Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 184: A Flying Sword Suppresses All Monsters

Ming Qingyue was naturally aware of this movement, and when Shi Xuan's familiar voice reached her ears, she was happy, embarrassed, and worried. She was happy that the sect sent someone to rescue her, so she no longer had to endure the insult of being watched. She was embarrassed because the person who came was Shi Xuan, an acquaintance, and she looked a little embarrassed. She was worried that there were ten real dragons in the spirit soul stage and tens of thousands of monsters here, and there was only Shi Xuan in Penglai Sect, and she didn't know if there was any danger.

Shi Xuan saw that Ming Qingyue was indeed not hurt and her expression was calm. She thought that this experience had tempered her a lot, but she was furious. It was a great humiliation for her friend to be criticized and pointed at by tens of thousands of monsters and ten little dragons, as if they were things for people to watch.

With Shi Xuan's temperament, this anger naturally subsided quickly, but it made him more determined to be ruthless later.

Moreover, for Shi Xuan, there were different ways to deal with ten real dragons and tens of thousands of monsters.

As for the ten real dragons, we must attack them first and tie them up tightly. One is to prevent them from using talismans and secret treasures to attack us, and the other is to scare all the monsters.

When the situation is shocked, we will naturally humiliate them. By then, tens of thousands of monsters will be intimidated by our magic weapon, and there will not be too many who are willing to stand out. Then we can use our ruthless hands to pressure them, and the matter can be solved smoothly. Of course, the premise is that the master and the real people can stop the reinforcements of the dragon clan steadily. After all, after discovering that they are using magic weapons, the dragon clan will definitely not give up and will definitely send people.

After Shi Xuan repelled the monster clan, he had already taken the Ruyi Binding Immortal Suo in his hand. In the past ten days, Shi Xuan got along very well with this slightly spiritual pure yang magic weapon. It can be seen that the Ruyi Binding Immortal Suo is eager to try and is looking forward to showing his skills.

Hearing Shi Xuan's words, Ao Han, Ao Gu and other ten real dragons were furious, and Ao Han shouted: "What a ignorant boy, today I will let you taste the power of our grandfathers!" Before he finished speaking, he saw Shi Xuan throwing the object in his hand down, and a rope shining with golden light appeared in front of the monsters. The rope became longer with the wind, and when it reached Ao Han, Ao Gu and others, it was already unknown how long it was. Whether it was ten real dragons or tens of thousands of monsters, they all felt that the sky was full of golden ropes, layer upon layer, almost covering the blue sky. Although Ao Han and other dragons were a bit arrogant and stupid, they were born in the dragon clan, and they had a lot of knowledge passed down from generation to generation. They still had some vision and experience. When they saw the power of the rope, they knew it was not good, and they knew that they had probably encountered a magic weapon. In a panic, the secret treasures, talismans, and magic tools in the storage bag flew out one after another, wanting to fight a trapped beast. Some of these secret treasures, talismans, and magic tools turned into raging fires, some turned into black thorns, some turned into green waves, and some turned into bright and shining stars... For a moment, all kinds of light shone between them and the golden rope, and the spiritual power fluctuated violently.

But how could they resist the power of the pure yang magic weapon, although Shi Xuan could only exert less than one hundredth of it. I saw that the thirty-six talismans on the Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope lit up at the same time, emitting thousands of feet of golden light. Those raging fires, black thorns, green waves, and stars in the sky seemed to have met their nemesis and disappeared one after another, and the scene immediately became calm.

Seeing this, Ao Han and Ao Gu wanted to escape anxiously, but when they were illuminated by the thirty-six talismans, their flesh was soft and their bones were crisp, and they could not stand steadily. They fell to the ground by themselves, rolled twice, and turned into a monster several dozen feet long, with deer horns and cow ears, horse head and snake tail, clam belly and fish scales, and claws with five toes. It was exactly the genus of a real dragon.

At this time, the Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope had just fallen on them, entangled them tightly, and their bodies, necks, heads, and claws were all golden ropes, making them unable to move at all.

Looking at these ten real dragons, some white jade, some dark, some azure, some golden, and some bright silver, Shi Xuan knew that the first step of the plan was successful, but he really couldn't exert the power of the Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope, and could only tie up fifteen monsters at most. He said coldly: "Ao Han, Ao Gu and other ten evil dragons are doing evil, hurting the human race, and disrespecting our sect. Disciple Shi Xuan has now captured them as a whole, and will push them back to the mountain gate and punish them according to the law." Shi Xuan added the words "hurting the human race" casually, and he couldn't just say that they were disrespecting our sect. Just like the Liangshan Gathering, the signboard of "acting on behalf of heaven" still had to be played.

This incident happened very quickly, and tens of thousands of monsters didn't even react before they saw Ao Han and others turned back to their original form, lying on the ground, and tied up tightly. For a moment, no one spoke, and the scene was extremely quiet. Only the sound of waves, wind, and seabirds could be heard in the distance. There were even monsters rubbing their eyes and staring wide-eyed, not daring to believe that what had just happened was real.

In this situation, tens of thousands of monsters naturally did not dare to move. God knows how many treasures of this kind the blue-clothed monk has. To put it bluntly, they just came to join in the fun and flatter the dragons. If they really wanted to go through life and death for Ao Han and other dragons, most of the monsters would not be willing. Only a few who were on good terms with Ao Han and others, or who were willing to sacrifice their lives and seek wealth and honor in danger, were silently calculating in their hearts, wanting to encircle tens of thousands of monsters, bully the few with the majority, and rescue Ao Han and others when there were many monsters, or even kill the young Taoist priest in blue.

Hearing the canonical execution, Ao Gu and the other nine dragons were extremely afraid. Their huge dragon bodies trembled, and their two giant eyes like lanterns even shed tears as big as bowls, and they shouted: "Immortal, spare me, Immortal, spare me, Xiaolong dare not."

Only Ao Han, as the leader of the ten dragons, has been prominent in recent years, but he has a bit of a bachelor temperament. He laughed: "Haha, hurt the human race, haha, I don't even think about it, how many monsters have you human race killed? I don't know how many. The monsters were decapitated and skinned, and their bones were ripped apart! If you think about it from the perspective of the monsters, you will know how sinful you humans are. Humph, are you allowed to kill monsters and not monsters?" I still want to cause many monsters to be killed. The resentment and the unity of all people are trying to save themselves. At the worst, they can delay the arrival of reinforcements.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, many monsters showed indignation and were ready to move. It seemed that as long as someone took the lead, they would swarm forward.

Shi Xuan didn't expect that Ao Han would see the opportunity just by saying something casually. However, these were all under control. He had the Yin and Yang two gas bottles in his hands. Ordinary monsters didn't take them seriously at all, only those with perfect souls. Only those with special magical weapons or secret treasures from the demon clan can threaten themselves. So he pointed his hand, and a green sword light was like thunder, and it slashed towards Ao Han quickly. With a snap, from the time he saw the sword light to when the dragon horn on his head broke, Ao Han didn't even take a breath.

This sword made Ao Han's whole body go cold. Shi Xuan's meaning couldn't be clearer. Even if you incite tens of thousands of monsters, I can kill you with one sword before they attack. After that, Shi Xuan secretly made a magic spell and used the Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope to ban Shilong's ability to speak. There were begging words and provocative words. It was enough for the atmosphere Shi Xuan needed to create, and there was no need to add any more details. .

At the same time, Shi Xuan said coldly: "What does it have to do with me? I am a human race, why should I look at the problem from the perspective of the demon race." The cold tone made many demon race clenched their fists in anger.

In addition to rescuing Ming Qingyue today, he also has to give face to the sect. How can he complete the task without a few monsters jumping out for him to kill? Shi Xuan thought silently in his heart without stopping, holding the blue sword. As soon as the light turned, it flew in front of four pillars of clear light. With just one sword strike, one of the pillars was cut off. After all, this formation was not for internal and external use. Shi Xuan also had a flying sword, a spiritual weapon. It was of high quality and could be used. When the sword Qi Leiyin is attached, it will naturally break with one blow.

One pillar of the formation was broken, and the remaining three clear light pillars collapsed. Ming Qingyue soared into the sky with a purple halo, and flew towards Shi Xuan amid the sound of thunder.

Upon seeing this, Ao Han's friends from the fox tribe stood up and shouted loudly: "We can't let them run away..." Before he could finish his words, he saw the green sword and lightsaber, like thunder, coming straight towards his arm. Head, he wanted to hide, but as soon as this thought came to his mind, the green sword light penetrated his head. He opened his eyes wide and fell down with reluctance. His natal magic weapon and many secret treasures were not used yet, and his cultivation in the Soul Stage was not yet used. How could it happen so fast? !

The tens of thousands of monsters who were about to make a move saw the master of the fox clan die so cleanly and swiftly, and they all stood there in shock. Only then did they hear the sword light piercing the atmosphere. There was a thunderous sound. The demon masters who had not noticed this just now and thought it was the thunder caused by the swordsmanship suddenly muttered to themselves uncontrollably: "Sword Qi thunder, sword Qi thunder..."

Of course, there are also monsters that are not afraid of death, such as the three moon-watching rhinoceros. They looked at each other, activated their protective energy and magical weapons, roared, and jumped out at the same time. What they were thinking was that as long as Shi Xuan couldn't kill him with one sword, If they are all killed, the rest of the demon clan will be able to launch a tidal wave of attacks under their leadership. As for which one is killed now, it depends on one's own luck.

Shi Xuan sneered and pointed his hand. The green sword light that had not yet flown back drew a beautiful green trace and flew to the side of the three of them like a dream.

With a bang, it was as if a huge thunder suddenly sounded from the horizon, which only shook the three moon-watching rhinoceroses. They were stunned for a moment. In this moment, the magic weapon stagnated slightly, and the blue sword light accelerated sharply. Like a flash of lightning, it flew in from the temple of the first Moon-Watching Rhinoceros, flew out from the other side, and then entered the second Moon-Watching Rhinoceros. The protective energy was useless at all. This was exactly what Shi Xuan learned along the way. The only move "Thunder Sword Technique": the sound of thunder calms the soul.

When the Blue Thunder Sword penetrated the third Moon-Watching Rhinoceros, the huge thunder in front had not even ended, and the thunder of sword energy sounded again behind. The thunderous thunder shook tens of thousands of monsters, and their hearts trembled again and again. The three Moon-Watching Rhinoceros brothers were all masters who had just entered the Soul Stage. Now they didn't even have the power to parry. With one sword blow, In an instant, they died simultaneously.

"Who has any opinions?" Seeing that Ming Qingyue had flown to his side, Shi Xuan looked coldly at the tens of thousands of monsters below, with the green sword light roaming freely above their heads.

Those masters who wanted to be the first to take the lead and provoke tens of thousands of monsters all hesitated: This posture made it clear that as long as they stepped forward, they would be dead. Even if a few monsters jumped out together, they might not be able to survive. They would not see the three brothers of Moon-Watching Rhinoceros. In a state of death? Is it necessary to risk one's life? It's better to wait for others to take the initiative and then follow up to get some bargains!

Tens of thousands of demon clansmen did not dare to move or speak. Their momentum was completely taken away by Shi Xuan. With one person and the power of his sword, he suppressed the whole place into silence. Only some heavy breathing could be heard vaguely.

Thanks to the three friends who tipped yesterday, and the more than ten friends who voted for the monthly ticket. I won’t list them one by one. The number of VIP words is limited, haha

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