Catalog of Destruction

Chapter 214: The Soul and Seven Spirits Begin to Unite

When Shi Xuan was immersed in the wonderful scene of creation and rushed towards the True Immortal Temple, he completely didn't notice that the aura he was exuding now became mysterious and vast, simple and magical. Even in front of Master Jindan, You should also hesitate to call your senior.


"You two little kids, did you tell me why you went out? When can you come back?" Cui Deshou, the Supreme Elder of Chihuo Sect, asked Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo anxiously. This is the first true immortal temple in thousands of years. For the first time, the Taoist temple door was not opened after everyone arrived. Could it be that something happened in the True Immortal Temple? Even if the True Immortal senior went out, the other people he had met before should also be there. Now everyone has been waiting for three hours.

Chi Zhengde and Chi Caibo only left an hour later than them. How could they know where their senior was after half a year, so they shook their heads in unison: "This junior doesn't know."

Lin Hanrong said solemnly: "Is there something big going on in the True Immortal Temple? You two can't hide anything." Thinking that from now on the True Immortal Temple will no longer exist, everyone present shuddered. If it weren't for the True Immortal Temple, You see, the human race has long since become the slaves of the thunder-type monsters again. Although the strength of the thunder-type monsters is too weak now, as long as the lightning is immortal, their inheritance will not be broken, and it will only be a matter of time before they come back.

Yi Fulang shook his head and said: "They really don't know that when we left that day, our seniors were still in the Taoist temple." As he spoke, he glanced at the extremely silent Zhenxian Temple. As for breaking in to investigate, everyone present was interested. Don't have the guts.

Suddenly, a peaceful voice sounded in the ears of all the monks: "I have been delayed while going out, so I have kept you waiting for a long time." Hearing this, the supreme elders and heads of several sects almost burst into tears, but they were just ordinary It's okay to be late, don't make sure something big happened. Then they saw the two wooden doors of the Taoist temple slowly opening, and the senior they saw last time walked out of it.

As the seniors approached, the expressions of Yi Fulang, Cui Deshou, Lin Hanrong and other Soul Stage monks changed first, then several Qi Qi Stage masters, and finally Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde, because they saw a man dressed in Tsing Yi. Just like the seniors of ordinary people, they saw the sky, the earth, the wind, thunder and lightning, the vicissitudes of the sea, the passage of eternity, and the birth of stars...

If the terrifying and ferocious aura revealed by the seniors last time was suppressed by strength, leaving a dozen monks with an impression of fear and incomparable respect, then these monks now have a kind of awe and a kind of awe naturally rising from their hearts. The consciousness of not daring to resist is like facing heaven and earth.

What kind of cultivation strength is this? The masters of the Divine Soul Stage were at a loss. Although the senior last time slashed through the Thunder God Palace with one sword, at least his strength was still within everyone's imagination. Now with this kind of aura situation, it is no longer possible for them to figure out the realm of the senior. It is too much beyond their imagination. There were too many, so they all bowed respectfully: "Junior, please see Senior True Immortal."

Shi Xuan had been immersed in the wonders of creation before. At this time, he was a little surprised by their reactions and hurriedly got out of this mental state: "Get up. Why did you two little babies do this gift?" The last sentence was to ask Xiang Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde, I feel some kindness to them, so they will definitely answer truthfully.

Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde naturally did not dare to hide it. The little girl replied respectfully: "When you came out just now, senior grandpa, when we saw you, it was like we were seeing heaven and earth, time, and all kinds of majestic nature. The sight made me feel awe from the bottom of my heart, and I couldn’t help but perform this great ceremony. Well, this feeling is gone now.”

Shi Xuan finally understood the reason. He had just been immersed in the wonder of creation and the birth of all things. His aura brought this feeling, which made these monks indirectly feel the way of creation. No wonder they With such a reaction, I am afraid that in their hearts, their cultivation strength has improved by an unknown amount.

If he could master this state of mind, he might be able to pretend to be the real person of Yuanshen in front of the Golden elixir master in the future. Shi Xuan had a bit of a bad taste but realistically thought that after all, being able to scare away the Golden elixir master could be regarded as a way to save his life. This requires you to experience the wonders of nature every two or three years. Well, it is an unexpected benefit.

Seeing that the indescribable feeling in Senior True Immortal disappeared, monks such as Yi Linglang, Cui Deshou, Lin Hanrong and others stood up, respectfully handed the materials they collected to Shi Xuan, and took back the exchanged materials. items, and they didn't even dare to look at Shi Xuan again during the process. They felt that they would never forget the feeling just now. What is a true immortal? This is called true immortality!

After the exchange was completed, the other sects left again in envy and jealousy of the Yunxiao Sect. Many people were making up their mind whether the Yunxiao Sect would take the lead in the future, although Senior Zhenxian did not accept the Chi family siblings. As a disciple, if they can get a few pointers from him, their achievements in the future will be limitless.

As for uniting to deal with the Yunxiao Sect and eradicating the roots first, they couldn't even think about it. In the past, people in the True Immortal Temple did not care about the fights between sects, but after all, this True Immortal had some affinity with the Chi family siblings. No one could guess his reaction. If he was angered, his sect would be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Shi Xuan sat on the futon in the quiet room and looked at the quiet Chi family siblings in front of him. Even Chi Caibo, who used to talk about his predecessors and grandfathers, did not dare to say anything. He felt a little funny in his heart. He also understood the reason for their transformation. See for yourself. When they came to the vast and mysterious scene of the creation of the world, they were also filled with deep awe. Although they only felt it indirectly, their cultivation level was far behind theirs. This behavior is very normal now.

Since it was normal, Shi Xuan ignored it and began to explain the problems to them. As for whether they could get out of this feeling, it was a test of their character.

An hour later, Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde were once again swept out by Shi Xuan's sleeves and robes. They watched the door of the Taoist temple close. Then the two teenagers followed their father Chi Hou and Taishang Elder Yi Fulang silently to the Yunxiao Sect. Go to the mountain gate.

The four of them were speechless all the way. It wasn't until half a day passed that Chi Hou slowly asked: "Elder Yi, Senior True Immortal has probably reached the state of unity between heaven and man."

The Penglai Sect and the sects that previously controlled the world of Lei Mansion provided the techniques for redemption, which were at most the Golden Core stage. After all, those techniques that could reach the Yuan Shen were all extremely precious, and even the outer disciples were If it is not allowed to be taught, how can it be exchanged for monks in the world of Lei Mansion?

As for those talents who have been selected from the Small Thousand World, even if they return to the Leifu World to do tasks in the future, they cannot reveal any of their skills. Even if they want to help their families, they must either take their families out of the Small Thousand World and then teach them their adventures. The other skills they obtained could secretly help them achieve success.

Therefore, the monks in Leifu world can only rely on their own guesses about the following realms. For example, after the golden elixir is immortality, and above immortality is the unity of heaven and man...

Yi Linglang stroked his white beard and muttered: "That should be the case. The feeling just now was like facing the great road of heaven and earth. It made people convinced at once."

The conversation between the two made waves in the hearts of Chi Caibo and Chi Zhengde. It would be great if they could cultivate to that level.


Half a year later, there was a thunder and lightning cloud.

Shi Xuan is using the sky thunder to temper his body and looking for the seven souls scattered in the body. This time he came to practice. Because he saw the wonders of nature, Shi Xuan felt a breakthrough more than a year earlier than the expected practice time, so he handed the good deeds task back to the sect and asked the sect to find another inner disciple. As the host of the Taoist temple, it is impossible for me to interrupt my practice at such an important moment and return to the Taoist temple on the first day of the new year.

As for the siblings Chi Caibo, Chi Zhengde, and Shi Xuan, they asked the inner disciple to tell them to wait for them at the Taoist temple.

The thunder from the sky kept striking everywhere on Shi Xuan's body, and the lightning stimulated his flesh. Now Shi Xuan's physical body could not be hurt even by sixth-level spells. It was even more powerful than the physical body of the golden elixir master in casual cultivation. It has to be said that Taoism's true teachings are indeed much better than ordinary skills, so Shi Xuan is now practicing in the thunder and lightning with the power of seventh-level magic.

Shi Xuan controlled the thin lightning to move around his body, and his soul felt the reflection of every physical part in his body. Suddenly, several seventh-level lightning fell from the sky, and they all hit Shi Xuan's back. Fortunately, Shi Xuan had Shenxiao Tianlei Qi. Born out of thought, it blocked most of the power and only let in a small lightning.

This small lightning strike caused Shi Xuan's back to become scorched black. However, under this powerful stimulation, Shi Xuan's soul immediately felt the traces of soul, which emerged from his body. Shi Xuan took this opportunity to use his spiritual consciousness to Let it go, wrap it around the soul, and then slowly extract it.

Since the union of souls was about to begin, there could no longer be disturbed by thunder, so Shi Xuan naturally released the Tai Chi Diagram, which turned into a golden bridge and immobilized the surrounding thunder and lightning. Looking from a distance, there was a large blank space in the thunder clouds.

Shi Xuan used the method in "Baolu" to extract the soul without any rush or relaxation. Under Shi Xuan's powerful body and soul control ability, the process was extremely smooth, and then it began to merge with the soul.

A full half a month passed before the souls and souls were initially reunited. To completely merge into one, it would take at least two years of hard work. Of course, during these two years, Shi Xuan did not have to come to the thunder clouds. Just stay in seclusion in a small Taoist temple.

As soon as this soul was initially combined with the soul, Shi Xuan felt that the soul's control ability had greatly increased, and it was the central soul among the seven souls. For the realm of the union of soul and soul, extracting the central soul first is the best choice, because only after the control ability of the soul is greatly increased, the other six souls can be extracted more easily.

Shi Xuan opened his eyes, put the Tai Chi Diagram into his Dantian, flew out a cyan Taoist robe from his storage bag and put it on, then turned into a breeze and headed towards the small Taoist temple.

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