Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 194 The God’s Cave is Underground (Third Update)

"Fellow Taoists, I would like to introduce these little babies to you." Master Guiwei knew that he was the only one who knew everyone. Heiyun Sanren and Haoran Jian had only met a few of them before. Old Ghost Xingzhao added I had never seen anyone before, so I suppressed my dissatisfaction with these soul stages and prepared to introduce them.

"Senior, I dare not bother you. Please introduce yourselves, junior. Junior Ruan Xihao, your soul stage is complete." This young man's hair is slightly boyish white, his appearance is outstanding, and his appearance is excellent. It's not about how good-looking he is, but At first glance, one can tell that he is a practicing person, and there is no problem in pretending to be a semi-immortal in the secular world. When it comes to the perfection of the soul stage, it means that the juniors also have some methods that can threaten the seniors, so the seniors should not push it too far.

The other one was an old man with gray hair and a stalwart figure. He had a strong aura, and he was afraid that he would often fight with others. He spoke concisely and unusually: "Junior Zhu Yunwei." However, judging from his attitude and tone, he really didn't mean to treat himself as a junior. , causing Master Guiwei to sneer miserably.

"Junior Ye Shiliu, the seniors can just call me Xiaoye." This was a man in black who looked like a boy and a girl, but the Jindan masters present could not recognize his gender after their consciousness swept away.

When Xuan Yizhen heard Ye Liu's name, he said with some surprise: "I didn't expect you, kid, to be the famous Night Sword Swordsman in the Soul Period. You are well-trained in assassination swordsmanship." According to the information at the headquarters of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance, this Night Slayer The sword is the most dangerous level below the golden elixir. He took eleven attempts and succeeded eleven times. The deceased were all masters in the soul stage. Even Shi Xuan, who was far away in the Three Islands Sea, had heard of his reputation, so he looked at him curiously.

Ye Liu's expression remained unchanged and he said: "Thank you for the compliment, senior." He didn't seem to care at all about the sideways glances from the several golden elixir masters. However, several golden elixir masters were only slightly surprised, and they didn't take it to heart in a blink of an eye. No matter how strong the soul stage was, it was still far from the golden elixir, so they looked at the remaining two women.

"Junior Zhou Qi." This is a taciturn, cold and beautiful woman in white clothes, but her reputation is also not small.

Xuan Yizhen chuckled and said: "It turns out that it is Feihuang Sword. He is a backward talent among our generation of sword cultivators. Maybe one day he will surpass me." As one of the nine elders of the Loose Cultivators Alliance, Xuan Yizhen is very interested in those who Potential casual cultivators know a lot about them. After all, these are all those who want to be recruited into the casual cultivator alliance. Unlike Shi Xuan, who knows very well about the true disciples and elders of other major sects, for casual cultivators, he only knows those famous ones. .

The last one was a woman in green, with a soft smile and a calm attitude: "Junior Xi Wen, please take care of me from the seniors." This one didn't have much reputation, so the several golden elixir masters naturally just nodded slightly.

Shi Xuan glanced at the other grandmasters and asked doubtfully: "Old Guiwei, there are only ten of us at the moment, and where are the two tokens left?"

Master Guiwei also frowned: "There are also two little soul-stage babies. Could it be that something happened? That's why they haven't arrived yet?"

As soon as these words came out, several golden elixir masters had bad expressions. After waiting for so many years, they finally had all the tokens. If there were another setback, several masters whose life span was less than a hundred years really didn't know if they could wait until next time. Get it together.

"How about we take a look around?" Lin Shenhe suggested, looking at Xuan Yizhen and Master Guiwei at the same time. As for old ghost Xingzhao, I think he is in no hurry. It has only been more than two years since he achieved the golden elixir, so at least he still has He has more than three hundred years of life, and if he can't come up with it, I guess he would be happiest. He can wait until he and others die, so that he can harvest all the treasures.

"No need, someone is coming." Shi Xuan suddenly said. Someone flew over from the direction of the hillside. Because several masters were distracted by exchanging glances, Shi Xuan didn't find it early. As for the few soul-stage monks, they were naturally not as early as Shi Xuan now uses Waidan.

The expressions of Master Guiwei and other masters suddenly softened. They watched the two rays of light falling. The first one was a gloomy man wearing a bamboo hat. His face was extremely ugly. From time to time, he looked fearfully at the pure and pure woman in plain clothes behind him.

"Again, another golden elixir master!" The golden elixir pressure emanating from the plain-clothed woman was so obvious that Wu Qiang felt that he was already a little numb. One after another, the golden elixir masters, these old devils must have formed A secret alliance, preparing to fight against the casual cultivator alliance? Wu Qiang was already having some random thoughts.

The two little children at the divine soul stage who had agreed to suddenly turned into a golden elixir master and a divine soul stage master. Master Guiwei, Lin Shenhe, and Xuan Yizhen all stood up solemnly. Only Shi Xuan looked on with a smile, although A little surprised, but for Shi Xuan, there is no essential difference between three Jindan masters and four Jindan masters, as long as that one doesn't want to get what he needs to get.

"I don't know what to call you?" Master Guiwei asked politely, because the other party was the master of golden elixir.

The woman smiled lightly and said: "The little girl Hu Shan got a token and a piece of news from a Taoist fellow in the Soul Stage a few years ago, so she went to look for it. Unexpectedly, she met this Taoist Su Fansu two years ago. I kept in touch and it was only after he kindly informed me that we were gathering here.”

No one believed what he said. Judging from Su Fan's frightened look, if he hadn't been left to contact him, Hu Shan might have come over with a two-sided token. As for the other Soul Stage monk, since the token was gone, he Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with anyone.

Master Guiku did not answer, but looked at Su Fan. Su Fan smiled bitterly and said, "Senior Guiku, I did not find Fellow Daoist Wu, but Senior Hu came to me instead."

Master Guiku said to Hu Shan, "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Hu, the Fairy of Seven Emotions. Please take a seat."

When Shi Xuan heard the name Hu Shan, he had not yet reacted to the origin of this woman, but when Master Guiku called out the name of the Fairy of Seven Emotions, Shi Xuan remembered that in order to cultivate the Seven Emotions Divine Light, she wandered in the secular world for a hundred years, collecting countless emotions and thoughts of greed, anger, ignorance, evil, love, desire and hatred of mortals. When the Divine Light was brushed out, people felt like they were in the mortal world and could not extricate themselves. At the same time, she also had a spiritual weapon, Red Cloud Corruption Light Miasma, which could corrode the Divine Light of others. Once it was touched, it was extremely difficult to get rid of it.

Hu Shan did not accept Master Guiku's invitation to sit down, but looked around at everyone present and asked with a smile: "The news I got is that there are two secret treasures in the Dongyuan Divine Mansion that protect reincarnation. I wonder if it is true or false?" Dongyuan is the name of the god of the Shinto monk.

Judging from her attitude and words, she has already confirmed it. Asking at this time is just to make the matter clear and muddy the water. After all, there is still a Jindan Grandmaster who doesn't know, and the other three Jindan Grandmasters have been planning for this for many years. If I don't pull a helper over, how can I fight three alone? Moreover, there are only two secret treasures, but there are three people on the other side. There will be some intrigues among them. Maybe the one who is in a weak position will help me.

Shi Xuan was really surprised. He didn't expect that there was a secret treasure that protected reincarnation. If this news spread, I don't know how many middle-grade Jindan masters and Yinshen venerables would come to snatch it. How could a few low-grade Jindan show off their power here? Fortunately, he had locked the hearing of the out-of-body stage kid, and he was far away, so he didn't have to worry about him seeing his mouth shape. Otherwise, if this news spread, it would be a disaster.

The other soul-stage cultivators were all watching their noses and their hearts, and they seemed to care nothing about this problem.

Master Guiku looked at Hu Shan with a gloomy face, and said for a long time: "It is true. There is a reincarnation disk and a Mengpo Talisman in it. Fellow Daoist Hu can fight for it." While saying this, the cold eyes also looked at Shi Xuan, meaning that Xingzhao old man, you are also like this, and then everyone will rely on their own means.

Shi Xuan ignored his gaze and smiled at Kaguya: "Little friend, do you know if there are any high-level Shinto instruments to suppress the inner demons in the Dongyuan Divine Mansion? I have only been able to achieve the elixir for a short time, so I am not in a hurry to reincarnate."

When these words were spoken, Master Gui Ku, Lin Shenhe, Xuan Yizhen, and Hu Shan did not believe it. The lower-grade golden elixir had reached the end of cultivation. If they did not reincarnate, they would simply be waiting to die. Even if they were reluctant to give up the status and glory of the Golden Elixir Grandmaster, they could collect one and use it when their life span was almost over. This old ghost Xingzhao said no, is he treating us like three-year-old children? !

Moreover, for the lower-grade Golden Elixir Grandmasters, with the protection of the secret treasure, the possibility of solving the mystery in the womb is greatly increased. With the experience and vision of this life, they may be able to impact the upper-grade golden elixir in the next life, and take a look at the realm of the primordial spirit, and really enjoy the joy of longevity.

After hearing Shi Xuan's question, Kaguya thought for a moment and said, "I dare not deceive you, Senior Xingzhao. At that time, we only learned from the records of the outer palace that there were reincarnation disks and Mengpo talismans inside. As for other magic tools, materials, secret treasures, etc., we really don't know. But in my humble opinion, as a high-level Shinto cultivator, Dongyuan Shenzun has already condensed the divine seal, and is only half a step away from the position of a god. The magic tools to suppress the inner demon should not be lacking."

Shi Xuan nodded without saying anything, while Hu Shan smiled and glanced at Kaguya, seeming to be very satisfied with the young man: "I didn't expect Dongyuan to be a god."

The so-called God is a name given by Qigong practitioners to Shinto cultivators in the Yin Shen period. The corresponding ones are: Wandering Soul, Wandering God, Spirit God (Out of Body), Judge (Inducing Qi), Earth God (Soul), Spirit Official (Golden Pill), God (Yin God).

Kaguya explained: "I also saw it from the records of the outer palace."

Hu Shan's attention was not on this. He just asked casually and walked to the side of several Jindan masters. When Master Guiku saw that everyone was here, he knew that there was no time to lose, so he lowered his voice and said: "Now that everyone has gathered, let's set off. The Dongyuan Divine Palace is a thousand miles below the cracks in the Black Wind Valley. Little Kaguya will lead the way."

Shi Xuan stood up after hearing this, and the cloud bed transformed by the nebula wrapped around him, making him seem to be wearing a starry Taoist robe with golden spots, ethereal and fairy-like. In fact, Shi Xuan was using the Xuanjin Body Protection Skill. Since he was going to the cave, he could be relaxed on the surface, but in fact he could not relax at all.

Wu Qiang watched the five Jindan Grandmasters and seven Soul-level masters leave one after another, and finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed. After a long time, seeing no one coming back, he hurriedly crawled out of the Black Wind Valley. As for informing on others, Wu Qiang dared not even think about it. If the other party was only in the Soul-level, he could still try his best, but there were five Jindan Grandmasters. Even if there were endless benefits in informing on others, he would have to live to save his life. Those Jindan Grandmasters couldn't always protect him closely. Anyway, the alliance of these old monsters against the alliance of scattered cultivators was not something he could participate in.

Three more chapters tomorrow.

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