Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 185 Riding a real dragon and showing off

In this unbearable silence, there was a bull-headed monster that couldn't bear it anymore. It opened its mouth and shouted: "I..." Before I could finish the words, it saw the damn green sword light coming from its unimaginable place. From an angle, it stabbed at an unimaginable speed, flew directly into his open mouth, and then penetrated out from the back of his head. It took a while for his mixed red and white brains to flow out.

"Did I ask you to answer?" Shi Xuan looked around indifferently at the tens of thousands of monsters below, his tone cold and authentic, as if he was the one with the advantage in numbers and strength, not the densely packed monsters below.

Momentum is a very strange thing. As long as it is suppressed by someone, even if it is clear that it is powerful and there are many people on its side, it will not dare to take any action of resistance. Unless there is a demon who can disregard life and death and instigate it, it can break it. In this situation, as long as this kind of monster clan comes forward, Shi Xuan will show no mercy and seek death with one sword.

Slowly looking around the whole place again, Shi Xuan saw that the tens of thousands of monsters were angry and dared not speak out, and did not even dare to curse in a low voice. Shi Xuan knew that today's goal had been achieved, and it was time to consider saying something to end the situation. Otherwise, if he really breaks the string, he will be unable to defeat four hands with two fists, and there are still seven or eight demon clans who have completed the soul stage.

Shi Xuan used his eyes to indicate to Ming Qingyue that he was ready to leave. At the same time, he recalled in his mind the scene words he had heard before. The words he wanted to say had to be powerful and classical. It was a little hard to find for a while, but he finally remembered a sentence from the Three Kingdoms, so Looking down at the tens of thousands of monsters proudly, he said: "In my eyes, you are all like chickens and dogs, selling your heads and ears by inserting stickers. Today I am too lazy to argue with you. If anyone offends our sect again in the future, they will be captured. , let him suffer the punishment of being cut into pieces with a thousand knives.”

The monsters didn't understand the idea of ​​inserting bids to sell their heads, but the chickens and dogs could still figure it out. They were all extremely angry, but they thought of the master of the Qingqiu Fox Clan who died tragically just now, the three divine souls of the Moon Rhinoceros, and The bull-headed monster died before it even protested. It was like having a bucket of cold water poured on its head. After comparing its own strength, it could only grit its teeth and think, wait until I condense the inner elixir, and then come back to get it back. This tone. As for forcing yourself to step forward to make wedding clothes for others, that's something you can do without hesitation.

Shi Xuan was very satisfied with this effect. He stretched out his hand, and the Ruyi Binding Immortal Rope on the ten real dragons grew another length and fell into Shi Xuan's hand. Shi Xuan slightly exerted his strength, and the ten true dragons soared into the sky involuntarily.

Although Ming Qingyue was full of questions, she knew that this was not a good opportunity to ask questions. She took the circle of purple thunder light into her palm, and protected herself and Shi Xuan if there was any danger. Then she walked side by side with Shi Xuan, step by step. Rinku walked toward the Mishima sea area. As for the ten real dragons, they naturally stumbled behind the two of them, like walking a dog.

Tens of thousands of monsters did not dare to say a word as they watched the evil star and the beauty walk step by step to the horizon. They didn't yell until they completely disappeared. Most of them would have messed up Shi Xuan if he was still in front of them. The meaning of cutting one's body apart with a knife.


When he was out of sight of the demon clan, Shi Xuan knew that the mission was completed. He took out a talisman given by the sect. This was a long-distance teleportation array talisman located in Tide Fang. Even with the financial resources of the sect, he could prepare it. There are not many.

He pulled Ming Qingyue and asked her to sit on Ao Han's white jade dragon with him. They looked at each other and smiled, then activated the talisman. A white light flashed, and the two people and the ten dragons disappeared.


Three Islands Sea Area, Tide Square.

Many scattered people are continuing their daily business at stalls, purchasing magic weapons and elixirs, or preparing to go out to hunt monsters and collect minerals. In short, Tide Square is still bustling and lively, and it is indeed the most prosperous and lively place in the Three Islands Sea Area.

Several casual cultivators had just finished selling the third-order monster Iron-horned White Deer that they had killed a few days ago. They were chatting and laughing happily and were about to leave Tidal Square. Suddenly, among them, a tall and thin cultivator like a bamboo pole pointed at the sky. , stammered: "Dragon, dragon!"

Hearing this, these casual cultivators all looked up and saw ten monsters flying in the sky that were dozens of feet in size. They all had antlers and cow ears, a horse's head and a snake's tail, a mirage belly with fish scales, and claws with five toes. They were exactly ten. Real dragon!

"The monster is coming, the real dragon is coming." Some timid casual cultivators turned around and ran into the Tide Fang, for fear of being swallowed by the real dragon. With this, the entire Tide Fang's casual cultivators were The situation is so chaotic that even the most daring ones are still uneasy now. It is neither possible to run nor not to run.

At this time, a soft voice came from above: "Penglai sent Shi Xuan to capture ten evil dragons that have done many evil things and return to the mountain. Fellow Taoists, please do not panic or hurt yourself."

The soft voice seemed to contain some kind of calming meaning. The casual cultivators inside and outside the Chao Tide Square calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be the work of the Penglai Sect. No wonder, no wonder!

As soon as their mood stabilized, these casual cultivators suddenly became curious. True dragons are difficult to see in the waters of the Three Islands. Especially these casual cultivators with low cultivation levels looked at these ten white jade, dark, or dark dragons. The blue real dragon was pointing and excited.

"Brother, is that the White Jade Dragon? I saw it in the "Overview of Monsters in the Immortal World." The bamboo-like casual cultivator asked the calm middle-aged cultivator in the middle.

The middle-aged monk nodded: "It's the White Jade Dragon, who is good at manipulating the power of the stars. Then there are the black dragon, blue dragon, golden dragon, and silver dragon. Hey, the Penglai sect is really generous. They captured the five true dragons in one fell swoop. They are worthy of being the best in the world. A door!"

Another pretty girl looked at the ten real dragons with stars in her eyes: "These real dragons are really mighty and majestic. If I can ride a real dragon in and out like the two monks above, it would be worth dying." ”

At this time, everyone remembered to see where the monk who spoke just now was. Fortunately, the monks had extraordinary eyesight. After looking around, they finally found him. Well, it was them. They saw a young man in green and a stunning girl in purple, sitting On the back of the white jade dragon, the strong wind from high altitude caused their clothes to sway slightly, like gods and goddesses. After that, I saw them riding on the dragon and riding the wind, and went away happily.

After watching the two people go away, the casual cultivators in and around Chaozhou Square began to discuss the matter. The middle-aged brother, who was a monk like a bamboo pole, said as if he had just remembered: "Shi Xuan? Isn't that the tenth of the Penglai sect?" Is he a true disciple? He was just promoted a few years ago!"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it just now! No wonder a true disciple, a great master in the Soul Stage, is so majestic, and captured ten real dragons in one fell swoop! I'm so envious. I wish I had a real dragon mount! By the way, I also need one "Be with a beautiful woman!" This is not only the expectation of the bamboo pole monk, but also the aspirations of all the casual cultivators who saw this scene today.

"By the way, brother, do you know who the woman in purple is?" the delicate girl asked pretending to be casual.

The middle-aged monk thought for a while, then clapped his hands and said, "I remembered it. Isn't that the young master Ming Qingyue of Chaochangfang? My brother met her several times in Chaochangfang more than 20 years ago. It's really a little bit... He hasn’t aged at all. Hey, now the masters of the sect are already top-grade golden elixir masters, and the Penglai sect is really prosperous, firmly occupying the position of the first sect in the world.”

The pretty girl bit her lips and said nothing. Some people are born to make others jealous, no matter what aspect.


Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue rode real dragons and leisurely returned to Penglai Island from Tidal Square. They were seen by countless casual cultivators throughout the process. After that, there was such a sensational news in the world of cultivation. The Penglai sect was in the limelight for a while. .

Later, some well-informed people actually dug up the general process of the battle on Shilong Island. Shi Xuan's peerless swordsmanship appeared in front of many monks, and was even praised by many as the Penglai Penglai swordsman after the Wuhui Sword Yongxiang. The number one swordsman in the sect, the number one swordsman below the Golden Core stage in the entire cultivation world, is famous, and naturally there are some eager swordsmen who want to challenge Shi Xuan!

Similarly, the Penglai sect sent out only one true disciple and captured ten divine soul-stage true dragons and subdued tens of thousands of demon clans. Its terrifying strength and deep foundation made people look at it, and it became the first sect unanimously recognized by the majority of monks. .

But behind the scenes, there is something else, there are unknown people who are making silent contributions.


Dragon Clan, Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Three rays of light flew out from this splendid Ancestral Dragon Palace, some were white, some were black, and some were golden. Later, a dozen rays of different colors flew out from other dragon palaces in this sea area.

But not long after they flew out, they stopped in the sea water, because in front of them there was an old monk wearing Tai Chi robes who was sitting cross-legged and meditating. In front of him floated a mirror-shaped object with a sunken center, shining with hundreds of different colors. color. Even though some big fish swam by there, they didn't notice that there was such a person there. They just passed by like nothing. However, when they were about to encounter the old monk, they would twist their bodies slightly and then pass sideways.

"Jiang Yehe?!" the leader, the White Jade Dragon King with white beard and white beard, said through gritted teeth.

Jiang Zhenren opened his eyes slightly and said calmly: "Three Dragon Kings, please come back."

The dragon king with two brilliant golden dragon horns said in a deep voice: "Jiang Yehe, don't think that having a pure Yang magic weapon can stop us dragon clan from taking notice of us. Brother Ao Ming and I have not survived the catastrophe, but Ao Ming Brother Guang has two heavenly tribulations, which are much more powerful than yours. "Dragon clan has a long life span and advances slowly. The heavenly tribulations come slower than normal monks. Of course, they will also be more powerful.

Jiang Yehe smiled slightly: "If you had the confidence, you would have come here long ago. As far as I know, Brother Ao Guang's third heavenly disaster is about to come, right? Can you use one-tenth of your strength? Moreover, today, today The old Taoist still has the instructions from the elders in the sect, so he is naturally not worried. "

White Jade Dragon King Ao Guang's expression changed when he heard this, and he was silent for a while. Then he waved his hand, sighed, and returned to the Deep Sea Dragon Palace with the other two Dragon Kings and their dragon sons and grandsons.


In addition to the Ancestral Dragon Palace sea area, there are three tribes with golden elixir true dragons in the Desolate Sea area.

Two black lights were advancing rapidly under the sea, and they were about to reach Ten Dragon Island, but they still stopped because there was a handsome young Taoist sitting cross-legged in front of him. He moved his hand, and a purple thunder light appeared in front of him. The formed line stretched for hundreds of miles, and its purple light flashed with tiny electric lights in the azure sea water, which looked very beautiful. Then I heard him say lightly: "Don't cross this line."

Thanks to the friends who voted and tipped today. Also, Kirby0.0 is already a deputy moderator. Thank you for his application.

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