Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 213 The black void creates wonders

The supreme elders and heads of the other four sects all reluctantly left, their hearts filled with emotions of envy, jealousy, and joy and expectation. Envy, jealousy, and jealousy were naturally directed at the Yunxiao sect, while joy and expectation were due to the senior. After the True Immortal's sword, at least 70% of the high-end strength of the thunder-type monsters in the sky was lost. The human race can now get rid of the situation of being suppressed and beaten, and can go to the higher sky to collect better thunder and lightning essences.

If it weren't for the fact that the thunder-type monsters were generated from heaven and earth, and were numerous and endless, they would probably be exterminated in a short time.

In the open space outside the gate of Zhenxian Temple, except for Shi Xuan, there are only four people left now, namely Yi Linglang, Chi Hou, Chi Caibo, and Chi Zhengde. They are all very happy, even if Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde cannot worship. True Immortal View, but if you can get some guidance from a True Immortal, it will be of great benefit. Maybe the Yunxiao Sect will have two more masters of the Soul Stage in a hundred years.

"You two children, follow Pindao in." Shi Xuan gave a faint order, then turned and walked into the small Taoist temple.

Yi Linglang and Chi Hou knew that they were not qualified to listen to the sermon of the real immortal, so they had to use their eyes to signal Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde to follow their seniors into the Taoist temple.

In fact, for Shi Xuan, if the two of them came in to listen, he would not chase them away. Anyway, he was only answering questions and did not involve specific exercises. The two children might still tell their elders after they return to the sect. , but Yi Fulang and Chi Hou know etiquette so well, Shi Xuan will not let them in without any trouble.

Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo stepped into the extremely mysterious True Immortal Temple nervously and excitedly. They were thinking wildly in their minds. If they discovered the secret passage, would they be silenced by their seniors? Well, in fact, with the strength of their seniors, just one look could kill them. You can completely forget what happened today, but you don't need to silence yourself.

After leading the two of them into the quiet room, Shi Xuan sat cross-legged on the futon: "If you have any questions, just ask them. Pindao will start practicing in an hour."

When the two children saw that there was nothing unusual in the quiet room, they put away those messy thoughts and respectfully raised questions about practice. In fact, they didn't know that as long as Shi Xuan activated a talisman in the storage bag , you can open the door from the world of Lei Mansion to the Great Thousand Worlds, and there will naturally be no abnormalities in other places.

Because Shi Xuan's previous sword attack left such a deep impression on Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde, after they asked about the main problems at this stage, they began to ask for advice on swordsmanship, and these happened to be the two things Shi Xuan was good at. On the other hand, the answer was extremely relaxed and the explanation was profound and simple. The two children's eyes lit up when they heard it. Real immortals are really extraordinary. Even the Supreme Elder couldn't explain many things that they were puzzled about. It was too transparent, but the senior got to the point in just a few words, making the two of them suddenly enlightened.

The two juniors' questions and their respective reactions made Shi Xuan slightly surprised. It was rare to meet a monk with such good talent and understanding, and Shi Xuan couldn't help but think of bringing them back to the Penglai Sect.

Although Shi Xuan will not accept any more disciples for the time being, as a true disciple of the Penglai sect, after discovering good monastic talents, it is his duty to send them to the sect. Given the conditions of the two brothers and sisters, as long as their minds can be calm After that, it will not be a problem to pass the Dharma Assembly to recruit disciples. As for whether they can stand out from the outer sect in the future, or who will accept them as disciples after entering the inner sect, it is the matter of the sect and themselves, and has nothing to do with Shi Xuan.

In fact, within the Penglai Sect, the sect has always warned its disciples who enter the Small Thousand World to complete their missions. If they find outstanding monastic talents, they can be taken out of the Small Thousand World. But those disciples, after entering the Little Thousand World, either worked hard to collect materials for themselves, or practiced hard in seclusion, so they had no leisure to discover talents.

Of course, it is too early to say that they will be taken out of the Small Thousand Worlds. Shi Xuan still has fifteen years to test their character. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to expose the relationship between the Small Thousand Worlds. So Shi Xuan He began to talk about his experiences during the out-of-body period and his understanding of control.

Although these words that Senior True Immortal suddenly spoke are very different and even completely opposite to the opinions Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde heard on daily basis, because Senior True Immortal is extremely tall and powerful in the hearts of the two children, The two of them were naturally convinced.

An hour passed quickly. Shi Xuan stopped immediately, and then said with a smile: "You two little babies, you can leave. Come back in half a year."

"Ah, senior grandpa, it's only been an hour?" Chi Caibo, who is usually very busy and rarely sits down except for practicing, blinked his eyes. He didn't expect that an hour would pass so fast. It's so fast. A feeling I have never experienced before.

Chi Zhengde was the same way. He wished he could live in the True Immortal Temple permanently, but judging from his senior's intentions, he could only wait for half a year. He couldn't help but sigh softly.

Shi Xuan chuckled and shook his head: "You can't slack off after you go back. If you don't make any progress after half a year, I won't let you come here. Okay, go out." After saying that, Shi Xuan waved his sleeves lightly. , a gentle breeze blew away, and Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde stood at the door of the Taoist temple without knowing why, and looked at the two ordinary wooden doors that slowly closed.

"How is it?" Chi Hou asked excitedly, looking at the disappointed expressions on the faces of his two children.

Chi Zhengde was more mature than his sister, and he quickly came to his senses: "Senior's words are all immortal principles, and the child has benefited a lot."

When Yi Fulang heard this, he smiled happily and said, "I have a successor to my Yunxiao sect, and I have a successor." As for what Senior Zhenxian said, Yi Fulang had already made up his mind not to ask, and told Chi Hou not to ask, so as not to offend him. Senior, you have wasted a great opportunity.

Chi Hou had a headache. His eldest son also had good talents. He was not far from the stage of entrainment, and he was calm and capable. He was preparing to train him as the next generation leader. Now that his second daughter and younger son had such an adventure, he was really afraid. Later there were some estrangements between brothers.

After the Yunxiao Sect and his party flew far away, Shi Xuan opened the door of Lei Mansion and sent the collected materials back to the Penglai Sect. Then he controlled the Sky Thunder Demon Sword and turned it into a blue thunder light, heading in the opposite direction to the end of the land. Endless void.

Even at the speed of Shi Xuan's sword escape, it took a full day to fly before he saw the black and quiet void, and it took another hour to reach the end of the land.

Here you can only see a little bit of soil born from the void and then attached to the land. Other than that, it is endless void, nothing special.

Shi Xuan thought for a while, entered the state of visualization, and felt this place with his soul. He suddenly felt that the space here was stabilizing, the laws were being perfected, and being produced. However, this process was very vague and fleeting. If Shi Xuan wanted to get it from To understand, it will take at least several decades to combine your own skills to feel it carefully. Perhaps only then will you gain a little bit. Even so, this little bit of gain is a huge benefit!

However, precisely because it takes so long to feel that there will be no gains before, the monks in the Lei Mansion world did not think of this aspect.

While Shi Xuan was contemplating, he suddenly felt that the Tai Chi diagram that he was connected with seemed to resonate a little with the outside world. Out of curiosity, Shi Xuan turned the Tai Chi diagram into a golden bridge and set it up on the edge of the land.

With a buzzing sound, Shi Xuan's soul was shaken, and he saw a magical and mysterious scene. He was deeply shocked by this majestic and spectacular scene, and was deeply impressed by the wonder of creation.

From time to time, a little light rises at the junction of the void and the land, and then rapidly expands, about the size of a palm, and turns into endless indescribable mysterious patterns, which are like words but not words. They seem to be the incarnation of Tao, and then become clear As the Qi rises and the turbid Qi falls, the same goes for these patterns, which turn into black and white runes, which are exactly the Yang script for opening the sky and the Yin script for creation that Shi Xuan used when refining the Tai Chi diagram.

Under the action of these black and white runes, many rough laws appeared in the void. Then, under the action of these laws, little bits of mud, flames, water droplets, and strong winds slowly appeared from the clear air and turbid air, and filled the place. space.

As the space there stabilizes, black and white runes and countless laws slowly merge into the space, and thunder and lightning begin to appear. The shining shapes of these thunder and lightning are the origins of the ancient thunder patterns. After that, life appeared, rain fell, clouds, mountains, snow... and the laws became more and more refined and perfect.

In the end, this space became an extension of the land of Little Thousand Worlds.

Of course, this process is long enough to kill countless generations of monks. Shi Xuan just combined the entire process from endless light spots in different processes. Even so, it took Shi Xuan more than five months. time.

However, with Shi Xuan's current knowledge of cultivation, there are not many benefits that can be gained from this process of creation of the world. For example, Shi Xuan is completely unable to understand the initial Taoist writing, the later Kaitian Yangwen, and the Creation Yinwen. , but the understanding of magic and Taoism has become more profound, and at the same time, many detours have been eliminated, and the cultivation of character has been further enhanced. After all, witnessing the creation of the world and the vicissitudes of the sea are rare experiences for the monks' souls. .

In short, after Shi Xuan enters the golden elixir or achieves the soul, what he saw today will be able to play a greater role.

Shi Xuan did not continue to stay here. Although he had seen the creation of the world, he still had to practice in a down-to-earth manner. Going back to use the thunder to temper his body and unite his soul was what Shi Xuan should do now. It's definitely not a good thing to be too ambitious. Shi Xuan knows this very well. It only needs to be done once in two or three years in the future.

Setting up the escape light, Shi Xuan headed to the Taoist temple. It was almost half a year later on the first day of the new year. Along the way, Shi Xuan was still a little immersed in the wonders of creation he saw.

- - Why every time a junior appears, everyone thinks Shi Xuan will accept a disciple. As for the next disciple, according to the outline, at least he will go after getting the Golden Pill, and it is not certain yet, because Chu Wan'er will be back by then.

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