Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 182: Pure Yang Magical Treasure Immortal Binding Rope

On the way to Jie Tian Palace, Shi Xuan kept wondering what happened. Since it was something arranged by the sect, it was related to the sect. But looking at Yu Linglong's furious look, 70% to 80% of it had something to do with her. , but she was there fine. Could it be that something happened to Ming Qingyue? Thinking of this, Shi Xuan felt a little anxious. Although Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue were not in any relationship with each other, they were close friends. So the escape light accelerated, and they reached Tianshu Peak in three or four breaths.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of Jietian Palace, he heard Yong Xiang's faint voice: "Why bother, just kill him."

Yu Linglong said viciously: "How can killing me relieve the hatred in my heart? Where can I put the sect's face?" As she spoke, she saw Shi Xuan walking in. She turned to Shi Xuan and said: "Something happened to Qingyue! "

Shi Xuan's heart skipped a beat. What a good thing but not a bad spirit. Sure enough, something happened to Ming Qingyue. But seeing that Yu Linglong's expression was angry but not anxious, he knew that the matter was not as bad as he thought, so he asked in a deep voice: " What happened?"

There are only seven people in the entire Jietian Hall, including Shi Xuan. Sitting at the front of the hall is the headmaster Zhang Zhengyan. At this time, his eyes are half open and half closed, as if he is sleeping there. The next ones sitting on the futon are Yong Xiang, Mo Yuan, Ling Xing, and Yong Xing. The one standing under the head is Yu Linglong in purple palace clothes. It seems that the golden elixir masters in the door are all here.

Yu Linglong said angrily: "When Qingyue was crossing the deserted sea, she was trapped on an island by ten little dragons. It would be fine if her skills were not as good as others, but she was actually using a trick. It was fine to be trapped, but the leading white jade dragon actually returned Send invitations widely among the demon clan, saying that I will marry Qingyue, and everyone will be invited to attend the ceremony in half a month! You really don’t care about me! You don’t care about the Penglai sect!" When she spoke, lightning flashed around her body. The green and white intertwined looked very dangerous. At least Shi Xuan noticed that the futons of Yong Xiang, Mo Yuan, Ling Xing, and Yong Xing stepped back a foot silently.

"Senior Sister Ming was not hurt, was she?" Shi Xuan asked worriedly, and at the same time, he was a little curious as to why Ming Qingyue went to the deserted sea.

Yu Linglong curled her lips: "With the protective treasure I gave her, those ten little dragons could only trap her in place without even damaging her hair. But this is to despise our Penglai sect and to beat us. Shame!"

Since nothing happened, Shi Xuan temporarily relaxed his mind and said strangely: "Why would those ten dragons target Senior Sister Ming? They are not so stupid, right? Also, although Senior Sister Ming has been cared for since she was a child, but He’s not a brainless person, and he’s not cheating on his travels these years. How could he fall into a trick?”

"Who says they are not stupid! Those long worms are born with the spirit stage, and after they reach adulthood, they enter the soul stage. They don't need brains and mentality at all. These ten little dragons rely on the strength of their elders and have always been arrogant and domineering in the deserted sea. It's only a matter of time before a powerful opponent like our Penglai faction comes to us," Yu Linglong said with a look of disdain, "As for why Qingyue came to her, that's because Qingyue came to her on her own, but she didn't know that some of her relatives were more powerful than others. Outsiders are even more hateful!”

relative? Ming Qingyue has dragon relatives? Shi Xuan was a little puzzled for a moment, and then heard Yu Linglong continue: "It also involves the incident involving Senior Brother Lingri. The Dragon Clan has always been ashamed of it, so although those high-level Dragon Clan did not take action, they all acquiesced. this matter."

"Could it be that Senior Sister Ming has the bloodline of a true dragon?" Shi Xuan could only guess this way, especially when Ming Qingyue was sixteen years old. She also said that there were some unique factors. When she thought about it, it was logical.

Sure enough, Yu Linglong nodded and said: "Qingyue's mother Ao Li is a female black dragon in the Golden Core stage. She was accidentally captured by our Penglai sect. As a result, she had a dispute with senior brother Lingri, and finally married him. Senior brother Lingri. Because of this incident, I felt ashamed of my sect and many elders in the sect were dissatisfied, so I took refuge in Mingyue Island and never left the island again. At the same time, among the Dragon Clan, there was no problem with being caught by mistake. After all, their skills were inferior. Man, a true dragon at the Golden Core stage actually married a disciple at the Soul stage, uh, who was still at the Qi-entraining stage at the time. They felt that this was a deliberate humiliation by the sect, and they have always been resentful about it. "

Many elders in the sect were dissatisfied. Haha, it's probably because of the black dragon inner elixir. Shi Xuan thought in his heart. Although the black dragon is born with Xuanming True Water, its dragon clan still has the ability to make clouds and rain. Since it is necessary Xingyun, the Dark Cloud attribute has something to do with thunder and lightning. Soul-stage monks who practice thunder can use it to create low-grade golden elixirs, which is quite acceptable.

"What does Uncle Yu want the disciple to do?" Shi Xuan asked.

The expressions of excitement and hatred on Yu Linglong's face were mixed, and she looked very scary: "Of course I want you to humiliate those ten little dragons in front of many demon clans, and then capture them all back to the mountain, and then explain the canonical punishment, and take the leader. One white jade dragon will be cut into pieces with a thousand swords, and the other nine will be punished as slaves of the sect for thousands of years!"

Ming Qingyue was in trouble, so Shi Xuan was naturally obliged to do so, but would Yu Linglong's request be too difficult, so Shi Xuan asked cautiously: "Isn't it just the nephew?"

The other four Grandmasters and Master Zhang were like clay puppets, looking at their noses and hearts, without saying a word, while Yu Linglong still showed his teeth and danced his claws. At this time, Yu Linglong heard Shi Xuan's question and comforted: "Of course you are the only one. If we, the masters, go, it will be bullying the small ones, and it will make people think that our Penglai sect has no one. Don't worry, Dragon Clan The sect is responsible for blocking the Golden Core True Dragon and the Dragon King, and will not give them a chance to rescue them."

Just when Shi Xuan was about to say, as for the other true disciples, wouldn't it be more appropriate to send two or three of them together? He heard Yu Linglong proudly say: "So you have to take good care of it. If you weren't Qingyue's good friend, what would happen next?" You won’t be given the opportunity to stand out in front of all the monsters.” For monsters that have transformed, most sects are accustomed to calling them monsters.

Shi Xuan was almost speechless. After a while, he said: "Those ten little dragons seem to be in the divine soul stage. I will try my best to kill them all. It is within my ability. But if I capture them all, I will be a little worried. And when the time comes, I will be able to kill them all." There are tens of thousands of monsters there. If they are attacked by a group, there are dozens or hundreds of souls inside. The disciple is afraid of losing the sect's face. "I don't know why, but after Yu Linglong's few words, Shi Xuan said to Ming Qing. Yue's worries are gone. It has to be said that Yu Linglong has a very strong character.

"Hey, didn't you refine the outer elixir? Just suppress the whole audience." Yu Linglong asked with a strange look on her face.

Shi Xuan was ashamed: "This disciple hasn't started refining the outer elixir yet."

Yu Linglong looked over with disdain: "What a waste of time, you've been in seclusion for three years! What on earth are you doing?"

Shi Xuan helplessly argued: "Disciple, the first priority is to consolidate your cultivation."

Yu Linglong didn't listen to what he said at all, pacing in place: "Send a few more people? No, no, no, it seems that our Penglai sect is bullying the few with more people." She did not consider that the opponent had ten divine soul stage true dragons, or even tens of thousands. Monster clan. Finally, she clapped her hands and said: "This time, our Penglai sect will win decisively and neatly, so that everyone will have to think twice when they want to touch our Penglai sect disciples in the future." After speaking, she looked at Head Zhang: " Master..." She never knew how to act coquettishly or coquettishly, she could only look at Master Zhang with her eyes blinking.

Head Zhang sighed and said: "It would be too difficult for Shi Xuan to go alone. The old Taoist will give this treasure to you for the time being. I hope you will be careful." The following words were said while looking at Shi Xuan, and at the same time, he looked at Shi Xuan from his sleeves. Take out a golden rope.

Shi Xuan took a few steps forward respectfully and took the rope. The golden rope glowed softly and was divided into nine sections. There were four talismans on each section, a total of thirty-six. It looked simple and mysterious. It feels as light as nothing in your hand.

Head Zhang shot out a white light, which contained the imperial emissary formula for Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope and the treasure collection technique. After all, it was impossible for Shi Xuan to directly sacrifice this pure Yang magic weapon.

When Yu Linglong saw Shi Xuan put away the Ruyi Immortal Binding Rope, she walked over with a smile on her face: "Remember to capture those ten little dragons in one piece. Tsk, tsk, Penglai True Disciple subdued tens of thousands of monsters alone, this is not bad. Before Shi Xuan could reply, she clapped her hands again: "You haven't mastered the flying sword for a long time, I'm afraid it won't be used. Uncle, I'll lend you another spiritual weapon, the flying sword. Hey, hey, Yongxiang you." Don't run."

Yong Xiang turned around helplessly: "Why bother? Just kill them all. What's the use of those who don't have face."

Yu Linglong looked at Yong Xiang with sympathy: "Junior Brother Yong, besides fighting and fighting and killing and killing, what else do you find interesting? You have the Immortal Slaying Sword Box, and the flying swords in your collection are just beautiful. Borrow one out. ,is that OK?"

It was just for borrowing, and Yong Xiang couldn't refuse. He took out a green flying sword with cyan lightning looming from his storage bag, and said to Shi Xuan: "This is the green thunder sword, the spiritual weapon of the two heavens." Two. The spiritual weapon of Zhongtian Perfection was temporarily used by Shi Xuan, which was almost equivalent to the magical weapon of Eighth Heavenly Perfection, which instantly doubled Shi Xuan's strength.

As soon as Shi Xuan took over the flying sword, he felt obvious spiritual energy fluctuations between heaven and earth, but the places where the fluctuations occurred were far apart and had no interference with Penglai Island.

However, Yu Linglong's face was filled with joy. She made a stroke with her jade finger in the air, and immediately a water-like round mirror appeared in the main hall. Inside was the Tidal House of Mingyue Island. Above the Tide House, she could see the wind and clouds surging, and countless spiritual energy rolling and overwhelming. people.

"Ha, as soon as Qingyue's incident came out, Senior Brother Lingri couldn't sit still. Haha, that oath trapped his feet and his cultivation back then. Now he breaks the oath and steps out of Mingyue Island. I have finally overcome the mental barrier and am about to achieve a top-grade golden elixir," Yu Linglong said with joy, and Master Zhang also looked pleased.

Shi Xuan was a little surprised. The whole incident seemed not that simple. These old guys who had practiced for hundreds of years were indeed not simple, even Yu Linglong, a woman who seemed a little irritable and had a good reputation.

At this moment, Mo Yuan walked up to Shi Xuan, handed Shi Xuan a talisman seal, and said lightly: "Be careful of accidents." Then he turned and left. Shi Xuan took it and took a look, but it was a third-level Taoist sapphire thunder clothing talisman and seal.

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