commotion in the battle ten days ago was not small, and Shi Xuan and Xie Fangwei never thought that the Guanghan Sect's Shenhun Stage disciples or elders stationed here had not noticed it.

"It turns out that fellow Taoist Gong Xujing is here. Xie thought he was sleeping and flying together on the mountain." Xie Fangwei said with a smile. It seems that this Soul Stage monk named Gong Xujing is an old acquaintance of his.

The guarding female disciple said slightly shyly: "Jiye City and Jidu City always have monks in the Soul Stage stationed there. They are either true uncles or elders. This time it just happened to be Uncle Gong's turn. Uncle Zhao was also there a few days ago. Here, I just returned to the sect the day before yesterday, so I can say that we stayed together and flew together." At the end of the sentence, he actually pursed his lips and snickered. It seems that Gong and Zhao are very popular in the sect, and they don't have any airs.

Xie Fangwei nodded gently, and then skillfully led Shi Xuan through the hall to the reception hall on the west side. A young monk in his twenties was waiting there with a smile. His appearance was not outstanding, at least. Among the monks who can adjust their appearance, he is considered average, but he has a mellow and gentle temperament that makes people feel like a spring breeze. He feels very similar to Xie Fangwei. No wonder the two have a close friendship.

"Haha, why did Brother Xie come to visit me today? The battle ten days ago was really earth-shattering. It is said that the Golden Pill Grandmasters of the Blood Demon Sect were furious, but the blood-hand massacre skills were inferior to others. It is not the fault of Brother Xie. Brother Xie is not using more to defeat less." Gong Xujing joked about Xie Fangwei, and at the same time gave Shi Xuan a slightly thoughtful look. Apart from the two people in the Arctic, Yuanshen Zhenren and Xie Shi, he was the only one who could fully understand the situation. Well, even though it was a one-on-one fight at that time, if Shi Xuan hadn't repeatedly intervened to prevent Wang Qinian from escaping, Wang Qinian would have been defeated and fled at most, and he would not have died on the spot.

Xie Fangwei smiled nonchalantly and said: "It's only slightly better. If we meet the Blood Sea Man-Demon, we'll probably be tied." The Blood Sea Man-Demon is the strongest among the true disciples of the Blood Demon Sect in this generation. Bit.

Gong Xujing smiled and invited the two of them to come into the hall and sit down: "But the Golden elixir masters of the Blood Demon Sect refused to admit that Brother Xie was bullying the weak. After all, Wang Qinian's strength ranked second in the Blood Demon Sect, and was beaten by Penglai. Sending the strongest true disciple to bully the weak was particularly unpleasant, so they had no choice but to hold their noses and admit it." After saying that, he looked at Shi Xuan and said, "This must be fellow Taoist Shi Xuanshi, right?" You have already entered the Soul Stage, you are truly a genius, and Gong has just achieved great success at this age."

Shi Xuan modestly said: "It's just a fluke, I don't dare to praise fellow Taoist Gong." At the same time, he asked worriedly: "There won't be any follow-up revenge from the Blood Demon Sect." Gong Xujing is in charge of Jiye City, and all news is faster than the two of them. A lot.

Gong Xujing shook his head: "No, the Blood Demon Sect still wants to be shameless. It sent a true disciple to chase and kill one of your inner disciples. Well, it was still in the Qi-entraining stage at that time, and you actually killed him. If you send people to chase him again, he will be killed." It seems that you cannot afford to lose, and you Penglai faction will not sit idly by. Of course, chasing and killing you is one thing, but occasionally killing you is another matter. If the two of you encounter the Blood Demon in the Western Wilderness in the future. Sect disciples must be extremely careful, it’s a chaotic place.”

Basically, other sects do not welcome Blood Demon Sect and Netherworld Sect disciples to enter their control areas. This time, the four true disciples all sneaked in, so the two strongest ones controlled by Guanghan Sect Dacheng was afraid that the other two were not strong enough and would expose their identities and be expelled.

In the Western Wasteland, the competition between several major sects has allowed the Rogue Cultivator Alliance to grow. However, the Rogue Cultivator Alliance itself is a loose alliance with few rules between each other. In addition, the Western Wasteland has a harsh environment and many caves. , there were many adventures, and there were constant killings and plundering. It was okay in a few big cities, but after leaving the city, it was really chaotic.

Shi Xuan and Xie Fangwei looked at each other and smiled, and then said: "Even if there is no such thing, if you encounter a disciple of the Blood Demon Sect, if you are stronger than him, he will naturally not take action. If you are weaker than him, he will not show mercy."

"That's the same reason. By the way, I don't know why you two are here. Is there anything Gong can do to help?" Gong Xujing then asked the two of them why they were here.

Shi Xuan said bluntly: "Shi wants to practice a secret technique, but it requires the cooperation of Wanzai Ice Soul Heart. I heard that Guizong has this object in his collection, so I want to ask if I can exchange it with Shi? If it can be exchanged, I need What items did Shi produce?”

After hearing this, Gong Xujing pondered for a moment and then said: "To be honest, our sect does have a collection of ten thousand years of ice soul heart, but fellow Taoist Shi also knows that our sect mainly focuses on ice-cold exercises, and has many true qi, magic weapons, and secret treasures. , secret techniques, and Taoist techniques all require ten thousand years of ice spirit. If it is not enough, it will not be too much. Therefore, Gong really can’t make the decision, so he can only report it to the head, and ask fellow Taoist Shi for your forgiveness.”

Shi Xuan came to ask for help, so he still had to be polite: "By the way, please ask Fellow Daoist Gong to ask the head of your sect for advice."

Gong Xujing stood up and said with a smile: "Originally, I just used the communication technique, but it happened that Gong was going back to the mountain gate to hand over his errands recently. It would be better for the two Taoists to go together. If the master agrees, they can also get the Wanzai Ice Soul Heart immediately. "

"I wonder why fellow Daoist Zhao returned to the mountain gate. It turns out that Brother Gong, you are about to hand over your errand, but she went back to the sect first to wait." Xie Fangwei joked.

Gong Xujing was not angry either: "The elder stationed here arrived yesterday. If he hadn't been waiting for you, Brother Xie, Gong would have left long ago. Please."

While talking, the three of them slowly walked out of Jiye City. When they arrived outside the city, a flying sword that seemed to be carved from ice crystals flew out of Gong Xujing's body. It shone with a faint light and was more beautiful than the diamonds Shi Xuan had seen in his previous life. Gong Xujing seemed to have noticed Shi Xuan's gaze, and said with a smile: "This is the natal magical weapon that Gong refined after imitating the sect's magic weapon, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword. It does have a bit of Wanzai Ice Soul Heart in it, and the main body is the Arctic Mysterious Soul." Made of ice essence."

Xie Fangwei then continued: "This ice soul cold light sword can be divided and combined. When divided, it can form thousands of sword lights. The difference can be compared to the peerless swordsmanship of sword light splitting and sword energy as silk. When combined, it can freeze everything, and its power is infinite. "

Gong Xujing shook his head and interrupted Xie Fangwei's praise: "Then at least the power of advanced spiritual weapons or even magical weapons is not available now. Okay, you two, please follow Gong. Under the influence of the North Pole Yuan magnetism, a maze-like shape has been formed in many places. The terrain, and the gold and iron objects on both of them must be put away. If they are sucked away by the magnet, they can only go back to the sect and ask the elders to pick them up. "

After saying that, his flying sword turned into a crystal white light, and as soon as it merged with his body, he fled deep into the Arctic Circle. Shi Xuan knew the power of the Arctic Yuan magnetism, so he put the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword into the Yin and Yang two gas bottles, and used a small The breeze escapes and turns into a breeze to follow. Xie Fangwei transformed into lightning and flew beside Shi Xuan with ease.

In the pitch-black polar night, the two of them followed Gong Xujing around and around for an hour. When Shi Xuan felt that the power of the North Pole's Yuan Magnetic Force was getting stronger and stronger, Gong Xujing suddenly stopped and said: "We have arrived at the mountain gate. Two fellow Taoists, please wait here for a while. Gong will go in first to report."

Shi Xuan and Xie Fangwei agreed, and then saw Gong Xujing take out a transparent token and use his true energy to inspire a dazzling white light. Under the white light, a continuous snow mountain appeared in front of him. On the top of several snow peaks, there were There are many pavilions and pavilions, all made of ice and snow. They are crystal clear and very beautiful. At first glance, they look like a dream, like a fairyland.

After Gong Xujing nodded to the two of them, she took up the escaping light and flew towards the snow-capped mountains, disappearing on the mountain in the blink of an eye.

After being there for a quarter of an hour, when Shi Xuan and Xie Fangwei were practicing cross-legged, a white light finally flew down from the snow-capped mountains and landed in front of them. It was a female monk with a beautiful face and a moon-like appearance, as if carved from ice. She smiled gently, Looking at the two of them, she said: "Zhao Lina has met Daoist Fellow Xie and Fellow Daoist Shi. My husband has something to do and has been delayed for a while. Please ask these two fellow Daoists to accompany me to see the leader."

After returning the gift, Xie Fangwei introduced to Shi Xuan: "This is Fellow Daoist Gong's Taoist companion Zhao Lina and Zhao Daoyou. They are rare monks in the world of cultivation. Both husband and wife are true disciples. It has become a good story for a while."

Shi Xuan was unfamiliar with her and couldn't joke around, so he could only return the favor politely, and then flew to the snow-capped mountains with Zhao Lina.

In the main halls and pavilions on the snow peak, many beautiful female monks appeared from time to time. When they saw Xie Fangwei and Shi Xuan, they looked at them curiously.

In the world of cultivation, the ratio of men to women in other sects is roughly 60 to 40. There are two reasons why there are slightly more men. First, before entering the sect, many women choose to marry and raise children; second, the cultivation methods of many sects are different from women. The most common physical constitutions are not compatible. For example, women have more water and ice constitutions and less fire constitutions. Therefore, the ratio of men to women in Tianhuo Sect is about 70:30.

After starting to practice, women will not be inferior to men. Emotional problems will be encountered by both men and women. For example, among the nine true disciples of the Penglai sect, four are women, accounting for roughly half.

As for why there is only one golden elixir master of the Penglai sect who is a woman, that is entirely a personal reason. It has nothing to do with whether she is a man or a woman. It is just that there happens to be one woman in this generation. Maybe there will only be one male among the next generation of golden elixir masters. .

The Guanghan Sect is similar to the Tianhuo Sect, and its techniques favor water and ice, so the ratio of men to women is just reversed, at 30:7.

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