Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 180 Returning to the sect and becoming true (second update)

——Thanks to friends Xiaoka Strawberry Jam and Ye Wuying for their tips.

Shi Xuan stepped out of the teleportation formation in Tide Square, sighing in his heart that this experience was finally over. After returning to Jiye City, Shi Xuan said goodbye to Xie Fangwei and prepared to return to the sect to retreat for a period of time to stabilize the first level of the Soul Stage.

Looking at the clear blue sky outside Tidal Square, Shi Xuan immediately relaxed. The recent battles had made him very tired, especially the life-and-death experience. At this time, returning to the familiar and safe waters of the Three Islands, I just let go of this fatigue.

Setting up the escape light and soaring into the sky, Shi Xuan quickly arrived at the Penglai Sect Foreign Guests' Island.

Except for the leading monk, the disciples on guard were all strangers. They probably entered the sect during the latest disciple recruitment ceremony. Shi Xuan took out the jade pendant of good deeds and handed it over to them for inspection. Although the leading disciple recognized Shi Xuan, he still followed the rules and verified it before returning it to Shi Xuan. At the same time, he said with great admiration and admiration: "Uncle Shi, are you back?" This was the last two people in the sect. A man of ten years, he has broken through to the stage of entrainment in just five years after starting his career. People can't help but admire him.

Shi Xuan thought to himself, what is the problem? I haven't come back, so who is standing here? However, it is understandable that the nephews were excited, so he nodded and said: "Shi has to go to see the master." , I won’t bother you.” Then we crossed the Rainbow Bridge and headed to Penglai Island.

After that, a male disciple asked doubtfully: "Senior Brother Zhang, have you noticed that Uncle Shi no longer has the pressure of spiritual energy on his body?" But he asked the leader named Senior Brother Zhang.

Senior Brother Zhang frowned and thought for a while: "I didn't feel it. Could it be that Senior Uncle Shi was hiding his aura?" Some didn't dare to think about other possibilities.

Another beautiful female disciple said hesitantly: "But Uncle Shi flew back with the escape light. He seems to be quite powerful. It doesn't seem like he has concealed his aura. Could it, could it, Master Shi has advanced?" Soul stage?"

Several people fell silent for a moment, but their hearts were shaking and thrilling. If the Qi-entraining stage can be regarded as officially stepping into the threshold of cultivating immortals, then the Shenhun stage is a genuine master.

After a long time, Senior Brother Zhang sighed: "It seems that Uncle Shi has really advanced to the level of the Divine Soul. Haha, in less than twenty years, he has advanced from Qi to the Divine Soul. I am afraid that only those who have achieved Yuan Shen in the history of the sect Only the Patriarchs can achieve such speed. Among the true disciples of this generation, Master Xie spent twenty-three years to advance to the level of Divine Soul." There was a wry smile on his face. Others only started in twenty-five years, and he became a master of Divine Soul. But he's still lingering in the out-of-body stage, and it's irritating to see others compare to each other!

The male disciple who spoke first was both shocked and fascinated: "Even if it takes twice as much effort as Uncle Shi, as long as I can advance to the divine soul, I will accept it."

The beautiful disciple nodded in agreement, with admiration, envy, pride and motivation in her eyes, and then she said: "This is probably the most sensational news in the sect recently, and maybe there won't be anything more sensational than this in the next twenty or thirty years. things.”

Senior Brother Zhang sighed: "Yes, in a few days I'm afraid the ceremony for Uncle Shi to become a true disciple will be held."

In fact, true disciples are not all from the same generation. Sometimes they are divided into masters, uncles, and nephews. In the Penglai sect, as long as you reach the divine soul stage within a hundred years of practicing Taoism, you can become a true disciple. If you can't break through to the golden elixir stage, you will automatically transform from a true disciple to an elder.

But the true disciples of the previous generation sometimes do not wait until a hundred years before becoming elders, because the next generation of disciples have advanced to spiritual souls and become true disciples, which puts a lot of pressure on them, so as long as the next generation of true disciples Once there are more, the true disciples of the previous generation will basically apply to become elders. Anyway, they have also enjoyed the greatest benefits of true disciples. As elders, they will have fewer chores.

Therefore, the situation that Shi Xuan was in when he started, all nine true disciples were of the same generation.


Tianji Peak, Moyuan Cave.

For a monk, more than ten years passed quickly. Mo Yuan looked no different from when Shi Xuan saw him ten years ago in the Nanman Continent. He was still a handsome young man with an expressionless face, and he did not seem to have aged at all.

After Shi Xuan paid his respects, Mo Yuan nodded slightly: "Not bad." Mo Yuan was able to praise his disciple's progress in cultivation, which meant that Shi Xuan had done a good job.

Shi Xuan did not show politeness to the master. After saluting and saying hello, he went straight to the topic and asked for advice on the practice problems accumulated over the past few years. Mo Yuan was very complimentary of Shi Xuan's performance and gave very detailed answers.

Finally, Shi Xuan talked about what happened in the Middle Earth, reported Chu Wan'er's matter to his master, and then asked about the Grandma Yu in Huilong Temple: "I wonder if Grandma Yu is the one that the disciple is thinking of? "

Mo Yuan did not comment on Chu Wan'er's matter because he had not seen it with his own eyes. Regarding Granny Yu, he said calmly: "She is her. Anyway, we in the Penglai sect are all her descendants. It is not an exaggeration to say so. "

Because he knew the master would think so, Shi Xuan dared to ask. After confirming Granny Yu's identity, she put aside her worries about Chu Wan'er. For her, this was a huge opportunity.

Seeing Shi Xuan was about to leave, Mo Yuan said as if he had just remembered, "Since you have advanced to the soul, you will be ready to participate in the ceremony of becoming a true disciple in three days. After that, you can choose one of the three true teachings to practice, or continue to practice "The True Explanation of the Divine Wind of the Six Combinations of Heaven and Earth", which is also a Taoist method that can directly point to the primordial spirit, but the road after the primordial spirit can only be explored by yourself." The implication is that it is better to choose the three true teachings obediently.

Shi Xuan had already decided to choose "Shenxiao Zhenfa" to cover up the Shenxiao Tianlei Qi cultivated in "Baolu", but he still asked curiously: "Master, I don't know which three true teachings of our sect are? I only know "Shenxiao Zhenfa"."

Mo Yuan said expressionlessly: "In addition to "Shenxiao Zhenfa", one is "Secret Sword Box of Immortal Slashing" and the other is "Xinghe Zhenfa". Among them, "Xinghe Zhenfa" is a combination of star and water-based exercises. It has very high requirements for one's own physique, so few disciples choose it, and it is not very suitable for you. Your "Heaven and Earth Six Combinations Divine Wind True Explanation" converts true qi to cultivate "Shenxiao Zhenfa" and "Secret Sword Box of Immortal Slashing" are both feasible. You have a talent for understanding the changes of yin and yang, and you are also extraordinary in swordsmanship, so you can choose it yourself."

To be honest, because he practiced the sword energy and thunder sound, Shi Xuan was a little tempted by "Secret Sword Box of Immortal Slashing", but considering that he was With the Treasure Record as the main focus, he gave up this greed and answered honestly: "Disciple chooses the Divine Sky True Method."

Mo Yuan nodded lightly: "The Divine Sky True Method can finally condense the three great Dao seeds of thunder, lightning, and yin and yang. Unfortunately, the Dao seeds of thunder have been used by others to combine with the Tao. There are still some deficiencies in the techniques of lightning and yin and yang, which need to be slowly supplemented by future generations. Have you thought about it?"

Shi Xuan's mind turned. He didn't know how many Dao seeds he could condense by practicing the Treasure Record. At least those Dao seeds related to yin and yang should be included, such as thunder, lightning, yin and yang, Tai Chi, Liangyi, Hundong, morality, etc., so he said without hesitation: "Disciple has thought about it."

"In this case, there is nothing much for the master to remind you. After becoming a true disciple, remember to choose two Taoist arts in Tianya Haijiao Tower. This is the right of true disciples." Mo Yuan finally mentioned the benefits of true disciples.

Shi Xuan hurriedly asked: "Master, what are the Taoist arts that can be practiced in the Soul Stage? Which two should I choose?"

Mo Yuan continued expressionlessly: "There are four in total, one is "Thunder God Thorn", one is "Heavenly Thunder Escape", one is "Golden Light Escape", and one is "Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover", which is the Taoist art in Meng Yuchang's jade pendant. It can not only defend oneself, but also cover the opponent, and then the nine dragons will spray fire to turn it into smoke."

Shi Xuan sweated slightly. The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover was not a magic weapon, but it became a Taoist art. After thinking for a while, he said: "My disciple has already practiced the sword energy and thunder sound. If I use the sword escape with all my strength, it is equivalent to the second-level escape Taoist art. It is only faster than the lower-grade Jindan Grandmaster. It is a bit wasteful to choose a Taoist art that can only be practiced to the first level now." As for the post-Jindan period, Shi Xuan has a lot of Taoist arts in the "Treasure Record", and the escape method is "Innate Wind and Thunder Escape". Now it is enough to use the sword escape.

Mo Yuan nodded, which was considered as his approval of Shi Xuan's statement, and then he said: "In addition, the true disciples can also choose an eight-layer perfect magic weapon and increase 200,000 good deeds. In addition, you killed Duan Wuqing, and the sect also rewarded 50,000 good deeds. You are not far away from the roots of the Fusang sacred tree and the Wanzai Qingkong tree you want."

Shi Xuan didn't expect that becoming a true disciple would have so many benefits. It is worthy of being a true disciple of a sect.

After saying goodbye to the master, Shi Xuan just knew that Xu Ruoshui went out to travel seven or eight years ago, Zhou Dielan also broke through to the Qi-inducing stage and went out two years ago, and Ming Qingyue has not returned yet.


The ceremony of becoming a true disciple is not much different from the ceremony of apprenticeship. Shi Xuan followed the process and became the tenth true disciple of Penglai Sect in this generation under the envious eyes of the outer and inner disciples.

After the ceremony, all the disciples and elders dispersed, leaving only Shi Xuan, Mo Yuan and the head Zhang Zhengyan. Zhang Zhengyan touched his long white eyebrows and smiled kindly at Shi Xuan: "The ceremony just now was done for others to see. The following is the real initiation ceremony for the true disciples."

"Ah?" Shi Xuan was a little puzzled.

Mo Yuan glanced at him indifferently: "The so-called true disciples are disciples who may inherit the sect's tradition. Naturally, they have to pay homage to the Yuanshen Zhenren in the sect. The three true disciples are all kept by the Yuanshen Zhenren. Except for the elders who pass on the skills, other people can only know their own sect."

Shi Xuan now understood what to do, but still asked curiously: "Which Yuanshen Zhenren should I pay homage to?" There must be more than one in the sect.

"There are three ancestors above the Yuanshen in the sect. One is still a Yuanshen Zhenren, collecting secret treasure materials for the first tribulation in other worlds. The other one, wait until you achieve the upper-grade golden elixir before you come to pay homage. The remaining one is the Yangshen Zhenren Jiang Zushi who has passed the heavenly tribulation once." The one who answered Shi Xuan's question was the head of the sect, Zhang Zhengyan.

Having satisfied his curiosity, Shi Xuan stopped talking and followed Master Zhang and Master Mo Yuan onto a small path in the Jietian Palace.

(End of this volume)

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