Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 192 A visitor came to the door in the middle of the night

It is rare that there is no wind tonight, but the stars are still not visible. Under the dark night, some lights in Tianji City are shining. In the small courtyard of Shixuan, there are two people, a man and a woman. They are the servants of Luoxia Tower and The maid was selected by the chief steward to serve the Golden elixir master.

The handyman Bai Jinpeng was average-looking except for his two steep eyebrows. At this time, when he saw that Shi Xuan was concentrating on practicing and would not come out for a while, he smiled and said: "I didn't expect that the big steward would send us this time." It’s a great opportunity for the two of them to serve Grandmaster Xingzhao.”

The maid opposite him, Zhong Jingyu, was tall, fair-skinned, and pretty. When she heard Bai Jinpeng's words, she smiled lightly: "He wanted to send other people, but those people only flattered him, gave him benefits, and served him." How can we, the two of us, be so dedicated as to offend Grandmaster Jindan, how can our boss forgive him so easily?"

For the chief steward, the arrival of Xingzhao, the Jindan Grandmaster, today caused him great trouble. Many maids, waiters, and handymen came to him, wanting to be assigned to serve Xingzhao. After all, Jindan Grandmaster A little leakage between their fingers is enough for them to accumulate for decades, but these maids and waiters themselves are not ignorant. They usually rely on themselves to take care of themselves and are always lazy. This time they are active because they see opportunities and benefits. If they were asked to serve Master Jindan, they would most likely offend Xingzhao, and then he would be left with nothing to eat.

So the chief steward finally chose the two who were the most diligent, but usually the most aloof and disliked. As long as they could serve Grandmaster Xingzhao to his satisfaction and casually boasted in front of his employer, he would have made a profit. In fact, the chief steward wanted Not because he respects his identity, but also wants to go and serve. You must know that the magic weapons thrown around by the Jindan Grandmaster also have five or six heavens.

Bai Jinpeng glanced at Zhong Jingyu with a trace of pity and sighed: "If it weren't for your family's affairs, Jingyu, with your talent, strength, and understanding, even those big sects who have the opportunity to enter would not do it." Do these things of service here.”

Zhong Jingyu was calm and calm, without the slightest trace of self-pity, and said: "Actually, it's not bad now. I have the skills passed down from my family. Occasionally, I meet kind-hearted seniors who can give me some pointers. My cultivation level is progressing pretty quickly, so there's no need to complain." So many, when I break through to the Qi-entraining stage, I can go out and explore. If I can find some treasures, I can buy some elixirs to cure my mother's illness. Bai Jinpeng, on the other hand, haven't you always been obsessed with flying swords and determined to become a sword cultivator? ? Why don’t you try your luck with those famous sword cultivators?”

Bai Jinpeng smiled bitterly and said: "Most sword cultivators live alone, how can they be so easy to meet? Haha, I have always hoped to meet the Penglai sect's 'Shadowless Sword' Senior Shi Xuanshi, and see the strongest swordsmanship below the Golden Core." How." At the end of the sentence, his eyes were shining.

As for Shi Xuan's nickname "Shadowless Sword", it refers to the fact that he flew the sword so fast that others didn't even see the shadow of the sword's light, and he became a dead soul under the sword. I don't know who took it. Anyway, in the Western Wilderness Everyone began to call Shi Xuan this way.

As the two of them were talking, cold sweat began to break out on their heads, because there was a terrifying aura coming from Shi Xuan's room, as if there was an ancient giant beast inside. It was vast and ferocious, causing the two of them to stop even their thoughts, but it was Shi Xuan. Xuan Zai used the outer elixir to warm up the Heavenly Thunder and Demon-Conquering Sword, so that when he pretended to be a master of the Golden Pill, he could exert the perfect power of the Heavenly Thunder and Demon-Conquering Sword.

For monks, it is unreliable to recognize people by their faces. Most monks above the Qi Entrainment stage have the ability to change their appearance, so they identify people by their breath and soul essence. However, Shi Xuan used the external elixir to pretend to be a master of the golden elixir. At that time, the aura exuded was a bit like the ancient giant beast, so Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu felt this way.

The two people retreated for more than ten feet in succession, and they had just recovered from the suffocating pressure just now. Especially so, the terrifying aura was still pouring out from the room, but when it came to the two people It has weakened a lot. After all, Shi Xuan's pressure is not aimed at the two of them.

Bai Jinpeng said with a look of yearning, admiration and reverence: "Grandmaster Jindan really has the power to reach heaven and earth. He is really the goal of our monks." For Bai Jinpeng, respecting and admiring Xingzhao, Grandmaster Jindan, is not because of who he is. , but because he is the pioneer on the path of spiritual practice and the goal of his progress.

Zhong Jingyu's calm and calm expression also changed a little. There was envy, determination, and many complicated emotions in it. After a long time, she said: "If you want to have the power of Senior Xingzhao one day, you can only start now." Work hard in a down-to-earth manner.”

"That's true. After I advance to the Qi-entraining stage, I will go to the ancient Heavenly Sword Sect's legacy to try for a chance to see if I can get a sword cultivation inheritance. It would be best to find the remains of the old man Jian and get his sword skills. The peerless technique of entering the golden elixir." Bai Jinpeng said firmly with a bit of longing.

Zhong Jingyu somewhat disagreed: "The old swordsman used his spiritual cultivation level to kill low-grade golden elixirs without any external force, and has become the object of worship for sword cultivators for thousands of years. However, the statement that he used sword skills to enter the golden elixir is just a vague rumor. At least when he went to the Heavenly Sword Sect Legacy Mansion, he was still in the Soul Stage, so Bai Jinpeng, don’t hold out too much hope. The Heavenly Sword Sect Legacy Mansion is extremely dangerous, and I don’t know how many golden elixir masters and Yin Shen Masters have died in it.”

Bai Jinpeng nodded: "Well, I don't have to worry about it, so I mainly focus on finding any sword cultivation inheritance from Tianjian Sect."

Shi Xuan's consciousness naturally heard the conversation between the two clearly. He didn't expect that he already had the nickname "Shadowless Sword", and Old Man Jian, he had heard Yu Ruoshui say it a long time ago, but he didn't expect that he had fallen. In the Heavenly Sword Sect's legacy mansion, the space in that legacy mansion was unstable, and many of the Heavenly Sword Sect's sword arrays were well preserved, so it became a place where the real Yuanshen could not enter, and where Jindan and Yin Shen fell one after another. As for using swordsmanship to enter the golden elixir, Shi Xuan didn't pay much attention to it. He had the supreme magic in his body and didn't need this, unless he encountered a bottleneck when advancing to the golden elixir in the future and needed stones from other mountains for reference.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, a gloomy, green cloud appeared over the small courtyard where Luoxia Tower Shixuan was located. Countless cries and screams came from it, which made Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu in the small courtyard feel their scalps. tingling.

As the green cloud slowly lowered, a bone-deep coldness arose on the two of them. The phenomenon of some obstacles in the movement of thoughts just now appeared again, and it became more serious. All thoughts came to a standstill, and now the two of them seemed to Being in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, hearing the howls of thousands of ghosts, it seemed like he was having a nightmare from which he would never wake up.

At this moment, a cold snort reached the ears of the two of them. They suddenly woke up from the nightmare and stumbled towards the door of Shixuan's room.

The monk in the blue cloud just followed Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu and didn't take it seriously at all. When he saw the two running away, he didn't care. Instead, he stretched out a green ghost claw from the blue cloud towards them. He was caught on the roof of Shixuan, surrounded by dots of yin fire, followed by bursts of ghost cries, which was extremely terrifying.

Shi Xuan knew that this was a test and did not dare to relax. He mobilized the outer elixir and a layer of starlight floated on his body. Then he stretched out a big hand from the starlight and punched directly through the roof to meet the cyan ghost claw.

Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu outside the room only saw a big hand made of starlight stretching out from the room. There was a shining star on each of the five fingers and the back of the palm. As the gestures changed, these seven stars formed The mysterious trajectory made stars appear around the starlight handprint, and the dark night became like a bright starry sky.

The cyan ghost claws and starlight hands suddenly collided in the air, making a loud noise and arousing a strong wind that blew all the trees in the small courtyard to the ground. Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu also continued to retreat unsteadily.

After the two collided, the green ghost claws turned into blossoming yin fire, and then disappeared into the night sky. Although the starlight hand was much dimmed, it continued to grab the blue clouds, its power undiminished.

The monk in the blue cloud snorted coldly and urged the blue cloud. The blue cloud suddenly rose, and then a green drizzle fell. Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu could smell the cold and fishy smell of the green rain above the ground. . After the green rainwater fell on Xingguang's big hand, white smoke emitted from Xingguang's big hand.

Shi Xuan knew that he had taken advantage just now, because the other party just used the protective divine light to strike casually, while he used the seven-star big hand seal. Now he naturally stopped it when he was good, so he activated the seven-star big hand seal, and let the star light big hand seal As soon as the seal seal was changed, the whole big hand was spread out and then grasped. In the shining starlight, the green rainwater was completely wrapped in it, and then disappeared together with the starlight big hand seal.

After the monk in Biyun finished testing, he sent down a stream of cold and evil consciousness, which collided with the Waidan consciousness that Shi Xuan had launched. He left a message and then took it back. At the same time, he secretly said in his heart, this star shines. The old ghost seems to have used the inner elixir of ancient monsters to become enlightened. The vast and vast meaning in his spiritual consciousness cannot be concealed from others.

Bai Jinpeng and Zhong Jingyu had just stood firm in the strong wind, when they saw the blue clouds rolling up, and then quickly fleeing to the horizon. Suddenly their hearts relaxed, their feet softened, and they couldn't help but kneel on the ground. , the fight at the level of the Golden elixir master was indeed extremely powerful. If the two masters had not been mainly testing and only exerted a small amount of strength, they would have died on the spot in the aftermath.

But there are dangers and rewards. The two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Feeling the use of Jindan Grandmaster's spiritual energy, Taoism, and magic at close range opened their eyes. However, under the pressure of Jindan Grandmaster's spiritual consciousness, After waking up, they benefited a lot. Although due to their low cultivation level, they could not get one out of a hundred, but for them, it was already a great blessing.

So the two of them bowed respectfully to Grandmaster Xingzhao's door and said sincerely: "Thank you, Senior Xingzhao."

At this time, in the room, Shi Xuan was pondering over the message left by the master just now: "Three days later, at three quarters of noon, in the middle of the Black Wind Valley." At the same time, he sneered in his heart: "It seems that the one just now should be Master Gui Crying. "

Master Gui Crying, ranked 65th on the Secret List.

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