Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 198 Beidou shows the way and shows its power

There was a chaotic scene of fighting on the second floor of the pagoda. Kaguya, Ye Shiliu, and Zhou Qi worked together to block a golden-armored general. Ruan Xihao, a monk who had completed the soul stage, was alone with a golden-armored general. Fierce fighting.

Hu Shan's Seven Emotions Divine Light and several other Taoist skills are all related to emotions, Taoist heart, etc. It is a bit reluctant to deal with these dead creatures. She can only rely on the Red Cloud Rotting Light Miasma and another Taoist Black Evil Sword Qi to attack, so she uses With one against three, she looked a little embarrassed. From the looks of others, if it weren't for the small jade shield that was the perfect spiritual weapon of the third heaven, she might have been injured.

Lin Shenhe's bipolar magnetic divine light was just right for these divine generals wearing golden armor. Either it made the divine general stagger, or it attracted the divine general to throw himself into his arms involuntarily. Their attacks were also blocked. The magnetic light was flying around, unable to hit Lin Shenhe at all, so the black light of the magnetic meridian in Lin Shenhe's hand crisscrossed, overwhelming the four golden-armored generals with one person, and was completely at a disadvantage.

Master Guiwei was also fighting one against three, with five ghosts and jade nails attacking in a combined attack, soul-destroying ghost claws and ghostly ghost fire complementing each other, and a white-bone victimized soul shield protecting his whole body. His condition was much better than that of Hu Shan.

Xuan Yizhen's golden sword light was majestic and sacred, and it happened to be the nemesis of these dead creatures. Like Lin Shenhe, he had the upper hand with one against four. If it weren't for this layer of forbidden protection, he would have killed the golden-armored god general long ago. Under the sword, but now it's just a matter of spending more effort.

Shi Xuan used the Thunder Demon Sword to deal with the two golden-armored generals for a moment, and found that although the power of their magical weapons and spells had greatly increased, their intelligence was still low, and their every move, attack and defense were extremely dull. Then Shi Xuan's swordsmanship changed, and the cyan lightning formed by the Tianlei Fu Demon Sword circled and passed in front of the eyes of the two golden-armored god generals, forcing the two golden-armored god generals to recall their flying swords to resist.

Taking the initiative once, he can take the initiative step by step. At this time, Shi Xuan's soul started to use the calculation method of "Beidou Guiding" swordsmanship. The cyan thunder light seemed to shrink and expand, trembling slightly, sticking to the empty space below the golden flying sword, towards the golden armor. The god cut off his throat, allowing the two golden-armored god generals to change their sword light again to defend themselves.

A sword light on the left, a sword light on the right, Beidou's calculations and the rapidity of the thunder sound of sword energy, Shi Xuan used one against two, and mobilized the two golden-armored god generals. They were in a panic and had no time to attack, even if it was defense. They all became full of flaws, and the golden sword light and spells were exhausted.

After finding the right opportunity, he moved the two golden flying swords to the other side. Shi Xuantian retracted the Demonic Thunder Sword and flew back with a speed that cut through the atmosphere and made a thunderous sound. He saw a green thunder light surrounding a golden-armored god general. As soon as the head was wrapped around, the magic weapon and magic defense were broken as fragile as wood, and the big head fell to the ground.

After one was eliminated, the other became even easier. With just two strikes from the Heavenly Thunder Sword, it found a flaw and pierced the head of the golden-armored god general, causing him to fall to the ground.

After all his enemies were killed, Shi Xuan did not stand idly by, but turned his green sword light and flew towards the golden armored general who was fighting Ruan Xihao. The first floor is so dangerous, and the guards on the second floor are so powerful. Shi Xuan doesn't want to go to the later floors alone, and gathering the strength of everyone is the right way.

When Ruan Xihao was struggling to hold on, he saw a cyan sword light flying quickly like an electric snake. It first placed a virtual point on the golden armored god's giant ax weapon, inducing its full power, and then avoided the real thing. He just made a fool of himself, bypassed him, and slashed through the golden-armored god general's neck before the giant ax weapon returned to defense. It wasn't until the golden-armored god's head fell to the ground that Ruan Xihao heard the thunder in the air.

Shi Xuan succeeded with one blow, and the sword light changed direction and flew towards the golden-armored general that Kaguya, Zhou Qi and others were dealing with. At the same time, Shi Xuan looked around, wanting to see what treasures there were on the second floor of the pagoda. , I saw a altar in the central hall on the second floor of the pagoda, with five black boxes placed on it.

There are complete restrictions on the altar, making it impossible for spiritual consciousness to penetrate and capture the box from the air. Lin Shenhe and Xuan Yizhen, who had spare strength, both fought and approached the altar.

So Shi Xuan used his flying sword to deal with the golden-armored god general, and at the same time used Xiao Qingfeng to escape towards the sacred platform. Without any interference, he reached the sacred platform easily. The Tai Chi diagram in his dantian slowly rotated, and he reached the sacred platform easily. As soon as he stretched out his hand, there was a faint golden light coming out of his palm. As soon as the restriction on the altar touched the golden light, it immediately stopped, allowing Shi Xuan to successfully take out a black box. Without exposing the Tai Chi diagram, Shi Xuan could only do it once Take one.

Shi Xuan scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. Inside was a piece of metal as big as a palm. There was cold air coming out, and it was ten thousand years of cold iron. So Shi Xuan put the box away, continued to stretch his hand towards the altar, and took it out after stopping the restriction again. Another black box.

With a casual sweep, Shi Xuan was about to put it away and continue to take the box at the back, but the thing inside made Shi Xuan stunned, because inside was a black heart, which was contracting and expanding like a beating. It's an indescribable rock, with a faint breath of life coming out of it. It's the heart of the rock that Shi Xuan couldn't find!

In joy and surprise, Shi Xuan's hands and feet were a little slow, allowing Xuan Yizhen to rush over regardless, smashing the restrictions on the altar with a sword. The three black boxes fell to the ground and rolled around for several weeks, revealing the contents inside. , which are red fire yuan copper, lightning-struck wood under nine calamities and unknown calamities, and netherworld cold crystal.

It turns out that just now Xuan Yizhen saw that Shi Xuan had arrived near the altar. In desperation, he combined his body with the sword, and the light of Haoran's sword surged. After forcibly killing a golden-armored god general, he forcibly took the magic weapons of the other three god generals. , and then flew over, pursued by three golden-armored generals.

Similarly, Lin Shenhe's two-pole magnetic divine light was fully activated, pulling four golden-armored generals staggering. After the magnetic light meridian tore a golden-armored general into eight pieces, he did not care about all the magic weapons and spells behind him. Attack and escape to the altar.

Seeing the menacing looks of Xuan Yizhen and Lin Shenhe, Shi Xuan smiled slightly and got out of the way. He got the heart of rock. Those three materials were not necessary for him. If he really wanted to use them, the Purple Qi of Penglai Sect came to the building. But there are red fire copper and lightning strike wood, so there is no need to fight to the death with them.

Xuan Yizhen rolled up his sleeves and picked up the Lightning Strike Wood and the Netherworld Cold Crystal. Lin Shenhe flew out a bipolar magnetic light and sucked away the Red Fire Yuan Copper. Then the two of them took a deep look at Shi Xuan. Only then did he turn around to block six golden-armored generals.

Just when Shi Xuan was taking the heart of the rock, Tian Lei Fu Demon Sword was under his command. The green sword light flashed left and right, and then it struck the head of the golden armored general like thunder on the ground. The magic weapon was unable to come back in time. , when the spell cannot be resisted, the golden armored god will naturally confer his head on the spot.

Kaguya, Zhou Qi, and Ye Shiliu divided up the various magic weapons on this golden-armored god general. For them, they all regretted it now. They thought that when a few old monsters at the golden elixir stage took the items they wanted, , I can fish in troubled waters and get a few good magic weapons or materials, or even spiritual weapons. How could I have imagined that in the current situation, surrounded by powerful enemies, a few people are unable to get the treasures and can only barely survive. Fortunately, the golden armor The magic weapon on the divine general was quite good, which gave them a lot of comfort. At the same time, they were full of gratitude to Shi Xuan, a senior in the Jindan stage who helped twice.

After killing the two golden-armored generals that the monks in the Soul Stage had dealt with, Shi Xuan's Heavenly Thunder Sword Conquering Demons was able to move around smoothly, with ease, because Hu Shan and Master Guiwei were both difficult to fight against the golden-armored generals. The six golden-armored generals could not be distracted from solving the difficult problem. After Shi Xuan used the Beidou Guiding Technique to figure out the flaw, it only took one sword to kill one of the golden-armored generals under the light of the blue sword. .

Suddenly, green sword light flashed across the sky, and thunder roared in the air. Every time the sword light flashed, a golden-armored god general would fall. In a short period of time, all six golden-armored generals in front of Hu Shan and Master Guiwei fell to the ground, causing both of them to look at Shi Xuan in astonishment.

In fact, it's not that they are worse than Shi Xuan, they are even much stronger, but due to their skills, they cannot be as relaxed as Shi Xuan. They can only go head-on and suppress them with strength. As for Shi Xuan, if the Golden Armor God If your spiritual intelligence were higher, even if your strength were a little lower, you would definitely not be as happy as you are now.

While Shi Xuan was killing the other divine generals, Lin Shenhe and Xuan Yizhen, whose skills had restrained the golden-armored divine generals, also killed their opponents one by one, and finally killed their last golden-armored divine general almost at the same time.

Lin Shenhe and Xuan Yizhen were both a little pale. They were slightly injured when they broke through to get materials. Lin Shenhe looked at Shi Xuan and sneered: "I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Xingzhao only had two golden-armored gods. It’s really good luck to be besieged.”

Xuan Yizhen still smiled calmly and said: "Xuan still underestimated Taoist friend Xingzhao's swordsmanship before. It is really peerless swordsmanship! It seems that he has also mastered Sword Qi Leiyin?" In fact, Xuan Yizhen used Jin Dan to With a high level of cultivation, he has already mastered the sword energy and thunder sound, but Xingzhao, a monk who has only been in Jindan for two years, can master the sword energy thunder sound, which is really respectable and awe-inspiring.

Although Hu Shan was a little embarrassed just now, she was just a little embarrassed. Now she didn't look weird at all and said: "Go to the third floor now?" After the death of all eighteen golden-armored god generals, he climbed up from the third floor of the pagoda. A clear light also fell down and turned into a staircase.

"These fellow Taoists are really lucky. I don't know what kind of treasure they have obtained." Master Guiwei said with a gloomy face. Although he knew that the reincarnation treasure should be on the top few floors, he couldn't hold it back just in case.

Shi Xuan knew that he was worried that the treasure of reincarnation would be taken away. If he didn't make it clear, there would be an internal fight now, so he took out the Ten Thousand Years Cold Iron and the Heart of Rock, and said with a faint smile: "These are the two treasures on this level. It’s all material.”

Seeing Shi Xuan being so frank, Xuan Yizhen, Lin Shenhe, Hu Shan, and Master Guiwei all showed relaxed expressions. Especially Xuan Yizhen and Lin Shenhe also showed what they had gained on the first and second levels. , everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious, but several Jindan masters saw that the two-story pagoda was so dangerous, and they wanted to join forces. As for what they had in mind after winning the reincarnation treasure, they could not And know it.

"We don't want to go to the third floor." The person who spoke was Ruan Xihao. This treasure hunt was so dangerous that he and the several soul-level monks behind him gave up. Anyway, they had already obtained the magic from the golden-armored god general. It's not a wasted trip, it's better to find a way back.

Thanks to my friend Gaotao for giving rewards for several consecutive days and becoming the first deacon of this book.

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