Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 196 The tokens come out to eliminate the crystal wall (second update)

This figure in black armor was filled with black energy and death energy. Those ghost soldiers and ghost generals did not dare to get closer than ten feet away from him. They were not very intelligent and stood respectfully at a distance, as if they were born to be affected by this black energy. A figure governs.

When Shi Xuan and others entered the cave, he turned to look at the ghost soldiers and generals beside him. The red light in his eyes flashed, and his voice sounded hoarse as if it had been sandpapered: "Go back to the house and wait for orders."

Ten ghost generals came out from among the ghost soldiers and ghost generals. They all replied hoarsely: "Yes." From their every move, word and deed, it can be seen that these ten ghost generals are more spiritual than other ghosts. A lot of intellectual height.

So, the black-armored figure turned around and took a few steps to the other side of the cave. Then he stretched out his hand, and the formation protecting the cave seemed to disappear, allowing him to walk directly in, followed by the ten ghost generals. He walked in one after another, while the other ghost soldiers and ghost generals dispersed directly, drifting in the earth's evil aura and sinister wind.


"Several seniors and fellow Taoists, because this cave has been exposed to the earth's evil spirit and sinister wind for a long time, the believers, divine soldiers, and divine generals who died inside have all turned into ghosts. Although after a million years, there have been very few left. There are many, but the ones that occasionally remain are only slightly worse than those at the Golden Core Stage." Kaguya said respectfully to several Golden Core Stage masters and Soul Soul Stage monks.

Master Guiwei, Lin Shenhe, and Xuan Yizhen all came to explore the cave. They all nodded when they heard the words. Among them, Xuan Yizhen said to Hu Shan: "Fairy Hu, please be careful. I have encountered a divine general inside. Although the yin ghost he transformed into is not at the golden elixir stage and has basically no spiritual intelligence, the yin energy accumulated deeply makes it extremely difficult to deal with. "

Xuan Yizhen showed his kindness to her, which was exactly what Hu Shan planned, so she said with a smile: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Xuan, for reminding me. The little girl must not be careless. But if there are any oversights, I still hope that fellow Taoist Xuan will help." The following words are not superficial. The intention was just to express to Xuan Yizhen that the two of them could work together to get the treasure.

Master Guiwei and Lin Shenhe are both old monsters. They have heard these words countless times. They glanced at them hatefully, but they did not dare to take action. First of all, the inner palace has not entered yet, and at this time, the internal strife is It was too early, and secondly, the strength of the two of them was much worse than that of Xuan Yizhen and Hu Shan together. Maybe they would be hunted after entering the inner palace.

Xuan Yizhen got Hu Shan's promise to join forces and laughed, knowing that he was very sure this time. As for how to distribute the treasure after getting it, that would be a matter later.

Shi Xuan stood next to them as if he was not close to anyone, and followed the team forward. At this time, they were still wary of him. When he gave up the secret treasure of reincarnation and ran towards other artifacts, They will be able to determine their own thoughts, and by then it may be too late to win over them. After all, there are two people on both sides. If there is an additional golden elixir stage monk, it will be an overwhelming advantage.

There are formation restrictions in the air. If you can't fly, it's best not to fly. So Kaguya leads the way, five golden elixir masters follow in the middle, and the remaining six soul-stage monks walk at the end. They are all cautious. In one article The ghosts transformed by those magic soldiers and generals are extremely powerful, and they can cause physical damage if you are not careful. Secondly, the five old demons in the golden elixir stage are not easy to deal with. If they find an opportunity, it is only ordinary for them to kill people and seize cards.

There are broken bricks and tiles scattered all over the ground. Shi Xuan and others will encounter them accidentally when walking among them. Although these broken bricks and tiles are ugly in appearance, they are all ancient things, made of gold bricks and jade made of the best materials. Any tile taken out will make the monks in the out-of-body stage jealous, but the twelve monks here don't take them seriously at all and only treat them as waste.

Suddenly, a divine general wearing golden armor jumped out from behind a broken wall and attacked Ye Liu and Zhou Qi at the rear of the team. Under the helmet was a dull face, but his movements were indeed extremely fast. While firing out colorful brilliance to attack Ye Liu, he also used an axe-shaped magic weapon to kill Zhou Qi.

Due to the suppression of the formation, Ye Liu and Zhou Qi's consciousness could only be within ten feet of their bodies, so they didn't react until the golden armored god general came out. However, both of them were extraordinary, even if they faced someone close to them. The golden elixir god general is also fearless.

I saw a red sword light that looked like a phoenix flying out of Zhou Qi's hand. It only touched the axe-shaped magic weapon lightly, and knocked the magic weapon to the ground. At the same time, it slashed towards the golden armored general without slowing down. .

But on the other side of Ye Liu, like lightning in the dark night, a white light flashed out silently. When the white light appeared, it was already at the eye of the golden-armored god general, about to pierce through it. At the same time, a person appeared next to Ye Liu. The black ring-shaped magic weapon keeps out the colorful brilliance.

Zhou Qi’s natal magic weapon, the Flying Phoenix Sword, and Ye Liu’s natal magic weapon, the Black Night White Light Sword, are both seven-level heavenly weapons. They have not yet reached perfection. They are only equivalent to semi-spiritual weapons. They can only hear the two clanging sounds of gold and iron. With a sound, he saw the two flying swords bounced back by the golden-armored god general, leaving only a crack in his armor and face.

The golden-armored god general roared, and with one move of his hand, he transformed the ax-shaped magic weapon into a golden light. But at this moment, a pure white sword energy that seemed to be contained in immeasurable starlight shot out and passed through the golden-armored god. The general's mouth came out from the back of his head. The golden-armored god stood stunned for a moment, and then thousands of starlights erupted from his body, and the black ghost roared and disappeared.

"Thank you, Senior Xingzhao." Zhou Qi and Ye Liu were also stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that the Jindan Grandmaster would come to rescue them. Although this golden-armored god general's magical weapons and spells were extremely dull, his golden armor and body were both dull. It was extremely hard, and the two together made it even more difficult to fight. It would take Zhou Qi and Ye Liu at least half an hour to fight slowly before they could kill it.

"Don't waste time." Shi Xuan said calmly, while mentally comparing this golden-armored god general with the corpse king Song Hezi back then, he came to the conclusion that Song Hezi was stronger in terms of spiritual intelligence and strength. After all, this The golden-armored god general does not have that abnormal recovery power, and half of it relies on the protection of the golden-armored magic weapon on his body. In fact, what Shi Xuan didn't know was that if he hadn't been quick, the golden armored god would have been able to use his own spells to heal his injuries.

Originally, Master Guiwei couldn't believe it when he saw Shi Xuan take action, but after hearing Shi Xuan's words, he felt relieved and said, "Don't get entangled with these magic soldiers and generals, and go to the inner palace quickly."

Zhou Qi and Ye Liu put away the magical weapons and armor of the Golden Armored God General respectively. Grandmaster Jindan looked down upon them, but for them they were fine magical weapons. As for what Shi Xuan was thinking, it wasn't They can know it.

During the subsequent journey, four or five divine soldiers and generals appeared one after another. What surprised Shi Xuan was that the divine generals could actually use their own magic to heal their wounds. As expected, as Kaguya and Xuan Yizhen said, they were extremely difficult to deal with. .

These divine soldiers and generals all know how to choose the weak, but with Shi Xuan taking the lead, all the golden elixir masters did not want to waste time and came to help one after another.

A bright red cloud fell on the god general's head, covering him entirely. After a few breaths, the red cloud flew back to Hu Shan's hands, leaving only a few broken pieces of gold and iron, all covered with potholes. , it is Hu Shan’s natal spiritual weapon Red Cloud Corruption Miasma.

A few rays of black light flashed through, and the golden armored general was suddenly covered with black cracks, which were then separated from the cracks and turned into several pieces of corpses, which were exactly the magneto-optical meridian of Lin Shenhe's two-dimensional consummation natal spiritual weapon.

Five small green-green rays of light shot at the head, hands, and feet of the golden-armored god general respectively, making a whining and ghostly howling sound. The speed was so fast that the golden-armored god general couldn't avoid it, and was hit by these five small green-colored rays of light. The green brilliance passed through and was firmly nailed to the ground, and the black ghost on his body involuntarily threw at the five small green nails. They were the Five Ghost Biyin Nails, the natal spiritual weapon of Master Guiwei's double heaven.

A golden sword light flew out, splitting the golden-armored general in half with just one sword strike. It was Xuan Yizhen's two-level divine weapon, the Haoran Sword.

For low-level golden elixir masters who achieve enlightenment through the inner elixir of monsters, their magic can be practiced up to the ninth level, and it is basically impossible to upgrade to Taoism. The Taoism they know can only be the kind of Taoism that they can master as soon as they learn it. Or it comes with the demonic beast's inner elixir, and it is very difficult for them to advance in Taoism. Often in two to three hundred years, the Taoism of other two-level Golden elixir masters has reached the sixth or seventh level, while they are only at the second or third level.

The same is true for the natal magic weapon. After other golden elixir masters have achieved the inner elixir, they only need to refine the magic weapon to the eighth level of perfection, and then spend more than ten years of effort, the natal magic weapon can become the natal spiritual weapon, and the lower-grade gold Master Dan, it will take at least a hundred years to reach this pass.

Moreover, it will take more time to sacrifice and refine the natal spiritual weapon later than that of a high-grade golden elixir master. Originally, it would take 700 to 1,000 years to refine the spiritual weapon to reach the fourth level of perfection. The natal magic weapon is halved, which is 350 to 500 years. However, the low-grade golden elixir master has to spend an additional one on this basis. More than a hundred years, that is, four hundred and fifty to six hundred years, so the masters who have achieved low-grade golden elixirs for about three hundred years often have their natal spiritual weapons between the second and third heavens.

Comparing the low-grade golden elixir masters with the high-grade and middle-grade golden elixir masters, it’s so annoying to compare one another to the other!

Therefore, Mo Yuan said that the reason why Shi Xuan has 50% of the strength of a low-grade golden elixir master after using the outer elixir is that the Taoist skills are almost the same, the divine light is almost the same, the main difference is in the spiritual weapon, one can give full play to it, and The natal spiritual weapon of the second heaven is equivalent to the other spiritual weapons of the third heaven. If one cannot fully exert it, he can only use the power of the spiritual weapon of the first heaven.

With the help of several golden elixir masters, twelve people quickly arrived at the inner palace of Dongyuan Divine Mansion. It was said to be an inner palace, but it was actually a pagoda. It was very well preserved, seven stories high and surrounded by crystal walls. It is shrouded in golden light, and restrictions appear from time to time. At first glance, it is a very powerful formation.

Each floor of the pagoda has twelve sides, and there is a groove on each crystal wall at the bottom.

Kaguya said to the others: "Everyone stand aside, place the tokens in the grooves, and then activate them at the same time. Don't be too early or too late."

The masters and monks naturally went to other sides. At this point, the treasure was not far away, and no one wanted to waste time.

After Shi Xuan put the token away, he looked around and found that it was Zhou Qi and Ye Liu. When they saw Shi Xuan looking at him, they all smiled slightly. It seems that their impression of Shi Xuan, the golden elixir master, was more than the others. The four are much better.

Following the command of Kaguya's consciousness, twelve monks activated the token at the same time. The token emitted a dazzling golden light, which merged with the golden light on the crystal wall. Those restrictions collapsed one after another, and soon, the crystal wall disappeared. , revealing the bluestone portal on each side, with a head of a god with wide eyes carved above the portal.

The third update is also around 11 o'clock. Friends who go to bed early should watch it tomorrow. I coded from morning to night for two consecutive days, and my head felt a little numb.

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