Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 197: Entering the tower separately and encountering danger (Third update)

A hidden valley in the Nanman Shiwan Mountains.

Outside the valley, there are large trees and clouds, and inside the valley, there are green grass like carpets and streams, creating a scene of a paradise.

It was night time, and bonfires were lit on the wide green land beside the stream. The Miao people who have lived here for generations sang and danced, enjoying the annual harvest ceremony.

In the end, all the Miao people, led by two elders with sparse white hair, dry faces and trembling hands, walked towards the ancestral hall, then bowed down under a statue, kowtowed and chanted:

"Thank you for the protection of Dongyuan God."


When Shi Xuan saw the portal appear, he was not in a hurry to go in. He used his spiritual sense to explore the situation inside the portal while looking at other cultivators. However, the restrictions of this pagoda are very strong. After entering with the divine consciousness, it can only extend less than three meters. The other cultivators just explored it casually and escaped in, especially the seven soul-stage cultivators. Because the crystal wall has disappeared, their role is equivalent to nothing. Those Jindan masters will not care about them anymore, so they rush into the tower first, try to find one or two treasures and leave quickly.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan had to walk into the cave carefully, the starry Taoist robe on his body shone brightly, and the Xuanjin body protection skill was fully activated. Behind the door is a ten-foot-wide golden brick corridor, which flashed with a faint golden light. When Shi Xuan scanned it with his divine consciousness, it was rebounded by the powerful restrictions contained in it.

This cave abyss divine mansion, because it is connected to the earth lung evil spirit, has been inexhaustible for millions of years. The restrictions in the cave are relatively well preserved. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. When the owner of the cave mansion dies, the entire cave mansion is contaminated by the evil spirit and becomes like a ghost mansion in the underworld.

When Shi Xuan just stepped on the golden bricks on the corridor, he heard the clear and distant echo. The whole pagoda was quiet, as if there were no eleven monks coming in just now.

After walking along the corridor for a while, the corridor gradually began to widen, and some statues of gods holding golden lamps began to appear on both sides. The golden lamps contained immortal flames, and the golden flames made the entire corridor more magnificent. It is said to be immortal flames, but it is just an exaggeration. These flames are maintained by the formation of the entire pagoda. Once the formation is broken, they will naturally go out.

Having seen the gods and generals outside, Shi Xuan was cautious about these statues of gods. No one knew whether they would wake up the next moment.

Sure enough, when Shi Xuan passed by them, these statues suddenly pounced out. Shi Xuan had been prepared for it, and he shot out several star-killing sword qi in succession to cut these statues into pieces.

But after several rays of starlight penetrated the statue of the God General, they hit the restrictions on both sides. The restrictions immediately emerged, layer upon layer, very mysterious, and emitting dazzling golden light. After that, the restrictions absorbed the few stars and demon-slaying sword qi, and then condensed hundreds of golden flying swords, trembling with a buzzing sound, as if as long as Shi Xuan took another step forward, they would fly towards him.

Shi Xuan saw that the restriction seemed to be able to absorb his own Taoism and magic power to strengthen itself, and then attack himself. In other words, if he continued to attack these hundreds of golden flying swords with the stars and demon-slaying sword qi, it would be very likely that the golden flying swords would become more and more. Of course, with super strong control ability, it is a better situation for the spiritual energy and magic power to annihilate each other. Unfortunately, Shi Xuan cannot reach this level now.

However, Shi Xuan has a better choice. He opened his mouth, and the black and white qi appeared. The hundreds of golden flying swords were thrown over involuntarily, gradually melting in the black and white qi, and turned into a long river of pure golden spiritual energy, which was absorbed by the Yin and Yang Qi Bottle.

The ban dimmed again, and Shi Xuan hurried forward, because he didn't know what the other cultivators were like. If they randomly used Taoist magic, divine light, and magic, it was very likely that the ban on his side would be reactivated, and it would become stronger and stronger.

When Shi Xuan used Xiaoyou Qingfeng to escape for a few breaths, the dimmed ban lit up again, constantly condensing golden flying swords, black boulders, blue water spikes, and red fireballs, and the power was getting stronger and stronger. From the first-level magic that Shi Xuan disdained at first, after a quarter of an hour, all became ninth-level magic.

Shi Xuan didn't dare to block it hard, and absorbed it all with the Yin-Yang Two-Qi Bottle, but the Yin-Yang Two-Qi Bottle was only perfect at the fifth level, and its power was equivalent to the eighth-level magic weapon. In the end, it was quite laborious to absorb the ninth-level magic.

However, because of the Yin-Yang Two-Qi Bottle, Shi Xuan basically didn't stop along the way, and he could already see the entrance to the wide hall ten feet ahead. From time to time, there was a flash of light inside, and it seemed that there was a treasure in it.

But at this moment, the restriction became brighter and brighter, condensing into a golden spear, emitting a terrifying aura, and throwing it behind Shi Xuan. In the blink of an eye, it flew behind Shi Xuan.

A green lightning flashed by, blocking the golden spear. Where the two intersected, a huge sound and fluctuation broke out, and there was a faint thunder sound that cut through the atmosphere. Finally, the golden spear disappeared, turned into a large amount of mana, and was absorbed by the restriction again, while the green lightning rolled back and fell into Shi Xuan's hands.

Shi Xuan just saw that the power of the golden spear actually exceeded the first-level Taoism and was about to reach the second-level Taoism. He had to use the strongest means in his hand, the Heavenly Thunder Demon Subduing Sword, plus the sword energy and thunder sound to resist. Other means are not impossible to resist, but either the talisman or the secret treasure will be gone after using it, which is a bit of a pity, or it can be blocked, but it will slow down the escape light and be easily entangled, so the Heavenly Thunder Demon Subduing Sword became the best choice.

After this block, Shi Xuan had already escaped into the hall, and then saw that the restrictions on the corridor dimmed when he came, and finally became completely calm. Of course, the restrictions on other corridors became brighter accordingly.

"I didn't expect that Fellow Taoist Xingzhao would come so quickly." Xuan Yizhen stood in the center of the hall with a smile, holding a flying sword weapon in his hand. In front of him was a golden pillar half a person tall, with an empty white jade on it. box.

There were six more pillars like this in the hall, but there was only one magic weapon left inside, and the rest were empty boxes. When Lin Shenhe saw Shi Xuan come in, he smiled while taking the remaining magic weapon. : "Fellow Taoist Xingzhao practices the Xingchen Yuanci Kung Fu. He should only be a little slower than Lin when he passes this corridor. I think he was too cautious at the beginning, which delayed a bit of time."

Shi Xuan did not answer their questions, but asked calmly: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Xuan and Fellow Daoist Lin found a high-level magic weapon to suppress the inner demons here. I am willing to exchange for items that you are satisfied with."

Lin Shenhe shook his head and took out four magical artifacts, namely double hooks, golden lamps, Taoist robes, and jade hairpins: "These are the seventh-level magical artifacts obtained by Lin, but none of them are used to suppress inner demons. If not I haven’t found a way to enter the second floor of the pagoda, so Lin really doesn’t necessarily need these items.”

Xuan Yizhen also shook his head and said: "I only have a flying sword and a shield. What Taoist Fellow Xingzhao wants should be on other levels of the pagoda."

At the same time, the two of them took a deep look at Shi Xuan. Seeing the old ghost Xingzhao like this, could it be that he really just wanted a high-level magic weapon to suppress his inner demons? If this is the case, winning over him is the best strategy. Of course, you can't just listen to one-sided words, you have to carefully observe their actions.

"In this case, let's find out how to get to the second floor." Shi Xuan saw that the six magic weapons did not seem to be suppressing inner demons, so he began to observe the entire hall.

Before he finished speaking, several people escaped from the other corridors. Among them were Hu Shan with a small jasper shield flying around her body; Master Guiwei, who was dressed in green ghost fire that was much duller; Kaguya, who was in a somewhat embarrassed state; Ruan Xihao is covered in blood; Zhou Qi has a messy hairpin; Ye Shiliu has an arm broken from it.

When they came out of the corridor, the restrictions on their respective corridors also dimmed, and then the restrictions on the other three corridors became brighter. However, after a few breaths, the restrictions on these three corridors also dimmed, but no one came out of them.

As all the corridor restrictions calmed down, a clear light fell from the second floor of the pagoda and turned into steps in the middle of the hall.

"Fellow Taoists, please move on." Xuan Yizhen glanced at the several Soul Stage monks with a half-smile, and then stepped onto the Qingguang Stairs first. For these soul-stage monks, perhaps it is better to stay and explore the way than to kill them.

Master Guiwei did not dare to fall behind this time. Together with Lin Shenhe, he quickly followed Xuan Yizhen to the second floor, followed by Shi Xuan and Hu Shan.

Several Soul Stage monks looked at each other and then at the seemingly peaceful corridor behind them. They had no choice but to retreat and go to the second floor.


The black-armored figure and ten ghost generals stood under the pagoda, watching the whole body of the pagoda become crystal clear. From time to time, various mana and divine lights spread from the first floor to the seventh floor of the pagoda, converging on someone inside. a place.

When these mana and divine lights stopped, three of the bluestone portals lit up, and the wide-eyed gods' heads on them twisted and turned into three different faces, two men and one woman, with painful and ferocious expressions. If Xuan Yizhen, Shi Xuan and others saw it, they would definitely recognize these three figures as Zhu Yunwei, Su Fan and Xi Wen respectively.

A thin red line extends from these three heads, all the way up, and merges into the seventh floor of the pagoda.

Then the black-armored figure and the ten ghost generals turned into black light and flew into the pagoda.


As soon as Shi Xuan stepped onto the second floor of the pagoda, he saw a golden armored god general shooting a golden light towards him. He quickly pointed his hand, and the cyan lightning flashed again, striking directly in the center of the golden light, deflecting the golden light. Leave and go. Then the cyan lightning turned around and blocked the golden flying sword of another golden armored god general.

This golden light is almost as powerful as the divine light of the golden elixir stage, which is a first-level Taoist technique. With the blessing of the ban, these golden armored god generals surpass those outside the pagoda, and are infinitely close to the strength of the low-grade golden elixir. If it were not for spiritual intelligence Low and behold, I am definitely struggling even more than I am now.

This was Shi Xuan's own emotion after a few rounds of fighting with the golden-armored god general. Whether they were magic weapons or spells, their power was doubled.

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