Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 200 The old traitor is not just talk

The tall figure wearing a golden uniform, his skin seemed to be carved from white jade and was as warm and moist.

A huge ancient bronze coffin, with a glazed lamp lit on it, emitting a faint and dark light. Behind the glazed lamp, there is a small golden seal floating, surrounded by countless golden light spots, each of which seems to have a There is a human figure, and there are several complicated seal characters engraved on the small seal.

A pool where Yin Qi condenses. The water is deep and dark, and a ghost crawls out of the water from time to time.

Hundreds of golden-armored divine generals and divine soldiers, and countless white-robed believers knelt on the sapphire floor like statues. The sapphire floor was covered with restrictions, and countless thin lines came from these divine generals and divine soldiers. , extending below the knees of believers to the Yin Qi pool.

Twelve smaller bronze coffins were arranged in a circle around the huge ancient bronze coffin.

A crystal clear pagoda.

Three painful and ferocious heads.


These are the fragments of scenes that Shi Xuan found from the ghost general's soul. They seem to be somewhat similar to those recorded in some classics that he had read in the Penglai Sect, that is, the ritual of "Rebirth of the Remaining Soul"!

The so-called "rebirth of the remnant soul" is a natural phenomenon between heaven and earth. Except for those worlds where Taoism and Buddhism have established reincarnation, the soul will eventually dissipate between heaven and earth after death. However, by chance, those who dissipate in It is also possible for the souls in heaven and earth to combine with each other and regenerate a new soul, which is called remnant soul rebirth. Starting from the mystery of the movement of heaven and earth, there is a powerful person who created the ritual of "Rebirth of the Remnant Soul".

In the authentic Taoist sect, when one reaches the Yin Shen stage, the soul will not disappear after life and death. They can seize the body without the protection of secret treasures and secret methods. However, sometimes they will be crushed by the Yin Shen and can only lay down some residual souls, so It is necessary to resurrect through the ritual of "remaining soul rebirth", but this ritual is not so easy to perform. Not only is it very demanding, it cannot be done if the lifespan has been exhausted, and it cannot be done if the residual soul has passed seven days, etc., and so on. The required materials are also extremely precious. At least the "Yin Gathering Pond" of the magic weapon level cannot be obtained by just anyone.

However, the arrangement of the Dongyuan God is very different from the "Rebirth of the Remnant Soul" ceremony. Just the twelve small bronze coffins and the small golden seal, Shi Xuan remembers that they are not in the classics, and the most important thing is, Why does Lord Dongyuan allow the remnant soul to exist for millions of years? ! Not even the Yuan Shen level will work!

After thinking so much, Shi Xuan had no intention of doing anything to unravel the mystery. He only wanted to get the high-level magic weapon that suppressed the inner demons and leave quickly. He escaped through the air without a way out. This kind of dangerous thing was not I can participate in this level.

Suddenly a sword light like a fire phoenix lit up in front of him. It was so beautiful, so dazzling, but also so sad and desperate. After just a few breaths, the sword light disappeared, leaving Shi Xuan unable to rescue him. Shi Xuan sighed deeply in his heart. I am afraid that the sword cultivator named Zhou Qi has died. From the memory of the ghost general, there will be a changing avatar in the portal below. He is one step closer to unraveling the mystery. He also A little more dangerous.

Shortly after the flaming phoenix-like sword light, something changed again in front of Shi Xuan. The golden flying sword became extremely huge and emitted immeasurable golden light. These golden lights were so majestic and upright that no one could look at them and drove away the darkness completely.

Under the suppression of this golden flying sword, Shi Xuan immediately felt the movement of the formation's restriction, and was about to use Tai Chi Diagram to break it, but the other three golden elixir masters discovered the flaw in the formation very quickly, with sharp eyesight and quick hands. They took action one after another. Speaking of it, Shi Xuan was still a relatively young man, and his skills in formation were far different from these old monsters who had lived for more than five hundred years.

Behind were red clouds filling the sky, and darkness was shrouded in them. Then as soon as the red clouds closed, Hu Shan and Hui Ye appeared not far behind Shi Xuan. On the left were ghosts crying and babies wailing. The darkness kept expanding and contracting, and finally exploded with a bang. When he opened it, Master Guiwei was revealed. Five small green nails were flying in front of him, and on his head was a green cloud with a ferocious ghost face. It seemed that his strength was fully activated. On the right was There was no movement at all, only Lin Shenhe was seen walking out of the darkness, surrounded by the divine light of Yuanmai.

The formation was broken, and the darkness in other places also faded quickly, revealing Ruan Xihao's figure, while Zhou Qi and Ye Liu disappeared completely, leaving not even their bodies or magic weapons behind.

Ruan Xihao said in a panic: "There was a golden elixir stage ghost just now, and fellow Taoist Ye was dragged into the darkness by it."

Xuan Yizhen nodded: "I was fighting with that ghost just now, and I could only watch helplessly as little girl Zhou Qi was besieged by four ghost generals using formations. She was also fierce, and in the end, burning her life, she destroyed all the ghosts. I killed them all, but unfortunately they were dragged into the darkness by the ghosts who arrived later. I wonder if the ghosts in the Golden Core Stage are the ones you encountered, Fellow Daoist Guiwei, and Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Master Guiwei had a gloomy face, and it was unclear whether he was angry or frightened and said: "It's that ghost. I fought with it twice, and I can't admit it. I didn't expect that its strength has improved compared to decades ago!"

Hu Shan and Lin Shenhe stood by silently, not knowing whether they had fought with the golden elixir stage ghost, while Kaguya's face was pale and seemed to be very frightened.

At this time, as all the darkness subsided, the whole view of the third floor pagoda fell into everyone's eyes. In a square hall, there were gold desks in the southeast, northwest, and each, with a piece of brilliance placed on it. The dazzling magic weapon has a small square-inch flag, two golden gogo handles, a glazed lamp, and an umbrella-shaped magic weapon.

Shi Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately merged with the cyan lightning and escaped with the speed of sword energy and thunder. Before coming to Xihuang, Shi Xuan had read a lot of classics and had Yan Qianying's explanations. He already had a rough idea of ​​the magic weapons in Shinto that suppress the inner demons, such as the Ten Thousand People's Willing Umbrella and the Pure Heart Glaze Lamp. .

But Shi Xuan was faster, and someone was faster. A golden sword light rushed in front of Shi Xuan, reaching the glazed lamp first, and at the same time, he chopped off the protective restrictions with his sword without stopping.

Shi Xuan couldn't catch up, so he had no choice but to slash directly behind Xuan Yizhen. Xuan Yizhen's golden sword light was too late to take the Qingxin Glaze Lamp, so he was forced to turn around and strike, knocking Shi Xuan's Heavenly Thunder Demon Sword back a few steps. The green light trembled, and Shi Xuan's figure emerged from the sword light.

As soon as Shi Xuan's figure appeared, a burst of white light shone on his body, and he disappeared into the air. Xuan Yin let out a soft sigh. Although he could not tell where Shi Xuan would appear, the glazed lamp not far away was what he needed. So as soon as the golden sword light turned, it slashed towards the glazed lamp.

Sure enough, a white light flashed there, and Shi Xuan appeared, and was about to pick up the Qingxin Glazed Lamp, but at this time the golden sword light had arrived, and Shi Xuan did not dare to catch it, so he could only use a small breeze to escape into a wisp of light. Qingfeng avoided its sharp edge. You must know that Xuan Yizhen's natal sword, Haoran Sword, is equivalent to a three-level spiritual weapon. From a Taoist perspective, it is the power of a seventh-level Taoist skill, which cannot be resisted by Shi Xuan head-on.

When avoiding the golden sword light, Shi Xuan was about to use Tai Chi diagram with all his strength, trying to stun Xuan Yizhen for a moment so that he could have a chance to get the treasure, but then a word came from his consciousness: "Xingzhao Dao You don’t have to fight hard, I have obtained the Qingxin Liuli Lantern, but this thing is not what I need, I just want to use it in exchange for help from fellow Taoists, is that okay?”

Hearing this, Shi Xuan had no choice but to stop hiding, with a calm expression on the surface. If he still had 10% hope of snatching the treasure, then he could only hope to seize the Qingxin Glazed Lamp from Xuan Yizhen's hands and hope that he would reveal his flaws, and then he would have all the The trump card broke out, and there was just a glimmer of possibility.

"I wonder what fellow Taoist Xuan needs my help for?" Shi Xuan communicated with Xuan Yizhen's spiritual consciousness. On the other side, Hu Shan had already taken the Ten Thousand People's Wishes Umbrella, Master Guiwei had taken two golden ancient swords, and Lin Shenhe had taken A small square-inch banner.

Xuan Yizhen said with a smile: "Of course I am helping me get the treasure of reincarnation. Originally, I didn't believe that Taoist Taoist Xingzhao's trip was specifically for suppressing the magic weapon of the inner demons. I just doubted it and tested it. I didn't expect that Taoist Taoist Xingzhao was so desperate. , but it dispelled my doubts. If Taoist friend Xingzhao helps me obtain the treasure of reincarnation, I swear with my Taoist heart that I will give this glazed lamp to Taoist friend Xingzhao."

Shi Xuan also smiled lightly and said: "That's very good, thank you Daoist Brother Xuan." Compared with these old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, he has many flaws in the way he handles things: First, he takes what he wants. Exposing things to the outside can dispel everyone's doubts and eliminate hostility, but it will inevitably be coerced and used by others: secondly, when I took the treasure just now, I still wanted to keep my trump card and failed to try my best. I should have used the small teleportation charm from the beginning. , then even if the time to break the restriction is added, Xuan Yizhen may not be able to be faster than himself, and the lion will try his best to beat the rabbit, which is definitely not a vernacular.

However, to have such gains in character and work, for Shi Xuan, it may be more precious than obtaining treasures. Now that he has the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan in his hand, saving his life is not a big problem. If there is no trump card in the future Come on, if you make such a mistake, you will really die in peace.

After the two reached a private agreement, they returned to the center of the hall. At this time, the Qingguang Staircase on the fourth floor also fell down. Then, the bodies of the five soul-stage monks disappeared, making them extremely regret their treasure hunting trip.

"Fellow Taoist Xingzhao, little girl, I heard that you need a high-level magic weapon to suppress the inner demons. I wonder if the Eighth Heavenly Perfect Umbrella of All Peoples' Wishes might be of interest?" Hu Shan suddenly came over with a spiritual consciousness.

Shi Xuan smiled softly in his heart, knowing that she and Xuan Yizhen probably had the same idea. With the mentality of having one more path and more hope, he responded with a spiritual consciousness: "I am very satisfied. I don't know what Fellow Daoist Hu wants me to do." What?"

"Haha, of course it's the agreement reached by Taoist Brother Xingzhao and Taoist Brother Xuan, but the little girl has a few other requests." Hu Shanyun smiled lightly. Everyone knew what the agreement was.

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