Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 190 Wild Wind and Yellow Sand West Wasteland

Since Mo Yuan proposed this idea, he was naturally prepared: "The Tianji List can show the names and strength rankings of the Jindan Grandmasters because of the special nature of its own restrictions, but in turn, it can also be interfered with by humans. When you go to Master Jiang, ask him to help you. There will be no problem." After thanking his master, Shi Xuan went directly to the second floor of Tianya Haijiao Building. "Hey, what are you doing here, Shi boy?" Jiang Yehe still looked old and decrepit, but according to what he said, the second heavenly tribulation is coming, so he should be practicing some immortal method now, right? Shi Xuan explained the whole story, and finally requested: "Disciple dares to ask Master Jiang to help deceive the Tianji List, and see how the restrictions of the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan are." Jiang Yehe laughed and scolded: "Why did you talk so much before? Just tell me the request directly. Do you think that the old Taoist likes to listen to these miscellaneous gossips, or thinks that the old Taoist has too much time? Give the external pill to the old Taoist." Shi Xuan hurriedly took out the external pill and handed it to Jiang Yehe, and then stood aside curiously to watch Master Jiang's methods. After Jiang Yehe took it, he just casually cast two thunder pattern talismans, and then saw the starlight of the external pill, and the spiritual energy of the entire second floor showed a small range of fluctuations, condensing into pieces of white clouds. However, these abnormalities were only limited to the second floor, and the time was only a few breaths, and then the second floor returned to its original quiet appearance. "Okay, this Jindan Grandmaster is called Xingzhao. Show the restrictions of the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan to the old Taoist." Jiang Yehe handed the external pill back to Shi Xuan with a nonchalant look. "This, is it over?" Although there was something strange, it disappeared in a blink of an eye, which made Shi Xuan a little unacceptable. He thought there would be a big scene. Jiang Yehe said unhappily: "It's just a small matter, and you still want to make a big fuss. Shi boy, if you don't show me the restriction, I won't look at it." Shi Xuan naturally wouldn't bother about this issue anymore. If the Taoist said it was good, then it must be good, so he revealed the restriction of the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan that he had conceived. "It's a very good fire restriction." Jiang Yehe nodded and praised. Shi Xuan on the side thought to himself that the restriction of the magic weapon left in the "Baolu" would naturally not be bad, but the Taoist immediately said, "But there are some problems with the restriction of the power of space. It's just a mechanical application of the small teleportation technique, without understanding the essence of this space talisman." Then Jiang Yehe told Shi Xuan how to change it. "After the ritual is refined into a magic weapon, let alone the flame, the ability to break through the air and escape is indeed very strong. In comparison, the small teleportation technique is to teleport within 20 to 30 feet, but this one can escape thousands of miles after using it, which can be called the large teleportation technique." Jiang Yehe was very satisfied with his changes, but Shi Xuan had long been accustomed to his big turn technique and continued to listen to him without any expression.

Sure enough, Jiang Yehe smiled and glanced at Shi Xuan: "But you should use it less, because your soul control ability can only control within one mile in space escape. If you use this large teleportation technique, you can only control the direction, and it is very likely to teleport to some desperate place or dead place."

Shi Xuan was very satisfied with this function. After all, he could make a small teleportation talisman to use for small-scale space teleportation. This large teleportation technique that can escape so far after using it is really a good choice for escaping and saving his life.

However, with the increase of the restrictions of the Earth Demon, this Great Teleportation Technique can only increase the number of times it can be used or reduce the interval time, but it will not increase the distance too much or make it easier to control. Only after reaching the spiritual weapon stage, there will be obvious changes.

The so-called number of times and interval time are because this Great Teleportation Technique has a heavy burden on the magic weapon. When the first heaven is perfect, it can be used once a month, and then the magic weapon must be warmed up and restored, otherwise the magic weapon will be damaged. In the second heaven, it can be used once every 25 days,..., and in the eighth heaven, it can be used once a day.


To the west of the Middle Earth and the North Pole, there is a Gobi sea covered with countless yellow sands. To the west of the sea is a vast desert-like land, where the sun shines brightly and strong winds often rage. In this yellow wind, there are occasionally black space gaps hidden. Even a Jindan Grandmaster will die if he is not careful.

Of course, the casual cultivators living here, as well as the descendants of the cultivators who have come here to explore and search for treasures for tens of thousands of years and are unable to enter the threshold of cultivation, have long learned how to live in the outermost layer of the Western Wilderness. As long as the wind blows, they will immediately find a place to hide, and will never walk in the wind and sand to play with their lives.

Tianji City, the largest city in the Western Wilderness, is the headquarters of the casual cultivator alliance. It was renamed because of the old man Tianji. In the Tianji Mansion built by his descendants in the city, the Tianji List is hung, which uploads the strength rankings of the Jindan Grandmasters in the cultivation world.

Countless casual cultivators often come to watch, one is to find the target and build confidence, the second is to get to know the Jindan Grandmasters, so as not to be blind and bump into those big figures in the future, which is really unforgivable, or to avoid meeting real masters and treating them as ordinary, thus wasting opportunities, and the third is to use it as a topic of conversation after dinner and in the gaps between cultivation and adventure, and to pretend to be knowledgeable in front of those cultivators from rural areas.

Tianji Mansion, a fairy-like mansion stretching for dozens of miles, is mostly used as the headquarters of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and a small part is the residence of the descendants of old man Tianji. After all, it’s not that no one else among old man Tianji’s descendants has achieved the Golden Elixir. For example, the current head of the family, Ouyang Tuo, is a middle-grade Golden Elixir, ranked 31st on the Tianji List, and one of the nine elders of the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

In the main hall of Tianji Mansion, there is an endless stream of casual cultivators coming and going, because this is where the rogue cultivator alliance issues tasks and rewards, and it is also where the Tianji Ranking is hung.

A young monk in his twenties with red lips and white teeth was walking into the main hall from a palace behind the Tianji Mansion. He looked energetically at the monks coming and going, or to be precise, at the extraordinary-looking female monks.

"Master Ke, who do you like? Can I find someone to help you get it back?" A monk in the Qi-entraining stage with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks approached him flatteringly.

The young monk had an impatient look on his face: "What's the point of defeat? What an unpleasant name. It doesn't mean to conquer or defeat. Don't you know that I hate fighting and fighting the most? Just call me Ouyang."

The monk with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks immediately changed his words: "Yes, yes, Master Ouyang." Although this young master has average cultivation, he can't resist having a good father. He is one of the nine elders of the Loose Cultivator Alliance and the 31st on the Tianji Ranking. Golden elixir master Ouyang Tuo! He is the boss of his immediate boss’s boss. Moreover, he was the only son that the Golden elixir master got after he was over 400 years old.

"What else can I get back? Master, am I this kind of person? It's great to see these beautiful scenery every day. I really want to fall in love with you. Master, I don't know how to hook up with you by myself? Master, do you think I can't do it?" Ouyang Staring at the sharp-mouthed monk very seriously.

The monk with the pointed mouth and monkey cheeks was filled with hatred. Who told me that this young master was a womanizer and really bullied me? He had just been transferred from another city. Naturally, he apologized hurriedly.

Ouyang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't care about the monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, because he saw a pure female monk standing under the Tianji List and watching carefully. Even among the female monks who were generally good-looking, this one was She was considered to be of the highest rank, and it was suitable to marry her as the eleventh concubine. So she walked over and pretended to be casual: "Yu Jiaolong has broken through to the Yin Shen stage years ago and is in seclusion. Currently, she is in seclusion. The first place on the list of secrets is Ye Di from the Nether Sect, the second place is Chu Kuangge from the Luofu Immortal Sect, and the third place is Wuhui Jian Yongxiang from the Penglai Sect. "This woman does not have the aura of heaven and earth in her body. The pressure, I don’t know if it is the out-of-body stage or the soul stage.

Once a disciple of the Nether Sect joins the sect, he will give up his own name and use the name assigned by the sect as his code name. The Nether Sect is a sect with the goal of establishing the underworld, so in the Qi-entraining stage, the names are bull-headed, horse-faced, black-and-white yaksha, etc., and in the soul stage, they are judge, etc., and in the golden elixir stage, the names will be fixed, even if It will continue to be used after breaking through to the Yuanshen stage, unless the user dies. For example, the names of the current golden elixir masters of Nether Sect are: Emperor of Night, King of Samsara, King of Corpse, King Qin Guang, and King Naihe.

The pure and innocent female monk turned around and looked at Ouyang carefully. She seemed to be very satisfied with his appearance as a handsome young man. She smiled and said: "This young master is really well-informed. Can you tell me about this for the little girl? Which low-level Jindan masters have lived in seclusion over the years and seldom met with others?"

Ouyang was glanced at by this pure and innocent female monk, and he seemed to have a creepy feeling. He was not at all the numb one who had been swept by the beauty's eyes before. When the other party saw him, it was as if he was seeing some beautiful toy. Could it be that this was a thousand-year-old female demon? head? However, he had the support of his father, the master of Jindan. Although he was only in the Qi-entraining stage, he was still courageous. He didn't take this abnormality to heart, so he continued to smile and said: "I don't know what to call the fairy. I am Ouyang, it is Tianji." A descendant of the Ouyang family.

As for the female monk's question, Ouyang didn't even think about answering it. As a dandy who likes fine wine and beautiful women, he didn't care what those low-grade golden elixir masters did.

The female monk seemed a little disappointed when she heard that Ouyang was the descendant of the Ouyang family of Tianji Mansion, but she still pouted her lips slightly and said: "My little girl's surname is Hu Mingshan, she comes from Huangsha City. Please ask Brother Ouyang to tell me about this Tianji." List thing.”

Ouyang was about to speak when suddenly the golden light on the list of heavenly secrets shone, and the monks in the whole hall were attracted. One knowledgeable person said in astonishment: "Looking at this reaction, could it be that someone has achieved the golden elixir?"

The people around were shocked by these words, and their hearts were filled with ups and downs. Even if it was just a low-grade golden elixir, for these monks, it was something they never dared to dream about. Only occasionally in the dead of night, they would dream about it in the middle of the night. Sometimes, I would become a little crazy, thinking about what would happen if I were a golden elixir master.

After a while, the golden light stopped, and under the original last line of the Tianji List, a new shining golden name appeared: Xingzhao!

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