Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 195: Earthly evil and wind transformed into ghosts (first update)

There is an underground wind outlet in the Black Wind Valley. The further you go in, the darker the color of the wind becomes, and the colder air becomes more obvious. Compared with the wind in the Penglai Sect's Wind Cave, it may not be as cold as the cold wind, but the cold wind is incomparable. There are few, and there is also underground evil energy connected with it, which makes the monks in the Qi-entraining stage intimidated.

But more than a thousand miles down from the exit, where the wind is pure black and there is no breath of life, a group of people are walking along the crack. Seven of them have already released their respective magic weapons. For a moment, all kinds of brilliance shines, illuminating Under the bright and dark ground, it was Shi Xuan and other monks.

As for the five golden elixir masters, they were naturally relaxed and composed. They just emitted the protective divine light to prevent the black wind from getting close. Among them, Shi Xuan was wearing a star robe with some golden spots, and Master Guiwei was wearing a green and oily robe. With the divine light, it seemed like one could hear the howling and crying sounds of all ghosts.

Lin Shenhe was surrounded by black light. Wherever he passed, gravel was thrown at him from time to time. It was because he was attracted by the two-pole magnetic light. Xuan Yizhen was surrounded by golden sword energy, which gave him a powerful and powerful feeling. Hu Shan's protective divine light is gray and not very conspicuous. If you look carefully, you can see that there seems to be a city and countryside in the gray light, thousands of people inhabited, and it is like a worldly scene.

For this underground cave, these guys have secretly visited it several times, and they are all very familiar with it. I am afraid that only Shi Xuan and Hu Shan need to guide the way.

"Okay, Dongyuan Divine Palace has arrived." Kaguya, who was leading the way, turned back and said.

Shi Xuan looked forward along his body, and saw a broken road in front of him, and below him was a pitch-black abyss with no bottom visible. Black evil energy and evil wind were sweeping through it, and he could faintly see the evil energy and evil wind in the middle. There is a cave full of pavilions and pavilions, but those pavilions and caves are all collapsed, decaying and decaying, full of the smell of dilapidation.

Jie Jie Jie, the Master Gui Crying gave a weird laugh, and then the green light all over his body shot up into the sky, and he flew towards the cave. Lin Shenhe, Xuan Yizhen, Hu Shan and Shi Xuan were not to be left behind, using all their strength to use the protective divine light, and together they Throw yourself into the earth, lungs, and evil spirits and wind.

The evil spirit and evil wind in the abyss have already created some intelligent ghost monsters. Shi Xuan escaped not far away when he saw a ferocious, two-foot-tall ghost soldier with two horns rushing toward him. It's not that strong, it's just in the Qi-entraining stage, so Shi Xuan just waved a black gold star divine light and beat the ghost soldier to pieces.

However, the evil spirit and wind continued, and there was an endless supply of ghost soldiers. In the blink of an eye, Shi Xuan was surrounded by hundreds of ghost soldiers in the Qi-entraining stage. There were even several ghost generals in the Soul stage inside, holding broad swords and long axes. , the magic on his body shone brightly, and he rushed towards Shi Xuan majestically.

Shi Xuan flicked his fingers, and ten pure white sword qi roared out. Each sword qi contained countless starlight. It was the star demon-slaying sword qi. In conjunction with Beidou's calculations, the sword qi crisscrossed the area for several miles. In just a few breaths, these low-intelligence ghosts were torn into pieces.

However, when Shi Xuan saw that Master Guiwei, Lin Shenhe, and Xuan Yizhen were all fighting and leaving without entangled with these ghosts at all, he understood that these ghosts were endlessly killing them, and the most important thing was to enter the cave, so he learned Following the other three people, they fled quickly. Occasionally they encountered ghosts that they couldn't avoid, and then they casually shot out a burst of sword energy to crush them.

After a while, Shi Xuan caught up with Master Guiwei and others. Behind him, Hu Shan also rushed over. She was not well prepared just now and was entangled by ghosts for a while. As for the other soul-stage monks, thanks to the stars before Shi Xuan The demon-slaying sword energy slaughtered all the ghosts within a few miles, and he followed them without any hindrance. He didn't encounter the ghosts until behind them. They were fighting while walking, and the fight was fierce.

"Fellow Daoist Xingzhao is really good at swordsmanship, and the Xingchen Demon-Slaying Sword Qi is also extraordinary." Xuan Yizhen still had time to praise Shi Xuan's swordsmanship and sword Qi. Along the way, he only occasionally swung his sword and destroyed the front. The ghost soldiers were cleared. As for the star demon-slaying sword energy, many sword cultivators who practiced the power of the stars knew it. It was not a secret Taoist technique, so Xuan Yizhen knew it.

Shi Xuan smiled and said: "How can you, fellow Taoist Xuan, be so light-hearted as if you are almost reaching the cave?" As he spoke, a star demon-slaying sword energy popped up, killing the ghost soldiers that rushed towards him.

Xuan Yizhen casually waved a sword energy to kill a spirit-stage ghost general: "Fellow Taoist Xingzhao, don't be careless. There are the most ghost soldiers and ghost generals in front of the cave. Although we are not afraid, those little kids If you are not careful, you will fall. If they lose the token in the abyss, we will be in trouble. "

Master Guiwei looked back and said with a sinister smile: "We can't be careless. One time when I came to explore the cave, I met a handsome ghost in the golden elixir stage. He was very intelligent, which made me very upset. A lot of trouble.”

There are actually ghosts in the Golden Core stage? Shi Xuan was a little surprised. In this place where evil spirits and evil winds are mixed together, it is normal for the auras of some living beings to be connected to create ghosts. However, ghosts like the Golden Core Stage, which dominate the creation of heaven and earth, according to the records of the sect, are not due to chance, coincidence, environment, etc. It is impossible to generate it due to the combination of many factors. There is probably something strange here.

Lin Shenhe also said: "That's true. I've encountered it myself. Okay, let's go to the entrance of the cave." The god's cave can be seen clearly in front, and outside the entrance of the cave, there are densely packed ghosts. Thousands of Qi-entraining stage ghost soldiers and hundreds of Divine Soul-stage ghost generals are similar to the number of Qi-Entraining stage and Divine Soul-stage ghost generals in the world of cultivation now. However, their intelligence is not high and their strength is only one-tenth of the same level of monks. Once they arrive, the evil winds will disappear again when they leave the ground, so there is no need to worry about them running to the ground to slaughter living beings.

Fortunately, Master Guiwei and the golden elixir ghost commander mentioned by Lin Shenhe did not appear. At this time, the spiritual monks behind him all caught up. The seven of them were all panting, trying to deal with this endless stream of ghosts. Fighting is very laborious, and their strength and magical weapons are far different from those of the true disciples of the big sect, so it is naturally quite difficult.

When they saw the densely packed ghosts in front of them, their faces turned pale. When these Soul Stage monks came to explore the cave a few years ago, they had never encountered so many ghosts! There are at most hundreds of Qi-inducing ghost soldiers and a dozen spirit ghost generals at the entrance of the cave. It must be that the aura of golden elixir here attracts all those ghosts.

Lin Shenhe saw that the ghosts behind him had been reborn and were rushing towards them with great force. He knew that he could not delay. If he was surrounded by both front and rear, and the golden elixir ghost commander appeared again, the lives of even the golden elixir masters like him would be in danger.

But just as he was about to take action, the thousands of Qi-stage ghost soldiers and hundreds of Divine Soul-stage ghost generals in front took a step forward and threw the weapons condensed with evil energy in their hands at the monks. For a moment, the weapons rained down like rain.

Shi Xuan was about to use the Ten Thousand Star Silk Net to block so many weapon attacks when he saw the weapons suddenly turned around and shot straight towards Lin Shenhe. He, Hu Shan, Master Guiwei, Xuan Yizhen, and several others The soul-stage monks are all empty in front of them.

It turned out that Lin Shenhe's whole body was blazing with black light, and the power of the two-pole magnetic divine light was fully activated, attracting those weapons, hundreds of Qi-stage ghost soldiers, and hundreds of Divine Soul-stage ghost generals. Even behind him, Ruan Xihao, Ye Shiliu, Zhou Qi and others' magic weapons all felt unstable.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan smiled and said: "I'm here to help fellow Taoist Lin." He patted the Niwan Palace, then opened his mouth and inhaled, and saw a black and white entangled gas appearing, and the remaining ghost soldiers and ghost generals couldn't help but The ground was thrown into Shi Xuan's mouth, and his body became smaller and smaller. Hundreds of Qi-inducing ghost soldiers and hundreds of spirit ghosts all disappeared into Shi Xuan's mouth in the blink of an eye.

Shi Xuan's idea is that nothing should be exposed. Those Jindan masters with so many years of experience will definitely be extremely wary of themselves. Exposing some trump cards can divert their attention, lower their alertness, and make them Ignoring their other trump cards, such as using Yin and Yang this time, can make them think that their skills are related to the star magnetism. At the same time, it can also make them dare not underestimate their own strength, and they will have many concerns when they want to deal with themselves. .

With the joint efforts of Lin Shenhe and Shi Xuan, the cave was completely clean. The soul-stage monks looked at Shi Xuan and the two in awe, especially Shi Xuan's last breath, both in terms of power and shape, it was extremely terrifying. Let them directly equate Shi Xuan with the old devil.

Hu Shan, Master Guiwei, Xuan Yizhen, and Lin Shenhe all looked at Shi Xuan thoughtfully. It was reasonable for Lin Shenhe's bipolar magnetic light to have such an effect. It was unexpected that the old ghost Xingzhao was so skilled. It seems that the Star Yuan Magnetic Technique should be carefully guarded in this regard.

Now that the front has been cleared, several people hurriedly moved towards the entrance of the cave, where a jade door was looming. Shi Xuan's black gold body protection skill protects the body, and the Tai Chi figure in Dantian is ready to go, and then he throws it in, and then it is like passing through a water curtain. First, his body is heavy, and then he relaxes, and Shi Xuan's eyes suddenly light up. , saw an extremely vast ancient cave.

However, the pavilions and pavilions in this cave are extremely dilapidated and collapsed. There are broken walls and ruins everywhere on the ground. They no longer have the scenery of the ancient times. I think it was still affected by the destruction of the ancient times.

"Haha, I didn't expect that in addition to the outstanding swordsmanship of Taoist friend Xingzhao, he also has the light of Yuan magnetism, which is really respectable and awe-inspiring." The protective divine light and magic weapon continue to operate, and the alertness is not lacking at all.

Shi Xuan saw that Xuan Yizhen had often talked to him and Hu Shan since Hu Shan appeared. He knew what he was thinking. Among the three of them, Master Gui Crying and Lin Shenhe, he was the strongest, so he was naturally the one who was excluded. . If the two weaker ones cooperate with him and squeeze out the other, they will be seeking the skin of the tiger, and in the end they will not be able to escape his vicious hands. After all, the treasure of reincarnation, one more piece means one more chance, and no one can guarantee that the next reincarnation will be successful. You can definitely reach the soul.

At this time, Xuan Yizhen showed his kindness to the two of them, just to get more help. Shi Xuan didn't want to compete with them for the reincarnation treasure anyway, so he said with a smile: "Where, where, Taoist friend Xuan got an extra prize." His attitude was no. Close and not cold.


In the abyss outside the cave.

There was a figure in black armor standing in the distance, quietly watching what was happening at the entrance of the cave. He wore a face-protecting black helmet on his head, which completely covered his face. Only his eyes could be seen. The red light shines everywhere.

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