Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 186 It’s hard to describe the blessings and disasters

The two golden elixir masters of the Black Dragon Tribe were both middle-aged men with black hair, black eyes and black horns. Looking at the handsome young Taoist in front of them, the one in front of him frowned and asked in a low voice: "Mo Yuan?"

Mo Yuan didn't answer, but just sat quietly behind the purple thunder line. It seemed that the two golden elixir masters across from him were not two golden elixir masters, but two little flies that had nothing to do with the overall situation.

The two golden elixir masters of the Black Dragon clan were a little angry when they were treated like this. However, at their level of cultivation, their emotions could only have a short-term impact. They quickly controlled them and measured their own strength. Look at the purple lightning line again, look at each other, see each other's wry smile, and then turn around and leave.

The gap between the middle-grade golden elixir and the high-grade golden elixir is as big as the gap between the divine soul stage and the low-grade golden elixir. For monsters, they are not achieving the golden elixir, but condensing the demon elixir, which is all mottled at first. It is impure and belongs to the lower grade. However, as the age increases and the cultivation of the mind improves, it is very likely that the demon elixir can be purified and become the middle grade.

And then purifying it into a high-grade demon elixir is also a combination of talent, perseverance, character, and chance. Even in a race with extremely powerful talents like the Dragon Clan, there are only seven or eight high-grade golden elixir masters, and they are all selected. Enter the Ancestral Dragon Palace and receive key training from the Dragon King.

After the elixir is completed, there is still the possibility of purification for the demon clan, but for humans, there is a saying that there will be no regrets after the elixir is completed. Once the golden elixir is achieved, the distinction between low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade will no longer be possible. The only way to cross over is to find the secret treasure, and with the help of Master Yuanshen, reincarnate and rebuild. However, Master Yuanshen is not absolutely sure about the mystery of the womb.

This is also the reason why many middle-grade and low-grade golden elixir masters, or Yinhun Masters who cannot advance to the level of Yuanshen, love to spread Taoism and recruit disciples in the hope that famous disciples will become Yuanshen in the future. In addition to being able to find The life-extending elixir can also protect one's own reincarnation. Although it is not 100% successful, it is still much better than waiting to die now.


As the overlord of this sea area, the White Jade Dragon Clan has three golden elixir stage true dragons. At this time, they received news from the Zulong Palace and learned that Ao Han and other dragons were captured by Shi Xuan using pure Yang magic weapons. They all felt that Penglai Pai is too shameless and needs to seek some justice. As a result, three stars' escape lights lit up, and they quickly flew out from the Dragon Palace on the seabed, and were about to escape in the direction of Shilong Island.

"Stop, stop, stop." The leader Ao Ming waved his hand, causing the two tribesmen behind him to stop, because there was a stunning woman in purple palace clothes in front of her, who was very demure and admiring the strange flowers on the seabed. If it weren't for this, she would be At the bottom of the sea, it feels a bit like a boudoir lady burying flowers and admiring trees in her own backyard, relaxing there.

Ao Ming's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but say: "Jade Linglong!" A person's name, the shadow of a tree, the monk ranked first on the list of secrets, even the True Dragon Clan nestled in the deserted sea are like thunder.

Hearing the clan leader read out this name, the scalps of the other two golden elixir dragons were also numb. There were two middle-grade golden elixirs and one low-grade golden elixir. Even if they were tied together, it wouldn't be enough for the opponent to hit with one hand, even though they had already thought of it when they came out. They met the Jindan Grandmaster of the Penglai Sect, but unexpectedly it was Yu Linglong who came. They all looked at the clansmen with their eyes, and it seems that the clan leader did not order the retreat, but let him take the lead.

Ao Ming was worthy of being a real dragon. He could stretch and contract, be wild and invisible. He turned around and left without even thinking about fighting for his life. Is it worth it for two little dragons in the divine soul stage?

When Yu Linglong saw the three Jindan dragons leaving without saying a word, she was a little dissatisfied and shouted loudly: "Since you are here, let's fight with my aunt!" She chased after her while shouting with electric light shining around her. Going up, the poor undersea flower was turned into powder by the electric light.

When the three dragons of Ao Ming heard this cry, they dared not look back. They used all kinds of secret treasures and talismans to flee towards their own clan, hoping to use the formations arranged in the Dragon Palace to resist this violent female evil star.


In the deserted sea, Poison Dragon Island.

There is a huge deep pool in the center of Dulong Island. The water in the pool is dark and smelly. It keeps bubbling and gurgling like boiling water. Surrounding the pool is extremely desolate land and rocks, with only some weird plants. There are only some sparse trees in the distance.

Standing next to the pool was a child of about ten years old. He had two emerald green dragon horns on his head. He held a jade pendant in his hand and shot a green light into the pool.

Suddenly, a huge green dragon flew out of the pool. It hissed, shook its body, and turned into a strong man in his thirties. He looked at the child and said, "Since it is the order of the Dragon King, , I’ll just take a walk, Xiaoyang, do you want to go with me to watch the fun, or go back on your own?”

Ao Yang said with a playful smile: "Of course I want to see you, Uncle Six, show off your majesty. You have achieved high-grade demon elixir and are about to go to the Ancestral Dragon Palace. It will be difficult to see you in the future."

This top-grade golden elixir master of the Dragon Clan held Ao Yang, and just as he was about to escape the light, he saw a man standing with his back to him in the woods in the distance. The man's waist was straight, as if there would never be any bend. .

"Uncle Six, someone from the Penglai sect is blocking the road! Shoot him away!" Ao Yang also saw it, and the child shouted heartily.

The dragon master said with a serious and sincere face: "That is the Penglai Sect's non-returning sword. He is the most brave and fierce, and the sword will never return. If we fight with him, one of the two people will definitely die. If we continue to set off, There will inevitably be a fight and someone will die. In order to avoid more killings, we should go back." After saying that, we took Ao Yang and headed towards the deep pool.

Ao Yang said with admiration on his face: "Uncle Liu, you are really kind-hearted, but if you two fight, how many moves can you kill him with?"

His face twitched, and the Dragon Clan Grandmaster said expressionlessly: "I am the one who will be killed."


Three islands sea area.

Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue sat on the back of the white jade dragon Ao Han, and they just had time to reminisce about the past. Just as Shi Xuan was about to ask Ming Qingyue what happened, he saw her blushing face and used a spell to cover up the two small black dragon horns on her head, muttering: "It's so weird, don't look at it. "

Shi Xuan knew that Ming Qingyue couldn't accept the physical changes for a while, so she was extremely shy, so he didn't make fun of her, and said seriously: "I think it's pretty good-looking. Have you activated your bloodline? Have you entered the soul stage?"

Not looking at the monster as expected, Ming Qingyue put down a stone in her heart. Although she often saw her mother's dragon horns, they were innate, unlike her own, which grew out of nowhere and were very different from before. There is a big difference, so I am very worried about the ridicule or the strange expressions of my acquaintances and friends: "It doesn't look better, I think it is better than before. Well, at that time, in order to exert most of the power of the purple electric ring given to me by the master, I urgently Next, I somehow stimulated my bloodline and entered the soul stage."

"Haha, is this a blessing in disguise?" Shi Xuan joked, trying to relieve Ming Qingyue's pressure.

Ming Qingyue finally smiled: "I don't know whether to count it as a blessing or a curse. Blessing is that I have finally entered the soul stage. Disadvantage is that because it was created by the power of blood, I have to stay in seclusion for about twenty or thirty years to stabilize it. , Eliminate some things, otherwise in the future, instead of achieving the golden elixir, you will condense the demon elixir, which will be a big trouble." When talking about cultivation, Ming Qingyue was no longer shy, and she was full of energy.

Shi Xuan nodded, knowing that this was the truth. Relying on the power of blood to enter the divine soul stage was better than using elixirs, but it also had many side effects, and it would take a very long time to make up for it. However, Ming Qingyue has dragon blood, and Shou Yuan is Several times that of monks of the same level, I am not afraid of waste. Similarly, there are advantages and disadvantages. With the dragon bloodline, it will be much more difficult to become a soul in the future. Even if you achieve a soul, the catastrophe will be much better than that of a normal monk. few. Shi Xuan thought so in his heart, and naturally expressed his worries.

Ming Qingyue was very happy that Shi Xuan could understand her: "So since I was a child, I have made up my mind to lay a solid foundation step by step without borrowing external help, and strive to successfully achieve Yuan Shen in the future. I didn't expect this change now. It's really Unpredictable." He said with a wry smile.

Shi Xuan comforted him a few words and found that Ming Qingyue was just a little annoyed, but he was firm in his Taoism and had a choice about his future path. He would definitely not change his character because of this change, so he asked about this incident: "Qingyue, what are you doing?" Thinking of going to the deserted sea? "

Ming Qingyue was not stupid. After thinking about it for a moment, she discovered the strangeness: "My mother told me to go back to the deserted sea at the end of this trip to see those dragon relatives. The master also suddenly gave me a The purple electric ring with perfect spiritual weapon should not be used except as a last resort..."

Ming Qingyue didn't finish her words, but she believed that Shi Xuan would definitely understand the meaning behind it. However, she didn't see any bad emotions in her and asked with great concern: "How is my father?"

"Uncle Lingri has already achieved a top-grade golden elixir." Shi Xuan also understood the meaning of Ming Qingyue's question and directly told the result with a smile.

Ming Qingyue looked delighted: "Really? Dad has been wandering in the soul stage for many years, and his lifespan has already passed half. If he can't break through in another thirty or forty years, it will be difficult to break through." The longevity of this family The life is very strange. Black Dragon Ao Li still has at least six or seven thousand lifespan left. Ming Qingyue's lifespan has already exceeded a thousand when he was in the Qi-entraining stage. He only has the spirit sun, one soul stage, and a lifespan of 300. Ao can't help it. Li is not in a hurry.

After being happy, Ming Qingyue glanced at the white jade dragon Ao Han under her with hatred: "This man's eyes and words are so disgusting, we can't let him off lightly this time."

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "Uncle Yu has already arranged to cut it into pieces with a thousand knives and punish it with a canonical punishment." When Ao Han heard this, he was heartbroken and wanted to resist, but he still couldn't help but go to Penglai Island. Fly in the direction.

Ming Qingyue accepted this arrangement without saying anything. After so many years of practice and experience, her character has long been extraordinary, and she definitely has no thoughts of womanly kindness.

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