Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 181 Something unexpected happened from afar (Third update)

——Thanks to friends Abyss Bone Dragon, miaoge, Tianluoqi, and Mr. Ming for their rewards.

Shi Xuan followed Head Zhang and Master Mo Yuan through the path next to the Jietian Hall, twisting and turning, and actually walked to the back of the Tianya Haijiao Tower. I couldn't help but murmur to myself, could it be that Yang Shen Zhenren is the old Taoist priest? It seems that all the novels and reality don't deceive me. The administrators of the sutra collection building and library are all very powerful beings, such as Li Er, such as Run. Of.

As expected, Head Zhang took out his jade pendant and led Shi Xuan in through a hidden door behind the Tianya Haijiao Tower. Then he went directly to the third floor, where he saw the old Taoist priest with white hair and beard sitting on the futon in the middle. Behind him is a cyan jade table, with seven jade slips placed on it. They are all full of brilliance, unlike the jade that is usually used to store skills and techniques.

Head Zhang respectfully saluted the old Taoist priest: "For the right words, I will see you, Master." Unexpectedly, Head Zhang was actually the direct disciple of Patriarch Jiang, and Shi Xuan followed Mo Yuan to pay homage.

Jiang Zhenren glanced at the three of them and said with a smile: "You should get up first. Now that you are the leader of a sect, you don't need to be so generous." Then he looked at Shi Xuan with satisfaction, nodded and smiled: "Shi Xuan, you are very good. Well, the big ceremony just now is considered a true disciple. If you do more fancy ceremonies, you will be tired, too."

Master Yang Shen said this, so Shi Xuan naturally stood up with his master and listened to the introduction from Head Zhang: "This is the twelfth generation founder of our sect, Master Jiang Yehejiang, and the master of Lao Dao."

Shi Xuan almost cried out, but then he remembered that the twelfth generation disciple who sharpened his Taoist heart the longest in the sect's records should be named Jiang Yehe.

Jiang Zhenren laughed at himself: "The kid seems to be remembering what happened when I was young. On that trip, I was trapped in a dark and deserted underground cave for a long time. But it was a blessing in disguise, and I stuck to my heart. , solidified the path and laid the foundation for achieving Yuan Shen in the future." Then, without waiting for Shi Xuan to answer, he asked directly: "Have you decided which True Tradition to choose?"

Shi Xuan answered honestly: "This disciple chooses the "Shenxiao True Dharma" and asks the Patriarch to give it to him."

Master Jiang nodded with satisfaction: "Your personality is not suitable for the "Secret Immortal Slayer Sword Box". It's good to be able to recognize this." After saying this, he waved his hand, and a jade slip flew up behind him and landed on it. From the palm of his hand, the jade slip emits a blue-white light that shines directly onto Shixuan Niwan Palace.

Shi Xuan only felt that a skill written in mysterious words appeared in his mind. The opening text was exactly the same as the opening text of "The Five Thunder Methods in the Secret Biography of Yuyu of the Shangqing Dynasty": The thunderer is the cardinal of the change of yin and yang in the heaven and earth.

This "Shenxiao Zhenfa" is indeed closely related to "Baolu", or it can be said to be a simplified version of "Baolu", and it has an immeasurable effect on Shi Xuan's practice of "Baolu".

In addition to the core skills of cultivation, "Shenxiao Zhenfa" also has derived spells "Shenxiao Thirty-six Thunder Methods". However, for Shi Xuan, he still has to wait until the golden elixir to really start practicing the spells. After a period of time, after all, the spells I have learned now are only first-level spells and have no effect at all.

Afterwards, Master Jiang continued to ask: "You can still choose two Taoist arts. Mo Yuan should have told you which four they are. How to choose?"

Shi Xuan has already thought about it: "Disciple chooses "Thunder God Thorn" and "Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield"." One attack and one defense complement each other. As for "Heavenly Thunder Escape" and "Close Golden Light Escape", after you have mastered these two Taoist techniques, you can then exchange one with virtual and real fire, lest one day the flying sword is not there and you can only watch and be unable to escape.

Jiang Zhenren did not comment on Shi Xuan's choice. He stretched out his hand and flew up two jade slips from the building below. He no longer had to use a blank jade slip to imprint the Taoist techniques on it as before, just like before. In that way, two rays of green light shot directly to Shixuan Niwan Palace, introducing the two Taoist training methods into Shixuan's soul.

Now, it was settled here. Just as Shi Xuan was about to leave with Master Zhang and Master Mo Yuan, he suddenly remembered something and said: "When the disciple fell into the sea outside the star, he discovered a secret passage and entered a certain area in the inner sea. , there is a Master Yuanshen inside, he seems to know you, Patriarch Jiang? "That Master Yuanshen seems to have some grudges with Master Jiang.

Master Jiang chuckled: "The old man with bones has been trapped on the island for more than a thousand years, but he still doesn't have the courage to go through the catastrophe. I think back then, when he was a casual cultivator, he was famous for being unafraid of death and daring, but now he is so daring. Xiao. Hey, I don't know if I can survive the second catastrophe." At the end, Jiang Zhenren sighed softly, and then waved his hand, indicating that Shi Xuan and the others could leave.


Before leaving the Tianya Haijiao Tower, Shi Xuan went to the first floor to redeem the outer elixir refining method, preparing to refine the inner elixir of the star armored beast into an outer elixir in the subsequent retreat, so as to have more self-protection power. For the current As far as Shi Xuan is concerned, there is nothing heartbreaking about spending 20,000 yuan for more than 450,000 yuan of good deeds. As for exchanging the roots of the sacred tree, it is not enough anyway, and the soul period is still that long, so there is no need to be impatient.

After that, Shi Xuan came to Ziqi Donglai Tower. After becoming a true disciple, he could choose a magic weapon that was perfect in the eighth heaven. There was no doubt that Shi Xuan was going to choose a flying sword. The Wanxiang Shadowless Sword had to be more than five heavens. , there is no invisible magic iron and refining method, and it has become a bit unsuitable. If there is a chance to find it in the future, it will be good, but there is no need to place hope on that illusory thing now.

When the male disciple guarding the Ziqi Donglai Building saw Shi Xuan, he saluted in a neither humble nor overbearing manner: "Uncle Shi is here to choose magical weapons. Uncle Lingxing Master has already given orders, so please feel free to choose. The Eighth Heaven in this layer The perfection instruments are all on that shelf."

Seeing that this male disciple had a good demeanor, Shi Xuan couldn't help but take a closer look, but unfortunately he didn't recognize him. He must have just entered the sect recently. He is not very old, in his twenties, and has not adjusted his appearance. He is very ordinary. However, Shi Xuan just looked at it casually, didn't say much, nodded, and went to that shelf.

The Ziqi Donglai Building has five floors in total. The first floor is for high-grade magic weapons, the second floor is for high-quality materials and precious materials, the third floor is for spiritual weapons, the fourth floor is for top-quality materials, and the fifth floor is for placing magic weapons and geniuses. The location of the earthly treasure is usually not here, but the two magic treasures are usually not here. One is controlled by the master, and the other is kept by the Yuan Shen or Yang Shen Zhenren who is in charge of the Tianya Haijiao Tower.

The Penglai Sect is worthy of being the first sect. On this white jade grid, there are more than forty top-grade magical instruments of the eighth level of perfection, not including those that are almost perfect.

Shi Xuan looked at these magical instruments with different luster. They were either green, or golden, or crow green, or dark, or deep black, or vermillion, or green, or dark purple, or moon white, some had knives, some had swords. , there are mirrors, seals, flags, and shields. For a moment, I felt a little bit spoiled for choice.

Fortunately, Shi Xuan remembered that he was here to choose a flying sword, so he narrowed the range to about ten or so. After excluding those with different skill attributes, such as the Fire Dragon Sword, Suzaku Sword, etc., there were only six left. , which are one Xuanyin Sword, three Lei Ze Divine Swords, and two Qingming Swords.

Shi Xuan thought about it and decided to choose the Lei Ze Divine Sword. Although this flying sword is the most refined type of flying sword in the sect, it is indeed more consistent with the "Shen Xiao Zhenfa" and can be used to bring out all the benefits. The power. Anyway, if something like the Flying Sword encounters an unexpected encounter in the future, it can be completely replaced. It is not impossible to even upgrade the All-Seeing Shadowless Sword or refine the Liangyi Due Divine Sword.

After picking up the flying sword and registering it with the guarding disciple, Shi Xuan continued to the second and fourth floors. One was to exchange for the materials needed to refine the outer elixir, and the other was to see if he could use the five fires. Collect the remaining bird feathers of the Seven Bird Fan.

In the end, Shi Xuan spent more than 40,000 good deeds to prepare all the materials needed for the elixir, and exchanged bird feathers for thousand-year-old fire phoenixes, white cranes, and peacocks.

There are no Dapeng feathers, but there are swans, which can be considered as make do, because according to Shi Xuan's plan, the red bird feathers lead to Nan Mingli fire, the Bi Fang feathers lead to Bi Fang divine fire, the fire phoenix feathers lead to phoenix true fire, and the peacock feathers lead to stars. True fire and white crane feathers induce the true fire of samadhi, Honghu feathers gather human fireworks, and Qingluan feathers provide the power of space, which can not only escape through the air, but also allow these six kinds of flames to coexist harmoniously.

Although there are six types of flames, Nanmingli Fire and Phoenix True Fire are both considered fires in the sky, so they are still the same as the original version, fire in the stone (true fire of stars), fire in the sky, fire in the wood (Bifang Shenhuo), human fire, These five kinds of flames are samadhi fire.

As for the refining method, Shi Xuan also had some ideas, focusing on the refining and sacrificial methods of the Five Fire Burning Heaven Banners in "Baolu" to see if he could perfectly integrate Qingluan's space power. Of course, Shi Xuan With Xuan's current knowledge and ability, he definitely cannot complete it alone, but with the master here and the sect's Tianya Haijiao Tower, you can even ask Master Jiang for advice. If it doesn't work, you can refine the Qingluan Feather into a space by yourself. Magical weapon.

After being prepared, Shi Xuan reported to the master and started to retreat. Now he will do the water grinding work, continue to unite his mind and soul, and refine the magic weapon. The refining of the outer elixir will be carried out in the later stages of the retreat. After all, there is only one inner elixir. , you need to be careful, it is not too late to refine it after your cultivation level has improved, while the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan should not be started until the retreat is over.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. Shi Xuan has "Baolu" in hand and "Shenxiao Zhenfa" for reference. The speed of the integration of spiritual thoughts and soul is extremely fast. According to Shi Xuan's estimation, it will take another seven years. Around 100 seconds, you can reach the first level of the soul stage and complete it, and then you can refine the outer elixir. Moreover, during this period of time, Shi Xuan successfully practiced the "Thunder God Thorn" and "Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield" Taoist techniques, and the Lei Ze Divine Sword has mastered more than five levels of heaven, which is more powerful than the Wanxiang Shadowless Sword.

But today, a transmission talisman seal was affixed to the restriction in the retreat cave, activating the restriction's reminder function and making Shi Xuan notice the change.

Shi Xuan did this knowing that there was something important. With a move of his hand, the telegraph seal flew in and danced in front of Shi Xuan's eyes: "Boy Shi, come to Jie Tian Hall. The sect has something for you to do." Angrily The voice comes from Yu Linglong.

What things can you leave to yourself? There are so many masters and elders in the sect, why do they have to look for me? And Yu Linglong seemed very angry. Shi Xuan was a little puzzled, but he ended his retreat temporarily, walked out of the cave, and flew towards Jie Tian Palace.

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