Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 199 The retreat is dead and the road ahead is dangerous

Hu Shan smiled lightly and said, "Can you go back?" The clear steps from the first floor to the second floor were no longer visible where Qianqian Yu pointed.

"Why, how could this happen?" Kaguya said in shock.

Hu Shan looked at Kaguya with a smile: "When the Qingguang steps fell on the third floor of the pagoda just now, the steps on this floor disappeared. Besides, even if they didn't disappear, do you dare to take that corridor again? Little brother Kaguya "Why don't you and Xiaoliu follow my sister, and she will take care of you?" The five golden elixir masters put down their respective plans and joined forces temporarily. At least until they find the treasure of reincarnation, the danger to their lives is greatly reduced, allowing Hu Shan to move from the first place. Layer Tower's tense mood relaxed a little.

"Sister Hu, how are we going to get out after we find the treasure?" Kaguya asked in a flattering manner, making Ruan Xihao and others look down upon his expression.

"Naturally, we can only control the formation center on the seventh floor and leave. No matter how the Dongyuan Divine Palace connects with the underground evil energy, after millions of years, the formation center will definitely weaken. If we join forces, it shouldn't be a problem." Hu Shan said that she was full of confidence, but she didn't take it seriously at all. How could several Jindan masters still join forces when they reach the seventh level! Maybe a few of them have already fallen. As for how to leave, others don't know. Anyway, Hu Shan has her own means.

Ruan Xihao and others looked ugly. This time the treasure hunt had actually turned into a search for death. Not only was the front extremely dangerous, but there was no treasure to be found, and the retreat from the rear was cut off. It was really death to advance, and death to retreat.

"Okay, everyone, let's move on. We Jindan masters should also help these juniors. After all, we are all in the same boat." Xuan Yizhen stood up and said in a leader-like manner. One of the nine elders, he is indeed much more experienced in how to lead a team than the nominal convener, Master Guiwei. At this time, there are more people and more power, so naturally he can speak nicely.

However, Ruan Xihao, Ye Liu, and Zhou Qi are not fools after they have cultivated to the Soul Stage. Especially since they have been adventuring in the Western Wilderness all the year round and have rich experiences, they will not believe Xuan Yizhen's words. But at this time, this situation is really You have to believe it if you don't believe it, otherwise you will be dead. After all, when passing the first floor of the corridor, several people only survived by using all their cards. At this time, they were already at the end of their strength.

But the three of them leaned slightly closer to Shi Xuan. It seemed that in their minds, Grandmaster Xingzhao was kind-hearted, kind-hearted, and highly respected, and was much more reliable than the other grandmasters.

Only Kaguya talked happily with Hu Shan and seemed to have never heard of Hu Shan's reputation.

The nine people went to the third floor of the pagoda one after another.


The surroundings were dark, and all the light seemed to be attracted by something. Even monks such as Shi Xuan, who were in the Soul Stage, could not see their fingers, and their spiritual consciousness was firmly limited to within one foot.

After several tests, Shi Xuan was sure that this was due to the restriction of the formation. He took out the Qianyang Green Lantern and lit up a little light, illuminating the surrounding area, making the area within ten feet dim and warm. However, the restriction of the magic weapon failed to reach the eighth level. Perfect, otherwise the distance to drive away the night would be even further.

As for using the Tai Chi diagram, Shi Xuan couldn't even find where the formation restriction was. How to stop it, he could only explore slowly in the dark for the time being. Of course, it is also because there are too few restrictions in the Tai Chi Diagram. Otherwise, if a golden bridge crosses the sky and all the heavens and worlds are still, there would be no need to look for the restrictions.

After entering the third-level pagoda, the nine monks were trapped in darkness and could not find each other at all, so they could only rely on their own strength. Shi Xuan held the Qianyang Qingdeng in his palm and moved forward slowly. At the same time, he used the formation knowledge he had learned to observe the formation restrictions here.

Suddenly, a dark black ghost claw struck at Shi Xuan in the darkness. Shi Xuan's protective star light split a starlight hand to meet it. Seven stars shone and changed, locking the ghost claw firmly and stopping it on the spot. , and then smashed it directly. After that, Xingguang's big hand extended towards the place where the ghost claw was issued, but unfortunately he missed it. The person who attacked was no longer there, mainly because Shi Xuan's spiritual consciousness was suppressed by the formation. , cannot reach far and cannot be locked.

At the same time, Shi Xuan pointed his hand and moved the green sword light to the left, just in time to hit a black flying fork that flew silently. When the green light circled, the black flying fork turned into a ball of black air and scattered. Kai Lai, it was very similar to the earth evil spirit outside the cave. Shi Xuan couldn't help but think in his heart that it was also a ghost created by the earth evil spirit and the evil wind. It was just that this ghost came and went without a trace with the help of the formation, turning left and right, like a spiritual intelligence. Looks quite tall. His strength is not that strong. The two battles he fought were only at the level of the Soul Stage, which is still the worst kind.

But you have Zhang Liang's plan, I have a wall ladder. After Shi Xuan was prepared, when a dark black ghost claw flew out from the right again, Shi Xuan opened his mouth and inhaled, and suddenly a huge black and white energy appeared, covering the entire right side. , and then pulling something out, the last ghost will be sucked out from the frontmost place on the right. Unexpectedly, it ran so far in such a short period of time.

Of course, this method is not completely effective. If this formation can be transferred through space and swapped left and right, it will have no good effect, so Shi Xuan just gave it a try. After all, even if it is a space transfer, as long as the landing point is at On one side, it can be sucked out. And if this method doesn't work, Shi Xuan has other methods.

After catching this ghost general, Shi Xuan saw the red light in his eyes and knew that his spiritual intelligence was not low. He was amazed in his heart. The ghost transformed by a normal soul had not low spiritual intelligence, but the red light appeared, indicating that it was the aura of a living being. With the help of the evil wind of the earth, he can actually have such wisdom. There must be some problems in it. So Shi Xuan used the soul-searching technique to search one or two.

But at this moment, a black sword energy struck, and the faint cry of a baby could be heard from it. It was evil and strange. Shi Xuan recognized that this was an extremely powerful technique in the ghost world - the ghost infant sword energy, so he did not dare to neglect it. The blue lightning of the Heavenly Thunder Conquering Demon Sword flashed first, and the two sword lights, one green and one black, collided together.

Shi Xuan only felt numb, and hallucinations reappeared in his mind. It seemed that countless babies with innocent expressions were rushing towards him, with their mouths wide open, and there were two rows of white teeth inside. Fortunately, the Heavenly Thunder belongs to this The nemesis of Yin Zhi evil magic, plus the dry yang green lamp in Shi Xuan's hand to drive away evil and the Tai Chi diagram in his body to suppress the Yin energy, so Shi Xuan immediately came back to his senses and used the Tian Lei Fu Demon Sword to circle around. The Ghost Infant Sword Qi, which had become much thinner due to the collision, was crushed into pieces.

Is this probably a third-level Taoist technique? Could it be that there is also a golden elixir stage ghost here, or is it the one that Master Guiwei and the others encountered? It's just that over the millions of years, how could that ghost's Taoist skills be only at the third level? Even a low-grade golden elixir has been polished to the ninth level, unless he advanced to the golden elixir less than three hundred years ago!

The sword strike just now seemed to prevent Shi Xuan from searching for the soul of the ghost general and to test Shi Xuan's strength. After the test, he felt that he could capture Shi Xuan, so seven or eight ghost infant sword energies and a bone flying fork were thrown at him. Shi Xuan attacked, and for a moment, the air was filled with the heart-stirring cry of a baby and the sharp, soul-stirring sound of bones cutting through the air.

Shi Xuan waved his sleeves, and seven rays of cyan sword light flew out from the storage bag, forming a sword array in the air, and then turned into a huge green dragon. He opened his mouth and blasted the seven or eight rays of ghost infant sword energy. Swallowed all the bones and bones. This is Shi Xuan using the seven-port Yimu Qinglong Sword to use the "Canglong Qisu" sword technique (actually, it should be called a sword formation in the current way of use). Although the Yimu Qinglong Sword only has the Seven Heavens Perfection, with the blessing of the formation, Shi Xuan hoped to be able to stop him for a moment so that he could complete the soul search.

But the level difference between the two is indeed too far. The huge green dragon just took a breath, and saw seven or eight black sword energy and a pale brilliance rushing out of the green dragon's belly, and the huge green dragon returned to its seven-dimensional form. The flying sword is green in color, and its color is much darker.

Shi Xuan had just searched out some things when he saw the Ghost Infant Sword Qi and the White Bone Flying Cross coming towards him. He knew that their power was beyond what he could handle now, unless he used talismans and secret treasures, so he used his body and thunder to subdue the demon. The sword's cyan thunder light merged, and then the sword energy thunder sound was released, and he escaped first. However, Gui Ying's sword energy and the white bone flying fork were unwilling to let go. They turned around in a circle and chased after them. At the same time, the front was densely covered with rain. A black flying needle blocked Shi Xuan's path.

At this time, Shi Xuan's mind was as calm as a mirror, and his mind was extremely clear. The Beidou Guiding Technique was constantly running, and the cyan thunder light trembled slightly, moving through the gaps of the black flying needles with incredible trajectories, each time with the same goal. A black flying needle passed by, and the light of the sword flicked off one or two black needles from time to time. When Shi Xuan drilled out the dense flying needles, dark thin needles fell to the ground behind him.

But after all, Shi Xuan had not yet completed Beidou's guidance. Apart from taking care of himself, he was unable to protect the ghost general, and he was crushed to pieces by a ghost infant sword energy that was chasing after him.

As soon as the ghost general died, the white bone flying forks and numerous black flying needles retreated into the darkness. Only a few remaining ghost infant sword energies continued to attack Shi Xuan, and were defeated one by one by Shi Xuan's Tian Lei Fu Demon Sword seemingly easily. , the darkness around Shi Xuan returned to calm.

Shi Xuan didn't see anything unusual on the surface, but his soul was trembling. If there were a few more ghost infant sword energy, he probably wouldn't be able to take it. After all, the third-level Taoist magic was better than the perfect spiritual weapon of the first level. That ghost thing The strength is also much stronger than mine. If it weren't for the inherent restraint of the Heavenly Thunder attribute, I might be a little reluctant to even receive a sword energy.

And if you use talismans and secret treasures to defend, it is equivalent to showing cowardice, letting the golden elixir stage ghost know that he is not strong enough and can only rely on talisman seals and secret treasures. It is very likely that he will be ruthless and fight against him with all his strength. As for now, Shi Xuan could only sigh for those few soul-stage monks. Most of those ghosts avoided the strong and attacked the weak, and were separated by formations. The possibility of their survival was very low.

While continuing to move forward in the darkness, Shi Xuan recalled some memory fragments collected from the ghost general.

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