Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 191 Crossing the market with a token in hand

"Which senior is this? Why have I never heard of it before?" A man in green shirt in the Qi-entraining stage asked the people around him doubtfully. He is famous as Bai Xiaosheng in the cultivation world in Tianji City. As for his real name, No one remembers it long ago.

Not far away, a gloomy man wearing a bamboo hat sneered coldly: "There are countless hermit masters in the world of cultivation. How can someone like you, who calls himself Bai Xiaosheng, know this? Don't brag again in the future."

Bai Xiaosheng knew that there were many people who were dissatisfied with him. He was also a master of the Soul Stage and did not dare to refute. He just told his friend next to him: "I know most of the Soul Stage monks in the Western Wasteland, especially those who are in the Soul Stage." I can’t say that I know all of the people who are expected to hit the golden elixir, but at most I’ve missed one or two. It seems that this person got the inner elixir of the demon beast by chance, and then achieved the golden elixir.”

"It should indeed be the case. If he had achieved a high-grade golden elixir, he would have been ranked in the top twenty. If he had achieved a mid-grade golden elixir, he would have been in the top fifty. He is currently ranked seventy-third. He must have achieved it through the demonic beast's inner elixir. The golden elixir master." His friend said with mixed emotions, a little disdainful and a little envious.

Hearing this, one of the many casual cultivators behind him sighed: "So what if you are a low-grade golden elixir? I am always a master of the golden elixir. You can enjoy six hundred years of life. Every move and every move has great power. With one blow, Being able to destroy cities, cut off rivers, and sink islands, I am envied and respected by all monks. I am two hundred and forty-five years old, and I will be satisfied if I can get a demonic beast inner elixir to become a low-grade golden elixir."

"Old Yu, you are a master of weapon refining and elixir training. You are not much worse than those golden elixir masters. Why do you have to belittle yourself?" Bai Xiaosheng turned around and saw an old Taoist priest with white hair and a childlike face, and quickly comforted him. Old Man Jia is one of the top weapon and elixir refiners in Tianji City. If you find any materials for advanced elixirs in the future, you will have to beg him.

Old Man Yu Jia chuckled: "I was obsessed with refining weapons and elixirs when I was young, and was complacent about my little fame. Only in the past ten years have I seen through the false fame in the world, and realized the importance of cultivation. I regret it so much! Hey, I really envy this Taoist named Xingzhao, Senior." I originally wanted to call him Taoist Fellow, but when he thought that the other person was already a high-ranking master, he called him "Senior".

After saying this, everyone was silent. Except for those monks who were still young and vigorous under the age of forty, they all asked themselves in their hearts, if they had the opportunity to obtain the inner elixir of the monster, would they use it to achieve success? As for the golden elixir, without exception, the answer is yes. After all, the high-grade golden elixir is elusive and unpredictable, and the materials for the nine-turn nine-returning jade liquid elixir are scarce and are controlled by the top leaders of the major sects and the casual cultivator alliance. Even if you can get it by chance, One or two kinds of materials are not enough to get everything together.

After a while, these casual cultivators recovered from their feelings of loss and envy, and talked about leaving in groups with excited expressions. There was another golden elixir master who could talk about it for several years, until the next golden elixir master appeared. .

Bai Xiaosheng's friend asked after the gloomy man in the bamboo hat left: "Who is that master of the soul stage, and why is he so dissatisfied with you?"

Bai Xiaosheng knew that there was a formation here, and the man in the bamboo hat could not hear the words inside after he left the temple, so he sneered: "His name is Su Fan, he is a hermit monk, he likes to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but he was killed by me I accidentally told him his true identity and strength, which ruined a good thing for him. From then on, I was afraid of going out of the city because I was afraid of being killed by him. It was just that he got something ten years ago. He disappeared from sight, and I thought I would never see him again, but who knew he would appear here again today.”

"I wonder what it is?" the friend asked curiously.

Bai Xiaosheng did not help his enemy to hide it: "It is the opening token of a cave, but the cave requires twelve faces to open, so he has not been able to enter the cave until today."

Hu Shan glanced at Bai Xiaosheng with a half-smile, and then looked at Ouyang next to her. Seeing that he didn't care at all, she couldn't help but curiously asked: "Why is Mr. Ouyang so calm? He doesn't envy Grandmaster Xingzhao at all." ?”

Ouyang didn't notice anything wrong and said, "Why bother? I have to work so hard to achieve the Golden Elixir. I might as well enjoy the free and easy life I have now."

Hu Shan didn't say anything, chuckled twice, and then turned around and left. Ouyang was stunned for a moment, why did he leave so well? When he came back to his senses, he felt that the name Hu Shan looked familiar, yes. Looks familiar, not ears. As he was thinking about it, he turned around and left. Suddenly, he scanned the name of the 60th grandmaster on the Tianji List. It was exactly two golden characters: Hu Shan!

Ouyang broke into a cold sweat all of a sudden. It was not because Hu Shan was a golden elixir master and had the support of his father. Ouyang had nothing to fear from the low-ranked golden elixir master, but because he heard that this master had a bad hobby and liked To appreciate Long Yang's Way, you must have a beautiful young man. Thinking of the look that Hu Shan glanced at just now, Ouyang felt sick to his stomach. He was not in any mood today.


Two years later.

In front of Shi Xuan was a feather fan that shone in various reds, with flames such as purple-red, cyan-red, gold-red, red-red, purple-blue, etc. faintly tumbling on it. There was a talisman on the front and back.

As early as more than a year ago, Shi Xuan successfully refined the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan. Today, the two heavens are perfect. Shi Xuan has no expectations for the power of the flames. The biggest use of this fan for the time being is the big fan on it. Movement.

In the past two years, the spiritual weapon has been mastered to the limit of the first level of perfection, and the Yimu Qinglong Sword has been completely controlled by the seventh level of prohibition. Therefore, Shi Xuan is preparing to leave the sect and go to the Western Wilderness. Of course, before that, he has to go to Guanghan Zong and his party.


In Tianji City, Shi Xuan had just come out of the teleportation array. This time he teleported from the Three Islands Sea to the Arctic land, and then from the Arctic again, but it cost Shi Xuan a high-grade spiritual stone.

The most troublesome thing now is how to contact other monks with tokens. Their whereabouts are secretive, and it is not easy to find them. Therefore, Shi Xuan feels that it is better to wait for a high-profile appearance. Instead of looking for them by himself, Let them come to you. Moreover, Shi Xuan, who has now come to Xihuang as the master of Jindan, has such high-profile qualifications and strength.

"Senior, what are your orders?" Lu Yi, a middle-aged monk in the Qi-entraining stage who was on duty at the teleportation formation here, saw Shi Xuan coming and asked cautiously. He can afford this teleportation formation and does not have the power of heaven and earth spiritual energy. Pressure, it should be a master in the soul stage, not someone who can take Qiao by himself.

Shi Xuan said with a serious expression: "Prepare a cloud bed for me."

Lu Yi said in embarrassment: "Senior, this is the teleportation hall managed by the Loose Cultivator Alliance, but there is no such thing as buying and selling." I have never seen anyone asking for a cloud bed in the teleportation hall. Even this senior cannot make such unreasonable demands. ah.

Shi Xuan didn't say anything, and the starlight on his body lit up, directly forcing Lu Yi to sweat in cold sweat. This senior was actually the master of Jindan!

"Okay, okay, junior, I'll go right away." Of course, Lu Yi didn't dare to refuse anymore. Instead, he said somewhat flatteringly, Grandmaster Jindan wants a cloud bed, no matter whether the teleportation hall provides it or not, this is the strength of the grandmaster level. Status should be enjoyed.

After a while, Lu Yi walked in and said respectfully: "Senior, the cloud bed is at the door. Please move it."

Shi Xuan smiled: "Yes, this spirit stone is a reward for you. Also, I can lend you your beans for use." A pot of wine and a stack of soybeans were placed where Lu Yi was sitting.

The monk looked at the middle-grade spiritual stone in his hand with joy. The Golden Pill Grandmaster was really generous. As for the beans and the like, he could just use them as he pleased.

Shi Xuan grabbed a handful of beans, recited the spell silently, and threw it on the ground. After a burst of white smoke, dozens of mighty immortal soldiers with golden armor and golden helmets appeared. Some were holding golden melons, some were holding green axes, and some were holding green axes. The one holding the flag... This is a top-grade magic technique, spreading beans and forming an army.


The main street of Tianji City was a bustling and lively scene. Suddenly, a burst of shouting came from the direction of the teleportation hall: "Xingzhao old immortal, your magic power is boundless, your life span will be as long as the sky, and you will enjoy immortal blessings forever."

Many monks looked over strangely and saw dozens of golden-armored immortal soldiers, tall and mighty, lined up in two rows. The first few were holding golden melons, green axes, and yellow flags, and the eight in the middle were carrying a gorgeous and extraordinary cloud bed. Sitting cross-legged is a middle-aged man in a moon-white Taoist robe. On his head is a canopy that looks like a condensed nebula. Starlight hangs down and stars surround it. The middle-aged Taoist is enveloped like an immortal or a god. The middle-aged Taoist man was playing with a token that was neither gold nor wood.

Impressed by this majesty and power, the monks involuntarily dispersed to both sides of the street and watched the group slowly leave. After a long time, they came back to their senses.

Listening to the faint shouts, a monk asked curiously: "Who is this Old Immortal Xingzhao? His tone is quite loud, aren't you afraid that the wind will break your tongue?"

As soon as he spoke, he felt the disdainful looks of many monks next to him, as if they were looking at those country bumpkins. After being puzzled, a kind-hearted monk finally told him: "That's the Golden Pill Grandmaster! This style is still small!" "

"What?! Golden elixir master?! I, I remember when I saw the Tianji list a few years ago, there was no golden elixir master named Xingzhao Laoxian?" The monk couldn't believe it.

"What did I deceive you about? If you don't believe me, ask others. He achieved the Golden Elixir two years ago and is also the only monk who has successfully advanced in recent years." The kind-hearted monk was happy to show off his knowledge.

Only then did the monk believe it, and said with an envious look on his face: "If one day I also become a master of the golden elixir, it would be so majestic."

"Go home and dream. I won't tell you anymore. I have to go and have a look." The kind-hearted monk saw that the casual cultivators who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity were following the team of the old immortal Xingzhao, and he was a little reluctant. Can't live.

"Wait a minute, I'll go too. If I can be accepted as a disciple by Old Immortal Xingzhao, I'll make a fortune." This monk was also happy to try his luck in immortality.


In an exquisite courtyard behind Luoxia Tower, Shi Xuan was meditating in his room, and was strutting around the market with a token today. Those who knew the value of the token, or had tokens, would come to his door soon. Due to his status as a golden elixir master, there should be very few people who take action directly. The only thing he can worry about is that the casual cultivator alliance will take advantage of the large number of golden elixir masters to take action. However, since he has the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, escaping is not a problem.

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