Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 212: Killing Thunder Cloud with One Sword to the Sky (Third Update)

Slowly walking out of the Taoist temple was a young man in a green Taoist robe. He looked ordinary, but he had a kind of grace and grace that made people feel that he was not an ordinary person at a glance.

"Senior." The Red Fire Sect, Tiandu Sect, Qishan Sect, and Ghost King Sect were no longer surprised by someone they had never seen before coming out of Zhenxian Temple. While Chi Hou saluted, he asked his children with his eyes whether this person was the senior who saved them that day.

Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo nodded slightly, confirming Chi Hou's guess. At the same time, they looked curiously into the True Immortal Temple, wanting to see clearly what it looked like inside. However, to their disappointment, there was nothing inside. It's just an ordinary small courtyard, even once you enter, it's extremely small.

But the disappointment disappeared in the blink of an eye. The two young people with rich imaginations remembered those legendary stories. For example, a certain place looked shabby, but once you entered it, it was magnificent. Could it be that the true immortal temple was just a facade? , in a certain room inside, there is a passage leading to an unknown place, such as this mountain.

After the five sects had saluted, Chi Hou pulled Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo to bow and bowed: "Chi Hou would like to thank the seniors for saving the lives of dogs and dogs."

Shi Xuan had long recognized the two children, so it was not surprising. He also knew Chi Hou's thoughts very well, and said calmly: "The matter of raising hands is not worth worrying about. Get up. What materials did you bring? , please show it to Pindao, and please tell me what items you want.”

It left an impression on the senior's mind, so Chi Hou stood up with a pair of children. After the exchange was completed, he could use this impression to chat, and then tell his senior about the visions of heaven and earth that he knew.

"Junior has collected one or two purple thunder elemental irons and wants to exchange them for a high-grade fire-attribute magic weapon." Cui Deshou, the supreme elder of the Red Fire Sect, respectfully handed a storage bag to Shi Xuan and put forward his request at the same time. It can only be judged by the seniors as to how many heavenly instruments it is.

Purple Thunder Yuan Iron is a top-quality material. One or two or three high-grade spiritual stones, that is, three hundred mid-grade spiritual stones. If the high-grade magic weapon is very good in nature and can be promoted to a spiritual weapon, then it cannot be exchanged for even the first level of heaven. , if the quality is average or relatively poor, it can be exchanged for five heavenly high-grade magic weapons, so Shi Xuan told Cui Deshou the two different options and let him decide for himself.

Cui Deshou said without hesitation: "Junior, exchange it for five heavenly high-grade magical weapons." If you want to exchange for spiritual weapons, you might as well save a few more generations and exchange them directly.

Shi Xuan nodded and exchanged the Yanyang Banner for him, and then completed the exchange for materials from Tiandu Sect, Qishan Sect, Ghost King Sect and Yunxiao Sect in sequence.

Seeing that the matter was completed, when Shi Xuan was about to ask these sect leaders and Supreme Elders about strange things and strange things in the world, Lin Hanrong, sent by Tiandu, stood up and said respectfully: "Senior, I have something to tell you, junior."

"What's the matter?" Because Shi Xuan knew that these sects knew that this Taoist temple did not interfere with the world's affairs, so Lin Hanrong said that she had something to tell her. Shi Xuan immediately understood that it must be related to the Taoist temple itself, so he asked her to speak .

Lin Hanrong's expression was solemn: "After the death of the Supreme Elder, the Ye Shen Sect started an internal strife. The remaining elder who knew the location of the True Immortal Temple was forced to flee, and finally fell into the hands of the Thunder God Palace. Junior I know that the seniors are not afraid, but I am worried that the Thunder God Palace will disturb the seniors’ cultivation, so I tell the truth. “The Thunder God Palace is the highest holy place for the thunder monsters in the sky, and it has always been incompatible with the human race. If you know about the human race. The secret of the source of the technique may cause some trouble.

"What, it actually fell into the hands of the Thunder God Palace?!" Chi Hou was startled. He didn't care about the seniors in front of him and kept asking. He knew about the internal strife in the Ye Shen Sect, but he didn't know that it would have such serious consequences. What if It would be extremely dangerous for the Thunder God Palace to ambush them on their way to the True Immortal Temple. The supreme elders and heads of the other sects all had such expressions. Only Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde did not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and had no feeling at all. They thought, even if a large army came to the Thunder God Palace, it would be a trivial matter with this unpredictable senior in front of them.

Shi Xuan nodded with an unchanged expression: "I got it." There is no golden elixir master in Lei Shen Palace, so it is not a threat in his eyes, but Shi Xuan still wants to settle this matter once and for all, otherwise Lei Shen Palace will often come to harass him. , but it will disturb your own cultivation. What’s more serious is that you will turn around after you complete your cultivation. In the future, it will be the inner disciples who will preside over the Taoist temple. If you are not careful, you will die at the hands of the Thunder God Palace.

When people from several factions saw the senior's calm expression, they didn't know if he was confident or if he didn't know the seriousness of the matter. Cui Deshou and Lin Hanrong waited in their hearts and murmured: Judging from his appearance, he is in the soul stage at most. They are afraid that the matter cannot be solved, so they should urge this senior to report to the real immortals with terrifying auras in the True Immortal Temple, so that they can stop the Thunder God. palace.

Those monsters in the sky have long lifespans. Although there are not more soul-stage monsters than humans, there are quite a few monsters in the Qi-entraining stage. Those in the out-of-body stage can even form an army. Once the Thunder God Palace combines the strength of all tribes to perform a thunderous strike, I'm afraid this senior is not quite right. Only Chi Hou has a little confidence in Shi Xuan. After all, Mo Yun Jiandai Shao Wu couldn't even block one of his blows.

Before the members of several factions had time to speak, there was a burst of thunder and strange laughter in the sky: "Haha, I finally caught up with you. After destroying this true immortal temple, let's see if you human race can cultivate masters in the future. ." The tribes of Thunder God have eliminated their own conflicts and joined forces for the first time. Even if all the masters of the human race are there, they can't stop it, so the spirit who speaks is full of confidence.

Everyone looked up and saw a thundercloud rolling over in the distance. There was a palace faintly hidden in the thundercloud. On the palace were various kinds of lightning flashes, and around the palace were countless monsters with sharp mouths, monkey cheeks, wings on their backs, and more than a dozen purple monsters. The tall elf surrounded by electricity stood at the front, looking at everyone from a distance.

Shi Xuan secretly laughed in his heart. He was still thinking about how to solve the matter once and for all, and the other party came to his door. The palace seemed to be a gathering of formations. If it was a spiritual weapon, he could still gain a fortune.

The faces of several masters from the human race were solemn. The opponent was full of strength and was not something they could compete with. So they all looked at Shi Xuan, but they were not very optimistic about him in their hearts. They pinned their hopes on the seniors in the True Immortal Temple. , such as the one who knocked on the Ye Shen Sect.

Suddenly, they saw the stars light up, and the senior exuded a terrifying and ferocious aura, which made these masters of the Soul Stage tremble and find it difficult to think.

Then a ray of cyan lightning turned into a huge pillar reaching the sky, and slashed at the thunder cloud with great force. Even if you just looked at the cyan lightning, you could feel a biting killing intent, which was superimposed with the terrifying and ferocious aura of this senior. Getting up makes people feel like they are in the most terrifying and deepest nightmare.

As if shocked by the senior's aura and the power of the sword, all the monsters on the thunder cloud were unable to move, and watched helplessly as the cyan lightning struck the thunder cloud, erupting with an earth-shaking loud noise.

When everything calmed down, everyone saw that the thunder cloud was torn apart, and the Thunder God Palace above had collapsed countless times. There were less than a few hundred spirits left, and there were not even three tall spirits surrounded by purple lightning. They fled in a hurry as if they were desperate.

Yi Linglang, Cui Deshou and others looked at Shi Xuan in shock and horror, watching as the senior's aura became calm again, as if the terrifying and ferocious pressure just now was not caused by him. But in the hearts of these people, they all agreed that Shi Xuan was the true immortal in the True Immortal Temple.

Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo were surprised with admiration and yearning. The power of the sword just left in their hearts, and they unanimously took this sword as their goal in the future! This is the level of practice you need to practice!

"Guys, I have a question to ask." Shi Xuan asked lightly. The reason why he used the Waidan, Tianlei Demon Sword and the "Beidou Lord Death" sword technique just now was to leave an indelible mark in the hearts of those thunder monsters. The terrifying impression has been erased. In this way, for hundreds or thousands of years, they will not and dare not bother with this Taoist temple. As for the solution to kill them all, Shi Xuan is not that free yet.

"Senior has asked, I dare not answer." All the monks from the five sects answered solemnly and respectfully. If the respect for Shi Xuan just now came from the long-standing impression of the True Immortal Temple, then the respect now is To be honest, for Shi Xuan personally, only with such power can he be called a true immortal!

Shi Xuan asked his question again. The monks all looked at each other in confusion. They didn’t know what the true immortal senior wanted to know. Only Chi Hou was prepared and answered with confidence: "Junior, I know a few in these years." Vision: First, there is one more star in the sky, second, the endless void has retreated a little, and there are more land..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a hint of joy on the face of the senior Zhenxian opposite him, nodding to himself: "Okay, no need to say more, Pindao already knows what he wants to know. Very good, very good ”

When Shi Xuan heard what Chi Hou said, he immediately realized in his mind what the great benefit the master said was! The various laws of this small thousand world are not yet perfect and are still being slowly formed. There must be some places where you can intuitively feel this process. For monks, this is a huge benefit! However, the secret realm does not have such benefits, because it is completely dependent on the vast world, and its laws are also derived from the vast world.

Although this benefit is not obvious below Yuan Shen, it can at most bring a better understanding of magic and Taoism, making it easier to break through to Taoism from magic and save time when practicing Taoism. However, in Yuan Shen, Above gods, when practicing immortality or even Taoism, it is an immeasurable benefit.

After understanding this, Shi Xuan was in a good mood, and naturally he did not hesitate to give Chi Hou some benefits. Although he was repaying the life-saving grace of his children, it was still a big problem for him, so he said: "I wonder if Master Chi can do it?" Is there any technique you want to get? Or something else. Although Pindao can't give you anything good, he can still give you some benefits. "The implication is, don't open your mouth.

Chi Hou thought for a moment, all kinds of benefits echoing in his mind, and finally he made up his mind and said: "Senior, please accept the dog and the dog as a disciple."

As soon as these words came out, people from the other sects were extremely contemptuous. Chi Hou was really shameless. It would be the greatest benefit for a pair of children to enter the True Immortal Temple.

Shi Xuan shook his head: "Pindao will not accept disciples for the time being, but in the past fifteen years, every January and the first day of July, I will bring them here, and Pindao can answer their questions in practice."

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