Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 183 The Ten Thousand Monsters Conference makes waves

Five days later, in the Jietian Hall, several Jindan masters were sitting on futons, while Shi Xuan stood behind Mo Yuan.

Not long after, the little Taoist boy at the door came in and said: "The master of the house, the great uncle of Master Lingri and his wife are asking to see you."

Zhang Zhengyan nodded slightly: "Let them come in."

Shi Xuan has been famous for Lingri for a long time, and now he has just seen his true appearance. He is a middle-aged, thin man wearing a moon-white Taoist robe. He has five veins and a long beard. From his facial features, it can be seen that he looked very good when he was young. The black dragon Ao Li is no different from humans except for a pair of small black antlers on his head, which are like antlers. He is wearing a black palace dress, his skin is as white as snow, and his eyebrows are very similar to Ming Qingyue. It looks like More like sister Ming Qingyue than her mother.

When Lingri saw Zhang Zhengyan, he was a little excited. He knelt down on the ground and paid homage: "Disciple Lingri came to pay homage to his teacher today. I feel really ashamed." Ao Li also followed Lingri's example and bowed down.

Zhang Zhengyan said happily: "Don't mention what happened back then. You can achieve the golden elixir today, and it is not in vain for the old Taoist to teach you. Get up. In the future, whether you come back to the sect or continue on Mingyue Island."

After Lingri got up, he said with some embarrassment: "Disciple has become accustomed to Mingyue Island over the years. It is better to stay there permanently. But as long as the sect has instructions, disciples will handle it carefully." Shi Xuan guessed that he was afraid of his wife Ao Li. Wandering around in the sect all year round has aroused the greed of a large number of elders who are stuck in the soul stage.

"Junior sister Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you look even more beautiful. A few years ago, I learned that you were ranked number one in the Tianji Ranking. I am very pleased." After Lingri paid homage to his master, he came over to reminisce with Yu Linglong and others.

Yu Linglong accepted all the praises and said without any humility: "It's nothing, it's just the first place in the golden elixir stage."

After the greetings, Lingri said with a sad face: "The disciple also asked the sect to come forward and rescue the little girl. I am willing to do anything that the disciple can do."

Hearing these words, Shi Xuan found that Yu Linglong and Ao Li exchanged glances silently before saying: "Senior brother, don't worry, this matter is related to the sect's dignity, and we will definitely take action. You only need to intercept the golden elixir that comes for rescue. It’s just the demon clan.”

Lingri said gratefully: "As long as the sect has arrangements, let the disciples intercept any Jindan demon clan. I just don't know who will come forward?" He has been in the sect for a long time, and he knows what is happening on the stage. , only the elders and disciples of the Soul Stage will be sent to deal with it. Even though those elders and disciples often hold outrageous things in their hands, they still need a fig leaf.

Yu Linglong pointed at Shi Xuan and said, "That's him, Shi Xuan, and your Qingyue are good friends."

Lingri was slightly surprised. He knew about Shi Xuan becoming a true disciple, but Shi Xuan went to save Ming Qingyue alone, which made him a little worried. However, he still stepped forward and solemnly saluted: "I have heard Qingyue mention it a long time ago. Nephew Shi Xian, I didn’t expect you to enter the country so quickly, so I’ll have to wait for you to take care of Qingyue.”

Shi Xuan did not dare to accept his courtesy, so he turned sideways and said, "Disciple must rescue Senior Sister Ming. The master has already given the disciple the Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope, and Master Yongxiang also gave him a spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword." As for Lingri, Shi Xuan sighed in his heart. Judging from what Ming Qingyue relayed, he had a very deep understanding of Taoism and xinxing. Unfortunately, he was trapped in the oath and allowed all the junior sisters and junior brothers to achieve the golden elixir first.

Wishful binding of immortal rope? The master was going to slap the Dragon Clan in the face. Lingri felt a little upset in his heart, but he was half relieved, because the Dragon Clan only had a pure Yang magic weapon - the Babu Pagoda, which could suppress the entire clan. It will be used by those juniors, and the dragon clan did not expect that the Penglai sect would be so shameless this time and actually use the magic weapon directly. In the past, similar things would only give some high-level Taoist talismans and seals, but they still said: "But that day there will be Thousands of monsters are coming, so Nephew Shi Xian must be careful. "No matter how powerful the Ruyi Immortal Binding Rope is, it can only tie up a few."

Yu Linglong rushed in front of Shi Xuan and said with a smile: "He is good at sword energy and thunder sound. No matter how bad he is, even if he uses sword escape, no demon clan can catch up with him. Only the Golden-winged Dapeng can catch up with the inner elixir." he."

After the plan was completed, Shi Xuan was ready to set off. Before setting off, Shi Xuan used the method of virtual and real fire in exchange for the "Close Golden Light Escape". He practiced it briefly on the way. If there were any accidents, such as the flying sword being taken away, it would not happen. At a loss.

In addition, Shi Xuan also spent 50,000 good deeds to select a top-level swordsmanship, "Thunder Sword Technique", which complements his current Divine Sky Thunder Qi and Sword Qi Thunder Sound. However, it is only top-level, but not the best. The best swordsmanship in the Penglai sect is only the "Seven Immortal-Slaying True Techniques" included in the "Secret Immortal-Slaying Sword Box", but Shi Xuan cannot learn it, and he can't learn it even if he can.

This incident happened suddenly and disrupted many of Shi Xuan's arrangements, so he could only practice while walking on the road.

The other thing is to become proficient in the imperial emissary formula and treasure collecting techniques of Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope, as well as becoming familiar with the Blue Thunder Sword.


Shilong Mansion on Shilong Island.

Black Dragon Aogu looked at the woman sitting cross-legged trapped in the four clear light jade pillars in the square. There was a circle of purple electric light around her, which prevented the light from the clear light jade pillars from penetrating. He said with some worry: " Ao Han, did you really send the invitation?"

Ao Han looked quite handsome with a jade crown on his head. On both sides of the jade crown were two white jade dragon horns. He laughed and said, "Of course. Back then, the Penglai sect forced your fifth aunt to marry one of their Qi Qi Qi. Disciple? She deserves this retribution. Speaking of which, she is still your cousin. There are few women as beautiful as her in the Dragon Clan. Back then, your fifth aunt was known as the most beautiful woman in the Dragon Clan. I think her daughter is even more so. Better than three points.”

Ao Gu said helplessly: "But the Penglai family has a big business, can we afford to offend her? Besides, you also said that she is my cousin, so she must save some face for my Black Dragon family."

Ao Han said disdainfully: "Back then, your Black Dragon Clan was really disgraced. Today, several dragon kings acquiesced in what happened today. I don't believe that the Penglai sect can turn the world upside down. Ao Gu, think about it, we are ten sworn brothers, Zong Heng Huanghai, I have never been afraid of anyone. It is so happy to open a government office on this Shilong Island, so why worry about the Penglai sect. "

Ao Gu was worried. It's because you guys don't know how powerful the Penglai sect is. When Wu Gu married that man, it was not like the Dragon King of the Black Dragon clan and his marshals and generals didn't snatch it away, but they didn't come back disgraced. . It's just that today's incident made me dizzy and deeply involved, and I couldn't stand idly by.

Seeing that Ao Gu was silent, Ao Han thought that he had been persuaded by him. He looked at Ming Qingyue proudly, looking only at Ming Qingyue, and sighed: "I'm really advantaged this time. Speaking of which, we haven't tasted it yet." It smells like a half-dragon beauty. I want to see how long the purple halo can last after the meeting of ten thousand monsters."

Ao Gu could only sigh deeply and pray that the Ten Thousand Demons Conference in a few days would go smoothly, and that Ao Han also had some secret treasures and talismans given to him by the True Dragon who had achieved inner elixir in his clan, so it would be fine.


Nine days later, guests gathered on Shilong Island, including those with bull heads, those with horse faces, and countless people wearing fur and horns.

Although the transformed monsters will all turn into human form so that they can continue to practice, the aesthetics of each tribe are different, especially the male monsters, who often regard the power, brutality, and majesty of their own form as beauty. Showed some original features. On the other hand, female monsters, seventy-eight times out of ten, are based on human aesthetics, so there are also warblers and swallows on Shilong Island, which are extremely beautiful. Of course, there are also female monsters who regard their own race as their own aesthetic, such as the woman who just passed by with a fat head, big ears, and a long mouth.

Ao Han was surrounded by some friends, well, they were really friends. For example, the handsome man with fox ears on his head, a fox tail on his back, and a layer of light fur on his body pointed at Ming Qingyue and said with envy: "The third prince is really What a beauty. It is rare for us in the Qingqiu Fox Clan to have such beauties, especially those sassy and graceful ones. "Ao Han is the third in the White Jade Dragon Clan, and the familiar demon clan calls him the Third Prince.

Ao Han laughed heartily and was very proud: "And he is also an inner disciple of the Penglai Sect. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the half-dragon woman to be so beautiful. Why don't you guys try to find some human women and give birth to some daughters? Look at the half-fox woman, Are half-dog women so beautiful?”

The dog-headed demon clan did not dare to glare at Ao Han, but muttered: "Should I give it to you after I give birth to a daughter?"

When Ao Han was proud, he didn't care. He walked around among the guests and enjoyed the adulation of the monsters. Especially those monsters whose cultivation level was similar to his own. They all admired him extremely, which made him even more happy.

The other nine dragons also greeted the distinguished guests from other demon clans respectively, and also enjoyed the treatment that Ao Han enjoyed. Since the ten dragons became sworn brothers, they seem to be the most prosperous today.


The day of the Ten Thousand Demons Conference.

Tens of thousands of monsters gathered in the square in front of Shilong Mansion, pointing at Ming Qingyue from time to time. Fortunately, Ming Qingyue has greatly improved her state of mind after this period of training, otherwise she would really have to be in this kind of situation. He vomited blood in the humiliation of people watching.

Ao Han and other Jiulongs were dressed very gorgeously. They walked to the high platform in front of the mansion. They were satisfied to see that most of the demon clans had sent representatives. He used his magic and said loudly: "Today is the holy meeting of our demon clan..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a green stream of light that seemed to fly from the sky and swiped in front of his eyes at an incredible speed. With a bang, Ao Han and the other Jiulong fell to the ground unsteadily. In front of the high platform, a deep gap with sword marks appeared. Looking down, the darkness was unknown, as if it had penetrated the earth.

Ao Han was used to being pampered, and with the intimidation of the dragon clan, other demon clans of the same level were extremely tolerant when fighting with him, putting self-preservation first. At this time, he was shocked by the sword light. Although he was a little scared, he had developed it over a long period of time. I am not afraid of the sky or the earth. Except for the Dragon King, my character has a seizure. I immediately stood up and shouted: "Whoever is causing trouble, come out and die!"

Ao Gu and the other eight true dragons were all disgraced and embarrassed by the sword just now. They were all angry and angry at this time. They relied on some trump cards to stand beside Ao Han.

A cold voice sounded in the air: "Shi Xuan, a disciple of the Penglai Sect, was ordered to come and arrest Ao Han, Ao Gu and other ten evil dragons. The other monsters retreated, and if there were any, they would all have such marks."

Many monster clans looked up and saw a young Taoist priest wearing a blue robe and a seven-star crown standing in mid-air. A green sword light circled in front of him. He looked over with cold eyes, making them all shudder. Some mature demon clan members thought of the power of the sword just now and looked at the extremely deep sword mark. They were suddenly frightened and quietly took a few steps back.

This retreat caused all the demon clans to retreat. With a crash, many demon clans retreated like a tide, as if tens of thousands of demon clans were frightened by Shi Xuan's sword. This made many demon clansmen who were confused and retreated extremely embarrassed.

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